Year Article Journal Page 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 2 1968 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 4 1968 Article: Introduction to N Gauge. G.P.Middleton N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 5 1968 Article: Lifting Baseboards. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 10 1968 Article: A Two Road Engine Shed. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 11 1968 Article: Lima Wagon Modifications. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 16 1968 Article: Track Ballasting. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 19 1968 Article: Insight. (Some suppliers and models) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 21 1968 Exhibitions N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.1 Jan/Feb 23 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 26 1968 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 28 1968 Article: GC Class 1B 2-6-4T. R.N.Smith (using the Arnold 2-6-4 chassis) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 29 1968 Article: Odd Spot. J.D.Stitson (uses found for old railway coaches) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 35 1968 Article: Not So Seriously. J.D.Stitson numbers and prototype dimensions) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 36 1968 Article: Ideas for Wheels K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 37 1968 Article: Getting Started. M.Pattison N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 39 1968 Article: Insight. K.Parker (British Toy Fair ’68) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 43 1968 Article: Did You Know? B.Leigh (Peco Hymek body kit) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 52 1968 Exhibitions N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.2 Mar/Apr 52 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 54 1968 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 55 1968 Article: N Gauge Society Standards. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 56 1968 Article: Pro Modroc. L.F.McCarty (modelling landscapes) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 62 1968 Article: What Does It Fit? K.Parker (Tender loco dimensions) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 63 1968 Feature: Locomotives of the GWR – The Saints. (Drawings by C.J.Freezer) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 68 1968 Letters: Thank You Very Much. (extracts from members’ letters) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 70 1968 Article: Uses for CTC. L.F.McCarty (carbon tetrachloride as solvent or thinners for modelling) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 72 1968 Article: Insight. P.Kleyn & A.E.Garland (Nuremberg Toy Fair) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.3 May/Jun 73 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 86 1968 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 87 1968 Article: German Signals (1). J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 88 1968 Article: Fair Comment. (request for detailed instruction and information in scratchbuilding articles) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 90 1968 Article: Setting Up a Timetable. J.D.Stitson (layout running sequence organisation) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 92 1968 Drawing: Signal Box. J.Stokes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 95 1968 Article: Trials in N. J.H.Stokes (layout building and wiring) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 96 1968 Article: Model Trees. L.F.McCarty N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 100 1968 Article: My Friend George. G.Western (George and his layout(s)) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 101 1968 Article: Odd Spot. R.D.Brett (sandy landscapes) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 103 1968 Article: Midland Brake Vans. P.Burgess N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 104 1968 Competition: Fill My Space N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 106 1968 Article: Insight. K.Parker (more suppliers and models) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.4 Jul/Aug 107 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 114 1968 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 115 1968 Article: Did You Know? (monthly meeting of N Gaugers in Manchester) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 116 1968 Article: GC Class 1A “Glenalmond”. R.N.Smith (construction using an Arnold chassis) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 117 1968 Article: Non Powered N. R.E.Norton (Lone Star 000 layout) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 128 1968 Quick Tip: A Hedge from Peco Foam. F.R.Spade N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 130 1968 Article: N Gauge Standards N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 131 1968 Meeting Report. A.E Garland N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 134 1968 Article: Insight. (suppliers and models) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.5 Sep/Oct 135 1968 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 142 1968 Society notes N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 143 1968 Exhibition Diary N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 144 1968 Article: Horse Drawn Vehicles. N.Mardell N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 145 1968 Article: A Timber Goods Shed. J.Bradshaw N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 146 1968 NGS Layout Competition Result N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 148 1968 Article: N Gauge Locomotive Poll. R.Kelly N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 151 1968 Article: Transatlantic Notes. R.B.Millar N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 154 1968 Article: Scenic Details in N. R.Davison N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 155 1968 Article: Plastic Moulding Without Tears. E.Tucker N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 156 1968 Article: Corridor Connections. R.H.Kimber N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 157 1968 Article: It’s Never Too Young …. Nor Too Old. F.R.Spade (50 years of modelling! N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 158 1968 Article: German Signals (2). J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 160 1968 Article: Insight. (suppliers and models) N Scale Gazette Vol.1 No.6 Nov/Dec 163 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 2 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 3 1969 From the Chair N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 4 1969 Article: Basic Electronics: Part 1. R.Healey N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 5 1969 Article: An N Gauge Uncoupler. A.J.Baars N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 8 1969 Article: 1:148 and all that. R.H.J.Alexander N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 12 1969 Article: Semi-detached. C.G.Lippeatt N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 13 1969 Layout: The Wernew Park Branch Railway. J.L.Greig N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 15 1969 New Products N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 19 1969 Index to Gazette Vol.1 N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.1 Jan/Feb 28 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 29 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 30 1969 Society Exhibition Stand Design N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 31 1969 Article: Castle wins Loco Poll. R.Kelly N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 36 1969 Photographs N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 40 1969 Key to Photographs N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 50 1969 Report from Nuremberg N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 51 1969 Report from Brighton. (British Toy Fair ’69) N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 53 1969 What’s New N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 54 1969 Article: Victory. C G.Lippeatt (Victoria Line) N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.2 Mar/Apr 60 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 61 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 61 1969 Article: Wife Beating. C.G.Lippeatt (dealing with family remarks) N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 62 1969 Layout: Bundesbahn San Michele N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 63 1969 Article: Why DoYou Do It? J.M.Batten N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 67 1969 Quick Tips. W.F.Spalding N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 68 1969 Article: 4’ x 3’ in N Gauge. D.I.Dawson (getting started) N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 69 1969 Transatlantic Notes. R.B.Millar N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 71 1969 Society Exhibition Stand Design N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 72 1969 Article: Point Modifications. P.J.Larner N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 75 1969 Reviews: K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.3 May/Jun 76 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 85 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 86 1969 Article: At Last A Railway. K.Lightwood N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 86 1969 Article: Insurance. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 89 1969 Article: Points of View. R.Davison N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 90 1969 Society Stand and Layout Project - Progress Report. J.Stokes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 91 1969 Article: Basic Electronics: Part 2. R.Heaey N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 92 1969 Article: NER Class J72 N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 95 1969 Article: A Simple Coaling Stage. C.Stothard N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 96 1969 Article: Modelling Philosophy. J.L.K.Mann N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 96 1969 Article: An Urban Freight Railway. F.Howard N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 98 1969 GCR Class A5/1 & A5/2 N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 102 1969 Article: Cornish Cameo - Callington. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 103 1969 Article: Using the File. J.L.K.Mann N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 104 1969 Reviews. K.Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 106 1969 Exhibition Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.4 Jul/Aug 112 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 113 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 114 1969 Layout: Tankstelle. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 115 1969 Article: Devon Diorama. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 117 1969 SR USA Class 0-6-0T N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 118 1969 Article: Basic Electronics: Part 3. R.Healey N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 119 1969 Article: Definitely Not Double Dutch. A.J.Baars (tips for beginners) N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 122 1969 The Verkohlenfurt Branch. M.J.Rawley N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 124 1969 Wagons Made Easy. C.H.Goodhind N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 125 1969 Instant Ballast. R.G.Biggs N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 126 1969 Reviews. K.R Parker N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 128 1969 LMS Dock Shunting Tank 0-6-0T N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.5 Sep/Oct 135 1969 Editorial N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 141 1969 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 141 1969 Article: Flexible Track Laying. L.F.McCarty N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 142 1969 Layout: Heidschott und St Nicklaus. W.R.Astbury N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 143 1969 Reviews. K.Parker & J.Stokes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 151 1969 Exhibition Comments. J.Stokes N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 162 1969 Exhibition Diary N Scale Gazette Vol.2 No.6 Nov/Dec 163 1970 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 64 1970 Report - Brighton Trade Show 1970 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 65 1970 Report - Nuremburg Trade Show 1970 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 67 1970 Article: “Blue Peter” Locomotive N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 74 1970 Drawings – NER P3 (LNER J27) 0-6-0; NER Class T 0-8-0 Goods Loco (LNER Class Q5) N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 75 1970 Photo Feature: Peco Locos N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 76 1970 Product Reviews: Atlas – Set of 3 Ore Cars/”Total” Tank Car / Arnold – Container Wagon/Catenary Maintenance Unit / Pola – US Station Building/Freight Station / Peco – Point & Crossing Templates / David & Charles – Light Railway Timetables & Guide 1970 / Wrenn – Union Pacific 4 wheel Diesel Shunter N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 82 1970 Key to Photographs N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.3 May/Jun 86 1970 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 91 1970 Article: Peco to Expand N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 91 1970 Readers’ Views N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 93 1970 Article: Arnold Turntable. J.S.Pickles N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 94 1970 Looking at Locos – LNER Classes J38 & J39 0-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 98 1970 Looking at Locos – LNWR ‘Prince of Wales’ Class 4-6-2T N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 98 1970 Product Reviews: Minitrix – 0-4-0 Industrial Diesel Loco/Co-Co Santa Fe Type V-30-C / Argyle Models – LMS 5 plank Open Wagon Kit / Nifty Kits – Country Station/Stone Building Papers / Prototype Models – Stamford Signal Box / David & Charles – Railway Enthusiasts Handbook / Fleischmann – L/H Manually Operated Points / Ericmodels – Ericplans No.2 / Stlas – B&O 0-4-0 Steam Loco N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.4 Jul/Aug 99 1970 Article: Indecision. J.L.K.Mann N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 106 1970 Looking at Locos – GWR ‘The Great Bear’ 4-6-2 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 108 1970 Looking at Locos – GNR Stirling Saddle Tank 0-6-0ST N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 108 1970 Readers’ Views N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 109 1970 Article: A Distillery. J.Bradshaw N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 111 1970 Product Reviews: Nifty Kits – Shop Units / Wrenn-Lima – 2-6-4T Loco Class 66 / Pola – City Buildings & Shops/Goods Loads / Atlas – American Freight Rolling Stock/DB Post Office Car/Points & Double Slip / Fleischmann – German 1st/2nd Class Intercity Coach/Oil Tank Wagons / Atlas – DB V60 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter / Arnold – “Southern” 4-6-2 Loco/Co-Co NS Electric Loco/SBB Restaurant Car/”Le Capitole” Coach/TEE Observation Coach/UP Stock Car/”Gerbers” Refrigerated Car / Wiking – Lorry & Container Load/Container Set N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.5 Sep/Oct 112 1970 Article: An Overbridge N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 123 1970 Article: Switches. E.Wiffen & A.J.Wise N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 124 1970 Layout: The Borrowdale Branch N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 125 1970 Article: Signals. A.Shead N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 128 1970 Layout: Chartminster/Ashwarren. R.Baxter N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 129 1970 Article: A Highland Terminus. J.Bradshaw N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 130 1970 Article: Devon Diorama – Princetown. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 132 1970 Looking at Locos – BR Class 2 2-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 133 1970 Looking at Locos – BR Class 3 2-6-2T N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 133 1970 Looking at Locos – LMS Class 4 0-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 133 1970 Drawings: BR Class 9F 2-10-0 / LMS 20t Brake Van / LNWR 4-6-2 Passenger Tank / GWR Dock Tank / LNWR ‘Cauliflowers’ or ‘Crested Goods’ / GNSR Class S 4-4-0 / SR Class L1 4-4-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 135 1970 Looking at Locos – GER 1500 Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 136 1970 Looking at Locos – LNER Class V2 2-6-2 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 136 1970 Looking at Locos – GNR Class N2 0-6-2T N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 136 1970 Article: How to Form a Group. R.Wilson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 137 1970 Product Reviews: Atlas – 0-6-0 Diesel Switcher/ABR Diesel Loco / Graham Farish – 12t SR Covered Goods Van/12t BR Box Van/13t ex SR Open Wagon/15t LMS Coal Wagon / Minitrix – DB V60 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter / Peco – Petite People / Arnold – Town Building / Peco – ‘Wonderful Wagons’/Catch Point / Vollmer – Overhead Crane / Atlas – 50ft Refrigerator Car / Nifty Kits – Building Papers for Roofing / Graham Farish – Letraset Instant Lettering / Pola – Brick Built Engine Shed/Gantry Signal Box/Gatekeepers House/Stone Walling / Atlas - BR10 4-6-2/50ft Stock Car N Scale Gazette Vol.3 No.6 Nov/Dec 138 1970 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 2 1970 Article: Cuckoo in the Nest. K.Haynes N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 4 1970 Article: Stretching Plastic Sprue. S.Worsley N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 6 1970 Article: Track & Point Construction – part 1. M.Marsh N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 9 1970 Article: Hints on Starting a Model Railway N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 11 1970 Layout: The Maggicombe Branch. P.Hands N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 13 1970 Looking at Locos –LNER B1 Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 20 1970 Looking at Locos – GWR ‘King’ Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 21 1970 Article: G N Guards Van. N.Mardell N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 22 1970 Article: Station Fittings. M.J.Rawley N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 24 1970 Article: British Signals. J.W.Miles N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 26 1970 Article: Derby/Sulzer Type 2 Bo-Bo. S.Worsley N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 28 1970 Readers’ Views N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 29 1970 Article: Realism in Model Railways. ‘The Looker-On’ N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 30 1970 Looking at Locos – LMS ‘Royal Scot’ Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 32 1970 Learn About Locos – BR Electric Class AL6 Bo-Bo N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 33 1970 Article: Seaton 1969. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 34 1970 Article: Turntable for N Gauge. D.M.Hodges N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 35 1970 Article: DMUs. H.Farrer N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 37 1970 Looking at locos – LMS Class 8F 2-8-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 38 1970 Looking at Locos – SR ‘King Arthur’ N15 Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 39 1970 Article: Track & Point Construction – part 2. M.Marsh N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 40 1970 Article: Not So Seriously. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 44 1970 Article: Plastic Coach Sides. E.Tucker N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 45 1970 Article: The Railway Arms N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 47 1970 Article: Devon Diorama – Buckfastleigh. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 49 1970 Article: Cornish Cameo – Wadebridge. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 50 1970 Article: Adapting a Scalespeed P16B Controller. B.Foster N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 52 1970 Product Reviews: Minitrix – “Dupont” Bogie Wagon/”Western Maryland” Bogie Van/”Penn Central” Bogie Hopper/”Shell” Tanker/”Holly Sugar” Wagon/””Jumbo” Tank Car/Electrically Operated Points/Flexible Track/4-6-2 Loco / Atlas-Rivarossi – 2-8-2 Steam Loco / Craftsman - Point Parts N Scale Gazette Vol.3 Nos.1&2 Jan/Feb Mar/Apr 54 1971 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 3 1971 Article: Building Wagons in N Gauge. P.J.Bloomfield N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 3 1971 Drawings: BR Class 2 2-6-0 Loco & Tender / BR Class 3 2-6-0 Loco & Tender / French Ferry Service Van / Ex GNER 6-wheeled Passenger Brake Van N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 14 1971 Group News N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 17 1971 Hints: Metal Wheels for Rolling Stock N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 17 1971 Product Reviews: Minitrix – Curved Points/Set Trackwork/Double Slip / Graham Farish – 18” Point / Minitrix – BR Britannia / Herkat – Engine Traverser / Fleischmann – DB Br 91.1001 2-6-0 Tank / Minitrix – British Distant Signal / Fleischmann – Branch Line Coach/Modern Branch Line Coach/Four Wheel Baggage Car / Wiking – Refrigerated Lorry/Mercedes Bus / Peco – Quality Line Wagons N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 18 1971 Article: New Production Unit for Peco N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 24 1971 Index to Volume 3 1970 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.1 Jan/Feb 25 1971 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 28 1971 Article: A Working Turntable in N. M.B.Shipp N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 29 1971 Article: Planned Modelling. D.P.Doo N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 31 1971 Article: Cantilever Bridge. H.Greenly N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 33 1971 Readers’ Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 36 1971 Drawings: Deltic / Mineral Miscellany / BR Standard Corridor Steam Stock / GCR Pom Pom 0-6-0 / GCR 0-8-0 Class 8A / L&SWR Class460 4-4-0 / Czech wwwwwwwwwwwwwwE422 Loco / Old Bridge Details / Brick Built Building / Hydraulic Buffer Stops N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 38 1971 Photo Feature – Vintage Steam N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 44 1971 Product Reviews: AHM Minitrains – Centre Flow Hopper “Union Pacific”/Large Covered Hopper “Naugatuck Plastics”/Covered Gondola “Norfolk Southern”/Triple-deck Car Transporter/Reefer “Thermica” / Schicht – Czech (CSD) Passenger Coach / Rowa DB – Container Wagon / Piko – Bogie Refrigerator Wagon / Minitrix – Large Hopper Wagon/Side Discharge Ballast Wagon ‘Talbot’/Stake Wagon/Bolster Wagon/DB Refrigerator Van ‘Bananem’/Dutch Ventilated Van/General Purpose Open Gondola/Open Wood Sided Gondola/Modern Steel Sided Gondola/Modern Covered Van ‘Miele’/Low Sided Gondola/Modern Breakdown Crane Set / Piko – Hungarian Railways (MAV) Co-Co ‘Nohab’ Diesel/East German Bogie Open Wagon/4 Wheel Goods Van/East German (DR) 4 Wheel Local Coaches N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.2 Mar/Apr 46 1971 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 54 1971 Layout: Testley & Haven. J.W.Miles N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 55 1971 Article: Identification on the Line. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 57 1971 Article: Model GWR Type Coaling Stage. E.Beal N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 58 1971 Article: Up & Around. B.Foster N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 61 1971 Drawings: Class AA20-1 / BR Gas Turbine / SR Class D 4-4-0 / SR Class C 0-6-0 / MR Class M 0-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 63 1971 Photo Feature: Ancient & Modern N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 65 1971 Readers’ Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 66 1971 Product Reviews: Fleischmann – Class DB212 Diesel / Arnold – DB V100 Diesel/DB Class 18/4 Pacific/Alco FA2 Diesel / Rowa - Coaches N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 69 1971 Report: Nuremberg ‘71 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.3 May/Jun 72 1971 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 76 1971 Article: One Man’s Meat. J.A.Warner N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 77 1971 Layout: Stonechurch. R.Elkin N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 83 1971 Photo Feature: Continental Power N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 85 1971 Article: Prototype Wagons part 1. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 87 1971 Group News N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 89 1971 Photo Feature: Variations on a Jubilee. D.Philip N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 90 1971 Article: A Working Model Water Crane for O Gauge N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 91 1971 Whitemetal Kit Survey Results N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 92 1971 Readers’ Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 93 1971 Product Reviews: Bachmann Freight Cars– 51’ Mechanical Reefer/42’ Three Dome Tank Car/47’ 70 ton Covered Hopper / Bachmann Accessory Packs – Telegraph Poles/Colour Light Signal Set/Assorted Figures / Arnold – E40 Electric Bo-Bo / Riko – Brass Ladder / Arnold – Breakdown Crane / Atlas – UP Caboose / Gtaham Farish – 0-6-0PT 9400 Class / Nifty Kits – Tunnels Plus / Peco – Quality Line Wagons/Catalogue of Model Railway Producers / Atlas – Migros Reefer Car / Pola – Old Smithy / Peco – Ericplan Books 1 & 2 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.4 Jul/Aug 96 1971 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 106 1971 Article: Signals & My Layout. T.Binns N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 107 1971 Article: Scalespeed Control. E.Bray N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 110 1971 Article: Prototype Wagons part 2. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 114 1971 Article: LNER (GNR) Fish Van. N.H.Wood N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 116 1971 Article: Diesel to Steam. D.Philip N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 117 1971 Drawings: M&SWJR 2-4-0 / Class EM2 / LNER Class B1 / Furness Railway 0-6-2 Tank / LNER Ex NBR Class J37 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 119 1971 Look & Learn about Locos - LMS Mixed Traffic Class 5P5F (Black 5) 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 121 1971 Readers’ Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 121 1971 Product Reviews: Minitrix – Bo-Bo Electric Class 144/German Goods Stock – Steel Van with Side Open Roof/Steel Open Wagon/Steel Open Wagon with Sliding Roof/Wooden Sided Van/Enclosed Tank Wagon / Peco Linesdide Kits – British Engine Shed/Small Cedarwood Bungalow/Large Bungalow with Garage/Split Level House / SN Mouldings – Tunnel Mouths & Walls / ‘Model Railways’ Magazine / Westwater & Kirk = Scratchbuilding Parts / Pola – Gravel & Sand Loading Device / Arnold – Road Vehicles/Two Stall Loco Shed / Cotswold Model Engineering – GWR Water Crane/GWR Signal Post / Kenline – Loco Lamps / Arnold – Coaling Stage / Nifty Kits – Double Track Tunnels / J.Bull (Electrics) Ltd – Reed Switch/Magnets / Atlas – Three Way Point / Fleischmann – PO Container Wagon “Danzas” N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.5 Sep/Oct 124 1971 Society News N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 136 1971 Article: Letters from My Layout. A.H.Gibson N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 137 1971 Looking at Locos: L&Y Rail Motor N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 138 1971 Article: Prototype Wagons part 3. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 138 1971 Article: Harry Hamfist. N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 141 1971 Looking at Locos: LMS Turbomotive 4-6-2 N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 142 1971 NMRA Conference Report N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 142 1971 Group News N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 143 1971 Readers’ Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 144 1971 Product Reviews: Anbrico Scale Models –BR Type 50 Co-Co / Westwater & Kirk – Wagon Kits / Graham Farish – 4 Wheel Coaches / Piko – Flatwagon & 3 Containers/BR 55 0-8-0 Loco / Atlas – DB Container Wagon / Bachmann – 41’ Mechanical Reefer/42’ Outside Braced Gondola/51’ Plug Door Box Car/36’ Caboose / Cotswold Models – LMS Water Crane / Minitrix – Pre-group Wagons/PO Wagons/Card Buildings/BR Parcels Coach/2-6-2 DB Tank Loco/Steel Bogie Open Wagon / Fleischmann – DB Class 038 4-6-0 Tender Loco/DB TEE 1st Class Coaches/Double Slip Point/Flexi Track N Scale Gazette Vol.4 No.6 Nov/Dec 146 1972 Society Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 1 1972 Article: Playing Trains. J.Fear N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 2 1972 Article: Beginners Guide to Wheel Arrangements. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 3 1972 Article: Diesel to Steam Again. D.Philip N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 4 1972 Article: Country Station Buildings. G.P.Bowdley N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 7 1972 Article: Early GWR Signals. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 9 1972 Article: Automatic Train Control. A.N.Other N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 10 1972 Article: Platforms. R.H.J.Alexander N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 11 1972 Photo Parade - New Zealand. Nesbit N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 15 1972 Photo Parade - Germany. J.Stokes N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 17 1972 Article: Mining Problem. T.Gear N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 20 1972 Article: Codar TEC 80K Controller. M.Stone N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 21 1972 N Gauge Society Survey 1971 N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 22 1972 Readers' Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 25 1972 Product Reviews: Peco - Tunnel Mouths & Bridges/Lineside Huts / Graham Farish - Holden Tank / Snap PU - 240 power Unit N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.1 Jan/Feb 26 1972 Chairman's Address N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 29 1972 Article: Cardboard Modelmaking. H.H.Hudson N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 30 1972 Article: A Visit to MP 11A. M.D.Hannan N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 31 1972 Report: Brighton Toy Fair 1972 N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 34 1972 Article: Prototype Wagons part 4. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 35 1972 Article: Uniselector Control. D.W.Warren N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 39 1972 Article: Double Track Skew Bridge. J.M.Batten N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 40 1972 Article: Train Spotter's Notes. M.R.Goddard N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 42 1972 Readers' Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 43 1972 Looking at Locos: General Electric 1C-C1 Type 4 Diesel Electric; Lod Nelson Class 4-6-0 N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 45 1972 "Product Reviews: Kibri - Signal Tower & Telephone Shed / David M. Read - Wagon Card Kit / S.N.Mouldings - Tunnel Mouths, Brick Walling, Retaining Walls, Fencing, Platforms / Snap PU - 240 Power Unit (cont) / Fleischmann - German Old Time 6 Wheel Coach" N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.2 Mar/Apr 46 1972 Chairman's Address; Membership Secretary's Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 51 1972 Article: Grandpa's Railroad Still Chugs N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 52 1972 Nuremburg '72 Report N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 56 1972 Article: Prototype Wagons part 5. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 57 1972 Article: Gradients. P.J.Bloomfield N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 59 1972 Article: Whitemetal Kit Building. T.Green N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 60 1972 Article: A Satisfactory Compromise. J.Coulston N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 62 1972 Article: American Railroad Structures. G.P.Bowdler N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 63 1972 Readers' Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 65 1972 Product Reviews: Cotswold Models - Water Cranes & Tower / Beaver Products - Loco & Bogie Wheels / Wiad - Telegraph Pole Pack / Surrey Passtimes - J63 Loco Kit / Arnold Rapido - DB 1930s style Aisle Coach/ German Old Time Dining car/3rd Class Old Time Coach/Three-Car EMU ET420 'Olympic' / Polly S Corp. - Water Paint for Plastic Materials N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.3 May/Jun 66 1972 Layout: Maggicombe Branch - A Progress Report. P.Hands N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 72 1972 Article: Thompson LNER Coaches. A.Cessford N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 75 1972 Article: Prototype Wagons part 6. V.Hall N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 77 1972 "Article: Odds & Ns part 1, M.Bryant" N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 79 1972 Article: Water N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 80 1972 Article: Railway Sketchpad. G.P.Bowdler N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 81 1972 Article: Mini Histories. N.Mardell N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 83 1972 Photo Parade - Locos & S.African Railways N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 84 1972 Article: A Compromise. D.Philip N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 87 1972 Article: Home Made Society Badges. W.L.Donkin N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 88 1972 Group News N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 89 1972 Readers' Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 90 1972 Product Reviews: Beaver Products - Loco & Bogie Wheels (cont) / Herpa - N Gauge Trees/Road with White Lines / NGS Card Kit - Semi Detached Houses / Graham Farish - Pannier Tank Loco/Suburban Coach / Prototype Models - Brick Paper / Arnold - Railway Crossing/Two Arch Bridge / Fleischmann - Heineber Beer Car / Heljan - Goods Shed N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.4 Jul/Aug 90 1972 Chairman's Address; Membership Notes N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 94 1972 Layout: Maggicombe Branch - Afterthoughts. P.Hands N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 95 1972 Article: Modelling the Protoype? A.Peyton N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 96 1972 Article: Mini Histories. B.Nesbit N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 97 1972 Photo Parade - Locos. N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 99 1972 Article: Odds & Ns part 2. M.Bryant N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 99 1972 Readers' Letters N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 100 1972 Product Reviews: JNT - Rustic Fencing / Atlas-Rivarossi - SNCF 231 E13 Pacific / Roxey Mouldings - Brick & Stone Plasticard/Station Building Kit / Peco - British N Scale Rule / Herpa - Chalet Building Kit / Peco - NE Brake Van / Fleischmann - Track Cleaning Locomotive/DB All Baggage Car/DB Class 210 (V160) Bo-Bo Diesel Loco N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.5 Sep/Oct 101 1972 Layout: GW Coffee Special. R.L.Baxter N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 109 1972 Article: Steam in Sense Valley. K.Rogers N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 111 1972 Article: Working Signals. J.A.Carter N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 112 1972 Article: Hunting for Road Vehicles. J.D.Stitson N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 114 1972 Article: An Automatic Turntable. D.Philip N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 115 1972 Railway Sketchpad. G.P.Bowdler N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 116 1972 Photo Parade - mostly Locos N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 118 1972 Information Desk N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 121 1972 "Product Reviews: Graham Farish - PO Wagons / Peco Publications - 'Buckingham Great Central / Greening of Dorking - Allied & German Army Vehicles / Prototype Models - GWR Building Kits / Peco PO Wagons / Graham Farish - Pre-Group Rolling Stock / Minitrix - 4-Wheel Private/Industrial Electric Loco / Peco - Wagon Loads / Graham farish - 9½"" Radius Point / Peco - Box Van Kits / W&K - Wagon Containers / Peco - British Goods Shed / W&K - Telegraph Poles" N Scale Gazette Vol.5 No.6 Nov/Dec 122 1973 Photo Feature - Maggicombe Pictorial N Scale News Decem-ber 73 110 1973 Article: N Gauge British Rolling Stock 5. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Decem-ber 73 114 1973 Article: Prototype Plans - Stroud N Scale News Decem-ber 73 117 1973 Article: Planning and Building the Layout. V.Hall N Scale News Decem-ber 73 118 1973 Article: Prototype Plans - Dudbridge & Nailsworth N Scale News Decem-ber 73 121 1973 Article: Lineside Industries N Scale News Decem-ber 73 122 1973 Photo Parade N Scale News Decem-ber 73 123 1973 Article: Jubilee to County. V.Hall N Scale News Decem-ber 73 125 1973 Article: Jubilee to 8F. D.Philip N Scale News Decem-ber 73 127 1973 Readers' Letters N Scale News Decem-ber 73 128 1973 Book Reviews: Lineside Features N Scale News Decem-ber 73 131 1973 Product Reviews: Minitrix - BR Guards Van/Ivatt 2-6-0 / I.Kirk - LNER B1 Loco Body / Beaver Products - LNER J52 Loco Kit N Scale News Decem-ber 73 132 1973 Chairman's Address NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 1 1973 Article: N Gauge British Rolling Stock 1. M.I.Anderson NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 2 1973 Article: Ballast NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 4 1973 Railway Sketchpad. G.P.Bowdler NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 5 1973 Article: Coach Variations. E.S.Crilley NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 6 1973 Photo Parade NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 6 1973 Article: Building a Turntable. D.Godfrey NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 8 1973 Article: Connecting Portable Baseboards. R.J.Hampshire NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 9 1973 Article: Colour Light Signals. M.Marsh NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 10 1973 Readers' Letters NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 12 1973 Product Reviews: Roxey mouldings - Terrace House Kit / Peco - LMS Brake Van/Catalogue / W&K - Lowfit Wagon Kits NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.1 Jan/Feb 12 1973 Society Notes NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 17 1973 Article: The North Cumberland Saga - continued. J.A.Warner NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 18 1973 Article: N Gauge British Rolling Stock 2. M.I.Anderson NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 27 1973 Report - Brighton Toy Fair 1973 NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 30 1973 Looking at Locos: GCR Class 8B & 8J; GNR Class 251 'Atlantic' 4-4-2 NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 35 1973 Product Reviews: W&K -Gresley Suburban Coach Kit / Peco - PO Wagon Worthington / S&N Mouldings - Signals Kit/Telegraph Poles/Lineside Huts NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.2 Mar/Apr 36 1973 Chairman' Address NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 41 1973 Article: N Gauge British Rolling Stock 3. M.I.Anderson NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 42 1973 Article: Padstow. J.D.Stitson NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 44 1973 Article: Homemade Track & Pointwork. I.K.Rowland NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 46 1973 Looking at Locos: LMS Stanier 3-cylinder 4MT Class 2-6-4T; GWR Prairie Tank 2-6-2T NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 52 1973 Railway Sketchpad. G.P.Bowdler NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 54 1973 Readers' Letters NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 55 1973 Book Reviews: Buckingham Great Central / Steam in Scotland vol.2 / A Historical Survey of GWR Engine Sheds 1947 / The Steam Railway-Over the Pennine Fells / Carlisle Citadel NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 56 1973 Product Reviews: Cav'ndish - GWR Collett Clas 1101 / JJP Models - Whitemetal Accessories / Langley Models - Station Name Boards / The Erecting Shop - Coach Sides / W&K - Gresley Full Parcels Coach NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.3 May/Jun 58 1973 Chairman's Address NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 64 1973 Article: N Gauge British Rolling Stock 4. M.I.Anderson NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 65 1973 Article: Altering Langley Signals. S.C.B.Cooper NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 68 1973 "Article: Krupanj Branch of Banjaluka, Zvornik & Sarajevo Railway. R.F.Caine" NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 69 1973 Article: De-modernising the Pola Platform Canopy. J.W.Miles NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 71 1973 Article: Fixing Track. M.P.Regan NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 72 1973 Article: How to Make Neat Hedges. G.M.Moss NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 72 1973 Article: Neater Lining. A.R.Liddell NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 73 1973 Article: How I Used H&M Motors for N. H.Matthews NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 73 1973 Article: Modern Image Modelling NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 74 1973 Article: Simple Platform Construction. J.Bradshaw NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 74 1973 Looking at Locos: GER Class J70 Tram Loco 0-6-0; GWR Standard Pannier Tank Class 5700 0-6-0; GWR 'Bulldog' Class 4-4-0; NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 74 1973 Readers' Letters NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 77 1973 Books Reviews: The Pictorial Encyclopaedia of Railways / The Manifold Valley and its Light Railway / British Goods Wagons / Portrait of the LMS / Rails in the Fells / A Pictorial Record of LMS Signals NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 80 1973 "Product Reviews: Grafar - Coaching Stock/LMS Tank Loco/Private Owner Wagons / W&K - Thompson Coach Kits / Grafar - GWR Hall Loco / Dudley Enterprises - 57XX Pannier Tank / Peco - Private Owner Wagons / Atlas - SW1500 Diesel Loco ""Cow"" Santa Fe 4001" NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.4 Jul/Aug 81 1973 Chairman's Address NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 87 1973 Article: Magnetic Uncoupling. R.C.Palmer NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 88 1973 Article: Layout Mark II. I.K.Rowland NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 95 1973 Article: Lincoln St Marks. J.A.Warner NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 96 1973 Looking at Locos: SECR Class D1 & E1 4-4-0; LNER Class A3 Pacific 4-6-2 NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 97 1973 Article: Metropole NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 99 1973 Article: Station & Goodsyard Lamps NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 100 1973 Photo Parade NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 101 1973 Article: Using H&M Motors with Peco Points. R.J.Hampshire NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 105 1973 Product Reviews: Langley Miniature Models - Station Lamps / The Erecting Shop - GWR Coach Kit / Langley Miniature Models - Loading Gauge/Street Lamps/Signal Kits / JJP Models- GWR Signal Kit / Rowa - Norfolk & Western Mallett / Codar - Classic 'M' Controller NGS Gazette Vol.6 No.5 Sep/Oct 105 1974 Article: The Quest for Steam. R.Wood N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 1 1974 Layout: Plover Hill. J.A.Wells N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 7 1974 Photo Parade N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 14 1974 Article: BR Class 9F. M.Hannan N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 18 1974 Article: Houses on Mass Production. R.H.Chase N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 20 1974 Article: Cornish Cameo - Launceston. J.D.Stitson N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 21 1974 Article: SR Snow Plough. B.E.Matthews N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 22 1974 Article: Canadian Scene. R.B.Millar N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 24 1974 Article: Railroad Classification Scheme. H.Smith N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 24 1974 Quick Tips N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 25 1974 Club News N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 25 1974 Readers' Letters N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 26 1974 "Product Reviews: J.Mossmer - Foam Storage Trays / Fujiimi Model Co - Plastic Loco Kits / Ing H Rossler - N Gauge Couplings / Fleischmann - '73 Catalogue / Doverbeck - Electronic Throttle / Merker & Fischer - N Scale Narrow Gauge Kit / Ian Kirk Models - Station, Goods Yard & Street Lamps / W&K - Thompson Brake/Third Coach Kit / Merker & Fischer - T3 Superdetailing Kitd" N Scale News Vol1 No.1 Jan/Feb 27 1974 Article: Copying the Prototype - Moving the Heavy Stuff. J.A.Wells N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 32 1974 Layout: An Exhibition Quickie. L.Little N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 39 1974 Article: Switching Problems are Fun. A.Robinson N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 42 1974 Article: Seven Steps to a Sassier Bachmann 4-8-2. D.Craig N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 43 1974 Article: Home Made Point Motors. M.Marsh N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 44 1974 Article: LMS 1st Class Sleeping Car. K.Reed N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 47 1974 Article: NER Class W 2-6-4T. J.H.Wright N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 48 1974 Article: British N Gauge Rolling Stock 6. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 49 1974 Article: Bachmann Docksider Kadee'd. C.Vik N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 51 1974 Article: Constant Lighting. J.Macino N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 52 1974 Article: Constructing a California Zephyr Observation Car. N.Goodman N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 52 1974 Article: Trials & Tribulations of Building a Layout. A.Raybould N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 53 1974 Photo Parade N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 55 1974 Readers' Letters N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 58 1974 Product Reviews: Fleischman - Rack & Pinion Loco/Electric All Purpose Locos/Touropa & Speisewagen Coaches/Container Car/Box Car/Flexible Rack & Pinion Track N Scale News Vol1 No.2 Mar/Apr 60 1974 Layout: Woodbridge & Entwade N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 64 1974 Article: Notes on the Compound Steam Loco. A.Parsons N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 67 1974 Article: Canadian Scene. R.B.Millar N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 68 1974 "Report - British International Toy Fair, Brighton" N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 69 1974 Article: Use of Oil Paints. G.Carroll N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 71 1974 "Report - 25th International Toy Fair, Nuremberg" N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 72 1974 Article: British Rail - Eastern Region N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 80 1974 Article: A Simple Control Pack. B.Showalter N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 81 1974 Article: British N Gauge Rolling Stock 7. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 82 1974 Product Reviews: ERG Ltd - Printed Wagon Parts / Ian Kirk Models - LNER V1/V3 2-6-2T Kit N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 83 1974 Diagrams: LNER Tourist Stock (1933) N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 84 1974 Prototype Plan - Thorpeness (GER) N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 85 1974 Article: Converting Couples. B.Showalter N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 86 1974 Article: Earth Bumper. G.Semon N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 87 1974 Article: Devon Diorama - Lydford. J.D.Stitson N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 87 1974 Article: Exchange Track N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 88 1974 Article: Local Pike N-000z N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 89 1974 Readers' Letters N Scale News Vol1 No.3 May/Jun 89 1974 Article: NTRAK - A National N-Scale Modular Layout N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 96 1974 Article: Great Northern Water Column N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 107 1974 Article: British N Gauge Rolling Stock 8. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 110 1974 Article: Canadian Scene. R.W.Millar N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 112 1974 Article: Climbing the Ladder. G.Hodson N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 114 1974 Article: Notes on Articulated Locos. A.Parsons N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 116 1974 Report:- Crewe Works Open Day N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 117 1974 Article: Exchange Track N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 118 1974 Product Reviews: Seuthe - Locomotive Cleaning Bottle / SN Mouldings - N Gauge Fencing/N Gauge House Kit / Grafar - SR Battle of Britain Class Loco / Mallard Models - LMS Full Brake Kit / Ian Kirk Models - LNER B1 Loco Kit N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 119 1974 Article: Local Pike N-000z N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 121 1974 Club News N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 121 1974 Article: A Shorty Caboose from a Rapido Crummy. C.Vik N Scale News Vol1 No.4 Jul/Aug 122 1974 Article: Tyne-Dee Coastal Tour. MD.Hannan N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 128 1974 Article: British Rail - Eastern Region N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 133 1974 Article: British N Gauge Rolling Stock 9. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 135 1974 Drawings: LNER Class V2; LNER Class J37 (Class S); LNER Class K2 No.4668 N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 136 1974 Report: Las Vegas PCR-MRA Convention N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 137 1974 Article: Yealmpton. J.D.Stitson N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 138 1974 Article: Jottings for the N'thusiast N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 138 1974 Article: Canadian Scene. R.W.Millar N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 139 1974 Photo Parade N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 140 1974 Product Reviews: Preiser - People & Accessories / Modelbahn Schienen - Track Cleaning Wagon / Minitrix - DB 2-10-0 Class 52 /Piko - East German Diesel Railcar N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 144 1974 Article: Universal N Gauge Scale Table N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 150 1974 Article: Cornish Cameo - Callington N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 152 1974 Article: Local Pike N-000z N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 153 1974 British Area Notebook N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 153 1974 Article: Layout Suggestions. K.R.Whitbread N Scale News Vol1 No.5 Sep/Oct 154 1974 Article: My Santa Fe Railroad. L.E.Porter N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 160 1974 Article: British Rail - Eastern Region N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 163 1974 Article: 'Ssssssssss'. A.Paine N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 165 1974 Article: British N Gauge Rolling Stock 10. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 166 1974 Layout: Markend. K.R.Whitbread N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 168 1974 Article: A Visit to Great Western in N. M.Anderson N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 170 1974 Photo Parade N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 171 1974 Article: Project British Outline Layout. I.K.Rowland N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 172 1974 Product Reviews: Herpa - Pavement Pieces/Town Assortment/Roadside Fittings/Semi or Detached Houses/House & Greenhouses / Kadee - Freight Trucks/Uncouplers/Freight Cars/Miscellaneous N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 174 1974 Drawing: LMS 'Princess Coronation' Class 8P No.6230 'Duchess Buccleuch' N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 177 1974 Article: Kingsworth Refinery N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 178 1974 Layout: Edgecumbe Magna. N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 179 1974 Article: Locomotive Roster & Railroad Data Filing N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 182 1974 Article: Local Pike N-000z N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 185 1974 Article: Universal N Gauge Scale Table N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 185 1974 Article: Layout Suggestions N Scale News Vol1 No.6 Nov/Dec 186 1975 "Information and Photographs from Brighton, London and Nurnberg Toy Fairs ’75:" N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 1 1 1975 B&G (Wetherby) Ltd; Cav’ndish; Grafar Ltd; JJP Models; Langley Miniature Models; Mallard Models; Peco; Hornby-Minitrix; Alfa-International; ARWE Automation; Arnold-N; Wren Railways; Brawa; Fleischmann; Heljan; Herpa; Lima; Minitrix; Pola; Roco; Vollmer; Wiking; Zuba N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 1 1975 Layout: Nahmenlosbahn. I.K.Rowland N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 1 1975 Article: From 00 to N in One Minute. R.E.Goodfellow N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 2 1975 Article: Goods Rolling Stock of the Midland Railway – Oil Tank Wagon. R.A.Fearn N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 3 1975 Article: ‘N’ Gauge British Rolling Stock – Peco GWR Van. M.I.Anderson N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 6 1975 Article: Layout Suggestions – Big Loop. K.R.Whitbread N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 10 1975 Looking at Locos: GER ‘Decapod’ 0-10-0 N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 12 1975 Article: One Man’s Views. L.L.Tann N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 13 1975 Article: A Modeller’s Opinion. J.Allison N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 14 1975 Article: F3 Diesel. N.Goodman N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 2 15 1975 Article: It’s a Carve Up (Continental Style). ‘Der Eisenbahner’. N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 1 1975 Layout: Wilderness Road. H.Jordan N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 4 1975 Article: Goods Rolling Stock of the Midland Railway – 30 ton Bogie Timber Wagon. R.A.Fearn N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 7 1975 Looking at Locos: L&YR Aspinall ‘Atlantic’ 4-4-2 N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 9 1975 Article: BRCW Class 33 Diesel Loco. A.W.Hastings N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 10 1975 Photo Feature : 1974 AGM Prize Winning Models N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 10 1975 Article: ‘N’ Gauge British Rolling Stock – Grafar Fish Van. M.I.Anderson N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 11 1975 Article: Krupanj Revisited. R.F.Caine N Scale Int’l Gazette Issue 3 13 1975 Photo Parade – various locos. T.R.Ingrams N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 1 1975 Looking at Locos: LNWR ‘Greater Britain’ Class 2-2-2-2 N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 3 1975 Article: ‘N’ Gauge British Rolling Stock – Peco Cattle Wagon. M.I.Anderson N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 4 1975 Article: How to Make an Inexpensive Visual Indicating Control Panel. W.J.Wilson N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 7 1975 Article: Individuality. N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 9 1975 Article: Birth of a Modelling Club. M.Bankes N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 11 1975 Article: Building a Heisler Geared Locomotive. C.Easter N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 14 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – Hand Operated Turntable N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 16 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – DB Class 012 4-6-2 N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 17 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – DB Deluxe 1st & 2nd Class Coaches N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 18 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – Lowsided Flat Bogie Wagon N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 18 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – PO Refrigerator Car N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 19 1975 Product Review: Fleischmann – DB Colour Lights – Main & Warning Signal N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 19 1975 Product Review: Grafar – SR Golden Arrow Loco N Scale News Vol.2 No.1 20 1976 Article: ‘N’ Gauge British Rolling Stock – Peco Refrigerator Van N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 1 1976 Product Review: Cockrobin – Automatic Accessories N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 3 1976 Product Review: Arnold – DB Class 41 2-8-2 Loco N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 5 1976 Product Review: B&G (Wetherby) :td – Card Building kits N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 5 1976 Product Review: West Of Bristol – Road Vehicles N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 5 1976 Product Review: DB Operating Centre Flow Car N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 5 1976 Product Review: W&H (Models) Ltd – Cavendish Coach Kits N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 7 1976 Product Review: JJP Models – LMS Footbridge & Accessory Set N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 7 1976 Product Review: Langley – GW Railcar & Leyland Hippo Lorry N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 7 1976 Product Review: B&G (Wetherby) Ltd – Builder Kits N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 9 1976 Product Review: Fleischmann – DB Express Coach N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 9 1976 Product Review: Fleischmann – SNCF Coaches N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 9 1976 Product Review: Elsworth Electronics – Automatic Modules N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 11 1976 Product Review: Grafar – BR Sulphate Wagon N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 11 1976 "Product Review: Mike Bryant – LMS Tender Axleguards, Loco Coupling Rods, Auto Uncouplers" N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 13 1976 Product Review: Fleischmann – Class 151 Loco N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 13 1976 Product Review: MTK Kits – Coach & Diesel unit Sets N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 14 1976 Product Review: Fleischmann – Industrial 0-4-0T N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 14 1976 Product Review: Peco – Dowlow Lime Wagon N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 14 1976 Product Review: Cav’ndish – LNER Coach Kits N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 15 1976 Product Review: M&R (Model Railways) Ltd – Grab Adhesive N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 15 1976 Article: ‘N’ Gauge British Rolling Stock – Ian Kirk (Models) Short Wheelbase Goods Brake Van. M.I.Anderson N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 17 1976 Article: Carry On Carving – DB Class8962 from an Arnold Class8970-75. ‘Der Eisenbahner’ N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 20 1976 Article: Vancouver Area N Scalers Plan A NTRAK. R.B.”Mini” Millar N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 22 1976 Postbag N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 23 1976 Article: Oh For the Life of a Transpotter…. G.Hodson N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 24 1976 Product Review: Atlas – Three new Diesels N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 28 1976 Drawing: MR Sleeper Wagon N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 30 1976 Article: The Ruritanian State Railways. A.Peyton N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 31 1976 Article: Peco Scene Texture Modelling Compound. D.R.Smith N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 35 1976 New Product News N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 36 1976 Article: An ‘N’dustrial Review. D.R.Smith N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 37 1976 Article: Track Cleaning. M.Cassie N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 41 1976 Article: N Gauge Ballast. M.Cassie N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 41 1976 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’ – 14XX Class 0-4-2T. M.I.Anderson N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 42 1976 Article: Rollatrackmatic. A.Paine N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 44 1976 Postbag N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 45 1976 Product Review: Builder Plus – New Buildings N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 46 1976 Product Review: Micro Traction – GW Prairie N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 47 1976 "Product Review: Grafar – GW Pannier, Rolling Stock" N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 48 1976 Product Review: S&N Mouldings – Signal Box N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 48 1976 Product Review: Langley – Loco kit & Extras N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 49 1976 Product Review: Minitrix – Breakdown Crane N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 49 1976 Product Review: Mike Bryant – Whitemetal Castings N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 49 1976 Article: Portable Junction. T.Collins N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 53 1976 Article: Hand Built Points & Slips. B.Foreman N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 56 1976 Article: An Improved Front Bogie for the Grafar ‘Hall’. P.Futter N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 57 1976 "Product Review: Grafar – GWR Hall, Rolling stock" N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 58 1976 Product Review: N Gauge International – Control Unit N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 58 1976 Product Review: Builder Plus – Building Kits N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 59 1976 Article: The Settle & Carlisle Line – An ‘N’terprising Project part 1. D.R.Smith N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 63 1976 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’ – 40’ Siphon F. M.I.Anderson N Scale Int’l Gazette All Issues 66 1977 "Society News: Reports: Chairman; Membership Secretary, General Secretary, Treasurer" 1 Spr 2 1977 Readers’ Letters: Minitrix 0-6-0 Dock Locos; An Open Invitation; Peco Jubilee and JJP Girder Bridge; A Letter from New Zealand; Settle – Carlisle 1 Spr 5 1977 Report on The London and Birmingham Toy & Hobby Fairs – January 1977 1 Spr 8 1977 Layout: Yellowstone and Redbridge. A.Buckland 1 Spr 17 1977 Article: Looking at Locomotives – GWR 2600 Class ‘Aberdares’ 2-6-0 1 Spr 18 1977 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer" 2 Sum 20 1977 Readers’ Letters: Fleetline Products; Minitrix 0-6-0 Dock Locos 1; Reduced Sub for Family Membership?; Catalogue of N Gauge Products?; Minitrix 0-6-0 Dock Locos 2; British Outline 1:160 Scale? 2 Sum 24 1977 Article: Southern Module Group. A.Paine 2 Sum 26 1977 "Article: Changing Trains – Sorry, Gauge! G.Ross" 2 Sum 29 1977 Article: Building a GWR 97XX Kit. M.Hannan 2 Sum 31 1977 Product Review: Model Power – GP40 Bo-Bo 2 Sum 33 1977 Product Review: Langley Miniature Models – LNER Class A4 Loco Kit 2 Sum 34 1977 Product Review: Langley Miniature Models – SR Class S15 Loco Kit 2 Sum 35 1977 Product Review: Arnold – SNCF Express Coach 2 Sum 35 1977 Product Review: Arnold – DB Class 41 Loco 2 Sum 36 1977 Product Review: Fleischmann – TEE/IC Express Coach 2 Sum 36 1977 Product Review: Fleischmann – Diesel Rail Car Set 2 Sum 37 1977 Product Review: Fleischmann – Self Unloading Wagon 2 Sum 38 1977 Product Review: Peco – N Scale Rule 2 Sum 38 1977 Article: Turnchapel. J.Stitson 2 Sum 39 1977 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer" 3 Aut 41 1977 "Readers’ Letters: Miscellaneous Problems, ‘Gripes’ and Comments; JJP ; N Scale Rule; Comment from Papua, New Guinea; Society Name? Reference ‘Turnchapel’ – A Letter to the Editors; Source of Cheap Electrical ‘Gadgets’" 3 Aut 43 1977 Article: Capacitor Discharge Point Operation. L.Rich 3 Aut 47 1977 Article: Ruritanian State Railways – Recent Developments. T.Peyton 3 Aut 48 1977 Article: A Beginner’s Ordeal. P.Green 3 Aut 50 1977 Product Review: S&N Mouldings – Loading Gauge 3 Aut 51 1977 Product Review: Alan Paine – Hand-made Trestle Bridges 3 Aut 52 1977 "Product Review: Thameshead Models – Modern Single Deck Bus Kit, National Type" 3 Aut 52 1977 Product Review: Grafar – 4 Wheel Coaches 3 Aut 53 1977 Product Review: Grafar – 0-6-0 Locomotives 3 Aut 54 1977 Product Photograps: Minitrix - new Models 3 Aut 55 1977 Product Review: Precision Instruments-Control Unit 3 Aut 57 1977 Article: Pratts Sidings Stoke on Trent c.1968. J.A.Warner 3 Aut 58 1977 "Society News: Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, General Secretary" 4 Win 60 1977 Readers’ Letters: Hughes L&YR Railmotor; Motor Bogie; Minitrix Dock Tanks; Uncoupling Troubles and Scratchbuilding; Volume 9?; Dustbin Loco?; Calling All Experts; JJP; A Beginner’s Ordeal – Some Answers 4 Win 63 1977 Article: Traverser in N Gauge. A.Buckland 4 Win 67 1977 Article: The Settle & Carlisle Line – An ‘N’terprising Project – part 2. D.R.Smith 4 Win 68 1977 Article: 50ft Full Brake. R.Entwistle 4 Win 73 1977 Product Photograps: Minitrix - morenew Models 4 Win 74 1977 Product Review: Fleischmann – Wagons 4 Win 76 1977 Product Review: C&W Electronics – Control Unit 4 Win 77 1977 Product Review: Langley Miniature Models – SR Class E2 0-6-0T Body Kit 4 Win 77 1977 Product Review: Grafar – 2-6-2T Locomotives 4 Win 79 1978 "Society News: Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, General Secretary" 1 Spr 2 1978 Readers’ Letters: Poetry in (Loco)motion; Information – Signalling/SR Tank Locos; Minitrix Dock Tanks; Loco Survey; Assistance List – For Beginners; A Last Word on Reliability. 1 Spr 4 1978 Report on the Birmingham Toy Fair 1978 1 Spr 7 1978 "Layout: The Ditchling, Firle and Brighton Junction Railway. M.Taylor" 1 Spr 11 1978 Article: Headcodes. ‘KReW’ 1 Spr 14 1978 Article: Running In. M.Hannan 1 Spr 16 1978 Article: A National Model Museum. J.Kitching 1 Spr 17 1978 Hints’n’Tips: Wire Tips – Signal Control of Trains at a Point 1 Spr 18 1978 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’. M.Anderson 1 Spr 19 1978 Product Review: Fleischmann – SNCF Modern Electrics 1 Spr 21 1978 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer" 2 Sum 23 1978 Readers’ Letters: Comment on Journal plus Scenic ‘Quick Tip’; Roco as an Alternative?; New Langley Kits; An Idea on Couplings etc. 2 Sum 25 1978 Layout: ‘The Boys from Way Down Under’. H.Heward 2 Sum 28 1978 Journal Survey Report 2 Sum 32 1978 Article: Turntable for ‘N’ Gauge. A.Knox 2 Sum 33 1978 News from Interail 2 Sum 36 1978 Product Review: Bailey’s Dailies – Vacuum Pipes / Coach Corridor Connections / Name/Number Plates 2 Sum 36 1978 Product Review: Fulgarex/Concor – 2 & 3 Aspect Light Signals 2 Sum 38 1978 Book Review: A Pictorial Record of Southern Signals 2 Sum 39 1978 Product Review: Faller – Level Crossing 2 Sum 39 1978 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’ (cont.). M.Anderson 2 Sum 41 1978 Hints’n’Tips: Wire Tips – What is a DPDT? 2 Sum 43 1978 "Society News: General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer" 3 Aut 45 1978 Hints’n’Tips: Wire Tips – Rectifiers in Sidings 3 Aut 46 1978 Readers’ Letters: Langley GWR County 4-6-0; Bouquet!!; News from Interail 3 Aut 47 1978 Article: Super-detailed Tender Springs and Handrails. B.Newlove 3 Aut 50 1978 Loco Survey Report 3 Aut 51 1978 Article: Channel ‘N’ Tunnel. H.Rowe 3 Aut 53 1978 Article: Modifications to the Peco Jubilee. D.V.Hynes 3 Aut 53 1978 Article: Scratchbuilt LSWR 10 Ton Van. R.W.Snelling 3 Aut 54 1978 Article: A Sort of Failure. A.Price 3 Aut 56 1978 Product Review: Fleetline Model Co – Coach Seating Unit 3 Aut 58 1978 "Book Review: The Arthurs, Nelsons and Schools of the Southern" 3 Aut 59 1978 Product Review: Herpa – Engine Shed 3 Aut 60 1978 Product Review: Peco – Brush & Scraper 3 Aut 61 1978 Books Review: Oxford Publishing Co./British Rail – Track Plans / Drawings / Photographs 3 Aut 61 1978 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’ (cont.). M.Anderson 3 Aut 63 1978 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary. Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer" 4 Win 66 1978 Results of the 1978 Modelmaking Competition 4 Win 69 1978 Hints’n’Tips: Wire Tips – Circuit Direction Indicator 4 Win 69 1978 Readers’ Letters: Product Catalogues – Product Quality; Minitrix Electric Locos – A Weakness Identified?; Vandalism?; ‘My Layout’; N Gauge On Show; Beaver 0-6-4 Highland Railway Tank on Graham Farish 0-6-0 Chassis; Good Service 4 Win 70 1978 Article: The French Scene in N Gauge. P.Brumwell 4 Win 74 1978 Loco Survey Report – Sequel 4 Win 76 1978 Article: Scratchbuilt LSWR Refrigerator Van. R.W.Snelling 4 Win 79 1978 Article: Some Thoughts on N Gauge Couplings. C.F.Shield 4 Win 80 1978 Article: Modifications to the Farish Hall. D.V.Hynes 4 Win 81 1978 Product Review: Fleischmann – 0-4-0 Track Cleaning Loco 4 Win 82 1978 Product Review: Fleetline Model Co – GWR Conical Water Tower 4 Win 83 1978 Product Review: P&D Marsh – CWR Conical Water Tower 4 Win 83 1978 Product Review: Piko – USSR Class ChS4 Co-Co 4 Win 85 1978 Product Review: Skytrex Roadscene – Road Vehicles 4 Win 86 1978 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in ‘N’ (cont.). M.Anderson 4 Win 87 1979 "Society News: Chairman, Treasurer & Editor, Membership Secretary, General Secretary, Publicity Officer." 1 Spr 2 1979 Readers’ Letters: Hall to Castle; Vandalism??; Manufacturers; Elecolit; Electrical Contact; Lima Locos; Ready to Run – Modern Image 1 Spr 4 1979 Report: 1979 British Toy & Hobby Fair. R.McCulloch & J.Loweth 1 Spr 9 1979 Article: Keeping It Running. ‘KReW’. 1 Spr 10 1979 Article: Scratchbuilt Cambrian Railways 13 ton Brake Van – Assembly Plans & Instructions. R.W.Snelling 1 Spr 12 1979 Layout: Eghbaston – A Turning Wicket. J.Allison 1 Spr 13 1979 Article: More Thoughts on N Gauge Couplings. D.Sutton 1 Spr 16 1979 Book Review: ‘Great Western Miscellany’ vol 1 1 Spr 17 1979 Product Review: Piko – USSR Long Distance Coach 1 Spr 18 1979 Product Review: Eko – Metal Models (road vehicles) 1 Spr 18 1979 Product Review: Lima – BR Class 55 Deltic Co-Co Diesel Loco 1 Spr 19 1979 Article: Continental Colour Light Signalling Practice. T.Peyton 1 Spr 20 1979 "Society News: Chairman, Publicity Officer, Membership Secretary, General Secretary, Treasurer & Editor" 2 Sum 24 1979 Readers’ Letters: Elecolit 340; A Note of Caution; 0-4-0 Track Cleaning Loco; Industrial Saddle Tank; Loco Survey Report; A Large Loft Layout; Catalogues; Food For Thought; On This and That. 2 Sum 27 1979 Article: “If At First You Don’t Succeed…” – Part 1 ‘First Beginnings’. P.C.Wiseman 2 Sum 32 1979 Article: Scratchbuilt Cambrian Railways 6 ton Covered Goods Van – Assembly Plans & Instructions. R.W.Snelling 2 Sum 36 1979 Layout: Eghbaston – A Turning Wicket (cont.). J.Allison 2 Sum 37 1979 Article: Lima Deltic & Class 31 – Cure That Stopping on Dead Frogs. D.Riches 2 Sum 40 1979 Article: Beginner’s Corner. K.Gardner 2 Sum 41 1979 Article: Modern Image – Diesel Horn Circuit. M.Marsh 2 Sum 42 1979 Product Review: Grandt Line Products Inc – Windows & Doors 2 Sum 42 1979 Product Review: Roco – Diesel Electric Series 59 Bo-Bo 2 Sum 43 1979 Product Review: Roco – Car Transporter 2 Sum 44 1979 Product Review: D&M Castings – Rebuilt Jubilee 2 Sum 45 1979 Product Review: Transport Replicas – London Bus Type R.T. 2 Sum 46 1979 Layout: Tuxford Central (part 1). J.Warner 2 Sum 47 1979 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Publicity Officer; 1979 AGM Agenda" 3 Aut 50 1979 Readers’ Letters: Food For Thought; Loco Survey; A Letter to the Editor 3 Aut 52 1979 Article: “If At First You Don’t Succeed…” – Part 2 ‘Planning & Baseboards’. P.C.Wiseman 3 Aut 55 1979 Article: Railways in Dockland. T.P.Spink 3 Aut 58 1979 Layout: Deer Park 1977. M.Turner 3 Aut 59 1979 Article: Improving Pickup on the Lima 4f – Cure That Stopping on Dead Frogs. D.Riches 3 Aut 61 1979 Article: Beginner’s Corner. K.Gardner 3 Aut 62 1979 Product Review: Grafar – 08 Diesel Shunter 0-6-0 3 Aut 63 1979 Product Review: D&M Castings – LNER J39 Class 0-6-0 3 Aut 64 1979 Product Review: Langley Miniature Models – Blacksmith Scene 3 Aut 66 1979 Product Review: Grafar – NE 25 ton Bogie Van 3 Aut 67 1979 Layout: Tuxford Central (part 2). J.Warner 3 Aut 68 1979 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer" 4 Win 71 1979 Readers’ Letters: Loco Survey; Lima 4F – Improving Reliability; Solutions – Tracking Over Long Crossings / Random Uncoupling; Magnetic Couplings; Graham Farish Live Frog Points; Lima 4F – Improving Slow Running 4 Win 74 1979 Layout: Dedworth. S.Buck 4 Win 78 1979 Article: Branch Line Special. E.R.Ware 4 Win 81 1979 Article: “If At First You Don’t Succeed…” – Part 3 Scenery. P.C.Wiseman 4 Win 83 1979 Product Review: Lima- GWR Horse Box 4 Win 86 1979 Product Review: Langley Miniature Models – LNER Sentinel Cammell Steam Railcar 4 Win 86 1979 Product Review: A.B.S. – 03 Diesel Shunter 0-6-0 4 Win 88 1979 Book Review: ‘Great Western Miscellany’ vol 2 4 Win 89 1979 Product Review: Thameshead Models – White Metal Cast Vehicles 4 Win 89 1979 Product Review: Various Manufactureres – Binocular Magnifiers 4 Win 90 1979 Product Review: D&M Castings – Fowler Patriot 4 Win 91 1979 Product Review: Ibertren – Electric Loco Class 6700 (Spanish Railways) 4 Win 92 1979 Article: Train Identification – the four position system. D.Edwards 4 Win 94 1980 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer, Treasurer; 1980 AGM" 1 Spr 4 1980 Readers’ Letters: Jubilee to Scot / Couplings; Relco Track Cleaning Device 1 & 2; Pullman Names; Handy Tray for Engine Maintenance; Hampshire Module Group?; “on This and That”. 1 Spr 6 1980 An Appeal – National Model Museum 1 Spr 9 1980 Layout: A Quart in a Pint Pot. J.Carter 1 Spr 10 1980 Article: Beginner’s Corner. K.Gardner 1 Spr 12 1980 Article: Improve that Loco-Tender Pick Up for Graham Farish Locomotives. M.Russell 1 Spr 13 1980 Article: If At First You Don’t Succeed. P.Wiseman 1 Spr 16 1980 Product Review: Roco – BR 144-5 Electric Locomotive 1 Spr 19 1980 Product Review: Roco – DB Express Coaches (The Pikes) 1 Spr 19 1980 Product Review: Minitrix – BR Warship Class Diesel Hydraulic 1 Spr 21 1980 Product Review: Thameshead Models – Leyland National 11.3m Bus & W&E Electric Milk Float 1 Spr 22 1980 Product Review: ECM – Compspeed Rambler 1 Spr 22 1980 Product Review: D&M Castings – LNER J52 Saddle Tank Loco 1 Spr 23 1980 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in N – The Cavendish 57XX Kit. M.Anderson 1 Spr 24 1980 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary; 1980 AGM; Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer" 2 Sum 32 1980 Readers’ Letters: Trackwork – Help!; Transfers – “Swaps”; Minitrix PO Wagons; Loco Maintenance; Loco kits – How Difficult to Assemble; “New” Graham Farish Products – Comment; Wear Your Badges; Bits and Pieces – Flying Everywhere!; Model Shop Survey 2 Sum 35 1980 Article: N Scale Road Vehicles. M.A.Hall 2 Sum 37 1980 Article: Capacitor Discharge Unit for Electric Point Operation. M.Marsh 2 Sum 38 1980 Article: That Finishing Touch – Telegraph Poles. M.Russell 2 Sum 39 1980 Module Group Page 2 Sum 40 1980 Article: More on the Lima 4F. D.Crossland 2 Sum 41 1980 Article: Eastern Region 8ft Square Door to Door Container. E.Lungley 2 Sum 42 1980 Article: Lineside in ‘N’ – Making your own Lamp Standards. G.Dyson 2 Sum 42 1980 Article: Number System to Shunt By. L.Osborne 2 Sum 47 1980 Product Review: Roco – DB 0-6-0 Stam Tank Loco 2 Sum 49 1980 Product Review: Graham Farish – Superliveway Points 2 Sum 50 1980 Product Review: Grafar/Ratio – Point Lever Control 2 Sum 50 1980 Product Review: Roco – BR V215 Diesel Loco / German Freight Wagons 2 Sum 51 1980 Product Review: Graham Farish – Open and Covered Hoppers 2 Sum 52 1980 Product Review: Graham Farish – Class 4P Locomotive and Coaches (SDJR) 2 Sum 53 1980 Product Review: Graham Farish – LMS Class 5 and Coaches 2 Sum 54 1980 Product Review: D&M Castings – LMS/BR Stanier Princess 2 Sum 55 1980 Article: A Visit to the Great Western in N – The Cavendish 57XX Kit (cont). M.Anderson 2 Sum 56 1980 "Society News: Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, General Secretary - 1980 AGM; Publicity Officer" 3 Aut 64 1980 Readers’ Letters: Grafar “Holden” Tank – Repairs; Relco Track Cleaning Device; Society Badge & Correspondence; Couplings; Wheel Track Standards; Minitrix PO Wagons; 3 Aut 66 1980 Article: Improve That Loco - More Pulling Power for the Minitrix Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0. M.Russell 3 Aut 69 1980 Layout: The Porth Valley Line part 1. I.Coe 3 Aut 70 1980 Article: A Remote Controlled Decoupler. E.A.Tyndall 3 Aut 76 1980 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – The Ground Rules. “Krew” 3 Aut 79 1980 Module Group Page 3 Aut 80 1980 Product Review: Roco – OBB 1st & 2nd Class Coaches 3 Aut 81 1980 Product Review: Roco – BR191 Electric Loco 3 Aut 82 1980 Product Review: P&D Marsh – Brush Class 47 Diesel Body Kit 3 Aut 83 1980 Product Review: Builder Plus – Pub and Houses Kits 3 Aut 84 1980 News from Interail 3 Aut 84 1980 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer" 4 Win 92 1980 Article: Forever Planning. A.Persson 4 Win 94 1980 Layout: The North Cumberland Line. J.Warner 4 Win 95 1980 Layout: The Porth Valley Line part 2. I.Coe 4 Win 98 1980 Article: Lineside in ‘N’ – A Northeastern Slotted Post Signal 4 Win 100 1980 Module Group Page 4 Win 101 1980 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – Minitrix Warship Class 42. “Krew” 4 Win 102 1980 Article: An Engineer’s Inspection Saloon. D.Crossland 4 Win 103 1980 Product Review: Minitrix – BR Class A4 Locomotive 4 Win 107 1980 Product Review: Ridley Photo/Electronics – RPE 003K Series 1 Inertia Controller Kit 4 Win 108 1980 Product Review: Lima – GWR Siphon G and Palethorpes Siphon G 4 Win 109 1980 Product Review: Peco – SR 15’ Brake 4 Win 110 1980 Product Review: D&M Castings – Lineside Mess Coach and Water Tower 4 Win 111 1980 Article: Roco DB Electric Loco Class E91. S.May 4 Win 112 1980 Readers’ Letters: Loco Wheel Spacing; Loco Kits & Conversions; Lima 4F; Relco & Minitrix 2MT; MTK DMU Kits; Lyme Regis Station; ABS Models – A Warning; American Outline Models; Loco Improvements 4 Win 114 1981 "Society News: Reports: 1981 British Toy & Hobby Fair, 1981 Nuremburg Toy Fair; General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer." 1 Spr 6 1981 Layout: Noakes Castle. J.Noakes 1 Spr 10 1981 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – Fleischmann 7334-DB Electric Loco Class 140. “Krew”. 1 Spr 12 1981 Article: Module Group Page. J.Holland 1 Spr 15 1981 Article: Constructing N Gauge Buildings. S.Worsley 1 Spr 16 1981 Readers’ Letters: N Gauge Standards; Cav’ndish 57XX; Zero 1; MTK DMU Kits; Scratchbuilt Track etc.; Relco; Graham Farish Compound; Society Badge & Grafar Locos; Modelmaking Lamp with Magnifier; Point Operation; Getting Screws Started; Roman Buildings; First Impressions. 1 Spr 24 1981 Article: Wagon Loads. S.Brasier 1 Spr 29 1981 Article: Minitrix Dock Tank into GWR 1366. G.Edmondson 1 Spr 31 1981 Product Review: Arnold – DB BR78 4-6-4 Steam Tank Engine 1 Spr 32 1981 Product Review: Grafar – BR Mk1 Coaches 1 Spr 33 1981 Product Review: Grafar – Buildings Kits 1 Spr 34 1981 Product Review: Lima – Bogie Tanker Wagons & CCT Vans 1 Spr 35 1981 Product Review: Roco – Electric 2 Car Set Type ET 85 1 Spr 36 1981 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer; Trade News" 2 Sum 44 1981 Layout: The Maggicombe Branch – Eleven Years On part 1. P.Hands 2 Sum 47 1981 Survey Results part 1 2 Sum 50 1981 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – Grafar ‘Hall’. “Krew” 2 Sum 52 1981 Readers’ Letters: Japanese Outline Models; Society Future; Why I Joined; Traction Tyres on Grafar Locos; MTK DMU Kits. 2 Sum 57 1981 Article: Red/Green Cab Control. N.Ballantine 2 Sum 60 1981 Article: Making Trees. S.Brasier 2 Sum 62 1981 Product Review: Little Jem Products 2 Sum 63 1981 Product Review: Grafar – BR Class 47 Diesel Locomotive 2 Sum 64 1981 Product Review: Thameshead Transport Kits 2 Sum 65 1981 Product Review: Roco – Coaches 2 Sum 66 1981 "Society News: Chairman, General Secretary, Publicity Officer, Membership Secretary." 3 Aut 72 1981 Article: the Missing Suede Brush (Wheel Cleaner); Electro-magnetic Screwdriver. J.&M.Noakes 3 Aut 73 1981 Layout: The Maggicombe Branch – Eleven Years On part 2. P.Hands 3 Aut 74 1981 Survey Results part 2 3 Aut 78 1981 Article: Module Group Page. J.Holland 3 Aut 80 1981 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – Peco/Arnold Hymek. “Krew” 3 Aut 82 1981 Readers’ Letters: Track Laying; Useful Hints; Putting Pen to Paper; On This and That 1; Help Received; MTK DMU Kits; Lone Star; Permanent Coupling Peco Wagons; On This and That 2; Tender Pickups. 3 Aut 86 1981 Article: Constructing N Gauge Buildings – Drawing the Plans. S.Worsley 3 Aut 91 1981 Product Review: Prototype Models – LNWR Station kit 3 Aut 93 1981 Product Review: Roco – Wagons 3 Aut 94 1981 Product Review: N.S. – Mill Tippers 3 Aut 95 1981 Product Review: Roco – Slide Side Wagons 3 Aut 96 1981 Product Review: Rivarossi – 4-8-8-4 ‘Big Boy’ Mallet Articulated Locomotive 3 Aut 97 1981 "Society News: General Secretary, Treasurer." 4 Win 104 1981 Layout: The Isle of Wight Railway – with Artistic Licence. J.B.Simon 4 Win 106 1981 Article: Simple Electronic Controller. D.Warr 4 Win 110 1981 Article: Inside Your Locomotive – ‘Holden’/Standard/94XX Pannier Models. E.A.Tyndall 4 Win 112 1981 Article: Converting Peco Points to Live Frog. H.MacLeod 4 Win 116 1981 Diagram: Pullman Observation Car Conversion. P.Hands 4 Win 118 1981 Readers’ Letters: Japanese Outline Models; Society Future; Grafar Hall; Attaching Peco Point Motors; Pullman Coaches; Lone Star Prairie; Lone Star; Roco Coaches – Back to Back; Fixing Buildings so they can be Removed. 4 Win 119 1981 Product Review: Grafar – BR Class 37 Diesel locomotive 4 Win 122 1981 Product Review: Roco – Tank Wagons 4 Win 123 1981 Product Review: Roco – OBB (Austrian) Thyristor Locomotive Type BR1044 4 Win 124 1981 Product Review: Roco – Dutch Mail Van 4 Win 125 1982 "Society News: Chairman, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer." 1 Spr 3 1982 Layout: Ferndale. G.R.Bennett 1 Spr 6 1982 Loco Kit Survey 1 Spr 10 1982 Article: Inside Your Loco – The Pico/Rivarossi Jubilee. “Krew” 1 Spr 13 1982 Article: Simple Electronic Controller part 2. D.Warr 1 Spr 14 1982 Article: The Clayton West Branch. S.Worsley 1 Spr 16 1982 Readers’ Letters: Ready To Run N Gauge; Isle of Wight Railway; Track and Wheel Standards; Transfers Wanted; Help Wanted 1; Hall Loco Servicing; On This and That 1; Zero 1; Plan Drawing; On This and That 2; Minitrix Spares; Proposed Loco Chassis Kits in N Gauge; Great Train Journeys of the World; Help Wanted 2; A Cheap Mallet 1 Spr 18 1982 Product Review: Roco – DB Skirted Dining Car 1 Spr 23 1982 "Product Review: Roco - DB ‘Schurzenwagen’ Series (1st, 2nd and Composite Coaches)" 1 Spr 24 1982 Product Review: Modhefix – Refrigerator Van 1 Spr 26 1982 Product Review: Springside Models – Head and Tail Lamps 1 Spr 26 1982 "Society News: Chairman, General secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer; Back to Back Gauge" 2 Sum 31 1982 Layout: The Great Windsor Railway. D.Wynne 2 Sum 34 1982 Article: Buildings in N Gauge. G.Stafford 2 Sum 38 1982 Article: Inside Your Loco – The Graham Farish ‘Spam Can’ Mark 1 Chassis. “Krew” 2 Sum 42 1982 Diagram: Clayton West Goods Shed. S.Worsley 2 Sum 43 1982 Readers’ Letters: GWR Locomotive Models; On This and That; Artist’s License; Improving the Minitrix Mallard; Novel Coal Sacks 2 Sum 44 1982 Article: The DB ‘Schurzenwagen’ Series. S.May 2 Sum 47 1982 Product Review: Graham Farish Class 101 DMU 2 Sum 49 1982 Product Review: Roco – DB ‘Schurzenwagen’ Series Mail Coch 2 Sum 50 1982 Product Review: Roco – DB BR215 Diesel Hydraulic Loco 2 Sum 50 1982 Society News: Publicity Officer 3 Aut 55 1982 Layout: Coton Junction. D.Loder 3 Aut 56 1982 Article: Build a White Metal Diesel. R.Knaggs 3 Aut 60 1982 Article: Furness Railway Buildings. S.Worsley 3 Aut 62 1982 Inside Your Loco – The Minitrix ‘Britannia’. “Krew” 3 Aut 64 1982 Readers’ Letters: Grafar Coach Conversions; Peco-Grafar Wagon Conversion; Grafar DMU; Model GWR Locos; Wheel Cleaning 3 Aut 65 1982 Product Review: Roco - Coaches 3 Aut 68 1982 Product Review: Skytrex Model Road Vehicles 3 Aut 70 1982 "Society News: General Secretary," 4 Win 75 1982 Article: Inside Your Loco – The Graham Farish 0-6-0s 4 Win 77 1982 Layout: A Hampshire Country Branch Line. T.C.Steven 4 Win 78 1982 Article: Hadleigh Station Drawings. S.Worsley 4 Win 82 1982 Article: From BR 9F to LNER P1. B.G.Yallop 4 Win 84 1982 Article: Grafar – Lima Coach Conversion. J.Waller 4 Win 85 1982 Readers’ Letters: On This and That; Two Motors; Grafar DMU 4 Win 86 1982 Product Review: Graham Farish – Class 20 Bo-Bo Diesel Electric 4 Win 87 1982 Product Review: Roco – DB Slide-Side Goods Wagon 4 Win 88 1982 Product Review: Hornby-Minitrix – Buildings 4 Win 90 1983 Article: Traction Testing of Locomotives & Rolling Stock. G.Armstrong. 1 Spr 3 1983 Product Review: Minitrix - Merry-Go-Round Coal Hopper. 1 Spr 5 1983 Product Review: Minitrix - Oil Tank 'Shell/BP'. 1 Spr 5 1983 "Article: Track-laying in N-Gauge, 1. T.Broadhurst." 1 Spr 10 1983 Layout: Chalford Amesbury Junction. J.Echlin. 1 Spr 18 1983 Article: Inside Your Loco - Farish DMU & HST. Krew. 1 Spr 23 1983 Article: N-Gauge Buildings. R.Dibley. 1 Spr 24 1983 Product Review: Minitrix - BR Class 47 Loco. 1 Spr 26 1983 Product Review: Unspecified - Back-to-Back Wheel Gauge. 1 Spr 27 1983 Article: Faded Rolling Stock. 'Chaser'. 1 Spr 28 1983 Book Review: Micro-Model Railways: an Introduction to 'N' & 'Z' scales. D.Riches. 1 Spr 28 1983 Readers' Letters: More odd comments on various subjects. T.Broadhurst. 1 Spr 29 1983 Readers' Letters: Odd comments on various subjects. T.Broadhurst. 1 Spr 29 1983 Article: Loco Kit Survey Update. R.Snelling. 2 Sum 5 1983 Article: Inside Your Loco - Farish Class 37/47. Krew. 2 Sum 6 1983 "Article: On This & That, 1. T.Broadhurst." 2 Sum 8 1983 Article: Permanent Coupling. 'Chaser'. 2 Sum 10 1983 "Article: New Buildings for a New Layout, 1. K.Robbins." 2 Sum 11 1983 Article: Railway Company Servants. A.Bending. 2 Sum 18 1983 Article: GWR 57xx Pannier Tank. J.J.Coleman. 2 Sum 22 1983 "Obituary: Doctor Kevin Gerard Fenelon, CBE, MA, PhD, CBIM." 2 Sum 22 1983 "Article: Experiences of a Pensionner, 1. C.J.Care." 2 Sum 25 1983 Readers' Letters: Farish Motors. B.Clay. 2 Sum 30 1983 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1982. 2 Sum - 1983 "Article: Track-laying in N-Gauge, 2. T.Broadhurst." 3 Aut 4 1983 Product Review: Langley - SR Q1 body kit. R.Sorrell. 3 Aut 4 1983 Layout: Riccall. A.Pulleyn. 3 Aut 5 1983 Article: N-Gauge Waterfall. C.Care. 3 Aut 8 1983 "Article: New Buildings for a New Layout, 2. K.Robbins." 3 Aut 10 1983 Article: Confessions of an Exhibitionist. K.Robbins. (cf. readers' letters) 3 Aut 18 1983 Article: Improving your Castle. J.Echlin. 3 Aut 21 1983 Product Review: Interail - Container. 3 Aut 24 1983 Article: GWR 57xx Pannier Tank. Editor's apology for omission. 3 Aut 26 1983 Article: Track Holder. 3 Aut 26 1983 "Article: On This & That, 2. T.Broadhurst." 3 Aut 27 1983 Readers' Letters: Market Research - Electronic point control system. R.Roscoe. 3 Aut 30 1983 Chairmen - Remarks. J.Holland. 4 Win 3 1983 Annual General Meeting 1983 - Report. R.Hansen. 4 Win 4 1983 Area Group Report. 4 Win 8 1983 Article: All for the Love of Modelling. K.Robbins. 4 Win 10 1983 Readers' Letters: Help Please - Loco & Coach Numbers. P.Reed. 4 Win 12 1983 "Article: On This & That, 3. T.Broadhurst." 4 Win 13 1983 Product Review: Graham Farish - LMS 8P 4-6-2 'Duchess'. J.Waller. 4 Win 19 1983 Book Review: Loco Modeller. M.Le Marie. 4 Win 20 1983 Product Review: Roco - European Open Goods wagon. S.May/R.McCulloch. 4 Win 21 1983 Product Review: Roco - DR Express Coach Set. S.May/R.McCulloch. 4 Win 22 1983 Readers' Letters: Smooth & Reliable Running. R.M.Schofield. 4 Win 27 1984 Product Review: Graham Farish - 100-ton Bogie Tank Wagon. 1 2 1984 Article: Constructing the 'Rhostanton' Turntable. K.Robbins. 1 3 1984 Readers' Letters: Confession of an Exhibitionist. B.Yallop. 1 12 1984 Product Review: Springside - GWR 4-wheel platform trolley. 1 13 1984 Readers' Letters: Member with no layout in Orpington area. P.Wiseman. 1 13 1984 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Brick paper & Grey slate paper. 1 17 1984 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Timber-built Barn. 1 17 1984 Library Notes. 1 18 1984 Article: Kit-Building. A.Calvert. 1 20 1984 "Product Review: Unspecified - Age of the TGV, the. M.Hughes-Owens." 1 22 1984 "Article: Experiences of a Pensionner, 2. C.J.Care." 1 24 1984 Product Review: Minitrix - French 'Grand Confort' Coach. M.Hall. 1 29 1984 Product Review: Minitrix - Swiss Express MkIII Coach. M.Hall. 1 29 1984 Area Group Report. 2 3 1984 Readers' Letters: Comments on T.Broadhurst's article in Spring '83. R.Southall. 2 8 1984 Readers' Letters: Help Please - At Exhibitions. P.Edmonson. 2 8 1984 Book Review: Scenery for the Model Railroads. M.Le Marie. 2 9 1984 Readers' Letters: One for the Ladies. Mrs.S.Yeeles. 2 9 1984 Product Review: Dart Castings - Lineside accessories. M.Le Marie. 2 11 1984 Article: Deltic Modifications. T.Newton. 2 12 1984 "Article: On This & That, 4. T.Broadhurst." 2 14 1984 Article: N-Gauge Standards - Views of 2 Members. 2 16 1984 Article in the Model Press of interest to N-Gauge Modellers. 2 19 1984 Toy Fair Report - 1984 Earls Court. 2 20 1984 Toy Fair Report - 1984 Neuheiten. 2 21 1984 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 'Warship'. 2 24 1984 Information Pamphlet N°2 scale conversion tables. 2 - 1984 Area Group Report. 3 3 1984 "Article: On This & That, 5. T.Broadhurst." 3 5 1984 IMREX 84. R.Hansen. 3 6 1984 Article: Chassis building in N-Gauge. M.Bryant. 3 8 1984 Readers' Letters: G/F Buffet Car. T.Ware. 3 9 1984 Article: N-Gauge Loco Kits Available @ 07/03/84. 3 13 1984 Article: Idle Thoughts on Layouts & Buildings. 3 16 1984 "Article: French Connection, the. J.Echlin." 3 19 1984 Article in the Model Press of interest to N-Gauge Modellers. 3 23 1984 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Country station. 3 23 1984 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Low relief cottages (x4). 3 23 1984 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Public house. 3 23 1984 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Terraced houses (x10). 3 23 1984 Readers' Letters: Help Please - Second Letter. P.Reed. 3 24 1984 Readers' Letters: Starting an Area Group. A.Jenkins. 3 24 1984 Readers' Letters: Mystery Wagon. C.Barnes. 3 25 1984 Readers' Letters: Stock Box. C.Case. 3 25 1984 Product Review: Roco - DB Class 160 (E60). 3 28 1984 Product Review: Roco - DB Class 44 2-10-0. 3 28 1984 Product Review: Roco - Bogie Rolling Stock (3 items). S.May/R.McCulloch. 3 29 1984 Product Review: Roco - Track Cleaning Wagon. S.May/R.McCulloch. 3 29 1984 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1983. 4 3 1984 Article: Confessions of an Assistant. C.Allbright. 4 5 1984 Article: N-Gauge Buses. M.Hall. 4 7 1984 Readers' Letters: Standards. R.Kelly. 4 10 1984 Annual General Meeting 1984. 4 14 1984 Product Review: Kato - Bogie Bulk Powder Covered Hopper. 4 19 1984 Product Review: Kato - Bogie Chemical Tanker. 4 19 1984 Product Review: Kato - Tramcar & Trailer. 4 19 1984 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - BR Lowmac. 4 19 1984 Article in the Model Press of interest to N-Gauge Modellers. 4 21 1984 Layout: Unnamed. W.Imrie. 4 22 1984 Area Group Report. 4 26 1984 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR Diag.B9 Heavy Roll Wagon. 4 29 1984 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - LMS Diag.D1875 54ft Theatrical Scenery Van. 4 29 1984 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - LSWR/SR 8/10-ton Box Van. 4 29 1984 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - NE/LNER 8-ton Meat Van. 4 29 1984 Area Group Report. 5 3 1984 Article: Modifying the Graham Farish Class 37. C.Dunn. 5 4 1984 "Article: MBM Coupling, the. A.Calvert/M.Bryant. (cf. readers' letters)" 5 6 1984 Article: Beavering About (building of HR 0-6-4T kit). R.Snelling. (cf. Reviews) 5 11 1984 Book Review: Book review. C.Dunn. 5 13 1984 Product Review: Cockrobin Controls - Colour light signals. D.Hutchings. 5 15 1984 "Article: On This & That, 6. T.Broadhurst." 5 16 1984 Product Review: Unspecified - 2mm Scale HST Nameplates. C.Dunn. 5 18 1984 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Brick paper & Grey slate paper. 5 19 1984 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Red tile & Sandstone paper. 5 19 1984 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Timber-built Barn. 5 19 1984 Article in the Model Press of interest to N-Gauge Modellers. 5 26 1984 "Article: Yes, I Remember Addlestrop. W.Robinson." 5 28 1984 Article: Rear Coach Tail Lighting. C.Care. 5 29 1984 Annual General Meeting 1984 - Report. R.Hansen. 6 3 1984 Area Group Report. 6 10 1984 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 6 12 1984 "Article: On This & That, 7. T.Broadhurst." 6 13 1984 "Article: History of N-gauge Coaches, a, 1. C.Allbright." 6 15 1984 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 55 'Deltic'. M.Hall. 6 19 1984 Product Review: Ratio - Signal Box. C.Dunn. 6 20 1984 Product Review: Ratio - Cattle Dock. M.Selby. 6 21 1984 Product Review: Mike Bryant - Chassis Kits. A.Calvert. 6 22 1984 Trade & Press Liaison. A.Calvert. 6 22 1984 "Product Review: Mike Bryant - Wheels, 3ft spoked bogie & wagon. A.Calvert." 6 23 1984 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Additions to Range. A.Calvert. 6 24 1984 Layout: Agos Lloegr. P.Barry. 6 25 1985 Area Group Report. 1 2 1985 Article: Exhibition Operators. K.Robbins. 1 6 1985 Article: Class 47 Conversion. C.Dunn. 1 8 1985 Library Notes. 1 12 1985 Book Review: Rolling Stock Recognition BR & Private Owner. 1 14 1985 Article: Traverser Thoughts. K.Robbins. 1 21 1985 Product Review: Howes of Oxford - Modern Image Loco Transfers. A.Calvert. 1 25 1985 Product Review: Ratio - Water Tower & Cranes. A.Calvert. 1 25 1985 Product Review: Marlott Mouldings - Telegraph poles & loading gauge. A.Calvert. 1 26 1985 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Wagon Lettering & Numbering. A.Calvert. 1 26 1985 Article: Conti-Board Joints. G.Armstrong. 1 27 1985 Book Review: British Railway Journal N°s 4 & 5. C.Dunn. 1 30 1985 Area Group Report. 2 3 1985 Article: B5226 in N-Gauge. D.Comber. 2 6 1985 Book Review: Modelling BR Today. C.Dunn. 2 8 1985 Article: GWR Shunters Truck. D.Wynne. 2 9 1985 Layout: Grasmere. C.Heath. 2 12 1985 Article: Uncoupling Review. K.Robbins. 2 15 1985 Product Review: Unspecified - TGV Update. M.Hughes-Owens. 2 19 1985 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 2 20 1985 Toy Fair Report - 1985 London. A.Calvert. 2 21 1985 Product Review: EKO - Road Vehicles. C.Barns. 2 22 1985 Product Review: Ibertren - Road Vehicles. C.Barns. 2 22 1985 Toy Fair Report - 1985 Nurnberg. A.Calvert. 2 22 1985 Article in the Model Press of interest to N-Gauge Modellers. 2 24 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - LMS Fairburn & Stanier 2-cyl. 2-6-4 (rtr & kit). 2 25 1985 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Flemish Bond brickwork paper. 2 26 1985 Area Group Report. 3 3 1985 IMREX 85. R.Hansen. 3 6 1985 Membership Secretary. B.Coombes. 3 8 1985 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 3 9 1985 "Article: History of N-gauge Coaches, a, 2. C.Allbright." 3 11 1985 Layout: Broadway. K.Broad. 3 14 1985 Article: How Green is Grass? D.Hestie. 3 16 1985 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Class 44/45 Peak Diesel. M.Hughes. 3 17 1985 Product Review: Churchwood - GWR timber-framed signal box. 3 19 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - BR Independant Snow Plough. 3 20 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Ransomes Rapier Breakdown Train. 3 20 1985 Product Review: Scale Link - Trojan Achilles Car. 3 21 1985 Product Review: Scale Link - Trojan Van. 3 21 1985 Product Review: Scale Link - Wind Water Pump. 3 21 1985 Product Review: D&A - LMS 3-Plank Wagon. 3 22 1985 Product Review: J.D.B.Chambers - LMS Coronation Scot coaches. 3 22 1985 "Article: On This & That, 8. T.Broadhurst." 3 23 1985 Product Review: ABS - MR 0-6-4T 'Flat Iron'. 3 25 1985 Readers' Letters: Not suitable for children under 36 months. I.Monay. 3 25 1985 Readers' Letters: Uncoupling. W.Lockyer. 3 26 1985 Article: Lights Beyond. C.Care. 3 27 1985 Readers' Letters: Peco Models. A.Chant. 3 30 1985 Article: Cavendish Coach Bogies. M.Renton. 3 31 1985 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 4 5 1985 Article: N-Gauge Standards. 4 6 1985 Readers' Letters: Standards. J.Kitching. 4 11 1985 Product Review: D&N - SR N15. M.Boydon. 4 12 1985 Readers' Letters: Twin Drive Units. D.Loder. 4 12 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - Freightliner. E.Cotton. 4 16 1985 Book Review: Carr's Soldering Handbook. C.Dunn. 4 17 1985 "Article: Simple Front Coupler, a. R.Jermy." 4 18 1985 Product Review: Ratio - Catalogue 1985/86. C.Dunn. 4 18 1985 "Article: On This & That, 9. T.Broadhurst." 4 19 1985 Product Review: Langley - Leyland Beaver Flatbed & 3-Way Tipper Lorries. A.Calvert. 4 27 1985 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Flagstone paper. 4 27 1985 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - LMS/LNER Wagon Lettering & N°s. A.Calvert. 4 27 1985 Product Review: Langley - Rhymney Railway Loco Kit. A.Calvert. 4 28 1985 Product Review: ECM - Motor-driven Point Actuator. A.Calvert. 4 29 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - 3-Plank Wagon (rtr & kit). A.Calvert. 4 29 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Bo-Rail Wagon. A.Calvert. 4 29 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Cemflow. A.Calvert. 4 29 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Lamprey Wagon. A.Calvert. 4 29 1985 Product Review: Ultima - Press Release. 4 30 1985 Area Group Report. 5 3 1985 Article: Renovating old Locos. C.Dunn. 5 6 1985 Layout: Agos Lloegr - a return visit. P.Barry. 5 9 1985 Layout: Hardy's Road MPD. D.Roberts. 5 12 1985 Article: Further comments on the Graham Farish Deltic. J.Waller. 5 17 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkI FB inc. Newspaper & Parcels Vans. M.Le Marie. 5 18 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkII Coaches. M.Le Marie. 5 19 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 52 'Western'. M.Le Marie. 5 20 1985 Readers' Letters: Bad running. S.Bark. 5 20 1985 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Yellow & Grey brick papers. A.Calvert. 5 21 1985 Product Review: Scratch Builder (Card Kits) - Terraced houses (revised). A.Calvert. 5 21 1985 Readers' Letters: Starting an Area Group. A.Grant. 5 21 1985 Readers' Letters: Transfers. R.James. 5 21 1985 Product Review: P & D Marsh - 4-Wheel Utility Van Kit. M.Young. 5 22 1985 Product Review: Rivarossi - CIWL Sleeping car Egyptian State Rlys. C.Barnes. 5 22 1985 Readers' Letters: Langley 'Coronation'. P.Redhead. 5 22 1985 Article: Society Wagon Kits. R.Snelling. 5 27 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - Revised DMU Chassis. M.Le Marie. 5 19s/h 1985 Area Group Report. 6 3 1985 Layout: Die Grunwaldbahne. D.Wynne. 6 6 1985 Article: Visit to Immingham MPD. D.Roberts. 6 10 1985 Product Review: Ultima - LMS Period III Stanier coaches. A.Calvert. 6 13 1985 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - LMS 6P5F 2-6-0 Hughes/Fowler 'Crab' (rtr & kit). 6 14 1985 Product Review: Peco - Well-type turntable kit. A.Calvert. 6 15 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LMS exMR 3-Plank Dropside Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LMS exMR 5-Plank Open Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LMS exMR Manure Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LNER exGC 10-ton Cattle Van. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LNER exGN 9-ton 4-Plank Open Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Hughes - LNER exNB 10-ton Box Van. A.Calvert. 6 16 1985 Product Review: Graham Farish - GWR Diesel Railcar. A.Calvert. 6 17 1985 Product Review: Ibertren - Breakdown Crane Set. A.Hall. 6 17 1985 Product Review: Langley - LBSCR Class E5 0-6-2T. D.Tomkiss. 6 19 1985 Membership Secretary. B.Coombes. 6 26 1985 Article: Loco Kit Survey. 6 27 1985 Readers' Letters: Help Please - For Leaner please. G.Henery. 6 27 1985 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 6 31 1986 Annual General Meeting 1985 - Report. 1 3 1986 Area Group Report. 1 6 1986 Book Review: Historical Survey: Midland in Gloucs.Stn. layout & illustrations. C.Dunn. 1 8 1986 Layout: Little Salkeld. C.Shape. 1 9 1986 "Article: Modelling The, 1 - LNER. R.Snelling." 1 16 1986 Article: People. M.Hughes-Owens. 1 19 1986 "Product Review: Thameshead - GWR 57xx, 87xx, 97xx Pannier Tank. A.Calvert." 1 20 1986 Product Review: Mike Bryant - Etched Brass 9ft w/b Wagon Chassis. A.Calvert. 1 21 1986 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - GF MkI/MkII replacement sides. A.Calvert. 1 22 1986 NGS Wagon - Kit 1 BR HJO/HJV 21-ton hopper. A.Calvert. 1 23 1986 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 1 25 1986 Layout: Hardy's Road MPD. Track plan. D.Roberts. 2 35 1986 Layout: Layout ideas. D.Roberts. 2 35 1986 "Article: For the Beginner, 1 - Planning. K.Robbins." 2 38 1986 Toy Fair Report - 1986 Earls Court. A.Calvert. 2 40 1986 Article: Wagon Survey. A.Calvert. 2 41 1986 Layout: Unnamed. A.Chant. 2 43 1986 Product Review: Fleetline - Catalogue. 2 48 1986 Product Review: GEM - Lancs.&Yorks. 2F 0-6-0ST. D.Tompkin. 2 49 1986 Product Review: Langley - GWR Class 2250 Collett 0-6-0. D.Tomkiss. 2 50 1986 Layout: Little Salkeld. Pictures. C.Shape. 2 51 1986 Product Review: Paul Hodgeson - BR 21-ton Bulk Mineral Wagon. A.Calvert. 2 53 1986 "Product Review: Unspecified - Painting & Lining Service, Loco, Coach, DMU. A.Calvert." 2 53 1986 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Blue Engineering brick paper. A.Calvert. 2 55 1986 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Sentinel steam shunter. K.Passfield. 2 57 1986 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 2 62 1986 "Layout: Topsy, 1. J.Cubberley." 3 67 1986 "Article: For the Beginner, 2 - Baseboards. K.Robbins." 3 75 1986 "Article: Modelling The, 2 - SR. R.Snelling." 3 75 1986 "Book Review: British Rail Spotters Companion, 10th Ed. M.Le Marie." 3 77 1986 Product Review: A1 Models - 21ft 6in Wheelbase Railfreight Van. A.Calvert. 3 78 1986 Product Review: Peco - AWS ramp. A.Calvert. 3 78 1986 Product Review: A1 Models - Diesel Nameplates. A.Calvert. 3 79 1986 Product Review: A1 Models - Loco Kits. A.Calvert. 3 79 1986 Product Review: Paul Hodgeson - NE 20-ton Hopper Wagon. A.Calvert. 3 80 1986 Product Review: Rivendell (Card Kits) - Crazy paving & limestone walling. A.Calvert. 3 80 1986 Product Review: P & D Marsh - GWR/LMS Horse-Drawn Dray. A.Calvert. 3 81 1986 Product Review: Sandpiper - Realistic model shrubs. A.Calvert. 3 81 1986 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Class 56. 3 83 1986 Article: Wheel Survey. C.Amundson. 3 84 1986 Layout: Agos Lloegr - pictures. 3 87 1986 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1985. 3 91 1986 Annual General Meeting 1986 - Notice. 3 94 1986 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - List. 3 95 1986 "Layout: Topsy, 2. J.Cubberley." 4 99 1986 IMREX 86. R.Hansen. 4 105 1986 "Article: For the Beginner, 3 - Track-Laying. K.Robbins." 4 106 1986 Article: Graham Farish Motors. A.Calvert. 4 109 1986 "Article: Modelling The, 3 - GWR. R.Snelling." 4 111 1986 Article: GWR 6-wheel Milk Tankers. M.Smith. 4 114 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - LSWR/SR 8/10-ton Box Van. 4 116 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - MR/LMS 10-ton Box Van. A.Calvert. 4 116 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - NE/LNER 8-ton Meat Van. 4 116 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - NE/LNER Tool & Mess Van. A.Calvert. 4 116 1986 Product Review: Howard Scenics - Traders' Shop Signs & Notices. 4 117 1986 Product Review: P & D Marsh - LMS 20-ton Brake Van Kit. A.Calvert. 4 118 1986 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - Replacement Wagon Wheels. A.Calvert. 4 118 1986 Product Review: Crownline - Conversion Kit for Minitrix 9F. A.Calvert. 4 119 1986 Manufacturers Competition 1985. 4 121 1986 Article: Diesel Refuelling Tankers. M.Smith. 4 126 1986 Library Notes. 4 127 1986 Area Group Report. 5 131 1986 Article: Future Wagon Kits. 5 134 1986 Book Review: LMS Stations. R.Hansen. 5 135 1986 Library Notes. 5 135 1986 Article: Southern Railway Signal Box. G.Green. 5 136 1986 "Article: Lure of the Lorelay, the. R.Pound." 5 138 1986 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - GF MkII replacement inlays. A.Calvert. 5 140 1986 Product Review: Ultima - Oval-headed loco & coach buffers. A.Calvert. 5 140 1986 "Product Review: Graham Farish - LMS, BR, LNER 8F 2-8-0. A.Calvert." 5 141 1986 Product Review: GEM - GWR 28xx 2-8-0. A.Calvert. 5 142 1986 Product Review: D.Hutchings - Road lights & 2-aspect lights. A.Calvert. 5 143 1986 Product Review: Arnold - Kleindeissellok BR323 0-4-0. C.Barns. 5 144 1986 Product Review: Ibertren - N-Gauge Boats. C.Barns. 5 144 1986 Product Review: Ibertren - Red X Van. C.Barns. 5 144 1986 Product Review: Ibertren - RENFE 0-4-0T Shunter. C.Barns. 5 145 1986 Product Review: Ratio - Upper quadrant signal. R.Hansen 5 145 1986 Obituary: Duncan MacKinley. 5 146 1986 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - Replacement Wagon Wheels. Correction. A.Calvert. 5 146 1986 Product Review: Tiny Signs - Road signs. R.Hansen. 5 146 1986 Readers' Letters: About the Society. N.Berney. 5 147 1986 Readers' Letters: Assistance List. A.Peyton. 5 147 1986 Readers' Letters: G/F Western. A.Robbins. 5 147 1986 Readers' Letters: Peco Models. I.G.Davies. 5 148 1986 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 5 151 1986 NGS Wagon - Kit 1 BR HJO/HJV 21-ton hopper. A.Hall. 5 153 1986 Product Review: Ultima - Kits & Accessory Price List for 2mm. 5 155 1986 Layout: Little Salkeld. Pictures. C.Shape. 5 157 1986 Product Review: Ultima - Accessory packs. A.Calvert. 6 55 1986 Annual General Meeting 1986 - Report. R.Hansen. 6 163 1986 Society Auction. R.Hansen. 6 165 1986 "Article: Most Interesting Evening, a. M.Boydon." 6 167 1986 Layout: Pontymoel. A.Swatton. 6 169 1986 Library Notes. 6 174 1986 Article: Learning About Planning the Hard Way. A.Ward. 6 175 1986 Article: Big Tank for Grasmere. C.Heath. 6 178 1986 Layout: Grasmere. C.Heath. 6 178 1986 Product Review: Mike Bryant - LMS All Steel Medium Goods. A.Calvert. 6 180 1986 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - More coach inlays. A.Calvert. 6 180 1986 "Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - BR Loco, MU & Coach Insignia. A.Calvert." 6 182 1986 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - PO Wagon Side Lettering. A.Calvert. 6 182 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR Agricultural Implement Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 183 1986 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - MR/LMS Coke Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 183 1986 Product Review: Graham Farish - Catalogue 1987. A.Calvert. 6 184 1986 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Class 45 'Peak' Nameplates. A.Calvert. 6 184 1986 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER J94 0-6-0ST. M.Le Marie. 6 185 1986 Book Review: Green Max. 6 186 1986 Product Review: Tomix - Catalogue. 6 186 1987 Area Group Report. 1 3 1987 "Article: Scottish Diesels, 1 - Class 29. J.Hazleton." 1 5 1987 "Article: For the Beginner, 4 - Basic Scenery. K.Robbins." 1 7 1987 Toy Fair Report - 1987 Earls Court. 1 9 1987 Article: How I won the Peco Cup. C.Sharp. 1 10 1987 "Article: Modelling The, 4 - LMS. R.Snelling." 1 13 1987 Article: Modelling Tools. A.P.Pell. 1 19 1987 Article: Minitrix 2-6-2T Modification. W.J.Shackel. 1 21 1987 Product Review: D.Hutchings - Street lights/signals. A.Calvert. 1 23 1987 Product Review: Ratio - Injection moulded laddering. A.Calvert. 1 23 1987 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Diesel Loco Nameplates. A.Calvert. 1 24 1987 Product Review: DG Couplings - Delayed Action Uncoupling. A.Calvert. 1 25 1987 Product Review: Tomix - 2118 Class EF58 Electric Loco. M.Hall. 1 25 1987 Product Review: Tomix - 2627 4-wheel Railbus. M.Hall. 1 26 1987 Product Review: Tomix - 2523 Sleeping Coach. M.Hall. 1 27 1987 Product Review: Tomix - 3503 Set of 3 Cars. M.Hall. 1 27 1987 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 1 28 1987 Help Line. 1 29 1987 Layout: Via the Drag. A.C.Lewis. 2 35 1987 Article: Confessions of a Long-Distance Planner. J.Tucker. 2 39 1987 Annual General Meeting 1987. 2 43 1987 Product Review: N-Gauge Motive Power Kits as at 23/11/1986. R.Snelling. 2 45 1987 Product Review: Westward - GWR Bullion Van. A.Calvert. 2 49 1987 "Product Review: Nu-Cast - NER P2/P3, LNER J26/J27 0-6-0 Heavy Goods. A.Calvert." 2 50 1987 Product Review: Westward - Steam/Diesel Loco Accessory/Detailing Packs. A.Calvert. 2 50 1987 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - HBA/HEA Hopper Wagon. A.Calvert. 2 51 1987 Product Review: A1 Models - OCA/SPA Railfreight Wagons. A.Calvert. 2 52 1987 Product Review: Ultima - LNER Gresley coach kits. A.Calvert. 2 53 1987 Product Review: Ibertren - SBB Covered Hopper 'Feldschlosschen'. A.Chant. 2 55 1987 Product Review: Ibertren - FS Interfrigo 'Migro'. A.Chant. 2 56 1987 Product Review: Orbit - Track Cleaning Wagon. R.Bolton. 2 56 1987 NGS Wagon - Kit 2 GWR/BR(WR) Goods Mink 'C' Van. A.Calvert. 2 58 1987 Article: Handy Hints. J.Kelland. 2 59 1987 Area Group Report. 2 61 1987 "Article: Scottish Diesels, 2 - Class 27. J.Hazleton." 3 67 1987 Obituary: John Rabone. 3 68 1987 "Article: Modelling The, 5 - British Railways. R.Snelling." 3 69 1987 Product Review: Crownline - BR 9F Crosti-Boilered Conversion. R.Storme. 3 75 1987 Article: Model Railway Operations. I.G.Davies. 3 78 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 33. M.Le Marie. 3 81 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47. M.Le Marie. 3 81 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - 5-Plank Open Wagon. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - 7-Plank Open Wagon. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Brake Van. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Covered Hopper Wagon. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Mineral Wagon. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Graham Farish - Single Vent Van. M.Le Marie. 3 82 1987 Product Review: Prototype Models - Re-released card kits. A.Calvert. 3 82 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottage & village shop. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottage with forge. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottages (x2) Cotswold. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottages (x2) large or small. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottages (x3) with shop. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cottages (x3) with workshop. A.Calvert. 3 83 1987 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Steam Loco Name & Number Plates. A.Calvert. 3 85 1987 NGS Wagon - Kit 1 BR HJO/HJV 21-ton hopper. A.Calvert. 3 86 1987 Area Group Report. 3 87 1987 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 3 90 1987 Readers' Letters: Tools. R.Combers. 3 91 1987 Readers' Letters: Epoxy Resin. R.Fearn. 3 92 1987 Readers' Letters: Train Operations. S.Brasier. 3 92 1987 Readers' Letters: Peco Models. I.G.Davies. 3 94 1987 Article: Signalling. J.Parsons. 4 99 1987 Article: Simple Electronics - Auto Stop/Reverse. J.Thurman. 4 101 1987 Article: Roco Close-Couplers. C.Amundson. 4 103 1987 Article: Occasional Thoughts - Mooring of Boats. J.Kelland. 4 104 1987 "Article: Modelling The, 6 - British Rail. R.Snelling." 4 105 1987 "Book Review: Power of the 50s, the. M.Le Marie." 4 107 1987 "Book Review: Power of the A4s, the. M.Le Marie." 4 107 1987 Book Review: Southern Mainline Cameraman. M.Le Marie. 4 107 1987 "Book Review: Weymouth Harbour Tramway, the. M.Le Marie." 4 107 1987 "Layout: Malt Line, the." 4 109 1987 Product Review: Thameshead - NE/LNER 20-ton Mineral Wagon. A.Calvert. 4 111 1987 Product Review: Thameshead - Wickham Trolley & Trailer. A.Calvert. 4 111 1987 Product Review: Scale Link - Gates & railings. A.Calvert. 4 112 1987 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Diesel Loco Nameplates & Crests. A.Calvert. 4 112 1987 Product Review: Scale Link - Push Bikes. A.Calvert. 4 113 1987 Product Review: Scale Link - Austin LL Taxi. A.Calvert. 4 114 1987 Product Review: Thameshead - Horse-Drawn Vehicles. A.Calvert. 4 114 1987 Product Review: P & D Marsh - NE passenger footbridge. A.Calvert. 4 115 1987 Product Review: Thameshead - BMC 20' Articulated Lorry. A.Calvert. 4 115 1987 Product Review: Thameshead - BMC Box Van. A.Calvert. 4 115 1987 Product Review: John Gray - 16-ton Mineral Wagon. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: John Gray - BR 27-ton Tipper. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: John Gray - High-Sided Goods with Bar. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: John Gray - ZAV Medium Goods. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Modern street lamps, inc.overhanging. A.Calvert." 4 116 1987 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Morris Commercial Lorry. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Park railings. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Station barrow. A.Calvert. 4 116 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Country inn timber framer. A.Calvert. 4 117 1987 Area Group Report. 4 119 1987 Readers' Letters: Uncoupling. K.Kent. 4 121 1987 Readers' Letters: Help Please - ABS 03 Kit & SR 3rd Rail. I.Davis. 4 122 1987 Readers' Letters: Trade Development. J.Spencer. 4 122 1987 Readers' Letters: G/F Hall & Peco Turntable. G.Rogers. 4 124 1987 Readers' Letters: Correction to article in 1987/3. R.Storme 4 125 1987 Readers' Letters: Correction to letter in 1987/3. S.Brasier. 4 125 1987 Readers' Letters: Requests. A.Henly. 4 126 1987 Readers' Letters: Spencer Kits. K.Whitbread. 4 126 1987 NGS Wagon - Kit 2 GWR/BR(WR) Goods Mink 'C' Van. Photo. 4 127 1987 "Product Review: Ratio - Station, platform, fencing. A.Calvert." 4 1141 1987 Layout: Ashbury. D.Sutton. 5 133 1987 Helpful Hints & Tips: Scenic Tips. P.Thorogood. 5 134 1987 "Article: Modelling The, 7 - Freelance. R.Snelling." 5 136 1987 Article: Ultima Coach Kits. R.Fearn. 5 139 1987 Article: LMS Signal Box (Churchward). A.Pell. 5 143 1987 Article: Track-laying. A.Calvert. 5 145 1987 Shop Manager. D.Read. 5 146 1987 Area Group Report. 5 147 1987 Readers' Letters: Spencer Kits. K.Whitbread. 5 149 1987 Readers' Letters: Third Rail. A.Potter. 5 149 1987 Product Review: Knightwing - List of items. A.Calvert. 5 150 1987 Product Review: Howes of Oxford - More Modern Image Loco Transfers. A.Calvert. 5 152 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - BR 12ft Chassis. A.Calvert. 5 153 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - BR 24½-ton Mineral Wagon. A.Calvert. 5 153 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - BR Grampus Open Ballast. A.Calvert. 5 153 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - Brass Buffers & Bearing Caps. A.Calvert. 5 154 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - GWR 20-ton Loco Coal Wagon. A.Calvert. 5 154 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - LNER 20-ton Loco Coal Wagon. A.Calvert. 5 154 1987 Product Review: Replica Railways - Diesel Loco Early/Modern Transfers. A.Calvert. 5 155 1987 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - BR Wagons 1950-Present Day. A.Calvert. 5 155 1987 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - GWR/SR Wagon Lettering & N°s. A.Calvert. 5 156 1987 Product Review: Ratio - Station building. A.Calvert. 5 157 1987 "Product Review: Lewis Galoob - Vehicles, Boats, & Aircraft. C.Barns." 5 158 1987 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1986. 5 159 1987 "Article: Scottish Diesels, 3 - Class 37. J.Hazleton." 6 163 1987 Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. Class L 0-6-2T Loco. R.Fear. 6 165 1987 Area Group Report. 6 166 1987 Article: Building a Sector Plate. R.Page. 6 169 1987 Article: Improving the Farish Castle. D.Sutton. 6 170 1987 Article: Farish to Peco Wagon Chassis Conversions. S.Brasier. 6 172 1987 NGS Wagon - Kit 3 MR/LMS/BR outside-framed box van. A.Calvert. 6 175 1987 "Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Cow house, stables & dairy. A.Calvert." 6 177 1987 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Farmhouse & barn. A.Calvert. 6 177 1987 Product Review: A1 Models - Diesel loco grill mesh. A.Calvert. 6 178 1987 Product Review: A1 Models - Diesel loco ladder strip. A.Calvert. 6 178 1987 Product Review: A1 Models - Diesel loco snow ploughs. A.Calvert. 6 178 1987 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Conversion for GF 33 to 33/1. A.Calvert. 6 178 1987 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - More coach inlays. A.Calvert. 6 179 1987 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - GWR/SR Wagon Lettering & N°s. A.Calvert. 6 180 1987 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - Replacement Wagon Wheels. A.Calvert. 6 181 1987 Product Review: Ultima - Further additions. A.Calvert. 6 182 1987 Membership Secretary. 6 183 1987 Readers' Letters: Adverts in the Journal. P.Murton. 6 184 1987 Readers' Letters: Lilliput Lane. P.Murtom. 6 184 1987 Readers' Letters: Cleaning Fluid. A.Peyton. 6 185 1987 Readers' Letters: Help for Beginners. L.Medway. 6 186 1987 Layout: Pinedale. M.Young. 6 187 1987 Readers' Letters: G/F Western. A.Potter. 6 187 1987 Article: And for the Moment the Blackbird Sang. B.Robinson. 6 190 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 1. B.Clay." 1 3 1988 "Article: Lineside Fencing, 1. P.Rees." 1 8 1988 Article: Footering with a '50'. A.Malloy. 1 12 1988 "Article: Maintaining your Locomotive, 1. M.Hughes." 1 15 1988 Annual General Meeting 1987 - Report. R.Hansen. 1 17 1988 "Trade & Press Liaison, 1987 AGM. A.Calvert." 1 19 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 3 MR/LMS/BR outside-framed box van. A.Calvert. 1 21 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 4 SR/BR 'Walrus' bogie ballast hopper. A.Calvert. 1 21 1988 Product Review: SEEP - Electro-magnetic uncoupling. A.Calvert. 1 22 1988 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - GF Bournemouth MkIs EMU/trailer. A.Calvert. 1 23 1988 Product Review: Phil Kerr - 2mm Westinghouse Pump. A.Calvert. 1 24 1988 Product Review: Brian Dollemore - Thatched house. A.Calvert. 1 25 1988 Readers' Letters: Parkside Dundas Wagons. S.Hannon. 1 26 1988 Readers' Letters: Parkside Dundas Wheel Sets. A.Knox/MS R.Storme. 1 27 1988 "Readers' Letters: Rutland Cuckoo Stirs, the. A.Pell." 1 28 1988 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Modern Image Loco Plates. A.Calvert. 2 25 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 2. B.Clay." 2 35 1988 Article: Populating your Layout. S.Saunders. 2 38 1988 Article: Wagon Conversions. S.Brasier. 2 39 1988 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 2 44 1988 Toy Fair Report - 1988. A.Calvert. 2 46 1988 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - More coach inlays. A.Calvert. 2 47 1988 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Modern BR Loco & Coaching Stock. A.Calvert. 2 48 1988 Product Review: Carr - Transfix. A.Calvert. 2 49 1988 Product Review: John Gray - BR 52' Bogie Bolster 'D'. A.Calvert. 2 50 1988 "Product Review: N Gauge Enterprises - Modern Image 25"" Ventilated Van. A.Calvert." 2 50 1988 Product Review: John Gray - BBA 50' Steel Carrier. A.Calvert. 2 51 1988 Product Review: Model Signal Engineering - 2mm signal components. A.Calvert. 2 52 1988 Product Review: Peco - Modern loco train shed. A.Calvert. 2 52 1988 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Steam Loco Name & Number Plates. A.Calvert. 2 54 1988 Product Review: Ratio - Station building & canopy. A.Calvert. 2 55 1988 Product Review: Ian Kirk - LNER Gresley. A.Calvert. 2 56 1988 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - LNER 20-ton Loco Coal Wagon. B.Herriott. 2 57 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 4 SR/BR 'Walrus' bogie ballast hopper. A.Calvert. 2 58 1988 "Article: Lineside Fencing, 2. P.Rees." 2 60 1988 Readers' Letters: Operating Systems. L.Medway. 2 60 1988 Readers' Letters: Wickham Trolley. A.Chant. 2 60 1988 Readers' Letters: Langley 'L&T Railcar'. A.Knox. 2 61 1988 Readers' Letters: Parkside Dundas Wheel Sets. A.Knox. 2 61 1988 Readers' Letters: Parkside Dundas 12' Wheelbase Wagons. B.Young. 2 62 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 3. B.Clay." 3 67 1988 "Article: Maintaining your Locomotive, 2. M.Hughes." 3 71 1988 "Article: Timetable, Clocks & Cards. A.Pell." 3 74 1988 Article: N-Gauge Coaches. C.Allbright. 3 76 1988 Article: Making Parkside Dundas & Other Kits. D.Tomkiss. 3 79 1988 Article: More on Micro Machines. P.Ingraham. 3 81 1988 Product Review: Ultima - LMS (early) & LNER stock. A.Calvert. 3 82 1988 Product Review: Construction Models - Steam Loco Vacuum Pipes. A.Calvert. 3 83 1988 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Churches large & small. A.Calvert. 3 83 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - 12-ton End Door Coal Wagon Kit. A.Calvert. 3 84 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - 3-Way Tipper Lorry. A.Calvert. 3 84 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Morris Commercial Lorry Gen.Haulage Body. A.Calvert. 3 84 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Street lighting. A.Calvert. 3 84 1988 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Barrels, milk churns & boxes. A.Calvert." 3 85 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Horses & Foals. A.Calvert. 3 85 1988 Product Review: Ratio - Stone loco shed. A.Calvert. 3 85 1988 Product Review: S.D.Mouldings - Stone retaining wall. A.Calvert. 3 86 1988 IMREX 88. R.Hansen. 3 87 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 4 SR/BR 'Walrus' bogie ballast hopper. A.Calvert. 3 87 1988 Article: Inter-City Class 47. K.Underwood. 3 89 1988 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1987. 3 91 1988 Article: Modern Image Modelling. C.Amundson. 3 92 1988 Readers' Letters: P&D Marsh. P&D Marsh. 3 94 1988 "Article: You, too, can have an EMU." 4 11 1988 Readers' Letters: That Blackbird again. B.Robinson. 4 12 1988 Area Group Report. 4 100 1988 Layout: Kirklonach & Carronmore. K.Underwood. 4 101 1988 Article: Improving Farish Pullmans. B.Taylor. 4 104 1988 Product Review: FMR - Modern Image Transfers (list of). A.Calvert. 4 106 1988 Product Review: Ratio - Apex-roofed station canopy. A.Calvert. 4 106 1988 Product Review: Bilteezi - Card Building Kits. A.Calvert. 4 107 1988 Product Review: Blacksmith Models - Brass Buffers. A.Calvert. 4 107 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Diesel re-fuelling point. A.Calvert. 4 107 1988 Product Review: Shesto Tools - Catalogue. A.Calvert. 4 107 1988 Product Review: Dornaplas - Terrace houses. A.Calvert. 4 108 1988 Product Review: DP Transformers - Capacitor Discharge Unit. A.Calvert. 4 108 1988 "Product Review: Unspecified - Hot-Air Blowing Tool, pocket-size, gas-fired. A.Calvert." 4 108 1988 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - BR 27-ton Iron Ore Tipper. A.Calvert. 4 108 1988 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - Replacement Roof for GF Vans. A.Calvert. 4 108 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 4. B.Clay." 4 109 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 3 MR/LMS/BR box van. Alternative modification. R.Hansen/R.Dockerill. 4 112 1988 NGS Wagon - Kit 2 GWR/BR(WR) Goods Mink 'C' Van. Comments. B.Taylor. 4 114 1988 Article: Occasional Thoughts - Cart Tracks. J.Kelland. 4 115 1988 NGS Wagon - Thoughts on Society Kits. A.Calvert. 4 117 1988 Layout: Not Quite Lambourn. D.Hymers. 4 118 1988 Article: Point Control (the simple answer). S.Allen. 4 120 1988 Article: For Better…? Railway Widow. 4 121 1988 "Article: Shunter's Tale, a. A.Pell." 4 122 1988 Book Review: BR Depots. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: BR Steam Portrait. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: British Rail in Colour. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: Diesels & Electrics for Scrap. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: In Focus: Vic Berry's. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: Professional Approach to Model Railways. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 Book Review: Railfreight. A.Chant. 4 124 1988 "Book Review: Signal Box, the. A.Chant." 4 124 1988 "Article: Pocket Computer, the. J.Kelland. (cf. readers' letters)" 4 125 1988 Readers' Letters: Water-filled tube in levelling. E.Lee. 4 126 1988 Area Group Report. 5 132 1988 "Article: Harrow, a Personal View. R.Stanley." 5 133 1988 Video Review: How to Build a Model Railway. A.Chant. 5 134 1988 Layout: Ravens Park. E.Chapman. 5 135 1988 Article: Silver Jubilee. R.Fearn. 5 141 1988 Article: Random Thoughts. R.Pound. 5 143 1988 Article: Climbing the Hill. A.Peyton. 5 145 1988 Article: Keeping Those Wheels & Tracks Clean. L.Medway. 5 146 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 5. B.Clay." 5 147 1988 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - GF MkI/MkII replacement sides. A.Calvert. 5 150 1988 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Improving the Lima Class 31. A.Calvert. 5 150 1988 Product Review: CJM - High Quality Diesel Re-Paints. A.Calvert. 5 151 1988 Product Review: Minitrix - LNER A3 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman'. A.Calvert. 5 152 1988 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Modern Image Loco Plates. A.Calvert. 5 153 1988 Article: Wagon TOPS Codes. N.Hambridge. (cf. readers' letters) 5 154 1988 Article: AFAN (Association Française des Amis du N). 5 156 1988 Readers' Letters: Fast Clocks. B.Fabris. 5 157 1988 Readers' Letters: Locos on cover of Journal. I.Brunel. 5 157 1988 Readers' Letters: Ode to a revitalised Journal. 5 157 1988 Readers' Letters: Reply to Mr.E.Lee's 'Quieting the Critics'. P.Shobbrook. 5 157 1988 Article: OTA Spotting for the Beginner. Moray Model Group. 5 158 1988 Product Review: Invictascene - List. A.Calvert. 6 18 1988 Annual General Meeting 1988 & 21st Anniversary Show. R.Hansen. 6 164 1988 Help Line. R.Snelling. 6 165 1988 Publicity Officers. K.Robbins. 6 165 1988 Area Group Report. 6 166 1988 "Article: 2-12-2T in 1:120 Scale, a. D.Comber." 6 167 1988 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, 6. B.Clay." 6 169 1988 Article: Bridge the Gap - With Linka. K.Underwood. 6 174 1988 Chairmen - Mike Le Marie (an appreciation). J.Holland. 6 178 1988 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - LNER/BR 13-ton OHV Open. A.Calvert. 6 179 1988 Product Review: Graham Hughes - GWR Class 2221 4-4-2T 'County Tank'. R.De Camin. 6 179 1988 Product Review: Arnold - Digital Control System. J.Holland. 6 180 1988 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Catalogue 1988/89. A.Calvert. 6 180 1988 Product Review: Blacksmith Models - Brass Wagon Buffers. A.Calvert. 6 181 1988 Product Review: BTA - Trees & Textures. A.Calvert. 6 181 1988 Product Review: Orbit - Kit to provide extra pick-ups. A.Calvert. 6 181 1988 Product Review: GEM - SR Z Class 0-8-0. A.Calvert. 6 182 1988 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER A3 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman'. A.Calvert. 6 182 1988 Product Review: Graham Farish - Container Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 183 1988 Product Review: Graham Farish - OAA Open Wagon. A.Calvert. 6 183 1988 Product Review: Graham Farish - VBA Van. A.Calvert. 6 183 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - GWR Autocoach. A.Calvert. 6 184 1988 Product Review: P & D Marsh - List of New Parts. A.Calvert. 6 184 1988 Readers' Letters: 21st Anniversary Exhibition. J.Pettigrew. 6 185 1988 Readers' Letters: 21st Anniversary Exhibition. P.Clarke. 6 185 1988 Readers' Letters: 21st Anniversary Exhibition. R.Lemaire. 6 185 1988 Readers' Letters: Relco Track Cleaner. I.Hutty. 6 185 1988 Readers' Letters: Locos on cover of Journal. P.Hefford. 6 186 1988 Readers' Letters: Pocket Computer. Correction to article in 1988/4/125. J.Kelland. 6 186 1988 Readers' Letters: TOPS Codes. B.Taylor/D.Hansen/N.Sloper. (cf. Helpline 89/3/6) 6 186 1988 Readers' Letters: MBM Couplings. L.Medway. 6 188 1988 Index - NGS Journal 1988. 6 190 1989 Area Group Report. 1 4 1989 Help Line. R.Snelling. 1 4 1989 Membership Secretary. 1 5 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 6 GWR/BR 'Loriot E' well wagon. A.Calvert. 1 5 1989 Exhibitions - Twickenham & District MRC. 1 6 1989 Toy Fair Report - 1989. P.Matthews. 1 7 1989 Layout: Grove Park. A.Chant. 1 8 1989 Article: Power control. P.Gardiner. 1 10 1989 Article: Close-Coupling HSTs. P.Latham. 1 14 1989 Article: Quieting the Critics. L.Medway. 1 15 1989 Article: Something Different (making a GUV). G.Hirst. 1 18 1989 Article: Some thoughts on Buildings. P.Thorogood. 1 19 1989 Product Review: John Gray - OBA Open Wagon. P.Matthews. 1 22 1989 Product Review: John Gray - SOV Pipe Wagon. P.Matthews. 1 22 1989 Product Review: John Gray - YAO Dolphin Track Carrier. P.Matthews. 1 22 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR Syphon C Body. A.Calvert. 1 22 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - MFA Scrap Iron Wagon Body. A.Calvert. 1 22 1989 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Detached House. P.Matthews. 1 23 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - Lamp Hut & Privy. A.Calvert. 1 23 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - Leire Halt Buildings. A.Calvert. 1 23 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - PXA/E Foster Yeoman Wagon Body. A.Calvert. 1 23 1989 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - Small LMS Halt Building. A.Calvert. 1 23 1989 Product Review: Eriam - SBB Driving Baggage Car. M.Hall. 1 24 1989 Product Review: Eriam - SBB Open Balcony 2nd Class Coach. M.Hall. 1 24 1989 Product Review: Ratio - Pratt truss signal gantry. A.Calvert. 1 24 1989 Product Review: Kean Maygib - Coach Wheels. Plain Disc. P.Matthews. 1 25 1989 Product Review: Kean Maygib - Wagon Wheels. 8-spoke & 3-Hole Disc. P.Matthews. 1 25 1989 "Product Review: Graham Farish - BR 20ft 9"" Container Wagon. I.Coe" 1 26 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 'Silcock Express'. I.Coe. 1 26 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER A3 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman'. I.Coe. 1 26 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - OAA Speedlink Open Wagon. I.Coe 1 26 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - OAB 6-Plank Open Wagon. I.Coe 1 26 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - VBA Van in BR & Speedlink Liveries. I.Coe 1 26 1989 Helpful Hints & Tips: Tips & Hints. M.Boydon. 1 28 1989 Article: Two Unusual GWR Engines. R.Bardsley. 1 30 1989 Readers' Letters: Repairs & Services. G.Humphries. 1 31 1989 Readers' Letters: TOPS Codes. P.Cheffings. (cf. Helpline 89/3/6) 1 31 1989 Readers' Letters: Traction Tyres. H.Winton. 1 31 1989 Help Line. R.Snelling. 2 4 1989 Library Notes. H.Winton. 2 4 1989 Membership Secretary. 2 4 1989 Area Group Report. 2 5 1989 Publicity Officers. M.Boydon. 2 6 1989 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1988 21st Anniv.Exhibition. I.Coe. 2 7 1989 Article: Postscript to Harrow. J.Holland. 2 9 1989 "Article: Shredded Wheat Loco Promotion, the. P.Farish." 2 11 1989 Article: Portable - and not so Portable. H.Norman. 2 12 1989 Article: Thanks to Ralph. R.Luis. 2 16 1989 Article: MkII Coaches Transformed. A.Malloy. 2 17 1989 Product Review: Ratio - Builder Series/Services Items. P.Matthews. 2 20 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Church. P.Matthews. 2 21 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Farmhouse & Barn. P.Matthews. 2 21 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Station. P.Matthews. 2 21 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Tenement block. P.Matthews. 2 21 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkII Coaches in NSE livery. M.Le Marie. 2 22 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 in NSE & Speed Link liveries. P.Matthews. 2 22 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 'Silcock Express'. 2 23 1989 Product Review: Minitrix - LNER Brake & 3rd Class Coaches. P.Matthews. 2 23 1989 Product Review: A1 Models - US Railroad Trackside Signs. P.Matthews. 2 24 1989 Product Review: Prototype Models - Goods shed. P.Matthews. 2 24 1989 Product Review: R.M.Forester - Tracklay. P.Matthews. 2 24 1989 Product Review: Graham Farish - Catalogue. P.Matthews. 2 25 1989 Product Review: Prototype Models - Light engine shed. P.Matthews. 2 25 1989 Product Review: Prototype Models - Terminus station. P.Matthews. 2 25 1989 Product Review: Ginginjini - Rub-on Transfers. M.Hall. 2 26 1989 Product Review: John Gray - Atlas Bogies & Underframes. P.Matthews. 2 26 1989 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - Class 15 BTH Bo-Bo Loco Kit. R.Storme. 2 27 1989 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - Class 40 Split Headcode Cast Ends. P.Matthews. 2 27 1989 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - GUV. P.Matthews. 2 27 1989 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - POA Scrap TipplerWagon Kit. P.Matthews. 2 27 1989 "Article: Tunnels to Hidden Sidings, Version 1. H.Rowe." 2 28 1989 Readers' Letters: New Locos. C.Fleming. 2 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Reviews of Flying Scotsman. S.May. 2 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Reply to Mr.E.Lee's 'Quieting the Critics'. J.Kitching/R.Coy. 2 30 1989 Readers' Letters: Continental reviews. B.Katten. 2 31 1989 Readers' Letters: On the Toy Fair Report. A.Malloy. 2 31 1989 Readers' Letters: Some old photos. D.Girdwood. 2 31 1989 Publicity Officers. M.Boydon. 3 4 1989 Help Line. R.Snelling. 3 6 1989 Area Group Report. 3 7 1989 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - PCB Keeper Plate. P.Matthews. 3 9 1989 Product Review: Ratio - Concrete Footbridge. P.Matthews. 3 9 1989 Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. Class L 0-6-2T Loco. P.Matthews. 3 10 1989 "Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. 6-Wheel 28'11"" Milk Van. P.Matthews." 3 11 1989 "Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. 6-Wheel 35'6"" Brake 3rd. P.Matthews." 3 11 1989 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - BR Pipe Wagon. P.Matthews. 3 12 1989 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - SR 20-ton Sleeper Wagon. P.Matthews. 3 12 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - GWR Fruit Van Kit. P.Matthews. 3 13 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - SR Planked Van Kit. P.Matthews. 3 13 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - SR Plywood Van Kit. P.Matthews. 3 14 1989 Product Review: Marpeth Designs - Farmhouse & Small Outhouse. P.Matthews. 3 16 1989 Product Review: Marpeth Designs - Low Relief House Backs. P.Matthews. 3 16 1989 Product Review: Marpeth Designs - Miscellaneous Items. P.Matthews. 3 16 1989 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Loco Detailing Parts. P.Matthews. 3 17 1989 Product Review: Crownline - Conversion Kit for Minitrix 9F. P.Matthews. 3 17 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 5 SR/BR bogie guards van. A.Calvert. 3 18 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 6 GWR/BR 'Loriot E' well wagon. A.Calvert. 3 18 1989 Article: Kit-bashing a Southern S15. D.Everall. 3 19 1989 Article: B&B Automatic Couplings. A.Winnett. 3 23 1989 "Layout: Up Aloft, 1. M.Boydon." 3 26 1989 Readers' Letters: Publicity at Harrow. K.Robbins. 3 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Thanks for Ralph Book. 3 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Thanks to Keith. A.Calvert. 3 29 1989 Article: Springside Loco Lamps. A.Calvert. 3 Feb-22 1989 Society Jumpers. 4 4 1989 Article: Continental Modelling in N-Gauge. P.Brumwell. 4 5 1989 Membership Secretary. 4 5 1989 Area Group Report. 4 6 1989 Management Committee Meetings. 4 7 1989 Help Line. R.Snelling. 4 8 1989 Article: Cards & Waybills. R.Bardsley. 4 9 1989 "Article: Modular Approach, the. West Sussex AG." 4 12 1989 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - China Clay 'Hood' for Minitrix HAA. P.Matthews. 4 13 1989 Product Review: SEEP - Electro-magnetic uncoupling system. P.Matthews. 4 13 1989 Product Review: SEEP - 2 & 3-aspect colour signals. P.Matthews. 4 14 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 411 (refurbished 4CEP). P.Matthews. 4 14 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Etched Brass Loco Detailing Parts. P.Matthews. 4 14 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - SR Class 411 Conversion Kit. 4 14 1989 Product Review: Eckon Products - Colour light signals. P.Matthews. 4 15 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Etched Brass Wagon Detailing Parts. 4 15 1989 Product Review: John Gray - Atlas Bogies & Underframes. 4 16 1989 Product Review: John Gray - POA Scrap Bogie Open Wagon. P.Matthews. 4 16 1989 Product Review: Portasol - Gas Soldering Iron. A.Calvert. 4 16 1989 Product Review: Knightwing - Brake Tender Kit. P.Matthews. 4 17 1989 Product Review: Crownline - Class 71/73/74. P.Matthews. 4 18 1989 Video Review: Trains to Tenterden. P.Matthews. 4 18 1989 "Layout: Up Aloft, 2. M.Boydon." 4 19 1989 "Layout: Mini Gotthard Railway, the. H.Simpson." 4 24 1989 Readers' Letters: Books. H.Winton. 4 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Charlie Griffith. C.Alderson. 4 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Harrow - Another View. N.Sloper. 4 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Journal goes Southern. G.Harris. 4 30 1989 Area Group Report. 5 4 1989 Help Line. R.Snelling. 5 4 1989 Product Review: Peco - Code 55 Finescale Turnouts. P.Matthews. 5 5 1989 Product Review: Ratio - Builder Series/Services Items. 5 6 1989 Product Review: Ratio - GWR Wooden Signal box. 5 6 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - 3-Way Tipper Lorry. P.Matthews. 5 7 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - BR Maintenance Lorry. P.Matthews. 5 7 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - British Leyland Sherpa Pick-Up. P.Matthews. 5 7 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Brick paper. 5 8 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Dry Transfer Lettering. 5 8 1989 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Private Owner Wagon Sides. P.Matthews. 5 8 1989 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Petrol Pumps (1960s & Self-Service). P.Matthews. 5 8 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - SAA/SAB Wagon Kit. P.Matthews. 5 10 1989 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - BR Vanwide Van. P.Matthews. 5 11 1989 Product Review: Parkwood Models - BR Vanwide Van Kit. 5 11 1989 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle - Class 15 (BHT Type 1) Diesel. P.Matthews. 5 12 1989 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - Diesel Brake tender TOPS RTV. 5 12 1989 "Product Review: John Phipps - Newspapers, Posters & Magazines, 2mm Scale. P.Matthews." 5 12 1989 Product Review: Parkwood Models - Class 15 BTH Bo-Bo Loco Kit. 5 12 1989 Product Review: Parkwood Models - Diesel Brake Tender Kit. 5 12 1989 Product Review: Planit Engineering - 3-Plank Wagon. P.Matthews. 5 12 1989 Product Review: Planit Engineering - Covered Van. P.Matthews. 5 12 1989 Product Review: Dart Castings - Platform accessories. P.Matthews. 5 13 1989 Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. 3-Plank Wagon. 5 13 1989 Product Review: Planit Engineering - North Staffs Rly. Goods Van. 5 13 1989 Product Review: Shire Scenes - Platform accessories. P.Matthews. 5 13 1989 Article: Modern Communications. P.Barry. 5 14 1989 Article: Result of the 1989 Steam Loco Survey. P.Matthews. 5 15 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 5 SR/BR bogie guards van. A.Calvert. (photo on back cover) 5 16 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 6 GWR/BR 'Loriot E' well wagon. A.Calvert. 5 16 1989 Article: Silver Fox A4. S.Lawrence. 5 17 1989 Product Review: Peco - Code 55 Finescale Turnouts. P.Matthews. 5 18 1989 Article: Airfields in 'N'. K.Tompkins. 5 19 1989 Layout: N the Beginning. 5 20 1989 Article: Producing a Traffic Delay. M.Harvey. 5 22 1989 "Article: Really Useful Engine (Shredded Wheat Loco), a. A.Calvert." 5 23 1989 "Article: Tunnels to Hidden Sidings, Version 2. H.Rowe." 5 26 1989 Readers' Letters: Journal goes Southern. Reply from Mr.P.Farish. 5 27 1989 Readers' Letters: BR & Continental together. S.Jackson. 5 28 1989 Readers' Letters: N-Gauge Trams. G.Rigby. 5 28 1989 Readers' Letters: Railway King Interiors. E.Ware. 5 28 1989 Readers' Letters: Farish NSE Coach. Ms P.McKenna. 5 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Modern Image. C.Fletcher. 5 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Merley House Model Museum. D.Neath. 5 30 1989 Readers' Letters: Motorised Shredded Wheat. H.Winton. 5 30 1989 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. R.Pearson (Ed). 5 31 1989 Annual General Meeting 1989. 6 4 1989 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. A.Calvert. 6 6 1989 Shop Manager. D.Read. 6 6 1989 Article: Result of the 1989 Diesel & Electric Loco Survey. 6 7 1989 Area Group Report. 6 8 1989 Continental Group. P.Brumwell. 6 9 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 5 SR/BR bogie guards van. A.Calvert. 6 9 1989 NGS Wagon - Kit 6 GWR/BR 'Loriot E' well wagon. 6 9 1989 Product Review: NGS Kit - GWR/BR 'Loriot E' Well Wagon Kit N°6. 6 9 1989 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Bogie Bolster Wagon. 6 10 1989 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Scammell Mechanical Horse & Trailer. 6 10 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Block of flats. 6 11 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Station building. 6 11 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Terraced house. 6 11 1989 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Warehouse/Engine shed. 6 11 1989 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Foster Yeoman Crushed Stone (Richard Dockerill). 6 11 1989 Product Review: Railstyle - Diesel & Electric Loco Repaints. 6 12 1989 Product Review: Fleischmann - DR Class 39 2-8-2 6 13 1989 Product Review: GGL Components - Gas Soldering Iron Kit. 6 13 1989 Product Review: Minitrix - DR Class 03 Loco. 6 13 1989 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Plans for 1989/90. P.Matthews. 6 14 1989 Product Review: Peco - Code 55 Finescale Turnouts; panic over. 6 15 1989 Helpful Hints & Tips: French Coach Sides. M.Harvey. 6 17 1989 Article: Graham Farish A3 Cosmetics. B.Pottle. 6 19 1989 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, Year 5. B.Clay." 6 20 1989 Article: Fibre Optic Lamps. T.Lowton. 6 24 1989 Article: Improving the Farish Class 08 Diesel. J.Johnson. 6 26 1989 Article: Motorising the Peco Turntable. J.Kelland. 6 28 1989 Readers' Letters: Network Coaches & other modern matter. B.Taylor. 6 29 1989 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. H.Potterton. 6 30 1989 Readers' Letters: Southern Matters. R.Scribbins. 6 30 1989 Product Review: Langley - Masterbuild Kits. P.Matthews. 2/3 14 1989 Product Review: Knightwing - Crane with loading bay. P.Matthews. 4/5 17 1990 Toy Fair Report - 1990. P.Matthews. 1 4 1990 Help Line. R.Snelling. 1 5 1990 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR 'Mica' Meat Vans X1 & X2. P.Matthews. 1 6 1990 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR 'Mink F' BogieVan. P.Matthews. 1 6 1990 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - GWR 'Damo' Motor Car Van. P.Matthews. 1 7 1990 Product Review: John Gray - BRV/YLA Borail/Mullet Kit. P.Matthews. 1 8 1990 Product Review: John Gray - YCV Turbot Kit. P.Matthews. 1 9 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Diesel fuelling points. P.Matthews. 1 10 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Drums & pallets. P.Matthews. 1 10 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Industrial pipe-work. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Modern road lamps. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Traffic lights. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Product Review: Knightwing - Workshop items. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Diesel re-fuelling point pump house. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Diesel re-fuelling point storage tank. P.Matthews. 1 11 1990 Exhibitions - Soc.Diary. 1 12 1990 Product Review: CJM - Loco Nameplates. 1 12 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Extruded Aluminium Roof. P.Matthews. 1 12 1990 Article: Southern Modelling. C.Harris. 1 13 1990 "Article: Search for 'N' Lightenment, the, Year 6. B.Clay." 1 16 1990 Article: Cost-Saving Cab Control Switch. B.Sinclair. 1 23 1990 "Article: Modeller Abroad, a. D.Tomkiss." 1 24 1990 Article: Fish & Chips? (Grampas Wagons). A.Malloy. 1 26 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback & Catenary Operation. H.Simpson. 1 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Underground Stock. R.Simmons. 1 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Continental Matters. B.Mason. 1 30 1990 Area Group Report. 2 4 1990 Shop Manager. D.Read. 2 5 1990 Annual General Meeting 1990. 2 6 1990 NGS Wagon - Kit 7 LMS/BR 16 & 20-ton goods brake vans. A.Calvert. 2 8 1990 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 91. P.Matthews. 2 10 1990 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkII Coaches (new versions). 2 11 1990 "Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkIII Coaches, TSOZE, FOZD. P.Matthews." 2 11 1990 Product Review: Shinohara - Code 60 Finescale Track. P.Matthews. 2 12 1990 Product Review: Victors - Shinohara Code 60 Finescale Track. P.Matthews. 2 12 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Flat Roof Station Canopy. P.Matthews. 2 13 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Signal Box Interior. P.Matthews. 2 13 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Brick-Built Lineside Hut. P.Matthews. 2 14 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Windows. P.Matthews. 2 14 1990 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Grey slate paper. P.Matthews. 2 15 1990 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Weighbridge. P.Matthews. 2 15 1990 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Modern Image Wagon. P.Matthews 2 15 1990 Product Review: Ultima - 1990 developments from Ultima. P.Matthews. 2 16 1990 Article: Swinging Gates. B.Herriot. 2 17 1990 Article: Kadee Couplers. J.Grey. 2 18 1990 Article: SR 16' brake van from NGS SR bogie guards van Kit. R.Coy. 2 19 1990 Article: Simple Train Detection. M.Crabbe. 2 20 1990 Layout: Zeebottem. D.Nicholls. 2 23 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. C.Hairsine/R.Coy/S.Hine. 2 26 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. A.Haim. 2 27 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. J.Cockburn/J.Berry. 2 28 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers & Foster Yeoman Ltd. L.Medway. 2 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Climbing A3s. W.Wilson. 2 30 1990 Readers' Letters: NSE Coaches. I.Monkton. 2 30 1990 Annual General Meeting 1990. 3 5 1990 Help Line. R.Snelling. 3 5 1990 Area Group Report. 3 6 1990 NGS Wagon - Kit 7 LMS/BR 16 & 20-ton goods brake vans. A.Calvert. 3 7 1990 Product Review: EMR Transfers - Various Waterslide Transfers. 3 8 1990 Product Review: FMR - Rail Signs. P.Matthews. 3 8 1990 Product Review: Woodhead Transfers - Modern Image Wagon. P.Matthews 3 8 1990 Product Review: Tiny Signs - Street Names. P.Matthews. 3 9 1990 Product Review: Invictascene - Loco. P.Matthews. (cf. readers' letters) 3 10 1990 Product Review: Invictascene - Various Cast Metal Kits. 3 10 1990 "Product Review: John Phipps - Posters, 2mm Scale. P.Matthews." 3 10 1990 Product Review: Neil Ballantine - Revised Keeper Plate for J94/08. P.Matthews. 3 10 1990 Article: Crocodile H to Crocodile E in a Snap. R.Bardsley. 3 11 1990 Article: Quarry & a Quandary. G.Goulding. (cf. readers' letters) 3 14 1990 Layout: Quarry & a Quandary. G.Goulding. (cf. readers' letters) 3 14 1990 Article: Salmon Poaching. C.Allanson. 3 18 1990 "Layout: Dark Canyon RR, 1. D.Watson." 3 20 1990 "Helpful Hints & Tips: Second, Third or so Extra Hand, a. C.Schuster." 3 23 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. I.Katz. 3 25 1990 Readers' Letters: West Country Pacifics. R.Coy. 3 25 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. B.Norman. 3 26 1990 Readers' Letters: Caveat emptor. W.Ginn. 3 28 1990 Readers' Letters: Electrics et al. R.Storme. 3 28 1990 Readers' Letters: Miscellany. S.Boyd. 3 28 1990 Readers' Letters: Matters GWR. B.Clay. 3 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Feedback Controllers. M.Windiate. 3 30 1990 Readers' Letters: Railway Journeys of my Childhood. L.Fleming. 3 30 1990 Shop Manager. D.Read. 4 4 1990 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1988 21st Anniv.Exhibition. R.Giles. 4 4 1990 Area Group Report. 4 5 1990 Journal Back issues. T.Colwell. 4 6 1990 Library Notes. J.Donachie. 4 6 1990 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 37 in new liveries. MS P.Wardell. 4 7 1990 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkIV Coaches in Intercity livery. Ms.P.Wardell. 4 8 1990 Product Review: Graham Farish - HST 125 Set in Intercity Swallow livery. Ms.P.Wardell. 4 9 1990 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Weighbridge & Office. A.Malloy. 4 9 1990 Product Review: Kingdom Kits - Product Information. A.Malloy. 4 10 1990 "Layout: Dark Canyon RR, 2. D.Watson." 4 11 1990 "Article: Model Train Controllers Feedback - Who needs it?, 1. P.Gardiner." 4 14 1990 "Article: Shredded Paint Job, a. C.Bradshaw." 4 18 1990 Layout: New Cavendish St. S.Searson. 4 20 1990 Article: LED's have some fun ! P.Thorogood. 4 24 1990 Readers' Letters: Starting a new layout. D.Nicholls. 4 26 1990 Readers' Letters: MBM Replacement wheels. P.Lowe. 4 27 1990 Readers' Letters: Back to the Future. J.Echlin. 4 28 1990 Readers' Letters: Service recommended. A.Peyton. 4 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Invictascene - a figment of the imagination. G.Henderson. 4 30 1990 Readers' Letters: Invictascene - Editor's Comments. R.Pearson. 5 3 1990 NGS Wagon - Kit 7 LMS/BR 16 & 20-ton goods brake vans. A.Calvert. 5 4 1990 NGS Wagon - Kit 8 LMS/BR bogie bolster 'D'. A.Calvert. 5 4 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Pump/Boiler House. A.Malloy. 5 4 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Catalogue. A.Malloy. 5 5 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Ground Signal. A.Malloy. 5 5 1990 Product Review: Ratio - Industrial Chimney & Fittings. A.Malloy. 5 5 1990 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - 12-ton Medium Goods Wagon. A.Malloy. 5 6 1990 Product Review: Parkwood Models - 12-ton Medium Goods Wagon. 5 6 1990 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Catalogue. A.Malloy. 5 6 1990 Product Review: Bilteezi - Card Building Kits. A.Malloy. 5 7 1990 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - Loco Lining Transfers. A.Malloy. 5 7 1990 Product Review: Gallex Ltd. - Fibre-Optic Illumination Kit. A.Malloy. 5 8 1990 Product Review: CJM - Loco Resprays. 5 9 1990 Product Review: CJM - Modern N-Gauge Locos. A.Malloy. 5 9 1990 Product Review: Ultima - Information about Ultima. A.Malloy. 5 9 1990 "Article: World in N, the. M.Hall." 5 10 1990 Article: ULTIMAte Farish. B.Taylor. 5 13 1990 Article: Random Jottings of a Mad Modeller. K.Underwood. 5 18 1990 "Article: Model Train Controllers Feedback - Who needs it?, 2. P.Gardiner." 5 20 1990 Readers' Letters: Miscellany. G.Wiseman. 5 27 1990 Readers' Letters: Quarry & a Quandary. F.Lax. (see layout 1990/3/14) 5 27 1990 Readers' Letters: Invictascene - Editor's Comments. A.Adey/A.Hemans. 5 29 1990 Readers' Letters: MkIV Intercity Coaches. B.Lockey. 5 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Invictascene - Editor's Comments. M.Gulliver. 5 30 1990 Area Group Report. 6 4 1990 Library Notes. J.Donachie. 6 4 1990 Membership Secretary. 6 4 1990 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1988 21st Anniv.Exhibition. R.Giles. 6 4 1990 Continental Group. D.Nicholls. 6 5 1990 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - BR Class 4MT 2-6-4T Kit. 6 6 1990 Layout: Extending the Branch. A.Chetwyn. 6 7 1990 Helpful Hints & Tips: Waste Not Want Not. R.Bardsley. 6 11 1990 "Article: Simple Controller, a. M.March. (cf. readers' letters)" 6 12 1990 Layout: N the Middle. M.Windiate. 6 17 1990 "Article: Narnas 'N' Brakes (SR banana, LNER/LMS/LBSCR/SR/Shark brake vans). S.Searson." 6 19 1990 Readers' Letters: Class 37 up-date. D.Swift. 6 29 1990 Readers' Letters: Warley Ex. B.Elingworth. 6 29 1990 Readers' Letters: About the Society. B.Avery. 6 30 1990 Readers' Letters: Invictascene - Editor's Comments. R.Pearson. 6 30 1990 Readers' Letters: M&R Model Railways Ltd. J.Harrison; 6 30 1991 Area Group Report. 1 4 1991 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Church. A.Malloy. 1 4 1991 "Product Review: Signal Box, the - Flexible Walling. A.Malloy." 1 6 1991 "Product Review: Signal Box, the - Hedging. A.Malloy." 1 6 1991 "Product Review: Signal Box, the - Hopper Wagon Loads. A.Malloy." 1 6 1991 "Product Review: Signal Box, the - Power Connectors. A.Malloy." 1 6 1991 Product Review: Railstyle - List of Repaints. A.Malloy. 1 7 1991 "Product Review: Signal Box, the - Flashing tail lamps. A.Malloy." 1 7 1991 Product Review: Alton Model Railway Centre - Railstyle Repaints. 1 8 1991 Product Review: DSC - Colour light signals. A.Malloy. 1 8 1991 Product Review: Foxhunter - BR 12-ton Ventilated Van. A.Malloy. 1 9 1991 Product Review: Railway Replica Models - Stone-Faced Buildings. A.Malloy. 1 10 1991 Product Review: Graham Farish - Power Box Range of Controllers. R.Pearson. 1 11 1991 Product Review: Kestrel Brass - 12-ton Single Plank Wagon. A.Malloy. 1 11 1991 Product Review: ABS - Press Release. 1 13 1991 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 57 in Freightliner Livery. 1 13 1991 Product Review: Wessex Wagon Works - Press release. 1 13 1991 NGS Wagon - Kit 8 LMS/BR bogie bolster 'D'. A.Calvert. 1 14 1991 "Article: Load of Old Rubbish, a, 1. D.Nicholls." 1 15 1991 Product Review: Unspecified - Printed Sides (Something new for '91). M.Harvey 1 15 1991 Helpful Hints & Tips: Experiences of a Novice Kit-Builder. M.Le Marie. 1 17 1991 "Article: Modeller's Dilemma, the. P.Lowe." 1 19 1991 Article: Kestrel-Bashing. C.Bashing. 1 21 1991 Article: Motorised Trams. B.Harvey 1 21 1991 Layout: Third Rail Depot. G.Hedges. 1 22 1991 Help Line. R.Snelling. 1 28 1991 Readers' Letters: Quarry Signalling. S.Morrison. 1 29 1991 Readers' Letters: Not all Ed's mail is bad. J.Stevenson. 1 30 1991 Readers' Letters: Track Cleaners. P.Evans. 1 30 1991 Area Group Report. 2 4 1991 Toy Fair Report - 1991. A.Malloy. 2 4 1991 Continental Group. D.Nicholls. 2 6 1991 "NGS Wagon - Kit Project (past, present, future). A.Calvert." 2 7 1991 NGS Wagon - Kit 8 LMS/BR bogie bolster 'D'. A.Calvert. 2 8 1991 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 2 9 1991 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Catalogue. A.Malloy. 2 10 1991 Product Review: P & D Marsh - New & Revised Kits. A.Malloy 2 11 1991 "Product Review: John Phipps - Newspapers, 2mm Scale. P.Matthews." 2 12 1991 Product Review: Micro Action - Model Road Trucks From Tesco Stores. A.Malloy. 2 12 1991 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - BR Standard Van Twin Pack. A.Malloy. 2 13 1991 Product Review: Parkwood Models - BR Standard Van Twin Pack. 2 13 1991 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - BR Lowfit Wagon Twin Pack. A.Malloy. 2 14 1991 Product Review: Parkwood Models - BR Lowfit Wagon Twin Pack. 2 14 1991 Article: Sheds in Steam. S.Brasier. 2 15 1991 Product Review: Invictascene - Dean Single 4-2-2. B.Clay. 2 19 1991 Article: Hand-Held Unit & Interface (controller). M.March. 2 22 1991 "Article: Load of Old Rubbish, a, 2. D.Nicholls." 2 26 1991 Readers' Letters: Display Cabinets. S.Salmon. 2 28 1991 Readers' Letters: Protect thine Locos. A.Thorp. 2 29 1991 Readers' Letters: Southern Matters. R.Scribbins. 2 29 1991 Product Review: Ultima - Press Release. 2 31 1991 Annual General Meeting 1991. K.Robbins. 3 4 1991 Annual General Meeting - 25th Anniversary Show. B.Coombes. 3 5 1991 Management Committee Meetings. P.Denchfield. 3 5 1991 Nancy Expo-Train 91. P.Brumwell. 3 5 1991 Obituary: Michael (Mike) Bryant. 3 6 1991 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR 4MT 2-6-4T. R.Pearson. 3 6 1991 Product Review: BH Enterprises - BR Class 122 Single Railcar & Trailer Kit. 3 8 1991 Product Review: BH Enterprises - SR Bulleid 3-Coach Set Kit. 3 8 1991 Product Review: Brassmasters - Etched Brake/Hand wheels. R.Bardsley. 3 8 1991 Product Review: Fleetline - BR MkI BCK Coach Kit. 3 8 1991 Product Review: BH Enterprises - SECR 51' Low Composite Coach Kit. 3 9 1991 Product Review: Fleischmann - DB Class III Bo-Bo Electric Loco. M.Gates. 3 9 1991 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 3 10 1991 Product Review: Fleischmann - DH Intercity Coaches. M.Gates. 3 10 1991 Layout: Danford. C.Bradshaw. 3 12 1991 "Article: Coach Sides (Coronation, Silver Jubilee). W.Wilson." 3 19 1991 "Article: Load of Old Rubbish, a, 3. D.Nicholls." 3 23 1991 Article: Commercial Track Cleaners - an investigation. E.Brown. 3 24 1991 Layout: Settle & Carlisle. G.Hirst. 3 24 1991 Article: Stopping the Freight. S.Brasier. 3 26 1991 Readers' Letters: How Old. C.Fleming. 3 29 1991 Readers' Letters: VHS Railway Videos. J.Stevenson. 3 29 1991 "Readers' Letters: Scale of the problem, the. M.Orme." 3 30 1991 Readers' Letters: Society Assistants. J.Echlin (Vice Pres.). 3 30 1991 Readers' Letters: Miscellany. S.Boyd. 3 31 1991 Readers' Letters: Scales in 'N'. H.Rowe. 3 31 1991 Annual Model-Making Competition 1991. 4 4 1991 Area Group Report. 4 4 1991 Shop Manager. D.Read. 4 4 1991 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1990. 4 5 1991 Product Review: Foxhunter - LNER/BR Class A1 Peppercorn 4-6-2 Loco Kit. K.Parker. 4 8 1991 "Article: Load of Old Rubbish, a, 4. D.Nicholls." 4 9 1991 "Layout: Nether Stowey, 1. A.Calvert." 4 12 1991 Article: Four Days in May. A.Johnson. 4 16 1991 Article: Dean Developments (Motorised wagons & coaches). B.Clay. 4 18 1991 "Article: Very Different Train, a. C.Taylor." 4 20 1991 Helpful Hints & Tips: Tips on building NGS kits. P.Lowe. 4 21 1991 NGS Wagon - Tips on building NGS kits. P.Lowe. 4 21 1991 Article: SR EMUs - EPB. G.Hedges. (cf. readers' letters) 4 22 1991 Article: Staying on the Rails. K.Underwood. 4 25 1991 Article: Superquick Kits in N-Gauge. C.Read. 4 26 1991 "Readers' Letters: Oh, my SOUTHERN loco of long ago. A.Adams." 4 28 1991 "Readers' Letters: SCALE of things, the. S.Pritchard." 4 28 1991 Readers' Letters: Scare & Gauge & Tube Trains. B.Taylor. 4 29 1991 Readers' Letters: LBSCR Stock. A.Hemans. 4 31 1991 Committee News (Meetings). 5 4 1991 Society Display Unit. A.Johnston. 5 4 1991 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 31 Loco Kit. A.Malloy. 5 5 1991 Product Review: Fox - Transfers. A.Malloy. 5 6 1991 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - BP38/BT38 Bogies. A.Malloy. 5 6 1991 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Y25c Bogie. A.Malloy. 5 6 1991 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkIV Coaches in DVT livery. A.Malloy. 5 7 1991 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - VCA/VDA Bauxite Wagon Kit. A.Malloy. 5 7 1991 Product Review: Kent Panel Controls - Kentrol Control Equipment. A.Malloy. 5 8 1991 Product Review: Ultima - Coach conversion kits. A.Malloy. 5 8 1991 Product Review: Clays Railway Circle (Parkwood) - LMS/BR Highfit. A.Malloy. 5 9 1991 Product Review: Parkwood Models - LMS/BR Highfit Wagon Kit. 5 9 1991 Product Review: Fox - Transfers. 5 10 1991 Product Review: Ratio - Carriage Shed. A.Malloy. 5 10 1991 Product Review: IMU Modellants - Road Vehicles 1:160 Scale. C.Barns. 5 11 1991 Article: Capacitor Discharge Unit. M.March. 5 14 1991 "Article: Load of Old Rubbish, a, 5. D.Nicholls." 5 16 1991 "Layout: Nether Stowey, 2. A.Calvert." 5 18 1991 Article: BOC Cryogenic Tank Wagon. N.Dibden. 5 23 1991 Article: Stock Box. R.Bardsley. 5 24 1991 "Readers' Letters: SCALE of things, the. S.Pritchard." 5 25 1991 Readers' Letters: BR Standard Vans (Parkwood Models). D.Rook. 5 26 1991 Readers' Letters: Track Cleaners - some more notes. H.Hodgkinson. 5 26 1991 Readers' Letters: Drug Addict. S.Farmer. 5 27 1991 Readers' Letters: How Old. H.Chasen. 5 27 1991 Readers' Letters: N-Gauge History. R.Mottram. 5 27 1991 Readers' Letters: Scale 1:148 or not. S.Grant. 5 27 1991 Readers' Letters: Society Stand Experiences. L.Mould. 5 28 1991 "Readers' Letters: Layout to Recommend, a. E.Jellis." 5 29 1991 Readers' Letters: Miscellany. K.Gregson. 5 29 1991 Readers' Letters: Southern Electric modelling. K.Whitbread. 5 29 1991 Exhibitions - 25th Anniversary Exhibition. G.Hedges. 6 4 1991 Exhibitions - Midland Meet. L.Mould. 6 5 1991 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 6 5 1991 Library Notes. 6 6 1991 Product Review: Ratio - Coal Depot & Staithes. 6 8 1991 Product Review: Ratio - Water Tower. 6 8 1991 Product Review: BH Enterprises - LNER/BR Thompson Coach Kits. M.Daw. 6 9 1991 Product Review: Graham Hughes - SR Class Q 0-6-0. D.Sutton. 6 10 1991 Layout: Uckledyke in Rutland. A.Pell. 6 11 1991 Product Review: Ibertren - DB 800HP. M.Hall. 6 11 1991 "Article: Operational Realism, 1. S.Brasier." 6 16 1991 "Layout: Glendale, an N-gauge Branch, 1.E.Alvin." 6 20 1991 "Layout: Nether Stowey, 3. A.Calvert." 6 23 1991 "Readers' Letters: Simple Controller, a. J.Singleton." 6 28 1991 Readers' Letters: SR EMU EPB. G.Hedges. 6 28 1991 "Readers' Letters: SCALE of things, the. L.Stanley." 6 29 1991 "Readers' Letters: Curse of the SCALE length coach, the. R.Norton." 6 30 1991 Readers' Letters: Of Cabbages & Kings. A.Castle. 6 31 1991 Readers' Letters: Trackwork. K.Whitbread. 6 31 1992 Exhibitions - Index. G.Hedges. 1 4 1992 Exhibitions - Main stand display. 1 4 1992 Exhibitions - 25th Anniversary Exhibition. G.Hedges. 1 5 1992 General Secretary. R.Hansen. 1 6 1992 Area Group Report. 1 7 1992 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 1 7 1992 Product Review: Graham Farish - GUV in Various Liveries. A.Malloy. 1 8 1992 "Layout: Nether Stowey, 4. A.Calvert." 1 11 1992 "Layout: Glendale, an N-gauge Branch, 2.E.Alvin." 1 16 1992 "Article: Operational Realism, 2. S.Brasier." 1 21 1992 Layout: Maggicombe Branch (the fall & rise of). P.Hands. 1 25 1992 "Readers' Letters: SCALE revisited, the. B.Taylor." 1 29 1992 Readers' Letters: Dealers Index. C.Bradshaw. 1 30 1992 Annual Model-Making Competition - Revised rules. 2 4 1992 Continental Group. D.Nicholls. 2 6 1992 Exhibitions - St.Albans January 1992. A.Johnston. 2 7 1992 Area Group Report. 2 8 1992 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47. Reliveried 47479 & 47834. J.Allwood. 2 9 1992 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 08 0-6-0 Shunter in new liveries. J.Allwood. 2 10 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Locomotive Numbers. F.Pickles. 2 13 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Track Alignment. F.Pickles. 2 13 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Track Alignment. G.Loydall. 2 13 1992 "Article: Automatic Train Control, 1. D.Fogg." 2 14 1992 "Layout: Nether Stowey, 5. A.Calvert." 2 18 1992 Article: Building Bulleid Leaders. B.Pottle. 2 24 1992 Readers' Letters: CJM Recommended. C.Drage. 2 27 1992 Readers' Letters: Enough Criticism. N.Sloper. 2 27 1992 "Readers' Letters: SCALE of things continued, the. J.Kelland." 2 28 1992 Readers' Letters: Whose RULES? R.Page. 2 28 1992 "Readers' Letters: Continental Plea, a. R.Kensit." 2 29 1992 "Readers' Letters: SCALE again, the. C.Allanson." 2 30 1992 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 3 4 1992 Exhibitions - 25th Anniversary Exhibition. G.Hedges. 3 5 1992 Shop Manager. D.Read. 3 5 1992 Society Display Unit. A.Johnston. 3 5 1992 Product Review: Howard Scenics - Brick paper. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 6 1992 Product Review: Fox - Loco & Van motifs grey/express blue. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 7 1992 Product Review: Fox - Loco TOPS Numbers. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 7 1992 Product Review: Fox - Van Brandmark & TOPS Numbers. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 7 1992 Product Review: Ratio - Coal/Timber merchants. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 7 1992 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Coal tower. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 8 1992 Product Review: Langley - Road Overbridge (Masterbuild). R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 8 1992 Product Review: Langley - Stone Retaining Wall (Masterbuild). R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 8 1992 Product Review: Skytrex Road N Rail - PW 5-ton Hand Crane. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 9 1992 Product Review: Fleetline - BR Standard Class 4 Detailing Kit. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 10 1992 Product Review: Jackson Evans - Catalogue. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 10 1992 Product Review: DSC - Groung signal. R.Dockerill/A.Malloy. 3 11 1992 "Article: Automatic Train Control, 2. D.Fogg." 3 12 1992 "Product Review: John Gray - Price List, January 1992." 3 12 1992 Article: Photographing Models. R.Bardsley/G.Hedges. 3 17 1992 Article: Tender Buffer Beams. J.Wallis. 3 22 1992 Layout: Underberg. N.Lilywhite. 3 23 1992 "Readers' Letters: Satisfied Customer, a. K.Page." 3 26 1992 Readers' Letters: Non-flush glazed coaches? 3 27 1992 "Readers' Letters: Operational Realism, 1. J.Davies." 3 27 1992 Readers' Letters: Staying on the rails. J.Jones. 3 27 1992 "Readers' Letters: Operational Realism, 2. P.Gardiner." 3 28 1992 Readers' Letters: Outspoken Ed. D.Tomkiss. 3 29 1992 "Readers' Letters: Question of interpretation, a. C.Moseley." 3 30 1992 "Readers' Letters: Whereabouts of Piko, the. R.Kensit." 3 30 1992 Exhibitions - 25th Anniversary Exhibition. G.Hedges. 4 4 1992 Chairmen - Message from. J.Holland. 4 5 1992 Area Group Report. 4 6 1992 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1991. 4 7 1992 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 158 DMU. A.Malloy. 4 10 1992 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Brick paper. 4 12 1992 Product Review: HM - Baseboard Modules. 4 12 1992 "Product Review: Smiths Model Components - GWR station fencing, ramps & gates." 4 12 1992 Product Review: CJM - Class 50 Detail Kit. 4 13 1992 Product Review: CJM - Class 50 'Sir Edward Elgan'. 4 13 1992 Product Review: CJM - Livery Review. 4 13 1992 Article: Beautifying a Britannia. M.Daw. 4 14 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Marry go Round & weathering. L.McKinlay. 4 15 1992 Layout: Sussex Border Railway. G.Webb. 4 16 1992 Article: 12-ton Twin Jib Track Crane. N.Dibben. 4 23 1992 Layout: Danford & Bennington Tramway Co. C.Bradshaw. 4 26 1992 Readers' Letters: Scale Speed. J.Grey. 4 30 1992 Readers' Letters: Society Kits. F.Lax. 4 30 1992 Area Group Report. 5 4 1992 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 5 6 1992 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1992 25th Anniv.Exhibition. 5 7 1992 Exhibitions - Future exhibitions. 5 8 1992 Product Review: Graham Farish - LMS 6P5F 2-6-0 Fowler 'Crab'. R.Pearson. 5 8 1992 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1991. 5 9 1992 NGS Wagon - Kit 9 BR Polybulk bogie grain hopper. A.Calvert. 5 11 1992 Product Review: NGS Kit - BR Polybulk Covered Hopper Wagon Kit N°9. 5 11 1992 Article: Class 24. M.Daws. 5 13 1992 Layout: Hedges Hill Cutting. G.Hedges. 5 14 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Levering the Track with Kit 8. G.White. 5 17 1992 "Layout: Oxendale Junction, 1. S.Brasier." 5 17 1992 Helpful Hints & Tips: Romanticism & Realism. E.Hulme. 5 21 1992 Article: Highland Railway Jones Goods. H.Hodgkinson. 5 23 1992 Article: Photo Journal. 5 25 1992 Readers' Letters: 25th Exhibition thanks. R.Brewin. 5 27 1992 Readers' Letters: Operational Realism. K.Robbins. 5 27 1992 "Readers' Letters: Operational Realism, 2. D.Hansen." 5 29 1992 Readers' Letters: On this & that. R.Bardsley. 5 30 1992 Annual General Meeting 1992. 6 4 1992 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 6 4 1992 Area Group Report. 6 6 1992 Article: GWR Inspection Coach. R.Bardsley. 6 7 1992 "Article: Tender Behind (using Bachmann American), a. B.Clay." 6 9 1992 "Layout: Oxendale Junction, 2. S.Brasier." 6 12 1992 Layout: Reichenbahn Landestreifen. C.Bradshaw. 6 15 1992 Layout: Nether Stowey. Postcript. A.Calvert. 6 17 1992 Article: Modelling the Class 73 Electro-Diesel. G.Hedges. 6 26 1992 "Readers' Letters: Society, the. S.Brasier." 6 29 1992 Readers' Letters: 25th Exhibition thanks. B.Clay/B.Harvey. 6 30 1992 Readers' Letters: Siphons. D.Graney. 6 30 1993 Annual General Meeting 1992. 1 4 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 1 5 1993 Area Group Report. 1 6 1993 Product Review: CPL Products - Stainless Steel N-Scale Rule. A.Calvert. 1 9 1993 Product Review: Tomix - Euroliner 7-coach set (J.R.). M.Hall. 1 9 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Terminating Cables. B.Hamer. 1 10 1993 "Layout: Oxendale Junction, 3. S.Brasier." 1 11 1993 Article: Asleep on the Job. C.Bradshaw. 1 17 1993 Article: SR EMUs - 4CIG. G.Hedges. 1 18 1993 Article: Rerailer. R.Bardsley. 1 21 1993 Article: Baseboard Joints. A.West. 1 23 1993 Article: Construction of Etched Brass Wagon Kits. M.Hall. 1 25 1993 Article: Tales of a Modeller's Wife. Yvonne Shillabeer. 1 26 1993 Article: Bonfires & Beanpoles. E.Hulme. 1 27 1993 Readers' Letters: Modelling in Canada. Ms.P.Martinson. 1 29 1993 Readers' Letters: 25th Exhibition thanks. G.Webb. 1 30 1993 Readers' Letters: Replacement for Kato chassis. G.Hirst. 1 30 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 2 4 1993 NGS Wagon - Kit 10 GWR/BR 'MICA' refrigerated meat van A/B. A.Calvert. 2 8 1993 Library Notes. J.Donachie. 2 9 1993 Chiltern Model Railway Association (C.M.R.A.). J.Echlin. 2 10 1993 Area Group Report. 2 12 1993 Product Review: Graham Farish - LMS 6P5F 2-6-0 Fowler 'Crab'. A.Calvert. 2 13 1993 Product Review: CJM - Class 60 Loco. J.Whitlock. 2 14 1993 Product Review: Rail Grafix - Name & Number Plates. M.Shillabeer. 2 14 1993 Product Review: Dart Castings - Etched brass accessories. A.Calvert. 2 16 1993 Product Review: Shire Scenes - Etched brass accessories. A.Calvert. 2 16 1993 Shop Manager. 2 16 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: SR Discs. D.Sutton. 2 17 1993 Article: Graham Farish Armatures. Yvonne & Michael. 2 18 1993 Article: GF Cl.40 chassis made to fit P&D Marsh Cl.40/45/46 kit. L.Howarth. 2 19 1993 Article: Building the Foxhunter ROD 2-8-0. B.Keenan. 2 21 1993 Article: Building a BRE-Leyland Class 141 DMU. S.Aldred. 2 23 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Peco Couplings on GF Coaches. D.Sutton. 2 25 1993 Readers' Letters: SR EMUs. R.Norton. 2 26 1993 Readers' Letters: Re-railer. F.Starkey. 2 27 1993 Readers' Letters: Thanks. A.Robbins. 2 27 1993 Readers' Letters: Area Groups. G.Harrison. 2 28 1993 Readers' Letters: Builder required 14xx. E.Slater. 2 28 1993 Readers' Letters: K's 44xx. M.Turner. 2 28 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 3 5 1993 Help Line. R.Snelling. 3 8 1993 Trade & Press Liaison. N.Beischer.. 3 8 1993 Membership Secretary. 3 9 1993 Readers' Letters: N-Gauge Journal 2/93. B.Herriot. 3 9 1993 Area Group Report. 3 10 1993 Committee News (Meetings). R.Hansen. 3 11 1993 Manufacturers Competition 1993. 3 12 1993 Annual General Meeting 1992. 3 13 1993 Annual Model-Making Competition 1993. 3 13 1993 Product Review: Graham Farish - MR/LMS 4F Tender Loco. 3 14 1993 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 159 DMU. M.Shillabeer. 3 16 1993 Product Review: Rail Grafix - Trackside Notice & Coach Roof Boards. N.Beischer. 3 16 1993 Area Group Report - West Sussex Group. 3 17 1993 Article: Caledonian 4-6-0 N°903 Cardean. H.Hodgkinson. 3 18 1993 Article: Where Next - the Multiple Case. G.Hedges. (cf. readers' letters) 3 20 1993 Article: Scale Length HBA/HEAs. M.Shillabeer. 3 25 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Economic Track Underlay. G.Hall. 3 25 1993 "Exhibitions - Visit to Aubenas Exhibition, France. R.Hansen." 3 26 1993 Exhibitions - Future exhibitions. 3 29 1993 Readers' Letters: G/F Armatures. R.Giles. 3 30 1993 Readers' Letters: LMS Query (Guards Vans). C.Nuttall. 3 30 1993 Readers' Letters: Loriot to Hydra. G.Passmore. 3 30 1993 Readers' Letters: Letter from America. J.Grier. 3 31 1993 Readers' Letters: South African 4-8-2 Chassis sought. G.Fear. 3 31 1993 Readers' Letters: Alternative to Painting. J.Grey. 3 32 1993 Readers' Letters: Manufacturers. A.Adams. 3 32 1993 Readers' Letters: Class 40. M.Daw. 3 33 1993 Meet the Committee - The Editors. 4 4 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 4 5 1993 Area Group Report. 4 8 1993 Trade & Press Liaison. N.Beischer.. 4 9 1993 Annual General Meeting 1994 - Advanced information. M.Hall. 4 10 1993 Product Review: Dornaplas - Thorneycroft Flatbed Lorry. A.Calvert. 4 11 1993 Product Review: Springside - Thorneycroft Flatbed Lorry. A.Calvert. 4 11 1993 Product Review: AMR Electronics - Point Switching Unit. B.Anderson. 4 12 1993 NGS Wagon - Kit 10 GWR/BR 'MICA' van A/B. Expanding the fleet. S.Brasier. 4 13 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Uncouplers. K.Robbins. 4 17 1993 NGS Wagon - Kit 10 GWR/BR 'MICA' van A/B. Handrails. P.Lowe. 4 17 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Air Brush Hints. R.Giles. 4 18 1993 "Article: Quick & Easy Class 56, a. G.Hedges." 4 20 1993 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 1. Yvonne Shillabeer." 4 23 1993 Exhibitions - Trip to Dortmung. D.Nicholls. 4 25 1993 Layout: Danford & Bennington Tramway. 4 26 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Focus on Eyesight. P.Fontaine. 4 28 1993 "Readers' Letters: Where next - The Multiple case, 1. N.Jordan." 4 29 1993 "Readers' Letters: Where next - The Multiple case, 2. C.Fletcher." 4 29 1993 "Readers' Letters: Where next - The Multiple case, 3. B.Taylor." 4 30 1993 Readers' Letters: Building Service. M.Wild. 4 31 1993 "Readers' Letters: Southern Locos, 1. J.Wright." 4 32 1993 "Readers' Letters: Southern Locos, 2. G.Harris." 4 32 1993 Readers' Letters: K's 44xx. C.Herrington. 4 33 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout 1. D.Holmes. 4 34 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout 2. G.Howlett. 4 34 1993 Readers' Letters: Requests for weathering article. B.Smith. 4 34 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 5 4 1993 Trade & Press Liaison. N.Beischer.. 5 5 1993 Annual General Meeting 1994 - Advanced information. M.Hall. 5 6 1993 Area Group Report. 5 6 1993 Product Review: Model Railway Transfers - SR & BR(S) Coach Transfers. N.Beischer. 5 7 1993 "Product Review: CJM - BR MkI/EMU Universal, MkI/TSO Seat inserts. N.Beischer." 5 8 1993 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Ford Cortina, Painted. N.Beischer." 5 8 1993 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Loco Crew, Painted. N.Beischer." 5 8 1993 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Men on Bikes, Painted. N.Beischer." 5 8 1993 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Porsche, Painted. N.Beischer." 5 8 1993 Product Review: Bell Model Kits - Herringbone & Cobblestone paper. N.Beischer. 5 9 1993 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Corner Pub Kit. N.Beischer. 5 9 1993 Article: Weedkiller Train. R.Halton. 5 10 1993 Product Review: Set Scenes - Foliage pack. N.Beischer. 5 10 1993 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 2. Yvonne Shillabeer." 5 11 1993 "Layout: Buxton Branch & Millers Dale, 1. T.Johnson." 5 13 1993 Article: D.G. Couplings - a general appraisal. A.Calvert. 5 18 1993 Article: N-Gauge All Steel Opens. S.Searson. 5 20 1993 Helpful Hints & Tips: Needle-Worker's Aid to Kit-Building. D.Holmes. 5 24 1993 Readers' Letters: LNER Locos. R.Goodens. 5 26 1993 Readers' Letters: What price Membership? G.Hedges. 5 26 1993 Readers' Letters: Editorial Policy. S.Brasier. 5 27 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout 1. D.Smart. 5 28 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout 2. Ms U.Corner. 5 29 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout 3. G.Talbot. 5 30 1993 Readers' Letters: Where next - The Multiple case. M.Wild. 5 30 1993 "Readers' Letters: LMS Guards, 1. G.Todhunter." 5 31 1993 "Readers' Letters: LMS Guards, 2. R.Holwill." 5 31 1993 "Readers' Letters: LMS Guards, 3. S.Brasier." 5 32 1993 Meet the Committee - General Secretary. 6 4 1993 Publicity Officers. G.Hedges. 6 5 1993 Area Group Report. 6 7 1993 Article: Opportunity of a Lifetime - Trip to Dortmung. D.Nicholls. 6 8 1993 Exhibitions - Trip to Dortmung. D.Nicholls. 6 8 1993 Society Accounts (Treasurer) 1992. 6 9 1993 Survey Results - Modern Image. N.Beischer. 6 13 1993 Trade & Press Liaison. N.Beischer.. 6 13 1993 Survey Results - Products. N.Beischer. 6 14 1993 Product Review: DSC - 2-aspect offset platform mounting. M.Wild. 6 15 1993 Product Review: Ultima - Catalogue. N.Beischer. 6 15 1993 Product Review: Patronics - 2-aspect LED signal. M.Wild. 6 16 1993 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Town Houses. M.Shillabeer. 6 17 1993 "Layout: Buxton Branch & Millers Dale, 2. T.Johnson." 6 18 1993 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 3. Yvonne Shillabeer." 6 21 1993 Article: Loading Wagons. S.Brasier. 6 27 1993 Readers' Letters: Beginner's Layout. K.Robbins. 6 33 1993 Readers' Letters: African Railway Enthusiasts. B.Coleman. 6 34 1993 Readers' Letters: Realism. G.Schneider. 6 34 1993 Readers' Letters: Society Shops. A.Crellin. 6 34 1993 Readers' Letters: Modern Image. M.Wild. 6 35 1993 Readers' Letters: RTR Chassis. J.Miller. 6 36 1993 "Readers' Letters: Society Kit 11, 1. S.Brasier." 6 36 1993 "Readers' Letters: Society Kit 11, 2. C.Bradshaw." 6 37 1994 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 56 Loco. 1 11 1994 Product Review: Shire Lane Crafts - 2mm Scale Buildings. 1 13 1994 Product Review: Graham Avis - Road Vehicles (Various). 1 14 1994 Layout: Ryde Esplanade. 1 18 1994 Article: GWR Hydra Wagon. 1 22 1994 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 4. Yvonne Shillabeer." 1 26 1994 Helpful Hints & Tips: Cleanliness is Next to Godliness. 1 - 1994 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Report. 2 11 1994 Product Review: Graykits - Double-Decker Bus Kits. 2 14 1994 Product Review: Ratio - Level Crossing with Gates. 2 14 1994 Product Review: DSC - Two-Way Rotary Switch. 2 15 1994 Product Review: Fox - Silver Transfers for Peco Hymek. 2 15 1994 Product Review: Parkwood Models - Wood Medfit Wagons. 2 16 1994 Product Review: Railway Replica Models - Buildings. 2 17 1994 Product Review: Springside - Thorneycroft Lorry with Van-type Body. 2 17 1994 Article: Class 301 Parcels Unit. 2 23 1994 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 5. Yvonne Shillabeer." 2 25 1994 Article: Loading Wagons. 2 26 1994 Product Review: CJM - Class 26 Loco. 3 12 1994 Product Review: Peco - Code 55 Finescale Scissors Crossover. 3 13 1994 Product Review: Wrightscale - Catenary System. 3 14 1994 Product Review: Metcalfe - Card Building Kits. 3 15 1994 Product Review: David Nicholls - Painted Preiser figures. 3 16 1994 Product Review: Graykits - Building Kits. 3 16 1994 Product Review: Preiser - Painted figures. 3 16 1994 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Portacabin. 3 17 1994 Product Review: John Gray - PVB Curtain-Sided Van. 3 17 1994 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Dummy Yard Point Levers. 3 17 1994 Product Review: Graham Farish - PCA/PGA Wagons. 3 18 1994 Layout: Ji§ Valley. 3 20 1994 Article: Handrail Knobs - advice on fitting same. 3 24 1994 Article: SR EMUs. 3 26 1994 Article: Improving Metal Wheelsets. 3 28 1994 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 6. Yvonne Shillabeer." 3 30 1994 NGS Wagon - Society Kit Update. 3 31 1994 NGS Wagon - Society Kit Update. 4 7 1994 Product Review: Graham Avis - MCW Metrorider Midibus. 4 10 1994 Product Review: John Gray - BR Tube Wagon. 4 11 1994 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - POA/PNA Tiger Open Wagon Kit. 4 11 1994 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - ZKA Limpet Ballast Open Wagon Kit. 4 11 1994 Product Review: BH Enterprises - LNER Fish Van. 4 12 1994 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - 3-Storey Town Shop. 4 13 1994 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Modern Station Building. 4 13 1994 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Small Signal Box. 4 13 1994 Product Review: Metcalfe - Station Platform Kit. 4 14 1994 Product Review: Ratio - Level Crossing with Barriers. 4 14 1994 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Five-Bar Fence. 4 15 1994 Product Review: AMR Electronics - Switch Point Control. 4 16 1994 "Article: Turntables, Tracks & Trains." 4 17 1994 Article: Control Panels. 4 19 1994 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 7. Yvonne Shillabeer." 4 20 1994 Layout: Moorlands. 4 25 1994 Article: BBC 1. 4 37 1994 Helpful Hints & Tips. 4 47 1994 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Progress Report. 5 5 1994 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Rubbish Skips. 5 13 1994 Product Review: Minitrix - LNER Gresley Maroon Coaches. 5 13 1994 Product Review: Design Preservation Models - Plastic Building Kits. 5 14 1994 Product Review: Graham Avis - Dry Stone Walling. 5 16 1994 Product Review: John Gray - ZFV Dogfish Hopper. 5 16 1994 Product Review: Graham Avis - Road Signs. 5 17 1994 Product Review: Ratio - Diesel Loco Headlights. 5 17 1994 Article: ICI Hoppers. 5 18 1994 Layout: Lidget Green. 5 20 1994 "Layout: M""Ne, Layou." 5 24 1994 "Article: Little Philosophising, a." 5 25 1994 Article: Japanese Chassis for British Modellers. 5 27 1994 Article: Bledington Mill. 5 29 1994 Article: D.G. Couplings. 5 30 1994 Helpful Hints & Tips. 5 30 1994 Product Review: Fleetline Road & Rail - MCW Metrorider Midibus. 6 15 1994 Product Review: Trainways - Brush-it-On Ballast. 6 16 1994 Article: BR Standard 12-ton Vans. 6 17 1994 Article: Making Tumblehomes. 6 23 1994 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 8. Yvonne Shillabeer." 6 25 1994 Layout: Nostalgia Corner. 6 27 1995 Vice President - Ramblings. 1 9 1995 Product Review: Graham Farish - GWR 0-6-0PT 57xx Pannier Tank loco. 1 14 1995 Product Review: Graham Avis - Street Furniture & Lighting. 1 16 1995 Product Review: Graham Avis - Fencing & Railings. 1 17 1995 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Town Station Kit. 1 18 1995 Product Review: Peco - 9' w/b Wagon Chassis Kit. 1 19 1995 Article: Don't get off the bus the wrong side. 1 20 1995 Book Review: N Gauge Directory. Ken Jones. 1 20 1995 Article: New Name in RTR Locomotives. 1 22 1995 Article: Absorbing Lines. 1 24 1995 Layout: Making Endor. 1 31 1995 Obituary: Sydney C. Pritchard. 2 4 1995 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. 2 9 1995 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Y25 Bogie Kit. 2 16 1995 Product Review: Graham Farish - Brochure. 2 17 1995 Product Review: Peco - Wagon Kits for 9' w/b Chassis. 2 17 1995 Product Review: Kato - Japanese 6-car EMU. 2 18 1995 Product Review: Green Max - GWR-Style Footbridge Kit. 2 19 1995 Product Review: Green Max - Japanese Building Kits. 2 19 1995 Product Review: Green Max - Railway Electricity Sub-Station Kit. 2 19 1995 Product Review: Green Max - Southern EMU Shed Kit. 2 19 1995 Product Review: Langley - Factory/Warehouse Kit. 2 19 1995 Book Review: N Gauge Journal 12-Year Index. Alan Gomersall. 2 20 1995 Helpful Hints & Tips: Tools. 2 20 1995 Layout: Matoko. 2 26 1995 Article: Case of the 33s. 2 31 1995 Layout: Danford & Bennington Tramway. 2 35 1995 Article: BR 20-ton Bulk Grain Wagon. 2 37 1995 Product Review: Graham Avis - Bedford OB/Duple Coach. 3 13 1995 "Book Review: Model Railway Manual, by C.J.Freezer. Patrick Stephens." 3 14 1995 Layout: Lizenheim. 3 14 1995 Article: LMS/BR Tube Wagons. 3 20 1995 Helpful Hints & Tips: Soldering D Type Connectors. 3 21 1995 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Kits - User's Guide. 3 22 1995 Article: Building an LNER D16/3 Locomotive. 3 25 1995 Article: Car Breaker's Yard. 3 28 1995 Article: AMIGAs Can Talk by Disk. 3 29 1995 Article: Closer-Coupling Graham Farish Wagons. 3 30 1995 Article: Building a Midland Signal Box. 3 31 1995 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. 4 12 1995 Product Review: Peco - Code 55 Finescale Double Slip. 4 16 1995 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 90 Loco. 4 17 1995 Product Review: Kato - Eurostar. 4 19 1995 Product Review: David Jones - Resprays. 4 21 1995 Product Review: Metcalfe - Brewery Buildings Kit. 4 21 1995 Product Review: Graham Baker - Churchill MkVII Tank. 4 22 1995 Product Review: CCH Models - Yard Lights. 4 23 1995 Product Review: Marpeth Designs - Buildings & Walling. 4 23 1995 Product Review: Dragon - Welsh Wagon Transfers. 4 24 1995 Article: Departmental Loriot. 4 25 1995 Layout: Dark Canyon Railroad. 4 26 1995 Article: Building Southern G6 etc. Locomotives. 4 33 1995 Product Review: Bachmann - SNCF TGV. 5 9 1995 Product Review: Kato - Japanese 7-car DMU. 5 12 1995 "Product Review: Graham Avis - Yachts, Cruisers & Narrow Boats." 5 13 1995 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 in RfD livery. 5 13 1995 Article: Construction of Boardboard Legs. 5 14 1995 Layout: Coleshaw. 5 18 1995 Article: Doing It Yourself. 5 24 1995 Article: Fitting Smokebox Numbers. 5 27 1995 Product Review: Fox - Diesel & Freightliner Loco Transfers. 6 16 1995 "Layout: Outdoors With N-Gauge, 1." 6 18 1995 "Layout: St. Helen's Down & Kenwood Railway, 1." 6 18 1995 Product Review: Graham Avis - AEC Regal Coach. 6 18 1995 Layout: Danford & Bennington Tramway. 6 24 1995 Layout: Highworth. 6 26 1996 "Layout: Outdoors With N-Gauge, 2." 1 4 1996 "Layout: St. Helen's Down & Kenwood Railway, 2." 1 4 1996 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 47 Cutaway Buffer Beam. 1 5 1996 Article: Derailments at Points. 1 13 1996 "Article: Proportional Train Length, 1." 1 17 1996 "Article: Beginner's Guide to Building a Layout, 9. Yvonne Shillabeer." 1 20 1996 Product Review: Insideout - Index & Search Service. 1 22 1996 Product Review: N Gauge Lines - BR 21-ton Hopper Wagon. 1 22 1996 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Bogies Steel Coil Wagon BAA. 1 23 1996 Product Review: Graham Avis - MAN Lorries. 1 24 1996 Obituary: Joe Taylor (Society Librarian). 1 31 1996 "Layout: Lynford Junction, 1." 2 4 1996 "Article: Proportional Train Length, 2." 2 14 1996 Article: N-Gauge Model Buses. 2 16 1996 Article: 6-Wheel Milk Tank Wagons built from Peco parts. 2 19 1996 Product Review: Imp Kits - Hymek Body Kit. 2 23 1996 Product Review: Mainstreet Models - Card Building Kits. 2 24 1996 Article: Level Crossing Operation. 3 4 1996 Layout: St. Pancras. 3 6 1996 "Layout: Lynford Junction, 2." 3 7 1996 "Article: Proportional Train Length, 3." 3 19 1996 Helpful Hints & Tips: Soldering. 3 22 1996 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Kits - User's Guide. 3 22 1996 Product Review: E.F.Humber - Etched Brass Coaches. 3 23 1996 Product Review: Parkwood Models - China Clay Open Wagon. 3 23 1996 Product Review: LifeLike - E8/9 Diesel Loco. 3 24 1996 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Large Factory. 3 25 1996 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Modern Image Waiting Rooms. 3 25 1996 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Station Master's House. 3 25 1996 Product Review: Tram Workshop - Traditional British trams. 3 26 1996 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Report. 3 35 1996 Obituary: Peter Bromwich. 3 36 1996 Article: Still Suffering. 4 4 1996 Article: Stolen ! 4 5 1996 Article: GWR Iron Mink. Building the NGS Kit N°13 & variants. 4 8 1996 Article: Feedback Controllers - Important Notice. 4 13 1996 Article: Feedback Controllers. 4 13 1996 Article: High Tech. Names & Numbers. 4 14 1996 Helpful Hints & Tips: Poor Man's Vacuum. 4 14 1996 Product Review: Langley - Class 21/9 Loco Body Kit. 4 15 1996 Product Review: Langley - Class 24 Loco Body Kit. 4 15 1996 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 Loco. 4 16 1996 Book Review: Narrow Gauge steam Book. OPC. 4 18 1996 Product Review: Graham Avis - AEC Matador Lorry. 4 19 1996 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Semi-Detached Houses. 4 19 1996 Article: Feedback Controllers. 4 25 1996 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Report. 4 29 1996 Layout: Port of Enn Transport Association. 5 4 1996 Article: China Clay Traffic. 5 10 1996 Layout: City Yard. 5 17 1996 Article: Track Cleaning. 5 18 1996 Layout: Hedges Hill Cutting. G.Hedges. 5 19 1996 Book Review: Model Railway Design Manual. PSL. 5 22 1996 Product Review: Hempsall - Loco body detail & respray service. 5 23 1996 Product Review: PS Systems - Cast Wagon Loads & Lamps. 5 24 1996 Product Review: Parkwood Models - 10800 loco body. 5 25 1996 Product Review: Parkwood Models - GWR/BRChina Clay Open Wagon. 5 26 1996 Product Review: Heathcote Electronics - Train Detection Unit. 5 27 1996 Product Review: Peco - Platforms. 5 27 1996 Helpful Hints & Tips: Zinc & Astralon. 5 45 1996 Article: Building a GWR Collett Coach. 6 4 1996 Article: Powered Wagons. 6 8 1996 Article: Cut & Mix with Minitrix. 6 10 1996 Product Review: HML Models - Engine Shed Windows. 6 15 1996 Product Review: HML Models - Etched Brass Overbridge Sides. 6 15 1996 Product Review: HML Models - Water Tank. 6 15 1996 Product Review: Trax Controls - Hand-held Feedback Controller. 6 16 1996 Product Review: Trax Controls - Electronic Modules. 6 17 1996 Product Review: Beatties - DC3 Aircraft. 6 19 1996 Product Review: Gaugemaster - Routemaster Bus. 6 19 1996 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 47 Cutaway Buffer Beam. 6 19 1996 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - JTA/JVA Tippler Wagon Kit. 6 19 1997 Article: Digital Command Control (DCC) For Me. 1 4 1997 Article: Well Wagon Conversions (NGS Kit 15 Trestrol). 1 6 1997 Layout: Branscombe St. Marys. 1 12 1997 Layout: Danford Revisited. 1 16 1997 Article: Utrecht - Eurospoor 96. 1 19 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - LMS 0-6-0T 3F Jinty Loco. 1 24 1997 Product Review: Greenweld Electronics - Automatic Reverse. 1 26 1997 Product Review: Greenweld Electronics - Chuffer Sound Effect. 1 26 1997 Product Review: Greenweld Electronics - Simple Signal. 1 26 1997 Product Review: Greenweld Electronics - Steam Whistle. 1 26 1997 Product Review: Greenweld Electronics - Two-Tone Horn. 1 26 1997 Product Review: Carr - Chemical Blackening Agents. 1 27 1997 Product Review: Chiltern Miniatures - Ford Taunus. 1 28 1997 Product Review: Chiltern Miniatures - Peterbilt Dump Truck. 1 28 1997 "Layout: Big Bang theory, the (Garden Railway)." 2 4 1997 Article: 3241792 Times Lighter. 2 10 1997 Article: Digital Command Control (DCC) - Introduction to. 2 12 1997 Article: Bridges in the Landscape. 2 19 1997 "Article: Historical N-Gauge (OOO, Treblo)." 2 28 1997 Product Review: Slaters - Plastic Fencing. 2 29 1997 Product Review: Slaters - Plastic Figures 2 29 1997 Product Review: Slaters - Plastic Station Awning Edge. 2 29 1997 Product Review: Fleischmann - Swiss Double-Deck Coach. 2 30 1997 Product Review: Fox - N-gauge Book of Transfers. 2 30 1997 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Road Vehicles, Various." 2 32 1997 Product Review: Harburn Hobbies - PO 7-Plank Wagons. 2 33 1997 Product Review: Harburn Hobbies - Stone Cottage. 2 33 1997 Product Review: P & D Marsh - MCW Metrobus MkII. 2 33 1997 Product Review: Ratio - Retaining Walls. 2 33 1997 Product Review: Parkwood Models - Various Wagon Bodies. 2 35 1997 Layout: Abersoch. 3 6 1997 Article: Scrapyard. 3 11 1997 Article: Wagon Terminology. 3 12 1997 Product Review: Heathcote Electronics - Modules for Signal Control. 3 13 1997 Product Review: Fleischmann - Profi couplings. 3 14 1997 Product Review: Langley - Etched Brass Building Kits. 3 15 1997 Product Review: Langley - Class 24 Loco Body Kit. 3 19 1997 Helpful Hints & Tips: Inspirations. 3 41 1997 Layout: Redbury. 4 4 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 in EWS Livery. 4 10 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 in Loadhaul Livery. 4 12 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 in Mainline Livery. 4 12 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 in Civil Engineer Livery. 4 13 1997 Product Review: Silver Fox Models - Class 24 Loco. 4 15 1997 Product Review: Silver Fox Models - Class 27 Loco. 4 15 1997 Product Review: Ultima - Minitrix coach sides. 4 18 1997 Product Review: Union Mills Models - LNER J39 0-6-0 Tender Replacement. 4 18 1997 Article: American Flat Cars. 4 45 1997 Helpful Hints & Tips: Inspirations. 4 47 1997 Layout: Twyford. 5 4 1997 Product Review: Mainstreet Models - Various Buildings. 5 7 1997 Product Review: Minitrix - Swiss Electric Loco. 5 8 1997 Product Review: Roco - Swiss 1-B-B-B-1 Loco. 5 8 1997 Product Review: Graham Avis - Leyland National Bus. 5 9 1997 Product Review: Graham Avis - Portacabin 5 9 1997 Product Review: Graham Avis - DAF/Optare Deltic Bus. 5 10 1997 Product Review: Roger Andrews Studios - Pub Buildings. 5 11 1997 Article: Freelance Observation Coach 5 12 1997 "Helpful Hints & Tips: Go Loco, Brush Up Your Boots (Wheel Cleaner)" 5 14 1997 Article: Modelling the Lehigh Valley. 5 33 1997 Layout: Brensham Village. 6 4 1997 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Various Modern Image Wagons. 6 10 1997 Book Review: Two Rail Wiring. J.M.Lloyd Lee. 6 11 1997 Product Review: Modelmaster - Coach Transfers. 6 12 1997 Product Review: Modelmaster - Locomotive Transfers. 6 12 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - SR 4-6-2 Battle of Britain Class Loco. 6 13 1997 Product Review: Graham Farish - SR 4-6-2 Merchant Navy Class Loco. 6 13 1997 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Diamond Mesh. 6 15 1997 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Cars, Various." 6 16 1997 Article: Close Encounters of a Magnetic Kind (Couplings). 6 17 1997 Product Review: Graham Avis - Residential Caravan. 9 9 1998 Layout: N in Bavaria. 1 4 1998 "Product Review: Mainstreet Models - Full Building, 2-Storey." 1 4 1998 Product Review: Mainstreet Models - Shop & Public House. 1 4 1998 Product Review: Parkwood Models - BR Container Kits. 1 4 1998 Product Review: Peco - 9' w/b Wooden Wagon Chassis Kit. 1 5 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - BR 4-6-2 7P6F Minitrix Britannia detailing kit. 1 6 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 90 Loco Detailing Kit. 1 6 1998 "Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Farm Outhouses: Barn, Cowshed, Stable Block." 1 7 1998 Product Review: Ultima - BR MkI coach underframe kit. 1 7 1998 Product Review: GEM - Various Accessories. 1 8 1998 Product Review: Kean Maygib - Wagon Wheels. 3-Hole Disc. 1 8 1998 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Morris Cars. 1 8 1998 Product Review: John Gray - JHA/JGA Bogie Hopper Wagon. 1 9 1998 Article: More on Couplings. 1 14 1998 Article: Bletchley - Final Scenes. 1 32 1998 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Class 156 Sprinter DMU. 2 4 1998 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Class 28 Co-Bo Loco. 2 4 1998 Product Review: Knightwing - Canal Lock & Gates. 2 5 1998 Product Review: Knightwing - Canal Narrow Boat. 2 5 1998 Product Review: Langley - Stained Glass Windows. 2 7 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 26 Loco Kit. 2 7 1998 Product Review: Fox - Lining for City/Duchess locos. 2 8 1998 Product Review: Fox - Lining for GWR/BR large tender. 2 8 1998 Product Review: Fox - Lining Transfers for City/Duchess Locos. 2 8 1998 Product Review: Fox - Lining Transfers for GWR/BR Large Tender. 2 8 1998 Product Review: Worsley Works - Scratch Aid Kits for Coaches. 2 9 1998 Article: Coronation in Blue. 2 10 1998 Article: Southern 20-ton Brake Van. 2 14 1998 Article: Southern Rounded End Tarpaulin Wagon. 2 14 1998 Article: Fiddling Underground. 2 15 1998 Article: Fiddling Underground. 2 15 1998 Layout: Abersoch. The Extension 2 22 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips: Inspirations. 2 26 1998 NGS Wagon - Transfers on Society Kits. 3 4 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips. 3 6 1998 Article: Modified Graham Farish Black 5. 3 7 1998 Article: Memory Wire Point Actuator. 3 8 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips. 3 8 1998 Product Review: Peco - 7-Plank Open Wagon Kit for 9' w/b Chassis. 3 9 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips. 3 10 1998 Product Review: B & B - Coupling fret. 3 17 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Brake wheels & signboards. 3 17 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Loco shovels etc. 3 17 1998 Product Review: Chiltern Miniatures - Chevy Crew Pick-up. 3 18 1998 Product Review: Chiltern Miniatures - Flatbed trailer. 3 18 1998 Product Review: Colin Ashby - Coach Seating Unit. 3 19 1998 Product Review: Embedded Controls Ltd. - Base Range Module (controls 4-aspect signal). 3 19 1998 Product Review: AMR Electronics - Classic HHIS (Switched Feedback) Controller. 3 20 1998 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 in EWS Livery. 3 20 1998 Product Review: AMR Electronics - Single Panel-Mounting Switch. 3 21 1998 Product Review: Graham Avis - Guy Arab Double-Decker Bus Kit. 3 22 1998 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. 3 27 1998 Article: Let's Build a Van. 4 4 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips: Solvents & Adhesives. 4 10 1998 Article: Building & Loading a Blackadder. 4 15 1998 Article: Scratchbuilding Buildings. 4 16 1998 Product Review: Model Power - EMD F40 Diesel Loco. 4 18 1998 Product Review: Model Power - Various Wagons. 4 18 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 87 Loco Kit. 4 19 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Square Mesh Fencing. 4 19 1998 Product Review: Ayers Mouldings - GWR 42xx Loco Body Kit. 4 21 1998 Product Review: Ayers Mouldings - GWR 45xx Loco Body Kit. 4 21 1998 Product Review: Graham Avis - Road Tractor & Trailers. 4 21 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 47 Loco Detailing Kit. 4 21 1998 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Farmhouse. 4 22 1998 Product Review: Everbuild Building Products Ltd. - One Strike Filler. 4 23 1998 Product Review: First Class Trains - Flashing Tail Lamp. 4 23 1998 Product Review: Midland Coachworks - MR Platform Canopy Awning. 4 23 1998 Product Review: Dornaplas - Bristol Single-Decker Bus. 4 25 1998 Product Review: Dornaplas - Chargeman's Hut. 4 25 1998 Article: Board ? Pull Yourself Together. 5 4 1998 Article: Converting New to Old. 5 7 1998 Article: Working Signals. 5 8 1998 Article: Desert Victory SD 40-2. 5 10 1998 "Layout: 70C, 1." 5 12 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips. 5 15 1998 Article: Converting Insulfrog to Electrofrog Points. 5 16 1998 Article: Along the Line. 5 17 1998 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 87 in BR Blue. 5 19 1998 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 87 in BR Intercity Livery. 5 19 1998 Product Review: Graham Farish - Magnum Layout Plan. 5 19 1998 Product Review: Ultima - BR MkI 57' coach underframe kit. 5 21 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Etched Garden & Builder's Tools. 5 21 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Etched Ladders. 5 21 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Lima Syphon G conversion kit. 5 21 1998 Product Review: Ultima - Square Pallets. 5 21 1998 Product Review: Scale Link - Etched couplings. 5 22 1998 "Product Review: Scale Link - Station Columns, 8ft High." 5 22 1998 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Detailing Kit for Graham Farish PCA. 5 22 1998 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. 5 25 1998 Article: What is the BloNg ? Block Control. 6 4 1998 Article: Wheel Tapping. 6 5 1998 Layout: Small Can Be Beautiful. 6 12 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips. 6 13 1998 "Layout: 70C, 2." 6 14 1998 Helpful Hints & Tips: Applying Model Transfers. 6 18 1998 Article: Ketton. 6 19 1998 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Duckets. 6 24 1998 Product Review: BH Enterprises - SR 15/25-ton Brake Van. 6 24 1998 Product Review: NGS Kit - BR 21-ton Mineral Wagon Kit N°19. 6 24 1998 Product Review: NGS Kit - LMS/BR Box Van Wagon Kit Twin Pack N°18. 6 24 1998 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 08 0-6-0 Shunter in EWS Livery. 6 25 1999 Product Review: Colin Ashby - Blackened Chain. 1 10 1999 Product Review: M.Ash Organisation - Various Plaster Buildings. 1 10 1999 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Morris Minor Car. 1 11 1999 Product Review: Ratio - Concrete Permanent Way Huts. 1 11 1999 Product Review: Victors - DB 1st Class Coach. 1 12 1999 Product Review: Victors - DR Class E42 Loco. 1 12 1999 Product Review: Victors - SBB 2nd Class Coach. 1 12 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 31 in EWS Livery. 1 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 33 in EWS Livery. 1 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - PCA Cement Van. 1 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - VBA Van. 1 13 1999 Product Review: Atlas Model Railroad Co. - Passenger Station. 1 15 1999 Product Review: Atlas Model Railroad Co. - U25B Bo-Bo Loco. 1 15 1999 Product Review: Cenpro - Class 76 Loco Kit. 1 16 1999 Layout: Arunvale. 1 28 1999 Article: Digital Command Control (DCC). 1 30 1999 Article: Coal Traffic. 1 33 1999 Article: Class 37 37039 Conversion. 1 35 1999 Product Review: Peco - Country Station Building. 2 12 1999 Product Review: N Brass Locos - Pick-up conversion for Graham Farish locos. 2 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Scammell Local Delivery Vehicle. 2 14 1999 Product Review: Intertrans 148 Ltd. - Modern Image Articulated Lorries. 2 14 1999 Layout: Grimefield. 2 25 1999 Article: Fish Van Conversion. 2 31 1999 Article: Iron Bars. 2 32 1999 "Article: BloNg Circuit, the." 2 37 1999 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Class 45/4 Loco Kit. 3 12 1999 Product Review: Ian Stoate Models - Sea Urchin Engineers' Wagon Kit. 3 12 1999 Product Review: Silver Fox Models - Class 35 Loco Body Kit. 3 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Chains. 3 14 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Flexible Fencing (Etched Brass). 3 14 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Ford Galaxy Car. 3 14 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Mini Cooper Car. 3 14 1999 Product Review: Silver Fox Models - Class 66 Loco Body Kit in EWS Livery. 3 14 1999 Product Review: Atlas Model Railroad Co. - Pulpwood Flat Wagon. 3 15 1999 Product Review: Fox - Commonwealth A4 loco transfers. 3 15 1999 Product Review: Model Power - Alco D600 Loco. 3 16 1999 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 1." 3 26 1999 Layout: Winslow. 3 31 1999 Layout: Swaleness & Ebbsfleet. 3 33 1999 Article: SR Brake Vans. 3 35 1999 Article: Building a Class 22. 3 38 1999 Article: Locomotive Bits & Bobs. 3 40 1999 Article: Motors in a Spin. 3 42 1999 Article: LMS 12-ton Vans. 3 45 1999 Product Review: All Components - Hand-held Controller. 4 17 1999 Product Review: All Components - Two-Track Controller. 4 17 1999 Product Review: Ten Commandments - Loads for Peco & Graham Farish Wagons.. 4 18 1999 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Steel Footbridge. 4 27 1999 Product Review: PS Systems - Loads for Various Wagons. 4 27 1999 Product Review: PS Systems - MEA Wagon Body Kit. 4 27 1999 Product Review: Precision Paints - Livery Data Sheets. 4 28 1999 Product Review: Precision Paints - Railway Company Colour Cards. 4 28 1999 "Product Review: Precision Paints - Tinlets of Paint, 14ml." 4 28 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR MkII Coaches in GW Trains livery. 4 29 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - HST 125 Set in GW Trains livery. 4 29 1999 Layout: Summerbridge. 4 31 1999 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 2." 4 32 1999 Article: Milk Tank Wagons. 4 37 1999 Article: GWR Hall. 4 38 1999 Product Review: Foxhunter - LNER 4-6-2 Gresley A4 Loco Kit. 5 13 1999 Product Review: Railino - RH Turnout (Point) Kits. 5 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Avis - Skip Lorry Set. 5 14 1999 Product Review: CJM - Class 66 Loco in EWS Livery.. 5 15 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 in GWT Livery. 5 17 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - GWR/BR 4-6-0 Castle Class Loco. 5 17 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - GWR/BR 4-6-0 Hall Class Loco. 5 17 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER A4 4-6-2 loco. 5 17 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - SR 4-6-2 West Country Class Loco. 5 17 1999 Product Review: Barrow Works - BR 2-10-0 9F Loco Double Chimney. 5 22 1999 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 3." 5 23 1999 Article: Mineral Wagon Conversion. 5 32 1999 Article: Computers don't Byte ! 5 34 1999 Article: Diesel Detailing for the Petrified ! 5 35 1999 Product Review: Ultima - BR MkI coach sides. 6 12 1999 Product Review: GHQ - Excavator. 6 13 1999 Product Review: Graham Farish - HST 125 Set in Virgin Trains livery. 6 14 1999 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Town Station. 6 14 1999 Product Review: Parkside Dundas - BR Clam Ballast Wagon. 6 15 1999 Product Review: N Brass Locos - Portal Structure for Overhead Electrics. 6 16 1999 "Article: Chalkmarks, Graffiti ?" 6 25 1999 Article: Expanding the Coal Fleet. 6 35 1999 Helpful Hints & Tips: Artful Dodgers. 6 38 2000 Obituary: Henry W. J. (Harry) Bolland. 1 7 2000 Obituary: Tim Colwell. 1 7 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - 7-Plank Open Wagon. 1 13 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR Coaches in Virgin Livery. 1 13 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 47 in Virgin Livery. 1 13 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - SR 4-6-2 Battle of Britain Class Loco. 1 13 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - SR 4-6-2 Merchant Navy Class Loco. 1 13 2000 Product Review: Ten Commandments - Coal & Ballast Loads. 1 15 2000 Product Review: Ten Commandments - Packing Cases. 1 15 2000 Product Review: Ten Commandments - Stone-Built Bridge. 1 15 2000 Product Review: Roundhouse Products - GP20 Loco. 1 17 2000 Product Review: Roundhouse Products - HI CUBE Box Van. 1 17 2000 Product Review: Herpa - Articulated Lorry. 1 21 2000 Product Review: Reitz - Modern Touring Coach. 1 21 2000 Product Review: Parkwood Models - LNER Standard Van. 1 22 2000 Product Review: Union Mills Models - LNER/BR J26 0-6-0 NE Worsdell Loco. 1 22 2000 Layout: Bush Creek. 1 23 2000 Layout: Skellghyl. 1 28 2000 Article: N-Gauge Photography. 1 29 2000 Article: All Wound Up & in a Spin. 1 32 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 4." 1 34 2000 Article: Track Occupation Indicator. 1 39 2000 Article: Uncoupling Difficulties. 1 41 2000 Layout: Welford. 1 42 2000 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project. 2 5 2000 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Portacabin. 2 10 2000 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Tank Container. 2 10 2000 Product Review: Silver Fox Models - Class 23 'Baby Deltic' Loco. 2 11 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - BR Coaches in Virgin Livery. 2 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 87 in Virgin Livery. 2 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - Class 90 in Virgin Livery. 2 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - PCA Cement Wagons. 2 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - PO Mineral Wagon. 2 12 2000 Layout: Ash Hill. 2 14 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 5." 2 20 2000 Article: Wooden Goods Shed. 2 30 2000 Article: Night Lights. 2 31 2000 Article: Track Alignment System. 2 38 2000 Helpful Hints & Tips: N on the Net. 3 5 2000 Product Review: Fox - Gresley 'Hush Hush' Loco Markings. 3 13 2000 Product Review: Graham Avis - Dennis Sabre Fire Engine. 3 13 2000 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Modern Industrial Unit. 3 14 2000 Product Review: Ratio - Steel Truss Bridges. 3 14 2000 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Gardening Set. 3 15 2000 "Product Review: P & D Marsh - Motorcycles, Various." 3 15 2000 Product Review: Fox - Complete Markings for Various BR Wagons.. 3 18 2000 Product Review: CJM - Class 89 Loco. 3 20 2000 Product Review: Mike Howarth - LMS Series 3 Coach Kits. 3 20 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 6." 3 21 2000 Obituary: Tony Morris. 3 30 2000 "Layout: Teapot Stand, the." 3 31 2000 Article: Large Prairie Described. 3 34 2000 Article: Designs on Computers ? 3 36 2000 Helpful Hints & Tips: Clean Round the Bend. 3 38 2000 Helpful Hints & Tips: Artful Dodgers. 3 39 2000 Helpful Hints & Tips: Simple Work Base. 3 40 2000 Obituary: Peter Horsecroft. 4 8 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - GWR/BR 4-6-0 King Class Loco. 4 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER A4 4-6-2 Loco. 4 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - LNER/BR 4-6-2 A4 class Loco. 4 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - PCA Cement Wagons. 4 12 2000 Product Review: Graham Farish - PGA Hopper Wagons. 4 12 2000 Article: Dioramic Tale. 4 18 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 7." 4 26 2000 Article: Shed Clutter. 4 31 2000 Obituary: Frank White. 5 7 2000 Product Review: Muswell Models - Moulded Plastic Sheets. 5 10 2000 Product Review: Muswell Models - Various Plastic Buildings. 5 10 2000 Product Review: BH Enterprises - Penhaven Textural Paint. 5 11 2000 Article: IGA Cargowaggon. 5 12 2000 Helpful Hints & Tips. 5 13 2000 Article: Graham Farish Recognised by Virgin Trains. 5 16 2000 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2000. 5 22 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 8." 5 28 2000 Article: Arc Welding Simulator. 5 32 2000 Layout: Kilnside - Take Five. 5 34 2000 Article: New Horizons for Y2K. 5 35 2000 Article: SR Trailer Composite Coach. 5 37 2000 Layout: Bart. 5 38 2000 Product Review: CJM - Class 56 Loco. 6 10 2000 Product Review: Langley - Bulldozer. 6 12 2000 Article: Wagon Loads - Casks. 6 13 2000 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - BR Tube Wagon Kit. 6 13 2000 Layout: Stuttgart Main Central. 6 16 2000 "Layout: Cumbrian Mountain Lines, 9." 6 22 2000 Layout: Garden Railway. 6 28 2000 Layout: Bournemouth Central. 6 30 2000 Layout: Limstoke. 6 35 2000 Article: Hawksworth's Great western. 6 37 2000 Article: Mix & Match. Van variants by cross-constructing plastic kits. 6 37 2001 Photo Feature: Waltham - EWS line-up of motive power on depot. 1 1 2001 Editorial: Inspiration in the Basics. 1 3 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey Open Day. 1 4 2001 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties Open Day. 1 4 2001 Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour. 1 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Awayday Event (8 Groups) at Small Dole. 1 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 1 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Medway. 1 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: South West Wales - Contact change. 1 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Yorkshire. 1 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 1 8 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Name Change - NORM. 1 8 2001 Product News: New Minitrix steam & electric locos & S-Bhan Train. Tarpaulined load. 1 8 2001 Product Review: BH Enterprises - London Transport Double-Decker Bus Kit. 1 10 2001 Article: Gresley 3rd suburban coach built from various sources. 1 11 2001 Article: Automatic Shuttle & Voltage Regulator. 1 12 2001 Layout: Badley Cement - compact modern image cement works. 1 14 2001 Article: LMS diesel loco 10800 built from Atlas RS-3 switcher. 1 18 2001 Photo Feature: BR tube wagon built from Chivers Finelines kit. 1 22 2001 Prototype Photo(s): BR Tube Wagons on the ELR. 1 23 2001 Article: Best Fit - which sides' transfers for which wagons? 1 28 2001 Article: Advances in Bionics - adjustable legs for commercially-available trestles. 1 33 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Fixing the chassis to the body of Peco wagon kits. 1 35 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Locomotive servicing cradle. 1 35 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Sign-writing for lorry doors etc. 1 35 2001 Article: Well Worn Locomotives - steam loco 'lack of maintenance' weathering. 1 36 2001 "Article: Railroad signalling, according to North American practice." 1 37 2001 "Readers' Letters: Bolder start to the new millenium please, a." 1 39 2001 Readers' Letters: Delivery of Journals. 1 40 2001 Readers' Letters: Thanks for Helpline. 1 40 2001 Readers' Letters: Competition Winner. 1 41 2001 Readers' Letters: Wakefield - Members' Points of View. 1 41 2001 Photo Feature: Badley Cement - Compact modern image cement works. 1 44 2001 Shop Update: New Ultima & Parkwood items; s/h lists; etc. 1 s 1 2001 Society News: Library - List of books for sale. 1 s12 2001 Index - NGS Journal 2000. 1 s15 2001 Photo Feature: Dean Goods rounds corner into Bardiff Station. 2 1 2001 Editorial: Every layout should have one. 2 4 2001 NGS Wagon - Kit 22 BR 'Shark' ballast plough brake van - project report. 2 4 2001 Society News: NGS Library - Sale of books. 2 5 2001 Society News: Member of the Rules & Re-organisation Sub Committee. 2 6 2001 Society News: Membership Enquiries Officer (MEO). 2 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: North West Kent Awayday. 2 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 2 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 2 7 2001 Obituary: Lou Finch. 2 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: N Gauge Society Warning. 2 9 2001 Product News: Atlas SD-60 liveries; Alkem etches; Bachmann; Tarpaulin load; etc. 2 9 2001 "Article: Point construction - illustrated, detailed instructions for N-gauge." 2 10 2001 Article: National Railways of Zimbabwe 15th Class 4-6-4+4-6-4 Garratt. 2 16 2001 Prototype Photo(s): National Railways of Zimbabwe 15th Class Garratt. 2 17 2001 Photo Feature: Bridgford - Scale-length LMS main-line trains in N-gauge. 2 22 2001 Layout: Brookside - BR on the Sheffield-Manchester Woodhead route. 2 26 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Coach corridor connections for N-gauge. 2 33 2001 Article: Spoilt for Choice? - wagon variations from commercial kits in N-gauge. 2 34 2001 "Readers' Letters: Bolder start to the new millenium please, a. Responses." 2 39 2001 Readers' Letters: Memories of Ynisarward. 2 41 2001 "Readers' Letters: Deafening Silence, a." 2 42 2001 Photo Feature: Brookside - BR on the Sheffield-Manchester Woodhead route. 2 44 2001 Shop Update: Replacement pony wheels; new items from Foxhunter & B&B; etc. 2 s 1 2001 Society News: AGM 2001 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s12 2001 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2001/01. 2 s14 2001 Competition - Word Search. 2 s15 2001 Photo Feature: Peak on Duncan Hazelden's scenic layout. 3 1 2001 Editorial: Tools of the Trade. 3 4 2001 Society News: Is there a marketing expert out there ? 3 4 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Midlands - new contact. 3 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Somerset. 3 5 2001 Society News: Be patient - the wait will be worth it. 3 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex. 3 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: North East England. 3 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 3 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Thankyou. 3 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 3 6 2001 Product News: Bachmann new arrivals; Atlas GP-38 Loco + freight rolling stock.. 3 8 2001 Product Review: Metcalfe - Railway Workers' Cottages Card Kit. 3 11 2001 "Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Dummy screw couplings, ref.1202." 3 11 2001 "Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Ferry Wagon Details, ref.1809." 3 11 2001 "Product Review: Fox - Steam Loco Numbering, Lettering & Lining Transfer Packs." 3 12 2001 Product Review: Brawa - memory wire semaphore signal. 3 13 2001 Product Review: Roco - Class DB-AG 101 'Asprin' + OtherLliveries. 3 13 2001 Report from Utrecht (November 2000). 3 14 2001 Article: BR Standard 3MT tank built from Lone Star body & Farish chassis. 3 16 2001 Article: BR Shark Ballast Plough brake van project - building & detailing the NGS Kit. 3 21 2001 Prototype Photo(s): BR Shark Plough brake vans. Various dates & locations. 3 22 2001 Layout: Railclub Utrecht N-Gauge Group modular layout based on Dutch practice. 3 26 2001 Layout: Altside - BR steam & diesel run to scale speeds. 3 28 2001 Article: Peaks & Arcs - kit-bashing to produce wagon variants. 3 31 2001 Article: Brass signal posts made from square tube. 3 32 2001 "Article: Turning the Tables - building a motorised, fully automatic turntable." 3 33 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Paint thinners. 3 40 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Stripping Farish paintwork. 3 40 2001 Readers' Letters: 2mm Association wagon kits. 3 40 2001 "Readers' Letters: Bolder start to the new millenium please, a. More Responses." 3 41 2001 Readers' Letters: Corridor connections & close-coupling. 3 41 2001 Readers' Letters: Library book sale. 3 41 2001 "Readers' Letters: Thankyou, a." 3 41 2001 Shop Update: Modelmaster; Shire Scenes; NGS Shark plough brake van kit; etc. 3 s 1 2001 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2001/04. 3 s11 2001 Competition - Metcalfe Premium Card Building Kits. 3 s12 2001 Photo Feature: Thunderbird Pass. 4 1 2001 Competition - Word Search. Winner. 4 4 2001 Editorial: Raising the Standard ? 4 4 2001 Society News: Front Cover. 4 4 2001 Society News: Membership Enquiries Officer (MEO). 4 4 2001 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Publicity co-ordination. 4 5 2001 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2001." 4 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: N Gauge Society AGM. 4 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour - North West Kent. 4 8 2001 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in Milton Keynes & Berkshire areas. 4 8 2001 Area Group News & Updates: North East England. 4 8 2001 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 4 8 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Cock-up; contact details; closures; N-Gaugers wanted. 4 9 2001 Article: Bristol/ECW 4-wheel railbus. Scratchbuilt in N-gauge. 4 9 2001 Product News: Atlas; Brawa; Fleetline Road 'n' Rail cautionary tale. 4 9 2001 Article: It's Not Too Late at 88. 4 10 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Track planning 4 11 2001 Layout: Bridgford - Scale-length LMS main-line passenger & freight trains. 4 12 2001 "Article: Dutch Adventure, a. Exhibition experience in the Netherlands." 4 16 2001 Article: Better BR MkI coaches. Converting & improving RTR coaches. 4 22 2001 Prototype Photo(s): BR MkI BFK coach in BR maroon livery. 4 26 2001 Prototype Photo(s): BR MkI SK coach E4232 in BR blue/white livery. 4 26 2001 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2001. 4 28 2001 Article: No room for a layout? Minimum-space main line & a coffee table MPD. 4 31 2001 From the Net - Track power feeds. Making connections to metal rail-joiners. 4 35 2001 Article: Working rear lights for rolling stock in N-gauge. 4 36 2001 Prototype Photo(s): SR Queen Mary brake van in BR livery on the ELR in 1999. 4 36 2001 Prototype Photo(s): LMS 20-ton brake van in BR livery on the ELR in 2000. 4 37 2001 Article: Easy stone walling to suit the situation. 4 38 2001 Article: Quickie Mink D - wagon conversion from a pair of NGS Mink C kits. 4 40 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Roof vents & cowls for N-gauge. 4 41 2001 Readers' Letters: Standards. 4 41 2001 Readers' Letters: 2mm Society Bits. 4 42 2001 Readers' Letters: Happy to Wait. 4 42 2001 Readers' Letters: Shire Lane; 4 42 2001 Photo Feature: Farish Class 101 DMU in BR green livery with added details & markings. 4 44 2001 Photo Feature: Farish Class 33 in 'Dutch' livery with added details & markings. 4 44 2001 Shop Update: Ultima; Cartic 4 kits; AGM sales; etc. 4 s 1 2001 Society News: Annual Accounts 2000 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s 8 2001 Society News: AGM 2001 - Report. 4 s10 2001 Book Review: Railways Restored 2001. Ian Allen. 4 s11 2001 Competition - Railways Restored book. 4 s11 2001 Society News: Closure of Society Shop - advance notice. 4 s12 2001 Society News: Competitions Secretary. 4 s12 2001 Photo Feature: Ben Ando's model of Class 73 73118 in EPS livery. 5 1 2001 Editorial: Building up your Confidence. 5 4 2001 Obituary: Keith W. Robbins. (cf. A Tribute 2001/5/41) 5 4 2001 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Progress update. 5 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Area Groups in Force. 5 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Warwickshire/Rugby. 5 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Isle of Wight. 5 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 5 6 2001 Competition - Metcalfe Premium Card Building Kits. Winner. 5 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 5 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: North Somerset. 5 7 2001 "Article: Non-passenger coaching stock in N-gauge, 1. Converting/improving RTR stock." 5 7 2001 Article: Eleven from Twelve makes One. Modifying Parkside Dundas 12ft chassis to 11ft. 5 12 2001 From the Net - Joining Peco Code 55 with Code 80 track. 5 12 2001 "Product News: Atlas code 55 track, new freight car liveries, Alco RS-3 loco." 5 13 2001 Product Review: LifeLike - Alco FA1/FB1 Diesel Loco & Booster. 5 14 2001 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - SR 0-6-0T Class USA Kit. 5 15 2001 Product Review: NuComp Miniatures - Mid '70s American Trailer Home/Caravan Kit. 5 16 2001 Product Review: Lancaster City Models - Transfers for DRS-liveried diesels. 5 17 2001 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - SR PLV/PMV/CCT/GUV Kit. 5 18 2001 Prototype Photo(s): Class 20 20303 in DRS livery in 1997. 5 18 2001 Prototype Photo(s): SR PMV utility van preserved on the ELR in 2001. 5 19 2001 From the Net - Painting embossed plastic walling 5 22 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Representation of glass on whitemetal. 5 25 2001 Photo Feature: Kings Park - Underground & WCML trains side by side. 5 28 2001 Article: Converting 4mm to N-Gauge dimensions. 5 31 2001 Article: GWR Macaw B bogie wagon built from NGS Kit N°8. 5 31 2001 Layout: Hayling Billy - the Hayling Island Railway Line. 5 33 2001 Article: Modelling Tools - household items with a use for modellers. 5 36 2001 Readers' Letters: Playing Trains. 5 38 2001 Readers' Letters: Well-kept secret makes life a doddle. 5 38 2001 Readers' Letters: I knew Graham Farish. 5 39 2001 Readers' Letters: Black Stanier Pacifics on the Blackpool lines. 5 40 2001 Readers' Letters: More on Corridor connections & couplings. 5 40 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Trees made from Clematis. 5 41 2001 "Tribute to Keith Robbins, a." 5 41 2001 Photo Feature: Stone-carrying capacity contrast - 12ft w/b opens & JHA bogie hopper. 5 44 2001 Shop Update: Chivers Finelines; Ultima; s/h lists; etc. 5 s 1 2001 Society News: Closure of Society Shop - advance notice. 5 s 8 2001 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2001/07. 5 s 8 2001 Society News: Library - Completion of sale & new list of books. 5 s 9 2001 Book Review: Heyday of Stewarts Lane & its Locomotives. Ian Allen. 5 s11 2001 Book Review: Railway Liveries - BR Traction 1948-1995. Ian Allen. 5 s11 2001 Book Review: Steam Around the Hampshire & Dorset Coast. Ian Allen. 5 s11 2001 Book Review: RCH Atlas of England & Wales 1904. Ian Allen. 5 s12 2001 Book Review: Transport in Liverpool. Ian Allen. 5 s12 2001 Competition - RCH Atlas of England & Wales book. 5 s12 2001 Photo Feature: GWR/Welsh Valleys 0-6-0T at Bardiff. 6 1 2001 Editorial: Travel Hopefully. 6 4 2001 Society News: Delivery of Journals. 6 4 2001 Competition - Railways Restored. Winner. 6 5 2001 Society News: AGM 2002 - Formal Notice. 6 5 2001 Society News: Closure of Society Shop. 6 5 2001 Society News: New Membership Subscription Rates. 6 5 2001 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in North Wales. 6 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Newark & District. 6 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Somerset. 6 6 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 6 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: Mercia - New contact. 6 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: More Groups required. 6 7 2001 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 6 7 2001 From the Net - Watching the Clock. Clocks for scale time. 6 7 2001 From the Net - Isolating gaps. 6 8 2001 Article: Building 2mm Scale Association plastic wagon body kits for N-gauge. 6 9 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Without paste or plaster. Scenery from laminated brown gummed paper. 6 9 2001 NGS Wagon - BR Steel Coil Carrier project. 6 12 2001 Product Review: Muswell Models - Etched brass Greenhouse. 6 13 2001 "Product Review: Muswell Models - Etched brass Valencing, single rows of Bricks." 6 13 2001 "Product Review: Muswell Models - Etched brass Windows & Doors, Soldier Arches." 6 13 2001 Prototype Photo(s): IHA & KIA Steel Coil Carriers. 6 13 2001 Trade Report 01/6: Bachmann/Farish news; TPM; BH Enterprises; etc. 6 13 2001 Product Review: Mike Howarth - LMS Corridor 3rd & Corridor Brake 3rd Coach Kits. 6 15 2001 Product Review: Kato - EMD SD90-43 MAC diesel loco. 6 16 2001 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 158 2-car DMU in Central Trains livery. 6 17 2001 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 158 DMU + news update on former range. 6 18 2001 Layout: Ketton - a section of the Peterborough to Leicester main line. 6 23 2001 Photo Feature: Kings Park - Underground & WCML trains side by side. 6 24 2001 Layout: Ribblehead and Dent (cf. Neverbee & Nearby). 6 26 2001 "Article: Very Good VGA, a. The prototype & building the Ian Stoate kit." 6 31 2001 Prototype Photo(s): VGA at Warrington Bank Quay in 1991. 6 31 2001 Prototype Photo(s): VGAs in a Speedlink service at Preston in 1990. 6 31 2001 Competition - Ian Stoate VGA kit. 6 33 2001 Hints 'N' Tips: Paint stirrer. 6 33 2001 Layout: Train in a briefcase. Scenic layout in 31 x 42cm. 6 38 2001 "Layout: LMS in Canada, the." 6 39 2001 British Railway Modellers of North America. 6 43 2001 Layout: Fairwaite Junction. A main line BR(LMR) 1956-62 layout for a small room. 6 43 2001 "Article: Rolling chassis, a. Modelling a body-less bus chassis." 6 47 2001 Readers' Letters: Black Stanier Pacifics to Blackpool. 6 49 2001 Readers' Letters: Drawing Offer. 6 49 2001 Readers' Letters: Product Reviews. 6 49 2001 Photo Feature: LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T N° 2341. 6 52 2001 Photo Feature: LMS 5MT Stanier 4-6-0 N° 5068. 6 52 2001 Shop Update: Ultima; Dornaplas; TPM; Cartic 4 NGS Kit 17; etc. 6 s 1 2001 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2001/10. 6 s 8 2002 Photo Feature: Bradford Road - 'Calder Valley' Cl.110 DMU. 1 1 2002 Editorial: Long Live the British Rail Era ! 1 4 2002 Society News: Membership Secretary. 1 4 2002 Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour. 1 5 2002 Society News: From the Chairman. 1 5 2002 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 1 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: North West Kent. 1 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Interested in modelling N-Scale narrow gauge ? 1 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Meet your AGC. 1 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: More Groups required. 1 7 2002 Trade Report 02/1: Review samples; Parkwood; Ten Commandments; Fox; Bachmann; etc. 1 7 2002 Product Review: Lenz - Compact Digital Command Control (DCC) System. 1 8 2002 Product Review: Precision Paints - Superstrip Paint Stripper. 1 10 2002 Article: Cheap (but not totally accurate ) conversion for a Cl.120 DMU. 1 12 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Darker valve gear using 'liquid gun blue'. 1 14 2002 Article: German Surprise - Main line continental. 6-level storage for a 3 hour sequence. 1 15 2002 "Article: Non-passenger coaching stock in N-gauge, 2. Improving kit-built models." 1 18 2002 Article: DMU - another approach? A 'Calder Valley' Cl.110 DMU built from Farish Cl.101. 1 23 2002 Book Review: Modelling the British Rail Era. Santona Publications. 1 30 2002 Prototype Photo(s): Class 20s in blue livery lead a MGR coal train in 1991. 1 30 2002 Book Review: 2mm Scale Modelling: a Photographic Celebration. 2mm Scale Association. 1 31 2002 Article: Midland van variations - 2 different vans built from NGS Midland van kits. 1 32 2002 Article: Wooden overall roof built using embossed plasticard. 1 35 2002 From the Net: Removing the roof from a Graham Farish MkI coaches. 1 37 2002 Article: Coal staithes built from plasticard & microstrip. 1 38 2002 Readers' Letters: More on Blackpool Pacifics. 1 39 2002 Readers' Letters: More on corridor connections. 1 39 2002 "Readers' Letters: Japanese modeller's recommendations, a." 1 40 2002 Readers' Letters: More on Product Reviews. 1 40 2002 Readers' Letters: In praise of the Area Groups. 1 41 2002 Readers' Letters: Inspired by the work of others. 1 41 2002 Readers' Letters: Society Wagon Projects. 1 42 2002 Photo Feature: Stock available to the Dutch N-Gauge modeller. 1 44 2002 Shop Update: P&D Marsh; Modelmaster; 2mm Association; Point levers; etc. 1 s 1 2002 Index - NGS Journal 2001. 1 s 8 2002 Photo Feature: Orton-in-Dabble - overall view. 2 1 2002 Editorial: Looking Over the Horizon. 2 4 2002 Society News: Delivery of Journals. 2 4 2002 Competition - Ian Stoate VGA kit. Winner. 2 5 2002 "NGS Wagon - Kit 23 RCH 1923 design 9'0"" w/b 12-ton open - test shot photos." 2 5 2002 Society News: Missing Journals & Back Issues. 2 5 2002 Society News: Submissions to the Journal. 2 5 2002 Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour. 2 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: More Groups required. 2 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in Scotland. 2 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 2 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Felixstowe. 2 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Mercia name change 2 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: North Wales contact change. 2 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Warwickshire/Rugby exhibit new layout. 2 8 2002 "Product Review: Fox - N-gauge Catalogue, volume 2." 2 9 2002 Trade Report 02/2: Bachmann/Farish HST; TPM Cl.60 & 25; Ian Stoate; GEM; etc. 2 9 2002 Product Review: E-R Models - Baldwin RF16 'Sharknose' diesel loco. 2 10 2002 "From the Net: Handrail knobs. How to prepare, adapt & fit them." 2 11 2002 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Coronation 46229 'Duchess of Hamilton' in 1998. 2 11 2002 "Article: Non-passenger coaching stock in N-gauge, 3. Improving kit-built models." 2 12 2002 Prototype Photo(s): LMS 50' BG gangwayed brake at Bury in 2001. 2 16 2002 Layout: Rotenberg/Driebrucken - fictional layout set in the Swiss/Austrian Alps. 2 17 2002 Layout: Neverbee & Nearby (ex Ribblehead & Dent) - main line on 2 levels in 7' x 4'. 2 19 2002 "Article: Experiences with modules, 1 - preliminary considerations." 2 31 2002 "Article: Introducing 'N-trak', 'oNe trak', & 'T-trak' modular layouts." 2 34 2002 Prototype Photo(s): HAA hopper wagon at Warrington in 1991. 2 37 2002 Readers' Letters: MGR Hopper 1-4. 2 37 2002 Readers' Letters: Paint Stripper. 2 37 2002 Prototype Photo(s): HAA hopper wagons at Liverpool Edge Hill in 1990. 2 38 2002 Readers' Letters: More Praise for Japanese Models. 2 38 2002 Readers' Letters: Sprung Points. 2 38 2002 "Readers' Letters: Bachmann Takeover, the." 2 39 2002 "Article: Wagon Ideas, 1. Multi-purpose 'flexible' chassis kit." 2 40 2002 Readers' Letters: Product Support & Review. 2 40 2002 "Readers' Letters: Wagon Ideas, part 1." 2 40 2002 Readers' Letters: Good Service. 2 42 2002 Shop Update: Jackson-Evans nameplates; Ratio; Modelmaster; Ultima; etc. 2 s 1 2002 Society News: AGM 2002 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s 8 2002 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2002/01. 2 s10 2002 Annual Model-Making Competition 2002 - Entry form. 2 s15 2002 Photo Feature: MR Cl. 3F 'Jinty' 0-6-0T emerging from Liverpool Docks warehouses. 3 1 2002 "Editorial: Kit of Parts, a." 3 4 2002 "NGS Wagon - Kit 23 RCH 1923 design 9'0"" w/b 12-ton open." 3 4 2002 Area Group News & Updates: N-Scale Narrow Gauge. 3 5 2002 Society News: New Membership Secretary. 3 5 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Berkshire. 3 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 3 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Station X. 3 6 2002 Obituary: Nobby Clark. 3 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Contact changes. 3 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex. 3 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in South East Wales. 3 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 3 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Somerset. 3 7 2002 Product Review: Euro Model - Road vehicles in 1/160. 3 8 2002 Product Review: Muswell Models - Buildings & accessory card kits. 3 8 2002 Product Review: Muswell Models - Low relief buildings cast in grey resin. 3 8 2002 Trade Report 02/3: BHE; Ray Evans; GHQ; Foxhunter; Peco; Minitrix; Faller; Pola; etc. 3 8 2002 Product Review: Peco - Signal box kit based on Saxby & Farmer design. 3 9 2002 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Modern loco or multiple unit light clusters. 3 9 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: What kind of glue? and its method of application. 3 10 2002 Product Review: Remtrack - Real sound effect modules. 3 11 2002 Software Review: Bestfirm Ltd. - Raistock stock/inventory software. 3 11 2002 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - BR Blue Spot Fish Van/Parcels Van Kit. 3 13 2002 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - GWR open C wagon Kit. 3 13 2002 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - LMS Long Low Plate Wagon Kit. 3 13 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: The kindest cut - removal of delicate plastic parts from their sprues. 3 15 2002 "NGS Wagon - 35th Anniversary Berry Wiggins P.O. 10'0"" w/b tank wagon by Peco." 3 16 2002 From the Net: BR MkI RMB in crimson & cream (blood & custard) livery from Bachmann. 3 17 2002 Article: Attraction of American N-Gauge. Diesel prototypes & model representations. 3 18 2002 Prototype Photo(s): BR MkI TSO in carmine & cream livery in 1997. 3 18 2002 Competition - N-Scale Model Railroading book. 3 24 2002 "Article: Experiences with modules, 2 - the planning stage." 3 30 2002 Article: Close coupling of N gauge stock. 3 33 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Positioning of lamps on steam locos. 3 35 2002 Article: Midland Railway 0-6-4T 'Flatiron' converted from a Graham Farish 4F. 3 36 2002 Article: SR 20-ton brake van built from Farish LBSCR & Peco SR brake van kits. 3 37 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Lubrication of plastic gears using Boots white Petroleum Jelly. 3 37 2002 "Article: Wagon ideas, 2. Top 20 most popular wagon types which lasted into BR service." 3 38 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Lubrication of troublesome locomotives using 'Wahl' oil. 3 38 2002 "Readers' Letters: Wagon Ideas, part 2." 3 38 2002 Readers' Letters: E-mail Problems. 3 42 2002 Readers' Letters: Is an MGR Hopper kit a good idea ? 3 42 2002 Shop Update: Chivers Finelines; Ultima; 1:160 model vehicles; etc. 3 s 1 2002 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2002/04. 3 s 8 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Order Form. 3 s11 2002 Photo Feature: Rugby Road - aerial view & view of station. 4 1 2002 "Editorial: Greatest Show on Earth, the." 4 4 2002 Society News: E-mail contact addresses. 4 4 2002 "NGS Wagon - Kit 23 RCH 1923 design 9'0"" w/b 12-ton open - photo of completed kit." 4 5 2002 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2002." 4 5 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Progress update. 4 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Society AGM. 4 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: New Group for Narrow Gauge N. 4 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Open Days/Exhibitions. 4 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: South East Wales. 4 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Berkshire. 4 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Staffordshire. 4 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 4 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Yorkshire. 4 9 2002 Product Review: Minitrix - LMS Cl.2MT 2-6-2T Ivatt Loco. 4 10 2002 Trade Report 02/4: Graham Hubbard of Bachmann at AGM; Chivers; Gramodels; etc. 4 10 2002 Product Review: Con-Cor - Great Northern S-2 4-8-4 loco. 4 12 2002 "Product Review: Gramodels - LSWR 10'0"" w/b goods van resin body for Peco chassis." 4 12 2002 "Product Review: Gramodels - LSWR 9'0"" w/b 8-plank open resin body for Peco chassis." 4 12 2002 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR Cl.08 0-6-0 diesel shunter in Railfreight livery. 4 13 2002 Lick of Paint: Spruce-up your bogies. 4 15 2002 "Layout: Port of Enn Transport Association (PETA) - trains, trolleys, & trams." 4 16 2002 Layout: Rugby Road - Urban & country realism on a vast 20'x12' layout. 4 20 2002 Layout: Cunning Plan - Area Group modular Epoch V (mainly) German layout. 4 28 2002 Article: Sea Eagle - Graham White's award-winning A1 Pacific 60139. 4 31 2002 Article: Construction of a fiddle-yard turntable. 4 40 2002 Article: Scale & gauge - explanations of the different 'N scale' standards. 4 41 2002 From the Net: Scale & Gauge. 4 41 2002 "Layout: Kings Park, 1 - post electrification heyday of the WCML." 4 42 2002 Article: Cassette & storage system for rolling stock. 4 45 2002 Readers' Letters: American Chassis for British Outline. 4 50 2002 Readers' Letters: Another Wagon Kit Suggestion. 4 50 2002 Readers' Letters: Positioning of Lamps. 4 50 2002 Shop Update: NGS wagon; Foxhunter; Parkwood; Mayfair Models; etc. 4 s 1 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Travelling to the Venue. 4 s 8 2002 Society News: Annual Accounts 2001 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s14 2002 Society News: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 3.6. 4 s14 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Order Form. 4 s15 2002 Photo Feature: Moppinis Brow - Ex L&Y Pug on short trip freight. 5 1 2002 Editorial: On Your Marks….. 5 4 2002 Society News: Warley Exhibition 2002. 5 4 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Apologies. 5 5 2002 Competition - N-Scale Model Railroading book. Winner. 5 5 2002 Society News: AGM 2003 - Preliminary Announcement. 5 5 2002 Society News: Late for the Date. 5 5 2002 35th Anniversary Exhibition - Report. 5 6 2002 "Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour - West Sussex, Chester, & Berkshire." 5 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Name Change to Nn3. 5 8 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Closure of Scottish Group. 5 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: South East Wales. 5 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 5 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: West Sussex. 5 9 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 5 9 2002 Trade Report 02/5: Bachmann releases; Unscrupulous dealers. 5 9 2002 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - GWR 57xx & 87xx 0-6-0PT in GWR & BR liveries. 5 10 2002 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LNER/WD/BR J94 0-6-0ST in LNER livery. 5 10 2002 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - New 0-6-0 J94/08 & 57xx chassis. 5 10 2002 "Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR MkI SK, BCK & BG coaches in various liveries." 5 12 2002 Product Review: Bachmann - American 2-8-0 Consolidation loco. 5 13 2002 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - BR 32-ton Bogie Bolster E (BOBOL E) Kit (Parkwood). 5 14 2002 Product Review: Parkwood Models - BR 32-ton Bogie Bolster E (BOBOL E) Kit. 5 14 2002 Product Review: Foxhunter - LNER/BR 10-ton fish van plastic kit. 5 16 2002 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - LNER/BR 10-ton Fish Van Kit (Foxhunter). 5 16 2002 Product Review: Wiking - Schaeff HR18 mini excavator. 5 17 2002 Magazine Review: Atlantic Publishing - European Railways. 5 18 2002 Product Review: Miniature Figurines Ltd. - Military figures & vehicles. 5 18 2002 Layout: Moppinis Brow - MR goods depot with steam & diesel in the early 1960s. 5 19 2002 Product Review: Herpa - Mercedes Articulated Lorry. 5 19 2002 Lick of Paint: Weathered brake van. 5 24 2002 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Scenes from the Show. 5 25 2002 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2002 - Locomotives. 5 28 2002 "Layout: Kings Park, 2 - post electrification heyday of the WCML." 5 35 2002 "Article: Experiences with modules, 3 - setting up, electrics & the 'BloNg'" 5 42 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Getting the Best from Waterslide Transfers. 5 45 2002 "Readers' Letters: Greatest Show on Earth, the." 5 46 2002 Readers' Letters: Peco Streamline v Finescale Track. 5 46 2002 Readers' Letters: Clean Track. 5 47 2002 Readers' Letters: Ever Decreasing Circles. 5 47 2002 Readers' Letters: Positioning of Lamps. 5 47 2002 "Readers' Letters: Next Society Wagon Kit, the." 5 48 2002 Readers' Letters: American Diesels. 5 49 2002 Photo Feature: Aberayshwin - Beach Café Scene. 5 50 2002 Photo Feature: Moorcock Junction - An 8F passes by. 5 50 2002 Shop Update: P&D Marsh; TPM; Modelmaster; Lubricating oil; Ultima; etc. 5 s 1 2002 Photo Feature: Orton-in-Dabble - tranquil country cottage scene. 6 1 2002 Editorial: Building Bridges. 6 4 2002 Society News: Area Groups Co-ordinator. 6 4 2002 Obituary: Andy Calvert. (cf. A Tribute 2003/1/6) 6 5 2002 Society News: AGM 2003 - Formal Notice. 6 5 2002 Society News: Journal 5/02. 6 5 2002 Area Group News & Updates: 35th Anniversary Exhibition. 6 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Medway. 6 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Newark. 6 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: Staffordshire. 6 6 2002 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 6 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 6 7 2002 Area Group News & Updates: West Sussex. 6 7 2002 Trade Report 02/6: Brief summary of Trade Stands at the 35th Anniversery Exhibition. 6 8 2002 Product Review: N Scale Architect - Wenford Clay Works laser cut building kit. 6 9 2002 Product Review: P & D Marsh - Wenford Clay Works laser cut building kit. 6 9 2002 Product Review: Kestrel Designs - Goods Shed KD43 plastic kit. 6 11 2002 Product Review: Lifelike - E unit 6-axle diesel chassis. 6 11 2002 Product Review: Taylor Plastic Models - Class 60 body + Lifelike E unit 6-axle chassis. 6 11 2002 Product Review: N Brass Locos - 25kv WCML Catenary. 6 12 2002 "Article: Experiences with modules, 4 - standardisation & the human element." 6 13 2002 Product Review: Graham Avis - Ford Galaxy. 6 13 2002 Product Review: Graham Avis - FX4 & TX taxis. 6 13 2002 Article: Yarnton signal box on the GWR Witney branch. 6 16 2002 Competition - Peco Signal Box. 6 16 2002 Prototype Photo(s): GWR signal box as seen on the Severn Valley Railway. 6 16 2002 From the Net: Rail Zip track cleaner. 6 17 2002 "Article: Modelling N gauge buildings - scratchbuilt, kit & stonecast." 6 18 2002 Layout: Chester - Based on the American Vermont Railroad System. 6 22 2002 Article: Modelling N gauge bridges & viaducts - scratchbuilt & kit. 6 24 2002 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Scenes from the Show. 6 26 2002 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2002 - Buildings. 6 28 2002 "Layout: Kings Park, 3 - locomotives & stock, signalling, & scenery." 6 35 2002 Hints 'N' Tips: Plastic buildings - some tips on the use of Plastikard. 6 38 2002 Article: Back to the Future - Starting out in Digital Command Control (DCC). 6 39 2002 Article: Japanese Models & Modules. 6 41 2002 Article: DPM (Design Preservation Models) - America's Best-kept Secret. 6 43 2002 "Article: Review of 16-ton Mineral Wagons, a - the prototype, rtr & kit models." 6 44 2002 "Article: Aircraft in N-gauge - periods, types, & how to model." 6 48 2002 Readers' Letters: Clean Track. 6 49 2002 Photo Feature: Orton-in-Dabble - tranquil country cottage scene. 6 52 2002 Photo Feature: Zeitz - impressive bridge over the canal. 6 52 2002 Shop Update: Ultima; Ten Comm.; TPM; Kean Maygib; Mayfair; Chivers; Shire Scenes. 6 s 1 2002 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2002/11. 6 s 8 2002 Members Survey - Pendolino. 6 s11 2003 Photo Feature: Moorcock Junction - trains passing on the viaduct. 1 1 2003 Editorial: Bigger is Better. 1 4 2003 Society News: Membership Matters. 1 4 2003 Society News: AGM & Exhibition 2003. 1 5 2003 Society News: Journal Index 2002. 1 5 2003 Society News: Model Rail Club London - 2mm/N gauge meet. 1 5 2003 Obituary: Andy Calvert. 1 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Andy Calvert. 1 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Mid Wales & Marches. 1 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Yorkshire. 1 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Suffolk & North Essex. 1 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 1 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Help Required. 1 9 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Well Done Mac. 1 9 2003 Trade Report 03/1: Bachmann/Farish news; Pendolino; Warley Show; Suppliers; etc. 1 9 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - GWR 61xx 2-6-2T & 94xx 0-6-0PT." 1 11 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - New diesel loco chassis/mechanism." 1 11 2003 "Review, Product: StatesmaN - Overhead catenary equipment for 25kv." 1 11 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 47 & 57 new locos & liveries." 1 12 2003 "Review, Product: Haberl & Partner - Etched gates & fencing." 1 15 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Rolling road kit." 1 15 2003 Article: Load for the Lomac. 1 17 2003 Prototype Photo(s): BR Lowmac with boiler load in 1997 & 2000. 1 18 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Well wagons with engine & boiler loads. 1 18 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: Cleaning the track. 1 19 2003 Photo Feature: Rugby Road. 1 19 2003 Fleischmann Trophy 2002. 1 22 2003 Layout: Ravenstor - A piece of Derbyshire down-under. 1 23 2003 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Fleischmann layout. 1 26 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2002 - Coaches. 1 28 2003 "Article: San Diego, Society of N Scale." 1 29 2003 Article: N Scale Modelling from NTRAK to T-TRAK. 1 36 2003 Lick of Paint: LMS 0-6-0 diesel shunter. 1 38 2003 "Layout: Fairwaite Junction, 2. Close-coupling the carriages." 1 39 2003 From the Net: Operating points. 1 43 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Ivatt 2-6-0 with train on Brooksbottom Viaduct in 1998. 1 43 2003 Article: Modelling a repaired SR plywood-bodied van. 1 46 2003 Article: Paint handles - a simple aid to spray-painting. 1 47 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: Peco slips - curing a slow-running problem. 1 47 2003 Readers' Letters: MGR Hoppers Again. 1 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Peco Track. 1 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Prototype Setrack. 1 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Baldwins & Clean Track. 1 50 2003 Readers' Letters: N Gauge Aircraft. 1 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Sturdy Buildings. 1 50 2003 Photo Feature: David Gibbon's model of ex-LNER V2 2-6-2. 1 52 2003 Photo Feature: Kings Park - Blue Pullman passing the TMD. 1 52 2003 Shop Update: G.Avis;Park.Dun.;C-Rail;P&D M.;Rivendell;NGS;Chivers;M'Master;etc. 1 s 1 2003 Photo Feature: Wyrefleet - MR Flatiron with LYR railcar. 2 1 2003 Editorial: Smoke and Mirrors. 2 4 2003 Society News: Moorcock Junction on Exhibition Circuit. 2 4 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Group Name Change. 2 5 2003 Society News: AGM Exhibition. 2 5 2003 Society News: Competition Winner - Peco Signal Box. 2 5 2003 Society News: Journal Back Issues. 2 5 2003 Society News: Wagon Projects Officer. 2 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Berkshire. 2 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Devon - Expected New Group. 2 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 2 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Station X. 2 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands - Great News. 2 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 2 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex. 2 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Help Still Required. 2 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: North West Kent. 2 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Yorkshire. 2 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 2 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 2 8 2003 Trade Report 03/2: Bachmann/Farish news. 2 8 2003 "Review, Product: All World Scenes - Scenic backdrops." 2 9 2003 "Review, Product: C-Rail Intermodal - 20' & 40' ISO container kits." 2 10 2003 "Review, Product: Muswell Models - World War II type pill boxes." 2 11 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: Getting the best from Modelmaster transfers. 2 12 2003 "Review, Product: Modelmaster - Private Owner wagon transfers." 2 12 2003 "Review, Product: Worsley Works - SR 59' Maunsell coach etched components." 2 13 2003 "Review, Product: Worsley Works - SR 'Schools' 4-4-0 etched loco kit." 2 13 2003 "Review, Product: Worsley Works - Tender rail & loco steps etches." 2 13 2003 Article: Fitting the B.H.E. Stanier tender coal pusher. 2 14 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 08 new liveries." 2 14 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Duchess 'Duchess of Hamilton' in 1996. 2 15 2003 "Layout: Neverbee & Nearby - Planning, operation, & control considerations." 2 16 2003 "Layout: Wyrefleet - LMS 'in the style of' Fleetwood, Lancs." 2 20 2003 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Raubon. 2 26 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2002 - Wagons. 2 28 2003 Lick of Paint: War Department Austerity saddle tank. 2 34 2003 Article: Installing Seep point motors. 2 35 2003 Article: Van variations - Great Western Mogo quickie. 2 40 2003 "Article: American Railroads Mergers History, from the 1960s." 2 41 2003 Article: Assembling Laser-cut Wood Models. 2 42 2003 Readers' Letters: 35th Anniversary Wagon. 2 47 2003 Readers' Letters: A Greater Journal ? 2 47 2003 Readers' Letters: Union Mills Models. 2 47 2003 Readers' Letters: DCC. 2 48 2003 "Readers' Letters: Japanese Modelling, Traders & Area." 2 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Paint Handles 1 & 2. 2 49 2003 Readers' Letters: End-to-End Running. 2 50 2003 Readers' Letters: NTRAK & T-TRAK. 2 50 2003 Photo Feature: Hill County - aerial view. 2 52 2003 Photo Feature: Mill Lane Sidings - Class 08 shunting fish van. 2 52 2003 Shop Update: Peco; Ratio; C-Rail; NGS; ModelMaster; Ultima; etc. 2 s 1 2003 Annual General Meeting 2003 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s 8 2003 "Review, Book: British Railway Coaching Stock in Colour." 2 s12 2003 "Review, Book: Diesels in the Pennines." 2 s12 2003 "Review, Book: Heyday of the Scottish Diesels, the." 2 s12 2003 "Review, Book: Working Steam - Rebuilt Royal Scots." 2 s12 2003 Management Committee Meeting Report 2003/01. 2 s13 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition 2003 - Entry form & Categories. 2 s14 2003 Photo Feature: Alco RS-1 in Soo Line livery with box cars. 3 1 2003 Editorial: Harry Potter and the Train Set of Hope. 3 4 2003 Society News: 40th Anniversary Exhibition. 3 5 2003 Society News: Journal Publication. 3 5 2003 Society News: Library News. 3 5 2003 Society News: Survey Results - Pendolino. 3 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Devon - New Group at Plymouth. 3 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 3 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Alexander Palace. 3 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Congratulations. 3 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 3 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Goodbye from Kevin. 3 8 2003 Area Group News & Updates: NN3 Group. 3 8 2003 "Trade Report 03/3: Bachmann, Trix, Pola/Faller news; trade feedback; NGS wagons." 3 9 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 56 in EWS livery." 3 10 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 56 N°s 56120 & 56099 in 2003 & 1994. 3 11 2003 "Review, Product: NGS Shop Item - N Gauge Society nameplates." 3 12 2003 Layout: 70C Guildford loco shed - into the lion's den. 3 13 2003 Layout: Obuom Junction - West Africa-based compact continuous run. 3 15 2003 From the Net: A4 Pacific - the Graham Farish & Minitrix models compared. 3 18 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LNER Class A4 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley in 1997. 3 18 2003 Lick of Paint: Water cranes. 3 21 2003 Article: Building Society Kit N°23. 3 23 2003 Article: Aircraft in N Gauge. 3 24 2003 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Bishop Wearburn. 3 26 2003 Layout: Charleston West - ex LYR/LMS branch in the mid 1960s. 3 33 2003 Article: Van variations - Fish van. 3 39 2003 Article: Fitting DCC Decoders into British outline locos. 3 41 2003 Readers' Letters: In Praise of the 35th Anniversary Video. 3 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Left Handed Bolts. 3 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Raubon or Ruabon? 3 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Ruabon. 3 49 2003 Readers' Letters: T-TRAK Update. 3 49 2003 "Readers' Letters: Annual Model Making Competition, the." 3 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Midland Flatiron. 3 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Pre-Group Transfers. 3 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Two Rail is not Dead Yet. 3 50 2003 "Photo Feature: 70C Guildford loco shed, Berks. Area Group layout." 3 52 2003 Shop Update: Technoset; Bell; NGS; ModelMaster; etc. 3 s 1 2003 "Honorary Life President Inauguration, N.E. of England Area Group." 3 s 8 2003 York Easter Railway Show 2003 'The Gentleman Sleepers'. 3 s10 2003 Management Committee Meeting Report 2003/04. 3 s11 2003 Photo Feature: Mandlebury - trains passing. 4 1 2003 "Editorial: World's Greatest Hobby, the." 4 4 2003 "Society News: Annual model-making competition results, 2003" 4 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 4 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Cornwall. 4 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 4 6 2003 "Area Group News & Updates: Hello from me, Paul Elliott." 4 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: North West Kent. 4 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 4 6 2003 "Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide, annual exhibition." 4 6 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 50 & 55 common characteristics." 4 7 2003 "Trade Report 03/4: Bachmann, Foxhunter, DRS transfers, M Howarth, Chivers news." 4 7 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 50 in BR large logo blue." 4 8 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 55 N° 55001 at Crewe in 1994. 4 9 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 55 in 2-tone green & corporate blue." 4 9 2003 Royal Scots Grey & the Imperial Eagle regimental crest. 4 10 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - BR MkI RMB, BCK, GUV in various liveries." 4 11 2003 Prototype Photo(s): BR MkI RMB in Intercity livery in 2001. 4 12 2003 "Review, Product: Kato - Type 9600 2-8-0 Kyu-Roku." 4 13 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Selection of modern image wagon releases." 4 14 2003 "Review, Product: Dragon - German WW2 tanks." 4 15 2003 Article: Modern Image; what era? 4 16 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 90 N° 90001 in Intercity livery in 2000. 4 18 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Transition era green diesel line-up at Crewe in 1995. 4 18 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 08 N° 08445 in P.O. livery at Bury in 2003. 4 19 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 87 N° 87101 at Crewe in 1997. 4 19 2003 Fact File: Electric Multiple Units (EMUs). 4 20 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 508 on a Liverpool to Ormskirk service in 1991. 4 20 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Metrolink unit 1004 on Manchester to Bury service in 1992. 4 20 2003 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Aberayshwn 4 21 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2003 - Buildings. 4 25 2003 Layout: Grayhampton (UK) & Bruce (US) - 2 layouts in 1. 4 32 2003 N Gauge Society loco name plates. 4 39 2003 Article: Van variations - Great Western Railway Fruit 'C'. 4 40 2003 From the Net: Making tracks - effective joints for mobile baseboards. 4 42 2003 Article: Digital Command Control (DCC) - a beginner's view. 4 43 2003 Lick of Paint: Brush care. 4 45 2003 Article: Portable workshop. 4 46 2003 N World 2003 - advance announcement. 4 47 2003 Readers' Letters: Thank You NGS. 4 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Wheels. 4 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Aircraft in N Gauge. 4 49 2003 Readers' Letters: An A4 Journal. 4 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Guildford 70C Corrections. 4 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Cab Control or DCC. 4 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Hogwarts Express Modelled. 4 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Wire. 4 50 2003 Photo Feature: Wyrefleet - goods yard & loco shed scenes. 4 52 2003 Shop Update: Parkwood; Fleetline; B&B; M'Master; Langley; Ten Com.; C-Rail; etc. 4 s 1 2003 ModelMaster private owner wagon sides. 4 s 8 2003 Treasurer's Report 2003. 4 s 8 2003 Photo Feature: Wyrefleet - LMS Jubilee 'Leander' approaches Station. 5 1 2003 Editorial: Flight of Fancy. 5 4 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Isle of Wight. 5 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: North East England. 5 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Rugby. 5 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 5 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 5 5 2003 Society News: Full Colour Journal. 5 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 5 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in Kings Lynn. 5 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Notes for your diary. 5 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Worldwide. 5 6 2003 Trade Report 03/5: Bachmann news; Radio control; Sub-committee; Useful websites. 5 6 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - GWR 49xx 4-6-0 'Garth Hall' in BR livery." 5 7 2003 "Review, Product: Kato - Hannover/Hiroshima Tram." 5 8 2003 "Review, Product: Kato - Short Bogie Powered Chassis." 5 9 2003 "Review, Product: Minitrix - Rheingold 12237 Epoch V Pacific loco." 5 10 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Catenary." 5 10 2003 "Review, Product: C-Rail Intermodal - 30' 'Bulktainer' container kits." 5 12 2003 "Review, Product: Sommerfeldt - Catenary Systems." 5 12 2003 "Review, Product: TPM - Windscreen wipers & gangway ends." 5 12 2003 "Review, Product: Kato - SD70MAC Conrail N°4133 diesel loco." 5 13 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Window, door, & station totem etches." 5 15 2003 "Review, Product: Parkwood Models - BR 'Boplate' E bogie wagon." 5 15 2003 "Review, Product: BH Enterprises - Coach (B1 & B4) & Wagon bogies, Plate Frame." 5 16 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Close Couplers." 5 16 2003 Layout: Stonebrigg - Contemporary freight trains on double-track main line. 5 17 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: Weighting N Gauge rolling stock. 5 23 2003 Photo Feature: 35th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery - Zertrummelt. 5 24 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2003 - Coaches. 5 28 2003 Prototype Photo(s): BR MkI Sleeper in Intercity livery in 2001. 5 29 2003 "Article: Panther Brewery, the" 5 32 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Brewery buildings. 5 32 2003 From the Net: Point motors on top. 5 36 2003 Lick of Paint: Repainting a Jubilee. 5 38 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Jubilee 45516 'Bahamas' in BR loco green livery. 5 39 2003 Layout: Trams in Bavaria - Compact town/countryside/village setting. 5 40 2003 Article: Converting the NGS Kit 12 to a Trestle ED. 5 42 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: Wagon tie bars. 5 46 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2003 - Cock O' The North. 5 47 2003 Readers' Letters: Aircraft in N Gauge. 5 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Size Matters ! 5 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Defining the Modernisation Era. 5 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Mandlebury. 5 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Moorcock Junction. 5 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Care of Brushes. 5 50 2003 Society News: Sales & Wants and Exhibitions Co-ordinator. 5 50 2003 Photo Feature: Grahame Hedges' model of a hydraulic digger. 5 52 2003 Photo Feature: Peakdale - Train of tankers headed by 4F on viaduct. 5 52 2003 Shop Update: Special Purchase; NGS & 2mm kits; Peco chassis; NGS Nameplates. 5 s 1 2003 Crossword Competition - Muswell Models. 5 s14 2003 Annual General Meeting 2003 - Report. 5 s18 2003 Management Committee Meeting Report 2003/07. 5 s19 2003 Photo Feature: Dark Canyon 2 - Great Northern Railway 1950-70. 6 1 2003 Editorial: Quality Control ? 6 4 2003 Society News: AGM 2004 - Formal Notice. 6 5 2003 Society News: Model Rail Limited Edition. 6 5 2003 "Society News: New Co-ordinator for sales, wants, & exhibitions." 6 5 2003 Area Group News & Updates: New Group in Ashington area. 6 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Plymouth. 6 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Suffolk & North Essex. 6 6 2003 Obituary: Mervyn Marsh 6 6 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 6 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 6 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 6 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 6 7 2003 Area Group News & Updates: Station X. 6 7 2003 Trade Report 03/6: Bachmann year; N Brass; NGS horsebox; Radio control; DCC. 6 7 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Class 37 re-released in 5 liveries." 6 8 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - GWR 61xx in GWR & BR lined green." 6 10 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - GWR Castle in BR green earty/late totems." 6 10 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - GWR King in BR Standard blue." 6 11 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - Midland 3F Jinty in BR black earty/late totems." 6 11 2003 "Review, Product: Bachmann/Farish - BR MkI BGs & 5-plank opens, various liveries." 6 12 2003 "Review, Product: Gerry Spencer - DCC conversion kit for Farish locos." 6 13 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Loco chimneys, domes, lubricators, etc." 6 13 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Relay cabinets." 6 13 2003 "Review, Product: N Brass Locos - Speed restriction signs & direction arrows." 6 13 2003 "Review, Product: NGS Shop Item - Farish body shells & bits." 6 14 2003 "Review, Product: Peco - 14-ton 10ft tank wagon." 6 15 2003 Article: Shunting Puzzle Layouts - variations on Inglenook Sidings. 6 16 2003 "Review, Product: Cromen Modellbau - Refuse cart." 6 16 2003 Hints 'N' Tips: 57ft LMS coaches. 6 19 2003 Shunting Competition. 6 19 2003 Layout: Rugby Road - Maintenance & running repairs. 6 20 2003 Layout: Chinley & Fabis - 1950s/60s BR steam & diesel on the main line. 6 22 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2003 - Multiple Units. 6 28 2003 Article: Building a Class 416/2 BR 2-EPB 3rd Rail EMU. 6 29 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 416/2 2EPB at Elmers End in 1985. 6 29 2003 Article: Modelling MoD Landrovers. 6 35 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Landrover - Belgium SWB Series 1 EOD. 6 35 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Landrover - SWB 02 winterised. 6 36 2003 Annual Model-Making Competition winning entries 2003 - Vehicles. 6 37 2003 From the Net: To the Journal - explaining how the articles are prepared. 6 38 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Landrover - SF LWB 03. 6 38 2003 From the Net: Dark tunnels - making tunnel interiors dark. 6 39 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 142 approaching Liverpool Lime Street in 1990. 6 40 2003 Article: Van variations - Great Western Railway Fruit Van. 6 42 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Duchess 'Duchess of Hamilton' on the ELR in 1996. 6 44 2003 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Jubilee 5690 'Leander' on the ELR in 2003. 6 44 2003 "Review, Book: Power of the Duchesses, the." 6 44 2003 "Review, Book: Power of the Jubilees, the." 6 44 2003 "Review, Book: Britannia Pacifics." 6 45 2003 Readers' Letters: In My Beginning. 6 47 2003 Readers' Letters: Wheels. 6 47 2003 Prototype Photo(s): Class 58 N° 58050 in Mainline livery in 1995. 6 48 2003 "Readers' Letters: End of an Era, the ?" 6 48 2003 Readers' Letters: Class 58s & Fictitious Prototypes. 6 49 2003 Readers' Letters: More Help on the Internet. 6 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Weighting Rolling Stock. 6 49 2003 Readers' Letters: Tender Wire. 6 50 2003 Readers' Letters: Three Thoughts. 6 50 2003 Photo Feature: Blumenfeld - Nick Penfold's award-winning layout. 6 52 2003 Shop Update: Farish spares; NGS kits 9b & 24; TPM new items; Price increases. 6 s 1 2003 Shop Listing - Full listing & prices of items available from Society Shop. 6 s 2 2004 Photo Feature: Bridgford - demonstration of scenic possibilities. 1 1 2004 Editorial: I am a Modeller. 1 4 2004 Society News: DVD Project. 1 5 2004 Society News: Visit to Nuremberg. 1 5 2004 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project - My First Year. 1 6 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 1 8 2004 Area Group News & Updates: New Group - North Eastern Small Layouts. 1 8 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Norfolk & Fenland. 1 8 2004 Competition - Crossword. Muswell Models. Winner. 1 8 2004 Society News: BR 24-ton COVHOPS Dia.1/210 limited run. 1 8 2004 Society News: Exhibition Layout Required ! 1 8 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 1 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Gloucestershire. 1 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 1 9 2004 Trade Report 04/1: Dapol; Bachmann; ATM; NGS kit; Mike Howarth; G.Spencer. 1 9 2004 Product Review: Dapol - GWR Syphon G & H vans in GWR & BR liveries. 1 10 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LNER A3 4-6-2s 60066 & 60103 in BR livery. 1 12 2004 Product Review: Kato - 4048-1B powered chassis with DT21 bogies. 1 13 2004 "Article: Visit to Nuremberg, a. Worldwide Area Group." 1 14 2004 Photo Feature: Fleischmann Layout at Warley 2003. 1 15 2004 Book Review: HO Lineside Industries You Can Build. Kalmbach Books. 1 19 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: End Stanchions. 1 19 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2003 - Dioramas 1 20 2004 From the Net: I Hate Ballasting ! 1 22 2004 "Article: Close Shave Oil Refinery, the. Scratchbuilt small industry." 1 26 2004 Article: Dust Covers. Simple but effective layout protection. 1 28 2004 Lick of Paint: Simple aid for detail model painting. 1 29 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2003 - Locomotives. 1 30 2004 Article: Fitting a Lenz 0511 DCC decoder to a Bachmann/Farish 8750. 1 33 2004 "Layout: Littlebrooke, Myddleton & Great Longstone - 1930s LMS in the Peak District." 1 40 2004 Article: Van variations - GWR Mink quickie. 1 48 2004 Article: Mind the Gap ! Close-coupling for the Graham Farish HST. 1 50 2004 "Article: Dapol Siphon, the. Description & impressions." 1 52 2004 Photo Feature: Königshafen - 2 views of this award-winning layout. 1 52 2004 Article: Car Delivery - Lima MkIs converted to Car Flats. 1 54 2004 Article: Departmental Coaches - useful stock produced from scrap-box items.. 1 55 2004 Readers' Letters: From the Net. 1 56 2004 Readers' Letters: Cleaning Coaches. 1 57 2004 Readers' Letters: Feeling Blue. 1 57 2004 Readers' Letters: Leedon Junction. 1 57 2004 Readers' Letters: MkI Sleepers. 1 57 2004 Readers' Letters: Weighting Rolling Stock. 1 57 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 47 N°1501 in the new Corporate Blue livery of 1969. 1 58 2004 Shop Update: NGS horsebox kit; Special Purchase items; Colin Ashby; Victors; etc. 1 s 1 2004 Index - NGS Journal 2003. 1 s14 2004 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2003/11. 1 s20 2004 "N-Gauge Show 2004, the. Directions & Ticket Ordering." 1 s21 2004 Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Entry form. 1 s22 2004 Nuremberg Visit Booking Form. 1 s23 2004 Book Review: Illustrated History of the East Suffolk Railway. 1 s27 2004 Photo Feature: Mandlebury - panoramic view of station. 2 1 2004 "Editorial: Egg and Chicken Situation, an." 2 4 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): Class 40 N°40145 in BR Blue on the 'East Lancs.Envoy', 2004." 2 4 2004 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Update. 2 5 2004 Competition - Shunting. Winner. 2 6 2004 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004. 2 6 2004 Society News: BR 24-ton COVHOPS Update. 2 6 2004 Area Group News & Updates: AGC on Tour - Staffordshire. 2 7 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex North. 2 7 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 2 7 2004 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 2 7 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 2 7 2004 Trade Report 04/2: Dapol; Bachmann (+ new DCC system); Del Prado. 2 7 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - MR 4F 0-6-0 in BR early & late totem liveries. 2 8 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR 4MT 2-6-4T in early crest livery. 2 9 2004 Product Review: Bachmann - GE EMD SD45 diesel loco in 'Reading Lines' livery. 2 10 2004 Product Review: N Brass Locos - Lattice Footbridge. 2 11 2004 Product Review: N Brass Locos - Steam Loco Snow plough. 2 11 2004 Product Review: Bob Jones - Clip-on Optical Lens Magnifyers. 2 12 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: Sticking Coach Sides. 2 13 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Royal Mail Train Set 370-125. 2 13 2004 Product Review: PG Models - Modern Military Vehicle kits. 2 13 2004 Article: Trinity Railway Express - RTR American Commuter Train. 2 14 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): Trinity Railway Express F59phi, F59ph Locos & Cab Car." 2 16 2004 Book Review: Field Guide to Modern Diesel Locomotives. Kalmbach Books. 2 18 2004 Photo Feature: Streamline Duchess 6224 built by Graham White. 2 19 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2003 - Past Winners. 2 20 2004 From the Net: Welcome to Dapol ! 2 22 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: Fitting Buildings into the Ground. 2 24 2004 Article: Van variations - Jelly Wagon. 2 25 2004 Layout: Bacharach - Exhibition layout based on German practice. 2 26 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2003 - Wagons. 2 30 2004 Article: Building Ratio GWR Semaphore Signals & making them work. 2 39 2004 Book Review: Memories of the Met & GC Joint Line. 2 41 2004 Competition - Memories of the Met & GC Joint Line. 2 41 2004 Layout: North Staffordshire Railway - based around the Buxton area in the 1930s. 2 42 2004 Article: What Next ? The Multiple Case. Arguments for modelling DMUs & EMUs. 2 48 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 156 at Carlisle in 1996. 2 49 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 158s at Edinburgh Waverley in 1996. 2 50 2004 Article: Remotorising the Peco Jubilee with a Union Mills tender drive. 2 51 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): Class 508s passing at Sandhills, Bootle in 1990." 2 51 2004 Readers' Letters: Ready Ballasted Track. 2 54 2004 Readers' Letters: Still Feeling Blue. 2 54 2004 Readers' Letters: Dragon Tanks. 2 55 2004 Readers' Letters: More Random thoughts. 2 55 2004 Readers' Letters: Coaches for N-Gauge. 2 56 2004 "Readers' Letters: Hall, Castle & King." 2 56 2004 Readers' Letters: MkI Sleepers. 2 56 2004 Prototype Photo(s): GWR Castle Class 5029 'Nunnery Castle' in 1998. 2 57 2004 Prototype Photo(s): GWR Castle Class 5080 'Defiant' in 1996. 2 57 2004 NGS Wagon - Kit 24 BR Standard Horsebox - photo of completed kit. 2 58 2004 "Photo Feature: Fort Nevis - based on Fort William, Modern Image Cup winner." 2 60 2004 Shop Update: Silver Fox; Ratio; B&B; Townscene; Fleetline; 2 s 1 2004 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2004/02. 2 s14 2004 "N-Gauge Show 2004, the. Directions & Ticket Ordering." 2 s15 2004 Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Entry form. 2 s16 2004 Society News: AGM 2004 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s19 2004 Photo Feature: Colditz Ost Brucke-Main - aerial view. 3 1 2004 "Editorial: Any Time, Any Place." 3 4 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 3 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 3 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Grwp Gogledd Cymru 3 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Rugby. 3 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 3 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 3 5 2004 Trade Report 04/3: Bachmann; Dapol; MBD Couplers. 3 5 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - SR Unrebuilt Light Pacifics in SR & BR liveries. 3 6 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR 12-ton Planked Ventilated Van in Grey. 3 7 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR 16-ton Steel Mineral Wagon in Grey & Bauxite. 3 7 2004 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - GWR Python 4-wheel Utility Van. 3 8 2004 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - OCA Steel Open Wagon. 3 8 2004 Product Review: Langley - 75ft 'Tid' Class Steam Tugboat. 3 9 2004 Product Review: Faller - N Car System. 3 11 2004 Product Review: ACF - Centre Flow 2-Bay Bogie Hopper Wagon. 3 12 2004 "Layout: Colditz Ost Brucke - East German diesel-operated, mainline, scenic layout." 3 14 2004 Article: Fiddle-yard Buffer Stops. 3 23 2004 Article: Snow Plow (Plough) in Detail. Improving the Walthers model. 3 24 2004 Article: Sutton Bridge. Building this MG&N Joint Railway bridge in N-Gauge. 3 26 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Sutton Bridge on the MG&N Joint Railway. 3 26 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: The Camera Never Lies ! 3 29 2004 Article: Minitrix N-Gauge. A brief history of the British range. 3 30 2004 From the Net: Deflecting Smoke. Smoke deflectors & how they work. 3 32 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Smoke Deflectors as seen on various preserved locos. 3 32 2004 Article: Road-Sweeping Vehicle converted from Dornaplas kit. 3 40 2004 Article: Constructing Class 81-5 AC Electric Locomotives. 3 42 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 85 N°85103 at Liverpool Lime Street in 1990. 3 44 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 82 N°82008 at the Crewe Rail Fair in 1994. 3 46 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Class 81 N°E3003 in original livery. 3 47 2004 Article: Tips for building the NGS Horsebox Kit. 3 48 2004 NGS Wagon - Kit 24 BR Standard Horsebox - tips for successful building. 3 48 2004 Lick of Paint: Grey is the New Black. 3 49 2004 NGS 2003 Journal CD. 3 49 2004 Article: Pannier Tank Detailing. A few additions to change their character. 3 50 2004 Prototype Photo(s): GWR 5700 Class N°5764 on the Severn Valley Railway in 2001. 3 50 2004 Article: Uncoupler Magnets. An alternative using neodymium magnets. 3 51 2004 Article: Setrack Points - Converting to Electrofrog & for use alongside Code 55. 3 52 2004 Photo Feature: Orton-in-Dabble - view of the station. 3 54 2004 Readers' Letters: Orton-in-Dabble. 3 54 2004 Readers' Letters: Dapol GWR B Set. 3 55 2004 Readers' Letters: DCC Experience. 3 55 2004 Readers' Letters: What Next ? 3 56 2004 "Readers' Letters: Hatred of Ballasting, the." 3 57 2004 Readers' Letters: Proposals for Coaches. 3 57 2004 Readers' Letters: Couplings. 3 58 2004 Readers' Letters: Every Coach Needs a Carcass. 3 58 2004 Readers' Letters: Weighting Rolling Stock. 3 58 2004 Photo Feature: Barford - pannier tanks on shed & awaiting next duty. 3 60 2004 Shop Update: MBM ; Langley; Kestrel; Shire Scenes; Special Purchase; NGS Kits; etc. 3 s 1 2004 Society News: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 3.2 & 3.10. 3 s15 2004 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2004/04. 3 s16 2004 Photo Feature: Soldiering On - work-weary 2-6-0 Crab hauling empty mineral wagons. 4 1 2004 Editorial: Bliss ! 4 4 2004 NGS Wagon - Kit 25 BR 16-ton Mineral Wagon on 10ft wheelbase. 4 5 2004 NGS Wagon - Society Wagon Project Update. 4 5 2004 Society News: 2003 Journal on CD. 4 5 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): BR 16-ton Mineral Wagons, restored & not restored (!)." 4 6 2004 Competition - Memories of the Met & GC Joint Line. Winner. 4 7 2004 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2004." 4 7 2004 Society News: Mini-Stand Manager required. 4 7 2004 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition. 4 7 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Surrey. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: East Sussex South. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: New Group - Northumberland. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Small Layouts. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 4 9 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Norfolk & Fenland. 4 9 2004 Trade Report 04/4: Bachmann review samples; Review standards; N Brass. 4 9 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LMS 8P Coronations in BR green & maroon liveries. 4 11 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LNER A4 4-6-2s in LNER & BR liveries. 4 12 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - MR/LMS 6P/5F Crab in BR livery. 4 13 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR MkIIE BSO & MkIIF TSO coaches in Virgin livery. 4 14 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 33 in Network Southeast livery. 4 15 2004 Product Review: Fleischmann - DRG Class 01 fully streamlined steam loco. 4 16 2004 Product Review: Fleischmann - SBB Class 481 electric loco in Cargo livery. 4 16 2004 Product Review: Centreline - Track-Cleaning wagon. 4 17 2004 Product Review: Fleischmann - DB semi-fast central entrance epoch IV coaches. 4 17 2004 Product Review: Worsley Works - Class 22 diesel-hydraulic loco body kit. 4 17 2004 Lick of Paint: Easy-to-Build Tankers. 4 20 2004 Article: One Man's N Gauge Collection - Herr Siegfried Ebel's 7000+ items. 4 22 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: Cheap Trestles. 4 23 2004 Article: Plane & Ship Kits for N Gauge. 4 24 2004 Article: GWR Shunter's Truck. 4 28 2004 Prototype Photo(s): GWR shunter's truck on the Bodmin & Wenford Light Railway. 4 28 2004 Prototype Photo(s): GWR shunter's truck on the Bodmin & Wenford Light Railway. 4 31 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: DCC Conversion Farish Steam Outline. 4 33 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Past Winners. 4 34 2004 Article: Researching a Location for Modelling. 4 36 2004 Prototype Photo(s): LMS Black 5 4-6-0 5407 at Ramsbottom level crossing in 1995. 4 37 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): Manchester Victoria Station, 1991." 4 37 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Multiple Units. 4 42 2004 "Article: Problems with Universal Couplings & Other Myths, the." 4 44 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - Instanter type in the 'long' & 'short' positions. 4 46 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - Screw type in the 'screwed out' position. 4 50 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - Loose three-link type. 4 51 2004 Layout: Tipton St. John - a Southern country branch. 4 52 2004 From the Net: Using Liquid Cement. 4 57 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Graham Farish Trophy. 4 59 2004 "Readers' Letters: GWR Coaches, 1 & 2." 4 60 2004 Readers' Letters: Charles Cordingley. 4 61 2004 Readers' Letters: Pulling Power of the Kings & Castles. 4 61 2004 Readers' Letters: TID Tugs. 4 61 2004 Readers' Letters: Arriva Coaches. 4 62 2004 Photo Feature: Virgin liveried Farish HST + MkIIIs cuts through the countryside. 4 63 2004 "Readers' Letters: Deflecting the Smoke, 1." 4 63 2004 "Readers' Letters: Deflecting the Smoke, 2." 4 64 2004 Prototype Photo(s): BR 7P6F N°70000 'Britannia'. View of smokebox end. 4 65 2004 Readers' Letters: Coach Kits. 4 65 2004 Readers' Letters: SR Pacifics. 4 65 2004 Shop Update: Chivers; Roger Smith; Kits & Regalia; TPM; Ratio; P.Dundas; Ultima; etc. 4 s 1 2004 Society News: Annual Accounts 2003 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s14 2004 Book Review: British Railway Goods Wagons in Colour 1960-2003. 4 s18 2004 Book Review: Class 50s in Operation. 4 s19 2004 Book Review: Diesels in the Midlands. 4 s19 2004 "Book Review: Rail Atlas Great Britain & Ireland, 10th Edition." 4 s19 2004 Photo Feature: Hedges Hill Cutting with 2EPB EMU drifting under the signal gantry. 5 1 2004 Editorial: Shopping for All. 5 4 2004 Area Group News & Updates: New Group - Stockport. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Northants & Cambs. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Northumberland. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Rugby. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Small Layouts. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: South Western Counties. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Midlands. 5 5 2004 Society News: New Membership Subscription Rates. 5 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Shropshire. 5 6 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Somerset - Update. 5 6 2004 Trade Report 04/5: Dapol; Bachmann; Mike Howarth; TPM; ATM; PG Models; N Brass. 5 8 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LMS Black Five in LMS lined black & BR liveries. 5 9 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - MR/LMS 6P/5F Crab in LMS red livery. 5 9 2004 Trade Report 04/5: Foxhunter; Arran Aird; Kestrel Nm; Hornby. 5 9 2004 Product Review: Bachmann Open Days. 5 11 2004 Product Review: Chiver's Finelines - LNER extra long CCT kit. 5 12 2004 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Mill Lane Sidings printed sides. 5 12 2004 From the Net: Meadows & Hills - Putting grass on your layout. 5 13 2004 Hints 'N' Tips: Manual Uncoupling. 5 17 2004 Article: Tweaking the Bachmann Class 33 - quick & easy minor improvements. 5 18 2004 Article: Close-Coupling Farish Coaches. 5 19 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - BR MkII coaches close-coupled using buckeyes. 5 21 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - Buckeye on BR MkI coach. 5 21 2004 Layout: Tipton St. John - the Scenic Backgrounds. 5 22 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Couplings - BR MkI/II coaches coupled using 3-link couplings. 5 22 2004 Layout: Coombe Bay - LSWR seaside branch terminus in the 1960s. 5 25 2004 Article: Opportunities using the Union Mills Tender Drives. 5 32 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Keith Robbins Trophy. 5 34 2004 Layout: Ruisley - LMS & GWR in the loft. 5 36 2004 Photo Feature: Sandwell County. 5 42 2004 Article: N Gauge Show 2004 Review. 5 44 2004 Article: How to Form a Hood for the Clayfit. 5 51 2004 Prototype Photo(s): China Clay Wagon preserved at Nat.China Clay Museum. 5 51 2004 Prototype Photo(s): China Clay Wagon at Warley Show 2003. 5 52 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Coaches. 5 53 2004 Article: Down on the Farm - some of the currently available commercial items. 5 56 2004 Article: Tyers Single Line Token Machine. 5 59 2004 Lick of Paint: Easy-to-Build Salt Wagons. 5 60 2004 "Readers' Letters: Bliss 1, 2, & 3." 5 61 2004 Readers' Letters: Bubble Car Mystery. 5 62 2004 Readers' Letters: Weathered or Filthy. 5 62 2004 Readers' Letters: Aircraft Kits 1 & 2. 5 63 2004 Readers' Letters: Dapol Supply. 5 64 2004 Readers' Letters: Tiny Bogie Wheels. 5 64 2004 Readers' Letters: What Next for a Loco ? 5 64 2004 Readers' Letters: Coach Kits. 5 65 2004 Readers' Letters: Flatiron Supply. 5 65 2004 Readers' Letters: Universal Couplings - Pocket Plug Latest. 5 66 2004 Photo Feature: Colourful scene on Richard Insley's layout Random. 5 68 2004 Photo Feature: Freightliner Heavy Haul Class 66 on Arran Aird's layout Drem. 5 68 2004 Shop Update: TPM; Chivers; Mill Lane Sidings; Pony wheels; 4D/Graham Avis. 5 s 1 2004 Book Review: ABC Locoshed Book Summer 1960. Ian Allan Reprint. 5 s18 2004 "Book Review: British Railways Pictorial, Cambrian Lines. Ian Allan." 5 s18 2004 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2004/07. 5 s19 2004 Photo Feature: RB22 crane & Bulstrode cargo boat on Werneth Wharf. 6 1 2004 Editorial: Design for Life. 6 4 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Chester. 6 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: North Eastern Small Layouts. 6 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: Northumberland. 6 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: South Leics/Mercia. 6 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: West Norfolk & Fenland. 6 5 2004 Society News: Library News. 6 5 2004 Area Group News & Updates: New Group - SK Group. 6 6 2004 Article: Going Modular. From start to finish. 6 6 2004 Trade Report 04/6: Dapol; Peco; Kato; Lifelike; Robbie Burns coach sides. 6 8 2004 Product Review: Kato - General Electric AC4400 diesel loco. 6 9 2004 Product Review: Lifelike - USRA 2-8-8-2 Mallet Articulated loco. 6 11 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 08 in weathered BR green livery. 6 13 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 20 in early BR green & DRS liveries. 6 14 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR MkII coaches in FGW & blue/grey liveries. 6 15 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LMS 8F 2-8-0 in BR black livery. 6 15 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - LNER 06 2-8-0 in LNER livery. 6 15 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - MEA wagon in EWS livery. 6 16 2004 Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - PCA cement wagons in RMC & Tunnel liveries. 6 16 2004 "Product Review: Bachmann/Farish - PGA hopper in ARC, Redland, & BIS liveries." 6 16 2004 Product Review: Dapol - GWR 14xx 0-4-2T in GWR 'shirtbutton' & BR liveries. 6 17 2004 Product Review: Peco - HAA 'Merry-go-Round' hopper wagon. 6 20 2004 Product Review: Worsley Works - Class 58 etched loco body kit. 6 21 2004 Product Review: Worsley Works - Class 67 etched loco body kit. 6 21 2004 Product Review: N Brass Locos - Replacement bogies for Farish steam locos. 6 22 2004 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Robbie Burns printed coach sides. 6 22 2004 Product Review: C-Rail Intermodal - Container transfers. 6 23 2004 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Ten Comm. Coal staithes. 6 24 2004 Product Review: NGS Shop Item - Ten Comm. Pit props wagon load. 6 24 2004 "Product Review: Ten Comm. - Coal staithes (1, 2, & 3 bays)." 6 24 2004 Product Review: Ten Comm. - Pit props wagon load. 6 24 2004 Article: Van variations - SR Bogie Passenger Luggage Van. 6 25 2004 Prototype Photo(s): SR 4-wheel Passenger Luggage Van. 6 25 2004 Article: Sutton Dock - Coastal tanker & a cargo vessel built/bashed from kits. 6 26 2004 Article: Tips for building the NGS 16-ton mineral wagon kit. 6 28 2004 NGS Wagon - Kit 25 BR 16-ton Mineral Wagon - tips for successful building. 6 28 2004 Prototype Photo(s): BR 16-ton Mineral Wagon. 6 28 2004 "Article: Brake Vans - Building LMS, SR, & NER examples." 6 30 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): LMS 12' w/b 20-ton Goods Brake at the MRC, Derby." 6 31 2004 Layout: Whateley Central - LMS main line in BR(M) days. 6 34 2004 Lick of Paint: Painting with pencils. 6 37 2004 Article: N Gauge Society Members' Visit to Nuremberg 2004. 6 42 2004 Prototype Photo(s): Nuremberg Hump Shunt with DB Class 290 in Period 5 livery. 6 43 2004 "Prototype Photo(s): Nuremberg Marshalling Yards, taken from the Control Tower." 6 44 2004 Prototype Photo(s): DR Class 99 locomotive in the DB Museum in Nuremberg. 6 45 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Dioramas 6 47 2004 Layout: Werneth Wharf - Using a diorama to trial modelling techniques. 6 48 2004 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Locomotives. 6 53 2004 Layout: Mandlebury Central - An update. 6 59 2004 Readers' Letters: Inspirations & Ideas. 6 61 2004 Readers' Letters: Track Joints. 6 61 2004 Readers' Letters: Unhinged or Uncoupled ? 6 62 2004 Readers' Letters: Class 22 Update. 6 64 2004 Readers' Letters: DCC & Signalling Systems. 6 64 2004 Readers' Letters: Centerline Track Cleaning Wagon. 6 65 2004 Readers' Letters: Farish Crab. 6 65 2004 Readers' Letters: Mow your Lawn. 6 65 2004 "Readers' Letters: New Class 27 Body, A." 6 66 2004 Readers' Letters: Replacing of 'Old' Farish Chassis with 'Bachmann' Ones. 6 66 2004 Readers' Letters: Union Mills Performance. 6 66 2004 Photo Feature: EM1 & EM2 locos on Gary Atkinson's layout Woodhead. 6 68 2004 Shop Update: Kestrel; Graham Avis/4D; CRC; Ten Comm.; NGS kits & regalia. 6 s 1 2004 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2004/10. 6 s16 2004 NGS Wagon - Kit 26 GWR Vans. 6 s17 2004 Society News: AGM 2005 - Formal Notice. 6 s17 2005 Photo Feature: Mill Lane Sidings with grimey Jubilee passing through. 1 1 2005 "Editorial: Truth About Internet Auctions, the." 1 4 2005 Area Group News: East Sussex South. 1 5 2005 Area Group News: South Western Counties. 1 5 2005 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 1 5 2005 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005. 1 5 2005 Area Group News: Grwp Gogledd Cymru. 1 6 2005 Area Group News: Shropshire. 1 6 2005 Trade Report 05 / 1: Dapol; Bachmann; Robbie Burns; Warley Show 2004. 1 6 2005 Warley Show 2004 report. 1 7 2005 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 73 Electro-Diesel in EWS livery. 1 8 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - LNER V2 2-6-2 4844 in LNER livery. 1 10 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - LNER V2 2-6-2 60800 & 60807 in BR livery. 1 10 2005 Prototype Photo(s): LNER V2 60800 'Green Arrow' at Doncaster in 2003. 1 12 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - Class 47 Limited Edition in Virgin livery. 1 13 2005 Trade Review: Robbie Burns - Private Owner Wagon transfers. 1 13 2005 Trade Review: Dragon - Warrior & Challenger tanks. 1 14 2005 Trade Review: Mill Lane Sidings - Business park signs (NGS Shop Item). 1 14 2005 Trade Review: Hurst Models - Brake discs for MkIII coach wheels. 1 15 2005 Trade Review: Hurst Models - Tinted glazing material. 1 15 2005 Trade Review: P & D Marsh - Watlington Signal Box. 1 15 2005 Article: Pulling a Digger - a lorry & trailer to transport the Wiking mini-digger. 1 16 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Vehicles. 1 18 2005 From the Net: Dangerous Collision Course ? Comments on DCC. 1 20 2005 Article: Dry Stone Walling - scratchbuilding this Derbyshire countryside feature. 1 27 2005 Article: Scratchbuilt ? - Drawing the line between 'scratchbuilt' & 'modified' locos. 1 28 2005 Article: Messing About with Boats. Canal & River Scenes. 1 30 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Scratchbuilt Locos. 1 34 2005 Article: Van variations - GWR Vans. 1 36 2005 Layout: Sutton Junction - LMS & BR set in Northamptonshire. 1 42 2005 Layout: Doppelbahn - Two layouts in One with German & British stock. 1 44 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Track Cleaning. 1 50 2005 Article: Skid Pick-ups - Fitting an 08 shunter with additional current collectors. 1 51 2005 Article: GWR 40' Milk Brake built from a 57' suburban brake. 1 53 2005 Mail Train: Farish Crab 1 & 2. 1 57 2005 Prototype Photo(s): LMS 6P / 5F 'Crab' 42765 on the East Lancashire Railway. 1 57 2005 Mail Train: Replacement Old Farish Chassis 1 & 2. 1 58 2005 Mail Train: Uncoupling & Chassis Suggestions. 1 58 2005 Mail Train: Bubble Car Mystery Solved. 1 59 2005 Mail Train: Replacement Bogie Wheels & Class 27s. 1 59 2005 Mail Train: Servicing Tips required. 1 59 2005 Mail Train: Small Layouts on the Web. 1 59 2005 Mail Train: Close Coupling Solutions 1 & 2. 1 61 2005 Mail Train: Walk the Gang Plank….. 1 61 2005 Mail Train: Dapol 14xx Roof. 1 62 2005 Mail Train: Track Cutting & Baseboards. 1 62 2005 Mail Train: Union Mills Locomotives. 1 62 2005 "Photo Feature: Elgin, as seen at the 2004 N Gauge Show." 1 68 2005 Shop Update: Springside / Dornaplas; Chivers; Ratio; NGS kits & regalia. 1 s 1 2005 Index - NGS Journal 2004. 1 s14 2005 Photo Feature: Jinty 47394 rounds the curve with a train of mineral wagons. 2 1 2005 "Editorial: Race to the North, the." 2 4 2005 Obituary: Fred Dobbs. 2 5 2005 Obituary: John Temperell. 2 5 2005 Obituary: Yvonne Shillabeer. (cf. A Tribute 2005 / 3 / 6) 2 5 2005 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Reminder. 2 6 2005 Society News: N World 2005 Barrow-on-Soar. 2 6 2005 Society News: Wanted - a member to advise & assist. 2 6 2005 Area Group News: Felixstowe. 2 7 2005 Area Group News: New Groups - Bury St.Edmonds & Herefordshire. 2 7 2005 Area Group News: Rugby. 2 7 2005 Area Group News: Staffordshire. 2 7 2005 Area Group News: East Surrey. 2 8 2005 Area Group News: Shropshire. 2 8 2005 Area Group News: West Midlands. 2 8 2005 Trade Report 05 / 2: Bachmann; Muswell Models; Dapol. 2 8 2005 "Trade Review: Muswell Models - Houses, detached & semi-detached." 2 8 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Class 170 DMU in Midland Mainline livery at Derby in 2003. 2 9 2005 "Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - Class 170 2-car DMU in MM, CT & SWT liveries." 2 9 2005 Trade Review: Dragon - Warrior & Challenger 2 tanks. 2 11 2005 Trade Review: Fleischmann - DB Class 218 DCC Double-Headed with Sound. 2 11 2005 Trade Review: Heico - Model wagon loads 2 12 2005 Trade Review: Roundhouse Products - Old-Time Box Car. 2 13 2005 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Coaling stage & hut (NGS Shop Item). 2 13 2005 "Article: EMU Construction, using Farish MkI coaches." 2 14 2005 Article: Old Bodies for New Chassis - fitting the old Farish 47 to a Bachmann chassis. 2 17 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Buildings. 2 18 2005 Article: LMS Coaling Tower - constructing the LMS standard type. 2 21 2005 Layout: Leonardshohe - compact 1920s scene set in the Black Forest in Germany. 2 22 2005 "Article: Nn3 - 3' narrow gauge in N: track, controllers, locos, rolling stock." 2 26 2005 Competition - West Clare Railway. 2 29 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Close Coupling new Farish MkI coaches. 2 29 2005 Article: Hoppertunity for Improvement - better looks & running for a bogie hopper. 2 30 2005 "Article: Royal Mail Delivery Van, a. Modifying a P & D Marsh Leyland Sherpa." 2 32 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Royal Mail delivery van. 2 32 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2004 - Wagons. 2 34 2005 Layout: Steam Era - imagination let loose on a 'heritage' line. 2 38 2005 Layout: Springdale - based on a fictitious Yorkshire industrial town in LMS days. 2 42 2005 Layout: Neverbee & Nearby - How Much Track ? 2 46 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Great looking handrails. 2 52 2005 Prototype Photo(s): SR Queen Mary brake van in BR livery. 2 52 2005 Article: Scapbox South Eastern. Building a SER round-end 4-plank open wagon. 2 53 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Ballasting. 2 57 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Class 66 at Warrington Bank Quay. 2 59 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Virgin Voyager at Warrington Bank Quay. 2 61 2005 From the Net: Thomas has See-through Wheels. 2 62 2005 Mail Train: V2 Rocket. 2 64 2005 Mail Train: KaDee Couplings. 2 65 2005 Mail Train: Skid Pick-ups. 2 65 2005 Mail Train: Track Cleaning Pads. 2 65 2005 Mail Train: DCC Credit Where Due. 2 66 2005 Mail Train: Product Quality. 2 66 2005 Photo Feature: Nutts Lane featuring trams working from overhead wires. 2 68 2005 Shop Update: Modelmaster;Chivers;Britannia;Ten Comm.;Ultima;NGS kits®alia;etc. 2 s 1 2005 Society News: AGM 2005 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s16 2005 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2005 / 01. 2 s18 2005 Second Hand Items from the Society Shop. 2 s19 2005 Photo Feature: Hedges Hill Cutting with departmental class 33 running light engine. 3 1 2005 "Editorial: Future's Still Bright, the." 3 4 2005 Society News: Library News. 3 5 2005 Society News: Models Stolen. 3 5 2005 Area Group News: Rugby. 3 6 2005 Area Group News: Suffolk & North Essex. 3 6 2005 "Tribute to Yvonne Shillabeer, a." 3 6 2005 Area Group News: Neslag. 3 7 2005 Area Group News: North Wales. 3 7 2005 Area Group News: Shropshire. 3 7 2005 Area Group News: SK Area Group. 3 7 2005 Trade Report 05 / 3: Dapol; Bachmann; V2 reviews; Atlas mail order. 3 7 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - Class 158 2-car DMU in Scot Rail livery. 3 8 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - BR MkI coaches in early liveries. 3 9 2005 "Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - Re-issued wagons: PO, mineral, cattle, sulphate." 3 10 2005 Trade Review: Muswell Models - Track-side & station buildings. 3 10 2005 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 73 Electro-Diesel in Pullman & NSE liveries. 3 11 2005 Trade Review: Dapol - GWR Collett Coaches. 3 12 2005 Trade Review: Minitrix - ES64 electric Loco in Cargoserv livery. 3 14 2005 Trade Review: Minitrix - Rheingold Epoch II BR 18.5 (S3 / 6) 4-6-2 loco. 3 15 2005 Trade Review: Minitrix - Rheingold Epoch II Coaches. 3 15 2005 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Low relief modern warehouse (NGS Shop Item). 3 17 2005 Layout: The Lane - compact modern servicing facility. 3 18 2005 "Article: History of Pine Valley, the." 3 19 2005 Article: Conversion of Dapol 14xx into a GWR Class 517 Auto-Tank. 3 22 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Tips for Van Kits. 3 24 2005 Article: Tie Bars. Why they are used & on which types of wagon. 3 25 2005 Prototype Photo(s): GWR MOGO van underframe showing brake gear. 3 25 2005 "Article: Recreating a Train from Boyhood - LMS 2P, LNWR G2, & LMS coaches." 3 27 2005 Lick of Paint: Wooden Top. 3 29 2005 "Article: How Not to Build a Railway - the 'dos' &, mainly, the 'don'ts'." 3 30 2005 Article: Tweaking a Farish Class 56. Some easy-to-make inprovements. 3 32 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Class 56 N°56104 at the Watercress Line Diesel Day in 2003. 3 33 2005 Layout: 17D Rowsley MPD - exLMS in the 1950s. 3 36 2005 Article: Yard Lamps scratchbuilt & operational. 3 40 2005 Article: Microtrains Couplings - fitting to British outline stock. 3 44 2005 Layout: Benachie - Steam & diesel set in a fictitious Scottish location. 3 50 2005 From the Net: Exploring Modular Layouts. 3 56 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Cheap source of Planking. 3 63 2005 Mail Train: V2 Rocket. 1-3. 3 64 2005 "Mail Train: Ballasting, Track Fixing, & Uncoupling." 3 66 2005 Photo Feature: Parkwood Boplate E featuring the new NGS 5'6' Plate Back Bogies. 3 68 2005 Photo Feature: West Brent with LMS 0-6-0 & train crossing the estuary. 3 68 2005 Shop Update: P&D Marsh;Ten Comm.;Ultima;NGS kits & regalia;s / h & clearance;etc. 3 s 1 2005 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2005 / 04. 3 s15 2005 Photo Feature: Classic Great Western - 4523 is coaled for its next duty. 4 1 2005 Editorial: Bottom Up. 4 4 2005 NGS Kit - Society Wagon Project Update. 4 5 2005 Competition - West Clare Railway. Winner 4 6 2005 Society News: Presidential Suite - review. 4 6 2005 Society News: Publicity Officer Sought. 4 6 2005 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2005." 4 7 2005 Shop News: Latest Society Products - bogies & buffers. 4 8 2005 Area Group News: Felixstowe. 4 9 2005 Area Group News: New Group proposal - Modern Image. 4 9 2005 Area Group News: Rugby. 4 9 2005 Area Group News: Shropshire. 4 9 2005 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 4 9 2005 Society News: Models Stolen. 4 9 2005 Trade Report 05 / 4: Dapol & Bachmann at the AGM; Peco; Warley Show 2004. 4 10 2005 Trade Review: Dapol - GWR 45xx 2-6-2T in GWR & BR liveries. (cf. 2005 / 5 / 9) 4 12 2005 Trade Review: Mill Lane Sidings - LMS Sausage van kit (NGS Shop Item). 4 14 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann - Plymouth Diesel 0-6-0 Switcher. 4 16 2005 Trade Review: Herpa - Mini Cooper (BMW) cars. 4 17 2005 Trade Review: Loch Tat - Resin huts / lineside buildings. 4 17 2005 Article: N World 2005 Barrow-on-Soar - Report. 4 18 2005 "Article: Gons, Gons & More Gons - adding variety to the Atlas & Model Power gondolas." 4 24 2005 From the Net: Branch-Line Baby - lubrication advice for the Dapol 14xx. 4 25 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Scratchbuilt Locos. 4 26 2005 Article: Converting the Peco Mobil Gas Wagon into a TIX. 4 28 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Coach Building. 4 33 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Complete Train. 4 34 2005 Article: Running to 'Time'. Devising a working timetable for train movements. 4 37 2005 Article: Changing Stations. Country or main-line as the mood takes you. 4 44 2005 Layout: Pallion Yard - shunting layout based on industrial areas of Sunderland. 4 48 2005 Article: There's an Old Mill. A water mill from the Kestrel farmhouse kit. 4 57 2005 "Article: Display Case, Mr. Ambassador ? Diorama in a clear plastic chocolate box." 4 60 2005 "Article: Bournemouth Scissors, the. Retro-fitting the Peco SL-E383F crossing." 4 62 2005 Mail Train: Dapol Class 73. 4 64 2005 Mail Train: UK's Most Wanted. 4 64 2005 Mail Train: Uncoupling. 4 64 2005 Mail Train: V2 Rocket. 4 ? 4 65 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Class 73 N°73101 'Brighton Evening Argus' in Pullman livery. 4 65 2005 Mail Train: Bad Vibrations. 4 66 2005 Mail Train: Raising Standards. 4 66 2005 Photo Feature: Werneth Cross - a glimpse into the past. 4 68 2005 Shop Update: Ten Comm.;Mill Lane;Modelmaster;special purchase & clearance;etc. 4 s 1 2005 Society News: Annual Accounts for 2004 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s15 2005 Book Review: British Railway Infrastructure in Colour. 4 s19 2005 Photo Feature: Midford with SDJR 9F-hauled passenger train. 5 1 2005 Editorial: Bargains to be Had. 5 4 2005 Area Group News: AGC on Tour - Northumberland. 5 5 2005 Area Group News: East Surrey. 5 5 2005 Area Group News: Neslag renamed. 5 5 2005 Photo Feature: Mill Lane Sidings with rake of 16-ton mineral wagons. 5 5 2005 Area Group News: Staffordshire. 5 6 2005 Area Group News: West Midlands. 5 6 2005 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 5 6 2005 "Trade Report 05 / 5: Bachmann Peak, HAA hopper etc.; Arran Aird; Dapol; DelPrado." 5 6 2005 NGS Kit - No 25 BR 16-ton Mineral Wagon on 10ft wheelbase; review. 5 8 2005 NGS Kit - No 26 GWR Vans; review. 5 8 2005 NGS Kit - No 27 Salmon bogie engineer's wagon; review. 5 8 2005 Trade Review: C-Rail Intermodal - Yang Ming container transfers. 5 8 2005 Trade Review: MRE Model Shop. 5 9 2005 Lick of Paint: Dapol Blue Circle wagon. 5 10 2005 Article: GWR Autotrain Working - 'autotrain' or 'push-pull' workings described. 5 12 2005 Competition - Toad brake van. 5 14 2005 Layout: Make-Believe Maidstone - Suggestions of Maidstone East. 5 15 2005 Article: Review of N Gauge Signal Boxes. 5 18 2005 From the Net: Wires & Wiring. 5 20 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Fitting Coupling Springs. 5 25 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Various. 5 26 2005 "Article: Engineer's Inspection Saloon, built from a Graham Farish GUV." 5 28 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Engineer's Inspection Saloon DB999503 in blue / grey livery. 5 28 2005 Article: American Chassis for British Outline. 5 30 2005 "Photo Feature: Royal Diorama, featuring 47-hauled Royal Train as in 1990." 5 34 2005 Prototype Photo(s): Class 47 47799 'Prince Henry' in Royal livery. 5 34 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Freight Stock. 5 36 2005 Article: Improving the running of an 8F. 5 44 2005 "Article: Arriva Trains train, modelled from Bachmann / Grafar Class 37s & MkII coaches." 5 46 2005 Obituary: George Coker. 5 47 2005 "Article: Power of Imagination, the. A fantasy trip to the Port of Enn." 5 48 2005 Article: Module Mania - the 'dos' & 'don'ts' of building modules. 5 53 2005 NGS Shop Item - N Gauge Society Gloucester 5'6' & Gresley 8' bogies. 5 56 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Scratchbuilt Locos. 5 56 2005 Article: British 1:148 N Gauge Quality ? A look at the current & future standards. 5 57 2005 Mail Train: Magnifying Glass. 5 63 2005 Mail Train: New Outlet for N Gauge Models in South Lakeland. 5 63 2005 Mail Train: To Buy or not To Buy. 5 63 2005 Mail Train: Grafar Slippage. 5 64 2005 Mail Train: Hambling's Printed Coach Sides for Southern EMUs. 5 64 2005 "Mail Train: On the Level, 1." 5 64 2005 "Mail Train: On the Level, 2." 5 65 2005 Mail Train: Tram Lines. 5 66 2005 Photo Feature: Graham Hedges' EMUs in various stages of construction. 5 68 2005 Photo Feature: Graham Hedges' PGA hoppers from Farish / TPM. 5 68 2005 Shop Update: G.Avis;Park.Dun.;Fleetline R&R; TPM; Kestrel. 5 s 1 2005 Second Hand Items from the Society Shop. 5 s14 2005 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2005 / 07. 5 s18 2005 "Photo Feature: Busy times at Ketton Cement with Class 47, 170 & industrial shunter." 6 1 2005 Editorial: Streaks Ahead. 6 4 2005 NGS Kit - No 30 Gresley Full Brake; preparations & advance orders. 6 5 2005 Society News: Library News. 6 5 2005 Society News: Sales & Wants Co-ordinator. 6 5 2005 Society News: AGM 2006 - Formal Notice. 6 6 2005 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Rule Changes. 6 6 2005 Area Group News: N Gauge Modern group. 6 7 2005 Area Group News: North Wales. 6 7 2005 Area Group News: South Western Counties. 6 7 2005 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 6 7 2005 Society News: Pricing in Proportion. 6 7 2005 Area Group News: Chester. 6 8 2005 Area Group News: East Surrey. 6 8 2005 Area Group News: Yorkshire. 6 8 2005 Trade Report 05 / 6: Bachmann & Dapol Class 66s. 6 8 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - BR 4MT 2-6-4T in BR pristine livery. 6 8 2005 Trade Review: Bachmann / Farish - LMS 3F 0-6-0T 'Jinty' in BR weathered livery. 6 8 2005 Trade Review: Dapol - 7-plank open wagon in 'Crane Fireworks' livery. 6 9 2005 Trade Review: Muswell Models - Set of 4 garden / allotment sheds. 6 10 2005 Trade Review: Phil Smith - Pre-Grouping transfers. 6 10 2005 Trade Review: Heritage N - Etched detail fret for Class 47. 6 11 2005 "Trade Review: Precision - Head-code, name board & plate decals / labels; latex sheet." 6 11 2005 Trade Review: Gaugemaster - Prodigy Advance DCC System. 6 13 2005 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Brick electrical relay room (NGS Shop Item). 6 14 2005 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Twin oil tanks (NGS Shop Item). 6 14 2005 Lick of Paint: Simple locomotive weathering. 6 15 2005 "Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Locomotives, steam." 6 16 2005 "Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Locomotives, diesel & electric." 6 21 2005 Layout: Pensarn - GWR in compact fictitious setting featuring winter snow scene. 6 25 2005 Layout: Scarinish & Upper Balinoe - Advanced electronics in the West Highlands. 6 32 2005 Article: Uncoupling at Scarinish. Using wedges & modified Peco uncouplers. 6 45 2005 Competition - Streamliner. 6 47 2005 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Buildings. 6 48 2005 Hints 'N' Tips: Coaching stock & MBM couplings. 6 50 2005 Article: Southern Railways 3-SUB EMUs built from Farish suburban coaches. 6 52 2005 Article: Turning Back the Clock - 4-wheel coaches built from Farish LMS bogies. 6 54 2005 Article: TCA Bogie Anhydrous Tanker built from Farish 100-ton bogie tanker. 6 56 2005 Article: Upgrading A4 Pacifics. Improving the Minitrix & Grafar models. 6 58 2005 Layout: Every Layout Needs a Name. Suggestions invited. 6 62 2005 Mail Train: Dapol 14xx / 48xx. 6 65 2005 Mail Train: Wheel Slippage. 6 65 2005 Prototype Photo(s): GWR 14xx N°1450 on autotrain at the Dean Forest Railway. 6 65 2005 Mail Train: Quality. 6 66 2005 Mail Train: Bad Vibrations Cured. 6 67 2005 Mail Train: Printed Coach Sides. 6 67 2005 Mail Train: Quality & Coach Sides. 6 67 2005 Mail Train: More on the Uncoupling Saga. 6 68 2005 Mail Train: Off the Rails. 6 69 2005 Mail Train: Kit Built Steam Locomotives. 6 70 2005 Mail Train: Kato Track. 6 71 2005 Mail Train: Running to Time. 6 71 2005 Mail Train: Faulty 45xx. 6 73 2005 Mail Train: Bubble Car Mystery Conclusion. 6 74 2005 Photo Feature: Seasonal scenes on Robin Griffiths' layout 'Pensarn'. 6 76 2005 Shop Update: P&D Marsh; Langley; Ten Comm.; NGS Kits & Products. 6 s 1 2006 Photo Feature: Sandy River Junction with arrival of coal empties. 1 1 2006 Editorial: Double Vision. 1 4 2006 Competition - Toad brake van. Winners. 1 5 2006 Obituary: Len Weedon. 1 5 2006 Area Group News: Rugby. 1 6 2006 NGS Kit - N° 28 JGA bogie hopper wagon in RMC livery; photo. 1 6 2006 Obituary: John Bloor. 1 6 2006 Area Group News: East Surrey. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: Exeter N-Gauge Railway Modellers. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: New Group - Stevenage area. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: SK Area Group. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: Somerset. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: South Western Counties - Change of name. 1 7 2006 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 1 7 2006 Article: M7 in its Natural Habitat - seen on 70C Guildford MPD. 1 7 2006 Layout: 70C Guildford MPD - Photo update. 1 7 2006 Trade Report 06/1: Dapol; Bachmann; Hornby; Metcalfe; Warley Show 2005. 1 9 2006 Trade Review: Gramodels - Green Goddess Bedford RLHZ fire engine. 1 11 2006 Article: Class 66s Head-to-Head. A comparison of the Bachmann & Dapol models. 1 12 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 66 in EWS livery. Compared to Dapol's 66. 1 12 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - HAA Hopper wagon. 1 12 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 66 in EWS livery. Compared to Bachmann's 66. 1 12 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Class 66 N°66160 in EWS livery. 1 13 2006 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Low relief building + vehicle door (NGS Shop Item). 1 19 2006 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Low relief indust./office building (NGS Shop Item). 1 19 2006 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Provender shed (NGS Shop Item). 1 19 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Dogfish Ballast wagon. 1 21 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Road Vehicles. 1 22 2006 "Article: Abnormal Load, an - Construction of a heavy haulage unit." 1 23 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Abnormal load on heavy haulage unit at Folkestone Harbour. 1 24 2006 Layout: East Anglia in the attic: From Leicester to Norwich on a grand scale. 1 26 2006 Layout: Sandy River Junction - American-inspired GN & SRTC crossing point. 1 32 2006 Competition - Blue & Grey MkIIs. 1 37 2006 Article: GWR 6-wheel Milk Tank - Personalising & weathering the Dapol model. 1 38 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Passenger Stock. 1 40 2006 Article: Using TPM Coach Inlays - Some helpful advice. 1 44 2006 From the Net: What Height Should I Make My Layout ? 1 48 2006 Article: London Underground in N-Gauge - Building & motorising 1938 & 59 stock. 1 54 2006 Article: Black 5 Improvements - Aligning the cab & tender on the Bachmann model. 1 59 2006 "Mail Train: Kato Track 1, 2, & 3." 1 60 2006 Mail Train: GWR Autotrain Working. 1 62 2006 Mail Train: 14xx & Competitions. 1 63 2006 Mail Train: Aberporth's Timetable. 1 64 2006 Mail Train: Bad Vibrations Under Guarantee. 1 64 2006 Mail Train: Royal Train Observation. 1 65 2006 Mail Train: Trams of the Port Of Enn Transport Association (PETA). 1 65 2006 Photo Feature: Sandy River Junction with interurban car leaving the town. 1 68 2006 Shop Update: TPM; Ten Comm.; NGS kits & products; Clearance Items. 1 s 1 2006 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2005/10. 1 s17 2006 Index - NGS Journal 2005. 1 s18 2006 Competition - Word Search. Muswell Models. 1 s23 2006 Photo Feature: Coldits Hauptbahnhof with freight train passing under signal box. 2 1 2006 Editorial: Helping Hands. 2 4 2006 NGS Kit - N° 28 JGA bogie hopper wagon; correction to assembly instructions. 2 5 2006 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006. 2 5 2006 Society News: Competition Co-ordinator Wanted. 2 5 2006 Competition - Streamliner. Winner 2 6 2006 NGS Kit - N° 30 Gresley Full Brake; delay. 2 6 2006 NGS Kit - N° 31 BR Weltrol MC. 2 6 2006 "Prototype Photo(s): BR Weltrol MC displaying 5'6"" Plateback Bogie." 2 6 2006 Area Group News: East Surrey. 2 7 2006 Area Group News: Felixstowe. 2 7 2006 Area Group News: NN3 Group. 2 7 2006 Area Group News: Shropshire. 2 7 2006 Area Group News: West Sussex. 2 7 2006 Area Group News: Newark & District. 2 8 2006 Area Group News: North & North-East Lincolnshire. 2 8 2006 Area Group News: Northants & Cambs. 2 8 2006 Area Group News: SK Area Group. 2 8 2006 Trade Report 06/2: Recent & future releases & their effect on the hobby. 2 8 2006 Trade Review: N Brass - 2- & 3-aspect colour light signals. 2 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - GWR 57xx 0-6-0PT in GWR livery. 2 12 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - LNER/WD/BR J94 0-6-0ST in BR livery. 2 12 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - P-O Wagons in various body styles & liveries. 2 13 2006 Trade Review: Del Prados. 2 14 2006 Trade Review: Fence Houses - Class 37 etched windscreens. 2 15 2006 Trade Review: 247 Developments - GWR number plates. 2 16 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann - EZ Command DCC System. 2 17 2006 Trade Review: Modelmaster - Cantrail Stripe Transfers. 2 17 2006 Trade Review: Gaugemaster - Prodigy Advance DCC System. 2 19 2006 Competition - Jinty. 2 22 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Past Winners. 2 24 2006 "Article: 5'6"" Plateback Bogies. The prototype & model form." 2 26 2006 "Prototype Photo(s): 5'6"" Plateback Bogie." 2 26 2006 Article: New livery for an American Hopper. Diversity on the Bachmann 3-bay model. 2 30 2006 Article: GWR Wooden Stations. Standardised parts for quick construction. 2 33 2006 Photo Feature: Coldits Hauptbahnhof representing a non-electrified East German line. 2 36 2006 Layout: Box Clever - British Rail in a very small space. 2 40 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2005 - Graham Farish Trophy. 2 42 2006 Article: Uncoupling. Achieving satisfactory operation from the standard uncoupler. 2 46 2006 Layout: Glencomish or Dark Canyon 3 - Starting the Final Act (maybe). 2 49 2006 Article: Designs for Unusual Scratch-built Locomotives. 2 56 2006 Article: Pullman Conversion. Producing a satisfactory representation. 2 61 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Pullman Coach 'Howson Bar'. 2 61 2006 "Hints 'N' Tips: Sky Hook, the." 2 62 2006 Photo Feature: Random. More Colourful scenes on Richard Insley's layout. 2 63 2006 "Mail Train: Kato Track 1, 2, & 3." 2 65 2006 Mail Train: Kato Track & Quality. 2 66 2006 Mail Train: Dapol versus Bachmann. 2 68 2006 Mail Train: Transfers. 2 68 2006 Mail Train: Union Mills Improvements. 2 68 2006 Mail Train: Get a Grip on Yourself. 2 70 2006 Mail Train: Green Goddess. 2 70 2006 Mail Train: Dapol M7 Problems. 2 71 2006 Mail Train: Lubrication Oil. 2 71 2006 Mail Train: Wrenn N-Gauge. 2 71 2006 "Mail Train: Auto-Fitted Panniers 1, 2, & 3." 2 72 2006 Prototype Photo(s): GWR Autocoach on the Dean Forest Railway. 2 73 2006 Photo Feature: Coldits Hauptbahnhof with DMU heading away from station. 2 76 2006 Shop Update: Modelmaster; Langley; 4D; NGS kits; s/h lists; postage costs. 2 s 1 2006 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2006/01. 2 s20 2006 Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Entry form. 2 s21 2006 Society News: AGM 2006 - Directions & information about the venue. 2 s22 2006 Photo Feature: Alston Station. 3 1 2006 Editorial: Plan of Inaction. 3 4 2006 Area Group News: East Surrey. 3 5 2006 Area Group News: North Herts. 3 5 2006 Area Group News: Shropshire. 3 5 2006 Area Group News: Yorkshire. 3 5 2006 Competition - Blue & Grey MkIIs. Winner 3 5 2006 Competition - Word Search. Muswell Models. Winner 3 5 2006 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition. 3 5 2006 Trade Report 06/3: Eras/Periods by Bachmann; Number Crunching; Green Goddess. 3 6 2006 "Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 44, 45 & 46 Peaks in BR Green & Blue liveries." 3 7 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - BR 16-ton Dia1/108 Steel Mineral Wagons. 3 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - CEA Covered hopper in EWS maroon livery. 3 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - GLW HEA Hopper in EWS & Railfreight liveries. 3 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - MFA 24-ton Open in EWS maroon livery. 3 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - VBA Box van in EWS maroon livery. 3 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 40 in BR Blue livery. 3 12 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 33 in BR Green late crest livery. 3 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 08 in BR Green late crest livery. 3 14 2006 Trade Review: Peco - CDA China Clay Hopper wagon in ECC blue livery. 3 14 2006 Trade Review: Peco - Coal loads & canopies for CDA/HAA hoppers. 3 14 2006 Trade Review: Peco - HAA Coal Hopper wagon in EWS maroon livery. 3 14 2006 Trade Review: Mill Lane Sidings - BR Shock open wagon kit (NGS Shop Item). 3 15 2006 Trade Review: Corgi - Wessex Helicopter. 3 16 2006 Layout: Alston - Quarry traffic on an Ex NER line in the 1950s/60s. 3 18 2006 Article: BR MkI Restaurant Car (RU). Improvements to the Farish model. 3 20 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Open & Shut Doors. 3 22 2006 Article: Converting the Minitrix 2MT Tank & Tender Locos to DCC. 3 24 2006 Competition - Layout Design. 3 31 2006 Layout: Simple American Layout. 3 34 2006 Article: Interlaken - a suitable subject for a continental modeller. 3 36 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Interlaken Station & Swiss Rolling Stock. 3 36 2006 "Article: LSWR M7 - the prototype, Dapol model & Lymington." 3 42 2006 Article: Magic Numbers - Calculations & conversions made easy. 3 44 2006 "Article: Quick Weight Filling, using Liquid Lead." 3 46 2006 Article: Mileposts on the Western - in prototype & model form. 3 48 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Mileposts on the Western. 3 49 2006 Article: Weathering Steel Wagons. The different techniques. 3 50 2006 Prototype Photo(s): BR Steel Mineral Wagons naturally 'weathered'. 3 50 2006 Layout: Layout in a Desk. 3 53 2006 Article: Simple Electrical Circuits for the Beginner. 3 54 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Cutting Out White transfers. 3 57 2006 "Mail Train: Practical Look at Kato Unitrack, a." 3 57 2006 Mail Train: Kato Unitrack Tips. 3 59 2006 Mail Train: Thanks for Kato Unitrack Advice. 3 59 2006 Mail Train: Split Gears on Farish Locomotives. 3 60 2006 Prototype for Everything: BR MkI Buffet Car stripped of interior. 3 60 2006 Mail Train: J94 Bunkers. 3 61 2006 Mail Train: L&Y Pugs. 3 62 2006 Mail Train: Unusual Scratch-built Locomotives. 3 62 2006 Prototype Photo(s): LNER/BR Class J94 N°68030 as preserved. 3 62 2006 "Mail Train: Gizmo, the." 3 63 2006 Mail Train: Produce for Market Stalls. 3 63 2006 Mail Train: Tri-ang/Wrenn N Gauge. 3 63 2006 "Mail Train: Dapol Locomotives 1, 2, 3, & 4." 3 64 2006 Mail Train: Good Service. 3 64 2006 "Photo Feature: Selection of LMS/BR locos: Peco Jubilees, 4P 2-6-4T, BR 5MT." 3 68 2006 Shop Update: Peco; Ratio; Mill Lane Sidings; NGS clothing & kits; s/h lists. 3 s 1 2006 N Gauge Society Exclusive Clothing. 3 s18 2006 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2006/04. 3 s18 2006 Photo Feature: Werneth Cross with trams passing in High Street. 4 1 2006 Editorial: Practice Makes Perfect. 4 4 2006 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2006." 4 5 2006 Area Group News: Contact Details. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: Essex. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: Herefordshire. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: Northern Lincolnshire. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: Staffordshire. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: Worldwide. 4 6 2006 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition. 4 6 2006 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 4 7 2006 Trade Report 06/4: Bachmann & Dapol forthcoming models; George Smith MBE. 4 7 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - LSWR M7 0-4-4T in BR late crest Era 5 livery. 4 9 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 66 in Medite & EWS Era 9 liveries. 4 10 2006 "Article: Nameplate Fitting, using double-sided adhesive tape." 4 11 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 66 in Freightliner Era 9 livery. 4 12 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - GWR Collett Coaches in BR Lined Maroon Era 5 livery. 4 12 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Class 66 N°66551 in Freightliner livery. 4 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - 16-ton mineral in grey & weathered Era 5 liveries. 4 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - 27-ton ore tippler in grey & weathered Era 5 liveries. 4 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - HAA Hopper in EWS Era 9 livery. 4 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - HEA Hopper in Coal Sector Era 8 livery. 4 13 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - PCA in Cement new & weathered Era 9 liveries. 4 13 2006 "Article: Coal Loads, using low density foam." 4 15 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Dogfish 24-ton ballast hopper in 'rusty' Eras 7/8 livery. 4 16 2006 Article: GWR Fruit D built from the P&D Marsh kit. 4 18 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Scratchbuilt Locos. 4 20 2006 Layout: Lavender Green - London transport trams in the 1930s. 4 26 2006 Article: AGM 2006 Review. 4 30 2006 Photo Feature: Claydon;Freshney Valley;Coldits;Adelboden;Hartshill Bank;Magna Park. 4 30 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Wagons. 4 40 2006 Article: Class 20 Diesel DCC Conversion. 4 50 2006 "Article: NGS Kits, Eras & Modelmaster Transfers." 4 53 2006 Article: King of Kings - The GWR 60xx King Class. 4 56 2006 Competition - King of Kings. 4 57 2006 Mail Train: Market Stalls 1 & 2. 4 58 2006 Mail Train: More Magic Numbers. 4 59 2006 Mail Train: Lost Property Department. 4 60 2006 Mail Train: Wrenn Micromodels 1 & 2. 4 60 2006 Mail Train: Choice. 4 61 2006 Prototype for Everything: Class 08 negotiating sharp curves. 4 62 2006 Mail Train: Interlaken. 4 63 2006 Photo Feature: Albula - Piers Miles' Nm RhB layout. 4 64 2006 Mail Train: Journal CDs. 4 65 2006 Mail Train: Natural Selection. 4 65 2006 Mail Train: New Wagon for an Old steamer. 4 65 2006 Mail Train: 14xx Numbers. 4 66 2006 Shop Update: C-Rail;Chivers;Fleetline/Gem;Bach/Farish;Bandai;NGS;Mill Lane;s/h. 4 s 1 2006 Society News: Annual Accounts for 2005 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s17 2006 Society News: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 4.1 & 4.2. 4 s19 2006 Photo Feature: Springdale with the old & the new loco sheds. 5 1 2006 Editorial: Building Bridges. 5 4 2006 Competition - EWS Wagon. 5 5 2006 Competition - Jinty. Winner. 5 5 2006 Obituary: Rev.Ron Spivey. 5 5 2006 Society News: Members' Layout/Visitor Codings. 5 5 2006 Area Group News: NN3 Group. 5 6 2006 Area Group News: North Wales. 5 6 2006 Area Group News: Shropshire. 5 6 2006 Area Group News: Staffordshire. 5 6 2006 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 5 6 2006 Area Group News: Worldwide. 5 6 2006 Trade Report 06/5: Bachmann; Humbrol; 'Caveat Emptor'. 5 6 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 50 'Illustrious' in BR Blue Era 7 livery. 5 9 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - VGA Vans in EWS Era 9 & Railfreight Era 8 liveries. 5 9 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - HAA Hopper in BR Coal Sector Era 8 livery. 5 11 2006 "Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - PGAs in Redland, ECC, VTG & AEC Eras 7-8 liveries." 5 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Premium Trees. 5 11 2006 Trade Review: Woodland Scenics - Premium Trees. 5 11 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - GWR 45xx 2-6-2T with slope-sided tanks in GWR & BR liveries. 5 12 2006 Trade Review: DelPrado - Baltic Tank motorised with a 'Hall' mechanism. 5 12 2006 Trade Review: A1 Models - Chain Link Fence etched nickel silver fret. 5 14 2006 Trade Review: Chiver's Finelines - LNER Horsebox plastic kit (NGS Shop Item). 5 14 2006 "Trade Review: Fence Houses - Tender Etchings for BR1B, BR1C & BR1F + fire irons." 5 16 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - 20-ton Steel Mineral on new 12' chassis in BR livery. 5 17 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - 21-ton Mineral Hopper on new 12' chassis in BR livery. 5 17 2006 "Trade Review: Dapol - Bulk grain Hopper on new 10' 6"" chassis in BR livery." 5 17 2006 Trade Review: Shedloads Models - Plaster-cast wagon loads. 5 18 2006 Article: Peco's 60th Anniversary. An insight into Peco's involvement with N-Gauge. 5 19 2006 Layout: Shiney Road Shed - Compact BR diesel blue era shunting layout. 5 24 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Fleischmann Trophy. 5 26 2006 Article: Scene in Perspective. Applying the rules of perspective to a backdrop. 5 28 2006 "Article: The Last Layout. Train & points control, automatic operation, DCC, etc. etc." 5 30 2006 Article: Sodor Motive Power. Thomas & Friends described. 5 32 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Road Vehicles. 5 35 2006 Layout: Springdale - LMS station & fully operational loco depot. 5 36 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Femoving Farish Locomotive Numbers. 5 43 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Wiring for Spads. 5 43 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Multiple Units. 5 44 2006 Article: Feeding the Dogfish. Loads for the Dapol model. 5 46 2006 Article: New Layout Design & Planning. 5 48 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Ultra-Light Baseboards. 5 51 2006 Article: Converting Dapol 'B' Set Coaches. Building a 4-car suburban set. 5 54 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Detailing Dapol 21-ton Hoppers. 5 56 2006 Hints 'N' Tips: Olfa Plastic Cutters. 5 56 2006 Article: Hotwells Spa. Planning & designing the ultimate compact layout. 5 58 2006 Article: N Gauge Show 2006 Review. 5 62 2006 NGS Kit - N° 31 BR Weltrol MC. Photo of finished model. 5 66 2006 Article: Model Signalling. Reflections with particular application to N-Gauge. 5 67 2006 Mail Train: Dapol Loco Running 1 & 2. 5 69 2006 Mail Train: Wrenn Micromodels. 5 69 2006 Mail Train: Transfers. 5 70 2006 Mail Train: Another Abnormal Load. 5 71 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Abnormal load of 600t pulled by Mack road tractors in Australia. 5 71 2006 Mail Train: Bachmann Suppressors Have Been Suppressed. 5 72 2006 Prototype for Everything: LMS Tender Body. 5 72 2006 Mail Train: Cost Versus Quality. 5 73 2006 Mail Train: Interlaken 1 & 2. 5 73 2006 Prototype Photo(s): Interlaken Station & Swiss Rolling Stock. 5 73 2006 "Mail Train: New Kind of Sleeper, a ?" 5 74 2006 Photo Feature: Hartshill Bank: the hustle & bustle of the market scene. 5 76 2006 Photo Feature: Magna Park: the peace & tranquility of the countryside. 5 76 2006 Shop Update: Ratio;Fleetline/Gem;Bach/Farish;Dornaplas;NGS kits & regalia;s/h lists. 5 s 1 2006 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2006/07. 5 s18 2006 Photo Feature: Malingford Central with 47835 Windsor Castle drifting over canal. 6 1 2006 Editorial: Sign of the Times. 6 4 2006 Competition - Layout Design. Winner 6 5 2006 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition Layouts. 6 5 2006 Society News: NGS Library. 6 5 2006 Area Group News: Durham. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: Exeter N-Gauge Railway Modellers. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: North Wales. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: Northumberland. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: Rugby. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: Yorkshire. 6 6 2006 Area Group News: East Surrey. 6 7 2006 Area Group News: Isle of Wight. 6 7 2006 Trade Report 06/6: Nothing to report ! 6 7 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Close-Coupling System (as fitted to new Ferry Van). 6 7 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Ferry Van in Eras 7-9 Plain Silver Livery. 6 7 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - Class 168/1 DMU in Era 9 Chiltern Rlys. Livery. 6 11 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - GWR Railcar in Era 4 Crimson & Cream Livery. 6 11 2006 Trade Review: JB's Model World - Stock Boxes. 6 13 2006 Trade Review: Mill Lane Sidings - GWR Aero Propeller Wagon (NGS Shop Item). 6 14 2006 Trade Review: Track-Safe - Storage System. 6 14 2006 Trade Review: Dapol - Gresley Coaches in Eras 4&5 BR Maroon Livery. 6 15 2006 Trade Review: Bachmann/Farish - 100-ton Bogie Tanks in Era 7 Shell & BP Liveries. 6 18 2006 Trade Review: Electra Graphics - Transfers for Class 158 'Alphaline R.Trevithic' Livery. 6 18 2006 "Article: Replacement Bogie Wheels. How to fit the new, larger Bachmann wheels." 6 19 2006 Article: USA Switchers (Shunters) in N-Gauge. Some steam & diesel models. 6 22 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Passenger Stock 6 26 2006 Article: Building a GWR Siphon J. Based on Mallard Models & Ultima parts. 6 30 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Graham Farish Trophy. 6 34 2006 "Article: 'N'spirations & Detailing Ideas. Ordinary, real life, finishing touches." 6 40 2006 Competition - Freightliner Class 66. 6 45 2006 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Signals & Line-Side Equip. 6 46 2006 "Article: Testing, Testing. Building a Test Car 5/Laboratory 6 Prometheus car." 6 50 2006 "Article: GWR Macaw H, built using parts from the NGS Shop as a basis." 6 54 2006 Article: Coupling & Uncoupling. An overview of what's available. 6 61 2006 "Mail Train: Choice 1, 2, & 3." 6 61 2006 Prototype for Everything: Luggage Van with accident damage. 6 63 2006 Mail Train: Good Enough to Eat ! 6 64 2006 Mail Train: It's Good to Talk. 6 64 2006 Mail Train: Overheated Wheels. 6 64 2006 Mail Train: GWR King George V. 6 65 2006 Prototype Photo(s): GWR 4-6-0 King George V about to depart Paddington in 1927. 6 65 2006 Mail Train: Dapol 45xx Locos. 6 66 2006 Mail Train: Suppressors. 6 66 2006 Photo Feature: Ashburton with coal merchants going about their business. 6 68 2006 Shop Update: Langley;4D/Avis;Ratio;Bach/Far;Mill Lane;Mainstreet;NGS kits+reg;s/h. 6 s 1 2006 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2006/10. 6 s17 2006 Society News: Amendments Bye-Laws 1.1 & 1.2. 6 s18 2006 Competition - Word Search. GWR Prairie. 6 s19 2007 Photo Feature: S&D Midford Viaduct with 4F on cattle train & 14xx & Autotrain. 1 1 2007 Editorial: Not Just Another Year. 1 4 2007 Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 1 5 2007 Competition - EWS Wagon. Winner 1 5 2007 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition Layouts. 1 5 2007 Society News: NGS Library. 1 5 2007 NGS Kit - N° 33 Railtrack PNA ballast/spoil wagon twin-pack. Preview. 1 6 2007 Area Groups: Rugby. 1 7 2007 Area Groups: Staffordshire. 1 7 2007 Area Groups: West Midlands. 1 7 2007 Area Groups: Yorkshire. 1 7 2007 Trade News 07/1: Dapol; Bachmann; MSL; TPM; N Brass; Warley Show 2006. 1 8 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - LMS/BR 2MT Ivatt 2-6-2T in BR Era 5 livery. 1 8 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 170 3-car DMU in Scotrail Era 9 livery. 1 9 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - HTA 102-ton Coal Hopper in EWS Era 9 livery. 1 9 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - 14-ton Oil Tanks in Era 3 liveries. 1 10 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR 20-ton Brake Van in Era 4 onwards livery. 1 11 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkI Metro-Cammell Pullmans in Eras 5-7 livery. 1 11 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR Std. 10-&12-ton Box Vans in Eras 4&5 liveries. 1 11 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - GNER MkIV Coaches in Era 9 livery. 1 13 2007 Trade Review: Time Cast Models - GWR Country Station polymer/resin kit. 1 13 2007 Trade Review: Cavey's Scale Models - Etched Fencing Panels. 1 14 2007 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Low Relief Building + Roller Door (NGS Shop Item). 1 15 2007 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - Low Relief Factory Building (NGS Shop Item). 1 15 2007 Lick of Paint: Ferry Interesting. 1 18 2007 Layout: Salfred-West - Busy German suburban station in an urban environment. 1 20 2007 "Layout: Stoney Lane Depot, 1 - 3rd Rail Electrics in the South-East. Introduction." 1 26 2007 Prototype Photo(s): Electricity sub-station on the Southern Region. 1 28 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Buildings. 1 32 2007 "Layout: Glencomish - Starting the Final Act, 2. Wiring up semi-automatic style." 1 36 2007 Competition - FGW Mark 2s. 1 42 2007 Layout: Lofthaven - Extensive BR steam/diesel era terminus & branch line. 1 43 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Mini Vice Tweezers. 1 49 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Diesel & Electric Locos. 1 50 2007 Article: Dismantling & Adjusting the Farish V2. 1 56 2007 Article: Street & Station Lamps. A working model. 1 63 2007 Article: Micro harbour layout under construction. 1 64 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Crossing Geometry. 1 64 2007 Mail Train: DMUs & Gresleys. 1 65 2007 Mail Train: Meltdown. 1 65 2007 "Mail Train: Very Useful Bobol E, a." 1 65 2007 Mail Train: Gresleys on the LMR. 1 66 2007 NGS Kit - N° 31 BR Weltrol MC. Photo of finished model. 1 68 2007 Photo Feature: Afanmet Station on a continental metre-gauge line. 1 68 2007 Shop Update: MRT;Ultima;Ratio;C-Rail;M'master;F'hunter;NGS;TenComm.;R.Smith;s/h. 1 s 1 2007 Index - NGS Journal 2006. 1 s18 2007 Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Entry form. 1 s23 2007 "Photo Feature: Holmbury Junction, showing trains with 5 different BR liveries." 2 1 2007 "Editorial: Music of Sound, the." 2 4 2007 Competition - Freightliner Class 66. Winner. 2 5 2007 Competition - Word Search. GWR Prairie. Winner. 2 5 2007 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - a reminder. 2 5 2007 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip - introduction. 2 5 2007 Society News: NGS 40th Anniversary Exhibition - venue details. 2 5 2007 Society News: Welcome Nick Penfold. 2 5 2007 Area Groups: Berkshire. 2 6 2007 Area Groups: Chester. 2 6 2007 Area Groups: Co-ordinator on Tour - North Wales Area Group. 2 6 2007 Area Groups: Notice to all Groups. 2 6 2007 Area Groups: Durham. 2 7 2007 Area Groups: Northumberland. 2 7 2007 Area Groups: Rugby. 2 7 2007 Trade News 07/2:; Timecast; Nuremberg 2007 Trade Show Report. 2 7 2007 Epoch Periods of the German Railway. 2 9 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Limited Edition Set of 3 P.O. Kent Co. wagons. 2 12 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Pullman coaches in Umber & Cream livery. 2 12 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - Limited Edition 7-plank P.O. Frederick Biss. 2 12 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - DB cl.BR 44 coal-fired loco with DCC+sound. Epoch IV. 2 13 2007 Trade Review: Faller - Lawn Motor with motor. 2 14 2007 Trade Review: Busch - Sunflowers plastic kit. 2 15 2007 Trade Review: Gramodels - Clyde Puffer plastic kit. 2 16 2007 Competition - Peak Class 46. 2 17 2007 Article: Assembling the Ratio Viaduct Kit. 2 20 2007 Article: Train Detection. Using a PIC Microcontroller. 2 22 2007 "Layout: Stoney Lane Depot, 2 - Baseboards & Track." 2 26 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Steam Locomotives. 2 32 2007 "Article: Retake on Building DG Couplings, a." 2 40 2007 Article: Reflections on Overseas Travel. 2 42 2007 Article: Scalescenes Card Kits. Some hints about using the range. 2 44 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2006 - Dioramas. 2 46 2007 Article: Sound Advice. Simulated loco sounds using Trax Controls modules. 2 56 2007 Article: Converting the Minitrix 9F (Evening Star) to DCC. 2 62 2007 "Mail Train: Way Forward with DCC, a." 2 70 2007 "Mail Train: Helpful Helpline, 1 & 2." 2 71 2007 Mail Train: Lead in Your V2. 2 71 2007 Mail Train: Any Chance of a Lift ? 2 72 2007 Mail Train: Beginner Requests Help. 2 72 2007 Mail Train: Gresley Coaches on the LMR. 2 72 2007 Mail Train: Pre-Group Transfers. 2 72 2007 "Mail Train: Railcars, Gresleys & Oil Tanks." 2 72 2007 Mail Train: Canal Dreams. 2 74 2007 Photo Feature: Ormston Town with LMS diesel shunter & Black 5 on duty. 2 76 2007 Shop Update: Detail Matters; Langley; TenComm.; P&D Marsh; Ultima; s/h. 2 s 1 2007 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2007/01 2 s18 2007 Society News: AGM 2007 - Formal Notice + Venue directions & information. 2 s20 2007 Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Schedule of Classes & Entry form. 2 s22 2007 "Photo Feature: Coldits Hauptbahnhof, with double-headed passenger train." 3 1 2007 Editorial: Getting Closer. 3 4 2007 Competition - FGW Mark 2s. Winner 3 5 2007 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip. 3 5 2007 Society News: Overseas Posting of Back Issue Journals. 3 5 2007 Society News: Wagon Project Manager. 3 5 2007 40th Anniversary Special Edition Dapol 'Habfis' Ferry Vans. 3 6 2007 Society News: Flying the Flag in Germany. 3 6 2007 Area Groups: East Sussex. 3 7 2007 Area Groups: Newark. 3 7 2007 Area Groups: North Somerset. 3 7 2007 Area Groups: North Wales. 3 7 2007 Area Groups: Plymouth. 3 7 2007 Area Groups: West Midlands. 3 7 2007 Society News: Mini Stand Manager. 3 7 2007 Trade News 07/3: Test it First. 3 8 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 57 in Freightliner & FGW Era 9 liveries. 3 8 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - Class 182 electric Loco in Epoch V DHL livery. 3 12 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - HST 125 in Midland Mainline Era 9 livery. 3 13 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkIII coach TF in Intercity Era 8 livery. 3 14 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkIII coach TF in Midland Mainline Era 9 livery. 3 14 2007 "Trade Review: Dapol - GWR 20-ton steel mineral & bulk grain 'grano' wagons, era 3." 3 14 2007 Trade Review: Arnold - DB Silo Epoch III wagon. 3 15 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - GLW TTA tank wagon in Esso Era 6 livery. 3 16 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - OBA open wagon in Plasmor Blockfreight Era 7 livery. 3 16 2007 Trade Review: Herpa - Daf XF SSC Jumbo Tanker. 3 17 2007 Trade Review: Herpa - Mercedes Benz artic. with flatbed trailer. 3 18 2007 "Trade Review: Tomytec/Gashapon - Car, Truck, & Trailer Collections." 3 18 2007 Gashapon - Collectable Japanese vehicles in N-gauge. 3 20 2007 "Trade Review: Noch - Figures, landau, brewery & hay carts." 3 22 2007 Trade Review: Ten Commandments - OTA timber load. (NGS Shop Item). 3 22 2007 Trade Review: Woodland Scenics - Premium Trees. 3 23 2007 "Trade Review: Dapol - P.O. coal wagons, Dinnington Main & Blaenavon Era 3 liveries." 3 24 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - Coal hoppers in British Steel & House Coal Era 5/6 liveries. 3 25 2007 "Trade Review: Dapol - Milk tankers, United Creameries & Express Dairy Era 6 liveries." 3 25 2007 "Trade Review: Dapol - LSWR M7 0-4-4T, LSWR 245 Era 2 & BR green Era 4 liveries." 3 26 2007 "Article: U.S. Model Rail Show, a." 3 28 2007 "Layout: Stoney Lane Depot, 3 - Electrics & Control." 3 34 2007 "Article: History of Arnold, a." 3 40 2007 "Article: MBD Couplings. Review, construction, fitting, & testing." 3 44 2007 Competition - GWR Prairie. 3 51 2007 Article: Why not try a Folding layout ? 3 52 2007 "Layout: Moorlands, revisited." 3 58 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Musical handrails. 3 63 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Quick pipe load. 3 63 2007 Layout: Darley Dale - BR(M) set in Derbyshire around the 1950s. 3 63 2007 Mail Train: Leg Bracing. 3 71 2007 Mail Train: Canal Dreams not Nightmares. 3 72 2007 Mail Train: Gresley Information. 3 72 2007 Mail Train: Minitrix Class A4. 3 72 2007 Mail Train: Model Electronic Railway Group. 3 72 2007 Mail Train: Matters Gresley. 3 73 2007 Mail Train: Street Lamps. 3 74 2007 Shop Update: M'Master;Langley;TenComm.;Ultima;NGS kits+reg;s/h;MBM;Shire Scenes. 3 s 1 2007 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2007/04. 3 s17 2007 "Photo Feature: Haslingdon, with BR diesels with steam to the rescue." 4 1 2007 Editorial: Class 40. 4 4 2007 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2007." 4 5 2007 Competition - Peak Class 46. Winner. 4 6 2007 NGS Kit - N° 30 Gresley Full Brake; update. 4 6 2007 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip. 4 6 2007 Society News: Mini Stand Manager. 4 6 2007 Area Groups: North East England. 4 7 2007 Area Groups: North Herts. 4 7 2007 Area Groups: West Sussex. 4 7 2007 Society News: In a Nut Shell. 4 7 2007 Area Groups: Berkshire. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: Isle of Wight. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: Leicestershire. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: North Wales. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: Shropshire. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: Station X Milton Keynes. 4 8 2007 Area Groups: Twickenham - New Group. 4 8 2007 Trade News 07/4: Bachmann; Tomytec; Green Max. 4 8 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 04 0-6-0 diesel shunter in BR blue Era 6 livery. 4 9 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - HST 125 in Intercity Swallow Era 8 livery. 4 11 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - POA box wagon in Yeoman/Tiger Era 8 livery. 4 11 2007 Trade Review: MG Sharp Models - Etched diamond & pallissade fencing. 4 12 2007 Fleischmann on Tour. 4 13 2007 Trade Review: Kato - Class EF55-1 electric loco of 1936. 4 13 2007 Trade Review: Micro Ace - Class EF64 3-bogied electric freight loco in JRF livery. 4 13 2007 Trade Review: ESU - ECoS Digital Command Control (DCC) Station. 4 14 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - SBB/CFF/FFS Ce 6/8 'Crocodile' loco with DCC. Epoch II. 4 19 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - SBB Class 450 electric loco + driving trailer. Epoch V. 4 20 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - DB cl. BR 44 oil-fired loco with DCC + sound. Epoch III. 4 20 2007 Trade Review: Brawa - K.W.St.E. BCCi 2nd/3rd & C4 4th class coaches. Epoch I. 4 22 2007 Trade Review: Brawa - K.W.St.E. GEP bogie luggage car. Epoch I. 4 22 2007 Trade Review: PG Models - Warrior armoured fighting vehicle kit. 4 23 2007 Article: Weltrol Couplings. Modification to give close-coupling. 4 24 2007 Layout: Haslingdon - Set in Lancashire in the BR 1950s steam/diesel era . 4 28 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Scraps built. 4 37 2007 Photo Feature: Large Japanese layout in the U.S. 4 38 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Buildings. 4 40 2007 "Layout: Stoney Lane Depot, 4 - Buildings & Scenery." 4 45 2007 Article: 'topOgrafic' Baseboard kits. Ready-to-use landscaped structure. 4 53 2007 Competition - Medite Class 66. 4 54 2007 Layout: Stahlwerk - Modern railway-served industrial complex in Germany. 4 55 2007 N Gauge Society Convention & AGM 2007 - Report. 4 59 2007 "Article: Dapol M7 conversion to ex-NER G5, MR & LMS Caledonian tanks." 4 62 2007 Competition - LSWR M7. 4 65 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Layouts. 4 68 2007 Article: Micromodel Card Loco Kits. 4 72 2007 Mail Train: Detail Parts. 4 73 2007 Mail Train: Crawley Model Railway Society 50th Anniversary. 4 74 2007 Mail Train: Medway Queen Van. 4 74 2007 Mail Train: Ratio Viaduct. 4 74 2007 Mail Train: 45xx - A Sore Point. 4 75 2007 Prototype for Everything: Coach bogies. 4 75 2007 Mail Train: Seeking That Elusive 'Railway Room'. 4 76 2007 Mail Train: Arnold & Other Early N Gauge Stuff. 4 77 2007 Mail Train: Roger Murray Colour Light Signals. 4 78 2007 Mail Train: Street Lamps. 4 78 2007 Society News: Annual Accounts for 2006 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s 2 2007 Society News: Company Limited by Guarantee. 4 s 7 2007 Shop Update: M'Master;TenComm.;Ultima;NGS kits+reg;s/h. 4 ss 1 2007 Shop Window: Foxhunter LNER fish van. 4 ss15 2007 Photo Feature: Stoney Lane with Class 66/7 crossing the road bridge. 5 1 2007 Editorial: Some Things Never Change. 5 4 2007 Competition - GWR Prairie. Winner. 5 5 2007 Whyte Wheel Arrangement explained. 5 5 2007 Area Group News: AGC on Tour - Leicestershire. 5 6 2007 Area Groups: North Lincolnshire. 5 6 2007 Area Groups: Rugby. 5 6 2007 Area Groups: West Midlands. 5 6 2007 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip. 5 6 2007 Area Groups: East Dorset. 5 7 2007 Area Groups: Newark. 5 7 2007 Area Groups: Yorkshire. 5 7 2007 Trade News 07/5: Bachmann; Dapol; HF track cleaners; Heritage N; Tight fit. 5 8 2007 Trade Review: PG Models - Warrior pewter tank kit compared with Dragon plastic kit. 5 9 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 66 'low emission' in GBRF 'First' & DRS Era 9 liveries. 5 10 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - DB Class 146 electric loco in Epoch V livery. 5 11 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 60 diesel loco in Mainline Blue Era 8 livery. 5 12 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - LMS Class 3F 0-6-0T in BR Era 4 livery. 5 14 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - Swiss Class AM842 diesel loco in Epoch V Cargo livery. 5 14 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 73 ED in Gatwick Express Era 8 livery. 5 15 2007 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 73 ED 'Twin Pack' in GB Railfreight Era 9 livery. 5 15 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Swiss Class 185 electric loco in Epoch V Crossrail livery. 5 15 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Class 2016 diesel in Epoch V European Bulls livery. 5 16 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkI SK Coach in Maroon Era 5 livery. 5 17 2007 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkI SO, BG, & SK Coaches in crim/cream Era 4 livery." 5 17 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 37/4 loco in Bullidae Intercity Era 8 livery. 5 17 2007 Trade Review: C-Rail - PFA wagon kit with coal container & load (NGS shop item). 5 18 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - RCH 3-plank wagon in LMS Era 3 livery. 5 19 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Limited Edition beer wagon in Epoch III Franziskaner livery. 5 19 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Limited Edition container wagon in Epoch V Wurth livery. 5 19 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Limited Edition hopper wagon set in Epoch IV/V DB livery. 5 19 2007 Article: Johnsons Klear. Some modelling uses for this household product. 5 20 2007 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - PCA, POA, & VBA new era 8/9 liveries." 5 20 2007 "Photo Feature: Large U.S. Model Railway Show Layout, a." 5 24 2007 "Layout: Stoney Lane Depot, 5 - Final details, stock & operation." 5 26 2007 "Layout: Ferkel Eisenbahn - Trains, Trams & Buses in a fictional German town." 5 34 2007 Article: Advanced Passenger Train (APT). Modelling the 7-car unit. 5 38 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Multiple Units. 5 42 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Complete Train 5 56 2007 "Article: N Gauging Tram, an. Dealing with the unexpected in tram kits." 5 62 2007 Layout: Saddleworth Junction - BR Steam in an imaginary Lancashire setting. 5 64 2007 Mail Train: Some Reflections on a Return to N gauge. 5 80 2007 Prototype for Everything: Modern (2007) mixed train. 5 81 2007 Mail Train: Heritage Model Railway. 5 82 2007 Mail Train: Micromodel Card Kits. 5 82 2007 Photo Feature: Fleischmann factory layout at the 40th Anniversary Exhibition. 5 84 2007 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2007/07. 5 s 1 2007 Shop Update: 40th Anniversary Wagons;TPM.;Ultima;NGS kits+reg;s/h. 5 ss 1 2007 Photo Feature: Bewdley with preserved trains passing. 6 1 2007 Editorial: Fifty/Fifty. 6 4 2007 Society News: Trip to Hamburg & Berlin (advance notice). 6 5 2007 Society News: In a Nutshell Competiton. 6 6 2007 "Society News: International N Gauge Show, the." 6 6 2007 Competition - LSWR M7. Winner. 6 7 2007 Competition - Medite Class 66. Winner. 6 7 2007 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip. 6 7 2007 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2008. 6 7 2007 NGS Kit - N° 30 Gresley Full Brake; update. 6 8 2007 NGS Kit - N° 32 GWR Macaw; update. 6 9 2007 NGS Kit - N° 33 Railtrack PNA ballast/spoil wagon twin-pack; update. 6 9 2007 Society News: 2008 AGM - Layouts Wanted. 6 9 2007 Society News: Company Limited by Guarantee. 6 9 2007 Society News: Society Handbook - Electrics. 6 9 2007 Area Group News: AGC on Tour - East Dorset Group. 6 10 2007 Area Groups: North Lincolnshire. 6 10 2007 Area Groups: Northumberland. 6 10 2007 Area Groups: Suffolk & North Essex. 6 10 2007 Area Groups: Chester. 6 11 2007 Area Groups: Leicestershire. 6 11 2007 Area Groups: North Herts. 6 11 2007 Trade News 07/6: 40 Years of Traders; Dapol Open Day; Roco Products. 6 11 2007 Trade News 07/6: Japanese Steam; Bachmann BR Cl.04 with 'Wasp Stripes'. 6 16 2007 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - PCA in ICI Era 8/9 livery. 6 17 2007 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - PGAs in Redland,ECC,Yeoman,Railease,Tarmac Eras 8&9." 6 17 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - Austrian Class ES64F4 electric loco in Epoch V OBB livery. 6 17 2007 Trade Review: Minitrix - Italian Class ES64F4 electric loco in Epoch V FN Cargo livery. 6 17 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Heating Boiler Wagon in Epoch II livery. 6 18 2007 Trade Review: Fleischmann - Limited Edition '1001 Fright on the Rails' wagons. 6 19 2007 Trade Review: Tomytec - Bus Collection 10: sight-seeing coaches. 6 19 2007 Trade Review: Revell - Puma helicopter plastic kit in 1/144. 6 20 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Fleischmann Trophy. 6 25 2007 Hints 'N' Tips: Peco Micro-Switches. 6 29 2007 Layout: Snow Scene Diorama. 6 30 2007 Article: Converting the Fleischmann Turntable (9152) for DCC Operation. 6 32 2007 Layout: Abbey Cross Junction MkIII - BR Western & Midland regions in the 1960s. 6 34 2007 Article: Tweaking the Farish 04 Shunter. Cosmetic & running improvements. 6 36 2007 Layout: Brewhouse Yard - an early 1900s rail-served brewery. 6 40 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Passenger Stock. 6 46 2007 Article: Farish/Bachmann 'Steam' Chassis DCC Conversion Improvement. 6 50 2007 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Road Vehicles. 6 56 2007 40th Anniversary Exhibition - Report. 6 60 2007 Article: 2-HAP. Modelling a SR EMU from various commercially-available parts. 6 80 2007 Mail Train: Fitting Knuckle Couplers to British Rolling Stock. 6 83 2007 Mail Train: Some Things Never Change. 6 83 2007 Mail Train: Comments on Points in Journal 5/07. 6 84 2007 Mail Train: Moorcock Junction. 6 84 2007 Mail Train: Beyond Lyddle End ? 6 85 2007 Mail Train: Buses. 6 85 2007 Mail Train: High Frequency Track Cleaners. 6 85 2007 Photo Feature: Newcastle by the Water showing 4-track main line & station. 6 88 2007 Society News: AGM 2008 - Advance Notice. 6 s 1 2007 Society News: N Gauge Society Committee. 6 s 1 2007 40th Anniversary Special Edition Dapol 'Habfis' Ferry Vans. 6 s 4 2007 Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Schedule of Classes & Entry form. 6 s 5 2007 Competition - Word Search. Scotrail Class 170. 6 s 7 2007 Shop Update: BR Lines;Shire;Peco;Ratio;Mill Lane;TenComm;C-Rail;NGS kits+reg;s/h. 6 ss 1 2007 Shop Window: Stock Clearance - Scenecraft + GPF Class 90 bodies. 6 ss16 2008 Photo Feature: Four Feather Falls. 1 1 2008 Editorial: Many Coats of Many Colours. 1 4 2008 Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition - recent e-mailed entries. 1 5 2008 Society News: Society Handbook. 1 5 2008 Society News: Stuttgart Exhibition. 1 5 2008 Area Group News: Cornwall. 1 7 2008 Area Group News: Modern. 1 7 2008 Area Group News: North Wales. 1 7 2008 Area Group News: West Midlands. 1 7 2008 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 1 7 2008 Area Group News: Berkshire. 1 8 2008 Area Group News: North Somerset. 1 8 2008 "Report: Second European N Gauge Convention, Stuttgart 2007." 1 8 2008 Trade News 08/1: New Faces; New Lamps for Old; U.S.Locomotives. 1 10 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 37/0 in plain BR Blue Era 7 livery. 1 10 2008 Trade Review: Dapol - Class 35 'Hymek' in BR two-tone green livery. 1 12 2008 Trade Review: Dapol - BR 9F 2-10-0 in BR black livery. 1 14 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - HHA Heavy coal hopper in Freightliner Era 9 livery. 1 16 2008 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - LMS 6P5F 4-6-0 'Jubilee', part 1." 1 16 2008 Trade Review: Walthers - N and Z 2008 Handbook. 1 18 2008 Trade Review: Atlas - Two-Truck Shay loco. In Lima Locomotive Works livery. 1 19 2008 Trade Review: Atlas - MP-15DC diesel loco in Belt Railway livery. 1 20 2008 Trade Review: Kato - NW-2 diesel switcher in B&O Chessie System livery. 1 20 2008 Trade Review: Kato - GE C-44-9W diesel loco in Southern Pacific livery. 1 22 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Red Caboose BN TTX Auto Rack bogie wagon. 1 22 2008 Trade Review: Minitrix - French BB67300 diesel loco in SNCF livery. 1 23 2008 Trade Review: Tomytec - Truck Collection 4. 1 24 2008 Trade Review: Minitrix - Regional Train Set in Metronom Epoch V livery. 1 25 2008 Trade Review: Faller - Car System fire engine & removal van sets. 1 26 2008 Trade Review: Train-Safe - Vision cassette system. 1 26 2008 Hints 'N' Tips: Bits & Bobs from Odds & Ends. 1 32 2008 Competition - GWR Railcar. 1 34 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Joint Entries. 1 34 2008 Article: BR Four-wheel Ferry Van (VIX). Building the Mill Lane Sidings kit. 1 36 2008 "Layout: Touch of Germany, a - fictional running in a fictional setting." 1 40 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Wagons. 1 44 2008 Layout: Holmes Mersey - set in South Manchester suburbs during 1989. 1 48 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Petroleum Sector 47196 accelerating through Manchester in 1991. 1 50 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Sprinter 150233 passing signal box at Manchester in 1991. 1 51 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 37 & 47s stabled at Manchester Victoria in 1991. 1 52 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 31 & train approaching Manchester Victoria in 1991. 1 53 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Signals. 1 55 2008 Article: Detailing My Locomotives the 'Calvert' Way. LMS Jinty & 3F improvements. 1 56 2008 Layout: Redhouse Pulp & Paper Mill - modern USA & UK modular operation. 1 58 2008 "Article: Steam in the N-W Highlands, 1. Fort William to Mallaig." 1 66 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Banavie Swing Bridge. 1 66 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Glenfinnan Viaduct. 1 67 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Black V & train passing Polnish Church. 1 68 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Black V & train approaching Corpach Station. 1 71 2008 Layout: Leeman Road - Portable & self-contained BR steam/diesel shunting layout. 1 72 2008 Article: Enhancing Scratch-built & Card Kits. 1 75 2008 Mail Train: Farish Power Bogies. 1 87 2008 Mail Train: Spray Tip. 1 87 2008 Mail Train: Meet Up in Wiltshire. 1 88 2008 Mail Train: To Go or to Grow. 1 88 2008 Mail Train: Medway Queen Wagons. 1 89 2008 Prototype for Everything: Incomplete running number on Class 56. 1 89 2008 Mail Train: Buses & Trams. 1 90 2008 Mail Train: Ideas Exchange. 1 90 2008 Mail Train: Toys as Models. 1 90 2008 Photo Feature: Cajon Pass. 1 92 2008 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2007/10 1 s 4 2008 Index - NGS Journal 2007. 1 s 5 2008 Shop Update: 4D/G.Avis; B&B; Fleetline; Parkside Dundas; NGS kits+reg;s/h. 1 ss 1 2008 Photo Feature: Albula. 2 1 2008 Editorial: Posterity. 2 4 2008 Competition - Word Search. Scotrail Class 170. Winner. 2 5 2008 Society News: ASN Bi-Annual Model Making Competition. 2 5 2008 Society News: Renewal Forms for Overseas Members. 2 5 2008 Area Group News: Chester. 2 6 2008 Area Group News: North Wales. 2 6 2008 Area Group News: Northumberland. 2 6 2008 Area Group News: Rugby. 2 6 2008 Area Group News: Shropshire. 2 6 2008 Del Prado Static Model Competition. 2 6 2008 Trade News 08/2: Fleischmann - new ownership; Nuremberg 2008 Toy Fair Report. 2 7 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Fujisan Limited Express 6-Car EMU. 2 13 2008 Trade Review: Kato - KiHa82 6-Car DMU. 2 13 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Kintetsu Series 101000 New Vista Car Articulated EMU. 2 15 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Series 211 7-Car EMU. 2 16 2008 Trade Review: N Scale Kits - Articulated Trash Spine Car kit. 2 16 2008 Trade Review: Walthers - Cornerstone Gasometer plastic kit. 2 18 2008 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - LMS 6P5F 4-6-0 'Jubilee', part 2." 2 19 2008 Trade Review: West Wales Wagon Works - L.E. 20-ton Steel Mineral Opens. 2 19 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Scratch-built Steam Locos. 2 26 2008 Layout: George Williamson Memorial Layout - Restored for posterity. 2 34 2008 Competition - Aggregate Wagons. 2 40 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Kit-built Steam Locos. 2 42 2008 "Article: Super Detailed Castle. Kit or Conversion, which is the harder ?" 2 48 2008 Photo Feature: Limstoke. A tribute to the late Mervyn Marsh's layout. 2 52 2008 Layout: Albula - The Swiss Rhätische Bahn in Metre Gauge N (NM). 2 56 2008 Hints 'N' Tips: Banked Ballast. 2 66 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Kit-built D&E Locos. 2 68 2008 Article: Improving the Lima Class 86 - A first attempt. 2 74 2008 Article: Double Heading. Comparing performance to achieve satisfactory matching. 2 76 2008 "Article: Pullman Cars. Scratch-built from wood, plastic, card, etc." 2 78 2008 Article: Renumbering the Peco Collett. 2 80 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2007 - Past Winners. 2 82 2008 Mail Train: Further Ideas for Enhancing Scratch-built & Card Kits. 2 86 2008 Mail Train: DCC Controls & Decoders. 2 87 2008 Mail Train: N Couplings & Thanks. 2 87 2008 Mail Train: Hymeks Out & About. 2 88 2008 Mail Train: Malta & Gozo Buses. 2 88 2008 Mail Train: Member Contact. 2 88 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Preserved Hymeks D7017 & D7076 on the ELR in 1998. 2 88 2008 Mail Train: Modell Bahn Sued. 2 89 2008 Prototype for Everything: Class 47 being towed by a 'tractor'. 2 89 2008 Mail Train: Ballasting. 2 90 2008 Mail Train: Competition Standards. 2 90 2008 Photo Feature: Albula. 2 92 2008 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2008/01 2 s 3 2008 Society News: N Gauge Society Convention & AGM 2008. 2 s 5 2008 Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Entry form. 2 s 7 2008 Shop Update: Mayfair Motors; Parkwood; Bandai/Tomix/Tomytec; NGS kits+reg;s/h. 2 ss 1 2008 Photo Feature: Malingford Central with 6 different diesel classes on shed. 3 1 2008 Editorial: Narrow Minded. 3 4 2008 Competition - GWR Railcar. Winner. 3 5 2008 Obituary: Peter McBride. 3 5 2008 Society News: In a Nutshell Competiton Reminder. 3 5 2008 Society News: Journal Manager Moving House. 3 5 2008 NGS Kit - N° 30 Gresley Full Brake; update. 3 6 2008 NGS Kit - N° 32 GWR Macaw; update. 3 6 2008 NGS Kit - N° 33 Railtrack PNA ballast/spoil wagon twin-pack; update. 3 6 2008 "NGS Kit - N° 35 KPA Hopper, JJA/HQA Autoballaster; update." 3 6 2008 Area Group News: Chester. 3 7 2008 Area Group News: Felixstowe. 3 7 2008 Area Group News: Modern. 3 7 2008 Area Group News: North Wales. 3 7 2008 Area Group News: Shropshire. 3 7 2008 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 3 7 2008 Trade News 08/3: Fleischmann Class 70 Steam Locomotive. 3 8 2008 Trade News 08/3: Summer modelling; Ixion Manor. 3 8 2008 Trade News 08/3: Kato Unitrack. Getting the best from this sectional track. 3 9 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Class 66 in GM/Opel & Rail4Chem liveries. 3 12 2008 Trade Review: Timecast - Allotments cast in resin. 3 14 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Containers. 3 16 2008 Trade Review: De Luxe Innovations - Containers. 3 16 2008 Trade Review: Kato - Tanktainer (containerised tanks on bogie wagon). 3 16 2008 Trade Review: Peco - GWR Cl.2251 Collett 0-6-0 in BR black. 3 18 2008 Trade Review: Pro Hobby - Motor bogie with 14mm wheelbase. 3 18 2008 Trade Review: Etched Pixels - Barry Railway goods van + miscellaneous items. 3 20 2008 Trade Review: Digitrax - DG1521N plug-in DCC decoder. 3 21 2008 Trade Review: Station Signs - BR Midland Region signs. 3 21 2008 Trade Review: Tomytec - Car Collection 6. 3 22 2008 Article: Converting the Bachmann-Farish 158/159 to DCC. 3 24 2008 Article: Don't Be Put Off ! Building the NGS JGA/PHA Bogie Hopper kit 28. 3 32 2008 Layout: Micklerigg Fell - 1960s BR(M) with S&C & Peak District overtones. 3 44 2008 Hints 'N' Tips: Painting by Parts. 3 58 2008 Layout: Shiney Yard - BR Minimum space industrial shunting. 3 60 2008 Competition - Midland Mainline HST. 3 65 2008 Hints 'N' Tips: Saving Wagon Storage Space. 3 66 2008 Article: Tartan Type 2s on a Budget. Farish Cl.33 conversion into Cl.26 or Cl.27. 3 70 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 26s in 'Dutch' engineers livery at Crewe in 1991. 3 72 2008 Member's Models: Kevin Knight's GWR Aero wagons & A4 'Seagull'. 3 76 2008 "Article: British Telephone Boxes, real & model." 3 78 2008 Article: Layout Power Supply Wiring. 3 84 2008 Mail Train: To Go or to Grow. 3 86 2008 Mail Train: Competition Standards - a response. 3 87 2008 Mail Train: Coned Wheels. 3 87 2008 Mail Train: Competition Winner. 3 88 2008 Mail Train: Couplings. 3 88 2008 Mail Train: Hong Kong Jubilee. 3 88 2008 Mail Train: For a Few Dollars More. 3 89 2008 Mail Train: Thank You & Posterity. 3 89 2008 Prototype for Everything: Departmental vehicle N°98403 3 89 2008 Mail Train: Locomotive Rest Home. 3 90 2008 Mail Train: Medway Queen Wagons. 3 90 2008 Mail Train: Spring Clean. 3 90 2008 Photo Feature: Woolton Junction with Foster Yeoman train leaving the yard. 3 92 2008 Shop Update: Modelmaster/Jackson Evans; NGS kits+reg; s/h. 3 ss 1 2008 Photo Feature: Mullertal im Schwarzwald. 4 1 2008 Editorial: A Little Imagination. 4 4 2008 Society News: Journal Manager Moving House. 4 5 2008 Society News: Society Northern Mini Stand. 4 5 2008 "Society News: Annual Model-Making Competition Results, 2008." 4 6 2008 NGS Kit - N° 30 Gresley Full Brake; photo. 4 7 2008 NGS Kit - N° 32 GWR Macaw; update. 4 7 2008 NGS Kit - N° 33 Railtrack PNA ballast/spoil wagon twin-pack; photo. 4 7 2008 Area Group News: Cambs. & Northants. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: Hornchurch Area New Group. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: Isle of Wight. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: North Herts. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: Northumberland. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: Worldwide Group. 4 8 2008 Area Group News: Yorkshire. 4 8 2008 Trade News 08/4: Bachmann; Dapol; Exhibition DVD; N-Drive; Close Coupling. 4 10 2008 Trade Review: Mike Howarth - Signal kits. 4 15 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Stanier Coaches: LMS Crimson Lake & BR B&C liveries. 4 17 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR GUV in BR Blue Express Parcels livery. 4 21 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkIII TS 75ft coach in GNER livery. 4 21 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Pullman Parlour First coach. 4 21 2008 Trade Review: Tomytec - Bus Collection 11: 1980s/90s single deck coaches. 4 21 2008 Article: Improving the Bachmann/Farish LMS 4F 0-6-0 loco. 4 24 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - LMS 4F 0-6-0 loco in BR later crest livery. 4 24 2008 Trade Review: Viessmann - Commander DCC control unit/command station. 4 30 2008 Member's Models: On Peter Hardiker's workbench. 4 34 2008 Article: Mind the Gap. Improving the Graham Farish Jubilee. 4 36 2008 Competition - Tanker. 4 38 2008 N Gauge Society Convention & AGM 2008 - Report. 4 39 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Dioramas. 4 42 2008 Article: Building Kampung Sungai (AMMC entry). 4 52 2008 Layout: Coverdale - GWR West Country small fictitious town terminus. 4 54 2008 Layout: Wiesmühl - Small Bavarian wayside station set in the 1970s. (AMMC entry) 4 60 2008 Layout: Westolten - Maintaining the interest. 4 63 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Road Vehicles. 4 70 2008 Seen & Modelled: Short PW Train. 4 72 2008 Photo Feature: Recently Departed (AMMC entry). 4 74 2008 Article: Glenstowe/Port Rosea - A designer's approach to layout modelling. 4 80 2008 Article: Some of my Mistakes. 4 85 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Multiple Units. 4 86 2008 Article: Now You See It - Now You Don't. A model railway time shift. 4 88 2008 Mail Train: Kato Track. 4 89 2008 Prototype for Everything: L&Y 0F 0-4-0ST 51218 on passenger train. 4 89 2008 Mail Train: Any Old Ladders? 4 90 2008 "Mail Train: Early Japanese Railways, 1853-1914." 4 90 2008 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2008/04 4 s 2 2008 Society News: Annual Accounts for 2007 - Treasurer's Report. 4 s 3 2008 Shop Update: M/master/Jack/Evans;NGS kits+reg;Shire;TPM;Bell;TenComm.;C-Rail. 4 ss 1 2008 Photo Feature: Shunting the Factory on St.Johns Road. 5 1 2008 Editorial: Moving In. 5 4 2008 Area Group News: Lutterworth. 5 5 2008 Area Group News: New Group - Horsham. 5 5 2008 Competition - Midland Mainline HST. Winner. 5 5 2008 Society News: New Chairman - David Baverstock. 5 5 2008 Area Group News: Isle of Wight. 5 6 2008 Area Group News: Modern. 5 6 2008 Area Group News: Shropshire. 5 6 2008 Area Group News: Staffordshire. 5 6 2008 Area Group News: Worldwide Group. 5 6 2008 Trade News 08/5: Dapol Evening Star & Farish Warship: the old & the new. 5 6 2008 Trade Review: Dapol - BR 9F 2-10-0 'Evening Star' in BR lined green livery. 5 7 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 42 Warship D814 in BR green Era 5 livery. 5 8 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Intermodal wagons with Seaco containers. 5 12 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - LMS 20-ton brake van in LMS & BR(M) liveries. 5 14 2008 Trade Review: Dapol - Dogfish Ballast wagon in Era 8 'Dutch' livery. 5 16 2008 Trade Review: NGS Shop Item - BR EB/MB/MC Borail Eras 5-7 Kit (Parkwood). 5 16 2008 Trade Review: 2FS - Easitrac easy-to-assemble finescale track. 5 17 2008 Rail 'Coding' - an explanation. 5 19 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkIII TGS coach in GNER Era 9 livery. 5 20 2008 Article: Crompton Celebrations - Class 33 models & prototypes. 5 22 2008 Competition - DRS Crompton. 5 25 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 33/2 N°33202 in 'Dutch' livery. 5 26 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 33/2 N°D6593 preserved in original green livery. 5 27 2008 Prototype Photo(s): Class 33/1 N°33117 preserved on the ELR. 5 28 2008 "Article: …..and finally, 'Hedges Hill Cutting' bows out." 5 30 2008 Layout: Lemon Street Station - Liverpool nostalgia. 5 32 2008 Member's Models: Roy Schofield's LMS Patriot & LNER teak coaches. 5 42 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Past Winners. 5 46 2008 Article: Thompson Non-Corridor Stock. Etched kits made easier? (AMMC entry). 5 48 2008 Layout: St.Johns Road - Limited-space shunting GWR-style. 5 54 2008 "Prototype Photo(s): Staverton Station, South Devon (Dart Valley) Railway." 5 62 2008 Layout: Box End - BR shunting layout in a box-file. 5 75 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Rolling Stock. 5 80 2008 Article: Kato Unitrack & Automated Train Control. 5 84 2008 Article: Constructing a Home-Made Colour Light Signal. 5 87 2008 "Mail Train: A Little Imagination, 1 & 2." 5 88 2008 Mail Train: Johnsons Klear. 5 88 2008 Mail Train: Journal Sales & Wants 4/08 - An Apology. 5 89 2008 Mail Train: New Medway Steam Packet Co. 20t Mineral Wagons. 5 89 2008 Mail Train: Honorary Life Membership. 5 90 2008 Mail Train: Limited Edition N Gauge Coaches. 5 90 2008 Mail Train: Signals & Staniers. 5 90 2008 Photo Feature: Hedges Hill Cutting with 2 EMUs crossing. 5 92 2008 Shop Update: NGS kits+regalia; Shire; TPM; Timecast; C-Rail. 5 ss 1 2008 Photo Feature: Brunel timber viaduct on Penny Forum. 6 1 2008 Editorial: Mail Train. 6 4 2008 Competition - Tanker. Winner. 6 5 2008 Obituary: Julian Holland. 6 5 2008 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2009. 6 5 2008 NGS Wagon Project N° 34 - LMS Stove R. 6 6 2008 Area Group News: AGC on Tour - North Somerset. 6 7 2008 Area Group News: AGC on Tour - Plymouth. 6 7 2008 Area Group News: New Group - Horsham. 6 7 2008 Area Group News: West Norfolk & Fenland. 6 7 2008 Area Group News: Yorkshire. 6 7 2008 Article: Constructing & Painting (in teak) the NGS Kit 30 - Gresley Full Brake. 6 7 2008 Trade News 08/6: NGS Kit 30 - Gresley Full Brake; New Locos. 6 7 2008 Dapol Trade & Club Members' Weekend. 6 12 2008 "Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 08 shunter in eras 7, 8 & 9 BR Blue livery." 6 14 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - Class 108 DMU in era 5 BR Green livery. 6 16 2008 Trade Review: Bach/Farish - BR MkI SO & RMB coaches in BR Blue/Grey livery. 6 18 2008 Trade Review: Etched Pixels - BAA steel carrier wagon etch. 6 18 2008 Trade Review: Etched Pixels - Class 24/25 conversion etch. 6 18 2008 Trade Review: C-Rail - 20ft Tank Container kit & Transfers. 6 19 2008 Trade Review: Joe's Model Trains - Rusty Rails Painter. 6 20 2008 Article: Modern Road Vehicles - a review. 6 22 2008 Competition - Tomytec Road Vehicles. 6 32 2008 In a Nutshell Competiton Results. 6 34 2008 Hints 'N' Tips: Cheap Storage Boxes. 6 39 2008 Article: Royal Mail Coach - BR & GWR TPOs built using BHE overlays. 6 40 2008 Member's Models: Ian Macintosh's stationary boiler. 6 47 2008 Photo Feature: Annual Model-Making Competition 2008 - Buildings 6 48 2008 Article: Building West Bay Station. (AMMC entry). 6 54 2008 Article: TPO Stock - Royal Mail Coaches built using Robbie Burns overlays. 6 60 2008 Article: Chipping the Bachmann Class 04 diesel shunter for DCC operation. 6 64 2008 "Article: Steam in the N-W Highlands, 2. The Invergarry & Fort Augustus Rly." 6 70 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Bridge near Aberchalder. 6 70 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Fort Augustus Viaduct Column. 6 70 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Fort Augustus Viaduct. 6 71 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Invergarry Station. 6 71 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Oich Bridge. 6 76 2008 Prototype Photo(s): West Highland Rly. - Tunnel near Aberchalder. 6 77 2008 Layout: Nicksdorf & Sonderfelt - Small German branch line. 6 78 2008 Article: How to Re-Spray a Class 56 (into Large Logo blue). 6 80 2008 Layout: Survivor - Lasting against the odds. 6 88 2008 Mail Train: Medway Queen. 6 94 2008 Mail Train: Stanier Coaches. 6 94 2008 Mail Train: Substitutions. 6 95 2008 Mail Train: Minitrix Locos & the Mysterious J94. 6 96 2008 Mail Train: Rail Heights. 6 96 2008 Prototype for Everything: Class 08 D3232 with 'autocoach'. 6 96 2008 Mail Train: Berko Signals. 6 98 2008 Mail Train: Replacement Bogies & Double Heading. 6 98 2008 Photo Feature: GM Power in Northern Switzerland on Unserstadt. 6 100 2008 Society News: Management Committee Meeting Report 2008/10. 6 s 3 2008 Society News: AGM 2009 - Advance Notice. 6 s 4 2008 Annual Model-Making Competition 2009 - Entry form. 6 s 5 2008 Consolidated Balance sheet - Correction. 6 s 6 2008 Competition - Word Search. PCA Wagon. 6 s 7 2008 Shop Update: Peco;Oxford;NGS kits+regalia;Ultima;Vehicles;Anniv.Wagons;s/h. 6 ss 1 2008 NGS Wagon Project N° 34 - LMS Stove R. Order Form. 6 ss16 2009 Editorial: Shunt With Care 1 4 2009 Competition: Crompton (DRS Class 33) Competition (ex 5/08) Winner 1 5 2009 Obituary: George Payne 1 5 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 1 5 2009 Society News: Society Kit 37 - TTA Chemical Tanker 1 5 2009 Society News: Society Wagon Kit 30 - Gresley Full Brake 1 5 2009 "Society News: Society Wagon Kit 35 - KPA Hopper, JJA/HQA Autoballaster" 1 5 2009 Society News: Stove R Project Latest 1 5 2009 Society News: Northern Mini-Stand Draws the Crowds (at Wigan Show) 1 6 2009 Area Groups: Berkshire 1 7 2009 Area Groups: Exeter N Gauge Railway Modellers 1 7 2009 Area Groups: New Group (Horsham) 1 7 2009 Area Groups: Worldwide 1 7 2009 Area Groups: Yorkshire 1 7 2009 Product Review: NGS Kit 33 Railtrack PNA twin-pack 1 8 2009 Trade News: Ixion's Manor 1 8 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Voyagers era 9 - Virgin & Cross Country 1 10 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Class 47 BR Blue with Domino Headcode Era 7 1 14 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Royal Scot Gordon Highlander BR Green Early Totem era 4 1 16 2009 "Product Review: BachFarish - revised Liveries - 100t Shell Bogie Tank Wagon era 7/8, 14t Fina Tank era 3" 1 18 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - revised Liveries - 20t Brake BR Bauxite era 5 1 18 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - revised Liveries - BR Mk1 SK WR Choc/Cream era 5 1 18 2009 "Product Review: BachFarish - revised Liveries - EWS 08921 era 9, RMC Bulk Powder Wagon era 8/9" 1 18 2009 "Product Review: BachFarish - revised Liveries - VBA Railfreight Van era 7, 63ft Container Wagon era 8/9" 1 18 2009 Product Review: Oxford Diecast Bedford OB Bus 1 18 2009 Book Review: N Gauge Modelling - An Introductory Guide by Howard Foy 1 22 2009 Product Review: Squires - Pack of 4 pcs Hedging 1 22 2009 Article: Journal Back Issues. Ian Coe (suggestion for compilation of articles from old journals) 1 26 2009 Article: Will a Lightweight Baseboard Really Work? Roger Pound 1 29 2009 Layout: The North Borneo Railway Model Project. Peter Beeston 1 30 2009 Article: BachFar Class 158/159 with Sound (for Analogue and DCC). Roger Miller 1 38 2009 Layout: Temple Valley (Ter To Tani). Ron Upton (Japanese layout) 1 44 2009 Photo Feature: Oceanside (American layout by High Wycombe & District MRC) 1 52 2009 Article: GWR Macaw B. Richard Bardsley (background to and building Kit 32) 1 54 2009 Article: Class 395 'Javelin' in N Gauge. David Lund 1 66 2009 Layout: Easthampton. Keith Devine (British MI layout) 1 70 2009 Article: Dapol Gresley Coaches. F.Hempsall (adjusting bogie position) 1 80 2009 Competition: Prairie Competition 1 83 2009 Members' Models: GWR Classics. C.Herrington 1 84 2009 Reader's Letter: Stove R 1 86 2009 Reader's Letter: Travelling Post Office 1 86 2009 Reader's Letter: More Praise for Minitrix 1 87 2009 Readers' Letters: Mysterious J94 1 87 2009 Reader's Letter: Mintrix 9F 1 88 2009 "Prototype for Everything: (""I find the mixing of different trains from different eras….to be totally unrealistic…)" 1 89 2009 Reader's Letter: Car Kits 1 89 2009 Reader's Letter: Double Heading 1 89 2009 Reader's Letter: The Space Starved Modeller 1 89 2009 Reader's Letter: Easitrac 1 90 2009 Index - NGS Journals 2008 1 s 3 2009 Annual Model Making Competition 2009 - Entry Form 1 s 7 2009 Shop Update: Oxford Diecast; Ratio; Modelmaster; Langley; Spec.Purchase; Soc.Kits&Reg; 2008 Jnl CD 1 ss 1 2009 Order Form - Society Wagon Project 34 - LMS Stove R 1 ss 16 2009 "Editorial: Wave a Magic Wand (comment re scratchbuilding, kitbuilding and r-t-r)" 2 4 2009 Competition: Tomytec Road Vehicles Winner 2 5 2009 Competition: Word Search Competition Winners 2 5 2009 Obituary: Fred Johnson 2 5 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 2 5 2009 Society News: N Gauge Society Stand at Model Rail Glasgow 2 6 2009 Society News: Stove R Wagon Project 2 8 2009 Society News: Society Wagon Kit No.36 - BR Shock Open & Van Twin Pack 2 9 2009 Area Groups: Worldwide 2 11 2009 "Society News: Society Wagon Kit 35 - KPA Hopper, JJA/HQA Autoballaster" 2 11 2009 Area Groups: Brecon area 2 12 2009 Area Groups: East London & Essex 2 12 2009 Area Groups: Leicestershire 2 12 2009 Area Groups: Norfolk 2 12 2009 Area Groups: North Herts 2 12 2009 Area Groups: Shropshire 2 12 2009 Area Groups: West Midlands 2 12 2009 Product Review: Dapol - B17 'Grimsby Town' era 3 2 13 2009 Trade News: (various) 2 13 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - 04 Diesel Shunter BR Black 11217 era 4 2 14 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - 31 Tonne OCA Drop Side Wagon eras 7 & 8 2 15 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Class 37/6 37672 Triple Grey Transrail Livery era 9 2 16 2009 Tweaks and Modifications - Royal Scot Tender Gap 2 16 2009 Tweaks and Modifications - New Class 47 Bogies 2 18 2009 Article: Pre-Grouping in N Gauge - part 1. J.Burrows 2 20 2009 Competition: M7 Competition 2 27 2009 Article: N Gauge 3D Stereo Pictures. B.Piggott 2 28 2009 Article: Converting the Dapol M7 to a LMS P1. D.Wright 2 32 2009 Article: Adding Sound to the BachFarish Class 108 DMU. R.Miller 2 34 2009 Article: Detailing the Royal Scot. N.Leaver 2 40 2009 Photo Feature: 2008 Model Making Competition - Steam Locomotives 2 44 2009 Members' Models: Excursion Train. D.Tomkiss 2 46 2009 Article: Mersham Station. E.Strover 2 48 2009 Photo Feature: 2008 Model Making Competition - Diesel & Electric Locomotives 2 50 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Lima Pullman Coach Interiors. D.Atfield 2 52 2009 Layout: Unserstadt. B.Silby 2 53 2009 Article: The Bug - Hold & Fold Etch Folding Tool. R.Bardsley 2 56 2009 Article: Thoughts on Kato Unitrack and its Appearance. M.Pearce 2 60 2009 Photo Feature: 2008 Model Making Competition - Dapol Trophy (Complete Trains) 2 64 2009 Layout: Barrow Wood. M.O'Brien 2 68 2009 Article: Catwalk Modifications for the Peco 45 ton TTA Tank. G.Armstrong 2 72 2009 Article: Oakingham Town - An N Gauge Station Module. R.Percy (Berkshire Area Group) 2 77 2009 Layout: Machynlleth - The Cambrian Coast in N Gauge by Barry and Penarth MRC 2 80 2009 Article: CCT Livery Change - An Easy Alternative to Renumbering. S.Sturt 2 85 2009 Members' Models: TPOs. C.Saunders 2 90 2009 Readers' Letters: Shunt With Care 2 92 2009 Reader's Letter: Mystery Loco Identified 2 94 2009 Readers' Letters: Thanks…. 2 94 2009 Reader's Letter: Dapol Gresley Bogies 2 95 2009 Reader's Letter: Mind the Gap 2 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Minimum Radius Curves 2 96 2009 Reader's Letter: The Journal's Calming Effect 2 96 2009 Reader's Letter: A First Railway 2 98 2009 Editorial: Health Warning (treatise on safety when modelling) 3 4 2009 Area Groups: Leicestershire 3 5 2009 Area Groups: West Norfolk & Fenland 3 5 2009 Area Groups: West Sussex 3 5 2009 Area Groups: Yorkshire 3 5 2009 Competition: Prairie Competition Winner 3 5 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 3 5 2009 Society News: Stove R Wagon Project 3 5 2009 Area Groups: Shropshire 3 6 2009 Area Groups: Worldwide 3 6 2009 Trade News: Nuremberg 2009 3 6 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - 30 ton Bogie Bolster C era 5 3 8 2009 Product Review: Dapol - Class 156 Super Sprinter DMU era 8 3 8 2009 Product Review: Dapol - Mark 3 Coaches era 8/9 3 10 2009 Layout: Rorgyle 3 13 2009 Layout: Llanderfel. M.Oates 3 14 2009 Article: Pre-Grouping in N Gauge - part 2. J.Burrows 3 24 2009 Article: Ideas for Adding and Improving Details. G.Hedges 3 36 2009 Article: First Steps in Scratch Building. D.Lund 3 40 2009 Members' Models: Celebrating 21 Years of Railfreight Triple Grey Livery (Class 37s and 47) 3 46 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Weathering Coal Wagon Interiors. R.Bardsley 3 48 2009 Layout: Rogsham. G.White 3 50 2009 Competition: Warship Competition 3 53 2009 Article: Coupling Critique. R.Miller (mods to Arnold/Rapido couplers to improve uncoupling) 3 54 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Tractors for Model Railways. R.Luis (correct farm tractors for period odeled) 3 61 2009 Layout: Filey Yard. A.Cockburn 3 62 2009 Layout: Swing Low Sweet Chariot. P.Strafford (layout laid at floor level round edge of room) 3 66 2009 Layout: Turning the Tables - A Coffee Table MPD. D.Gamble 3 74 2009 Layout: Hollingworth & District Steam & Canal Centre. G.Johnson (setting up boards and track for a layout) 3 84 2009 Article: A Flashing Tail Lamp. D.Watson 3 93 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Improving the Haulage of Graham Farish Tender Locos without Trailing Wheels. D.McVinnie 3 94 2009 Reader's Letter: Arnold Motorised Turntable No.0851 3 95 2009 Reader's Letter: CCT Livery Change 3 95 2009 Reader's Letter: New Track Please? 3 95 2009 Reader's Letter: Macaw Kits 3 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Shock Wagons 3 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Minimum Radius 3 97 2009 Reader's Letter: Minimum Radius & Couplers 3 97 2009 "Editorial: By Accident Rather Than Design (experimenting with kit-bashing, scenery, weathering etc)" 4 4 2009 Competition: M7 Competition Winner 4 5 2009 Obituary: Phil Kerr 4 5 2009 Society News: Introducing Our New Chairman 4 5 2009 Society News: 2009 Model-Making Competition Results 4 6 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 4 7 2009 Society News: Stove R Wagon Project 4 7 2009 Article: European N-Scale Covention (Stuttgart 2009) 4 8 2009 Area Groups: East Dorset 4 9 2009 Area Groups: Northants & Cambs 4 9 2009 Area Groups: St Neots MRC N Gauge Group 4 9 2009 Area Groups: Newark 4 10 2009 Area Groups: Shropshire 4 10 2009 Trade News: MERG Helps Track Trains (radio frequency identification kits) 4 10 2009 Product Review: Dapol - Class 67 era 9 4 11 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - JGA 90 tonne Bogie Hoppers era 8/9 4 13 2009 Product Review: Ten Commandments - Post War Prefab House 4 13 2009 "Product Review: BachFarish - Livery Revisions - OBAs, VGAs, Mk2E TSO, Mk2F FO (eras 7,8,9)" 4 14 2009 Product Review: Electra Railway Graphics - Class 158 era 9 4 15 2009 Tweaks and Modifications - Further Royal Scot Improvements (improving performance) 4 16 2009 Hints'n'Tips: How Green Does Your Grass Grow? (toning down green scatter) 4 19 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Diesel and Electric Locomotives 4 22 2009 Society News: 2009 AGM & Exhibition 4 24 2009 Competition: Royal Scot Competition 4 28 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Signals 4 29 2009 Article: Building a Class 07 Shunter in Brass. B.Gregory 4 30 2009 Article: Steam in the North West Highlands part 3. R Hodgkinson 4 40 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Modifying the Peco Turntable 4 47 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Group Efforts and Miscellaneous (layout - 37th Street) 4 48 2009 Article: Industrial Diesel Shunter. R.Swan (mini shunter from Japan) 4 52 2009 Members' Models: Electric Locomotives. A.Stephney 4 54 2009 Article: LSWR Drummond 4-6-0. E.Strover 4 58 2009 Article: Coupling Alternatives. G.Hedges 4 60 2009 Layout: Fellside. B.Clark 4 66 2009 "Article: Removing the Plastic Coal Load from Tenders, or How to Add 'Real Artificial Coal'" 4 74 2009 Layout: Mortice-Rig. C.Taylor 4 80 2009 Article: Boom Handlers. A.Bradshaw (container terminal operation) 4 84 2009 Reader's Letter: Clerestory Coaches 4 91 2009 Reader's Letter: Medway Queen Wagons 4 92 2009 Reader's Letter: From DC to DCC (slowly) 4 93 2009 Reader's Letter: Couplings 4 94 2009 Reader's Letter: Converting the Dapol M7 to a LMS P1 4 95 2009 Reader's Letter: New Gerry Spencer Email Address 4 95 2009 Reader's Letter: Battery Powered Radio Controlled Model Railway Locomotives 4 96 2009 Editorial: Making Some Noise 5 4 2009 Competition: Warship Competition Winner 5 5 2009 Obituary: Bill Avery 5 5 2009 Society News: Do You Need a New Handbook? 5 5 2009 "Society News: Society Milestone (membership number 20,000)" 5 5 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 5 6 2009 Society News: Stove R Wagon Project 5 7 2009 Area Groups: Berkshire 5 8 2009 Area Groups: Chester 5 8 2009 Area Groups: East Dorset 5 8 2009 Area Groups: Lutterworth 5 8 2009 Area Groups: Northern Lincolnshire 5 8 2009 Area Groups: Shropshire 5 8 2009 Area Groups: Yorkshire 5 8 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - 150 Sprinter DMU era 9 5 9 2009 Competition: Blue Shunters 5 12 2009 Product Review: Worsley Works - Class 142 Pacer Kit 5 12 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Scratch Built Steam Locomotives 5 16 2009 Members' Models: Layout Progress. B.Dew 5 18 2009 Layout: Megsdorf - Era III Germany. N.Raven 5 20 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Multiple Units 5 30 2009 Lick of Paint: Twenty Minute Makeover for a Farish PCA. Z.Precsenyl 5 31 2009 Layout: Sudbury. N.Homewood 5 32 2009 Article: The Vinyl Straw. P.Chesher (a look at N Gauge vinyl overlays) 5 38 2009 Article: Assembling DG Couplings. I.Skinner 5 44 2009 Article: Aylesbury Vale Parkway. C.Wright 5 49 2009 Layout: Meacham. Leamington & Warwick MRS 5 50 2009 Article: Tail Lamps. N.Leaver 5 52 2009 Article: Pre-Grouping in N Gauge - part 3. J.Burrows 5 56 2009 Members' Models: Painting and Weathering Peco Wagons. A.Crawford 5 70 2009 Article: Converting the BachFar Class 08 to DCC. R Miller 5 72 2009 Layout: Camfleet - a Very Unconventional Railway Layout. M.Sandell 5 82 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Past Winners 5 88 2009 Readers' Letters: Battery Powered and Remote Controlled 5 93 2009 Reader's Letter: Ultima SR Bogie Luggage Van Kit Instructions Required 5 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Using a Piercing Saw 5 96 2009 Readers' Letters: Small Industrial Shunter 5 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Another Clerestory Conversion 5 98 2009 Reader's Letter: Thanks… 5 98 2009 Editorial: How Big is Small? (comment on size comparisons between scales) 6 4 2009 Competition: Royal Scot Competition Winner 6 5 2009 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip 6 5 2009 Society News: Stove R Now Available 6 5 2009 Area Groups: East Dorset 6 6 2009 Area Groups: Exeter N Gauge Railway Modellers 6 6 2009 Area Groups: Newark 6 6 2009 Area Groups: Northern Lincolnshire 6 6 2009 Area Groups: Shropshire 6 6 2009 Area Groups: Leicester 6 7 2009 Area Groups: Staffordshire 6 7 2009 Trade News: Various new steam locos 6 8 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Four Wheeled Container Flats 6 9 2009 Product Review: Arnold - Track 6 10 2009 Prize Draw - Gold Plated Arnold Locomotive 6 11 2009 Product Review: BachFarish - Seacows 6 11 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Dioramas 6 15 2009 Layout: Wiesmühl. R.Sant 6 16 2009 Article: 'Turbo Car' in N Gauge. J.Dean 6 24 2009 Layout: Christmas Cake Layout. J.&J. Ward 6 27 2009 Article: Mystery White Metal Loco Kit. A.Sykes 6 31 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Complete Train 6 32 2009 Layout: Nook Brewing Co. (layout in a box file). M.Burnham 6 36 2009 Layout: Katami Mittsu. N.Raven 6 42 2009 Article: Up My Street. J.Laws (using your PC to produce street names and signs) 6 53 2009 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition - Kit or Modified Steam Locomotives 6 56 2009 Article: Pre-Grouping in N Gauge - part 4. J.Burrows 6 60 2009 Competition: Voyager Competition 6 69 2009 Hints'n'Tips: Adding Brass Buffer Heads. P.Hardiker 6 69 2009 Article: High Speed Train with Sound - at both ends! R.Miller 6 70 2009 Article: A Long and Winding Road. J.Arbon (building a double level layout including a helix) 6 80 2009 Readers' Letters: Pre-Grouping Modelling 6 89 2009 Reader's Letter: Bath Green Park Station 6 93 2009 Reader's Letter: Batteries Not Included 6 94 2009 Reader's Letter: The Coupling System 6 94 2009 "Reader's Letter: In Praise of Bill Avery, and Bath Green Park Station" 6 95 2009 Reader's Letter: Replacement Drive for Peco Jubilee 6 95 2009 Reader's Letter: Tail Lamps and Bogie Bending 6 96 2009 Reader's Letter: Network Rail's Track Cleaner (repainted Tomix Track Cleaning Wagon) 6 97 2009 Reader's Letter: Old Farish Wheels 6 97 2009 Reader's Letter: Prototype for Everything - PCA Wagons 6 98 2009 Competition: Container Word Search 6 s 7 2009 Questionnaire: Tell Us What You Think! 6 s 8 2010 Editorial: Pack It In (stock storage) 1 4 2010 Obituary: Dave Johnson 1 5 2010 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2010 1 5 2010 Society News: NGS BR Independent Snow Plough 1 6 2010 Competition: Blue Shunters Winner 1 7 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 1 7 2010 Society News: 2010 Model Making Competition 1 8 2010 Society News: NGS Kit 37 TTA Chemical Tanker 1 8 2010 Area Groups: East Dorset 1 9 2010 Area Groups: North Herts 1 9 2010 Area Groups: Northants & Cambs 1 9 2010 Area Groups: Shropshire 1 9 2010 Area Groups: West Norfolk & Fenland 1 9 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Class 37/0 BR Blue era 7 1 10 2010 Trade News: 1/10 1 10 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Class 24 BR Green era 5 & BR Blue era 7 1 11 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Class 150 DMU Set era 8 1 12 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – 8 ton Cattle Truck GWR era 3 1 13 2010 Product Review: Ten Commandments – Low Relief Industrial Buildings 1 13 2010 Product Review: Gaugemaster – Computer Interface for Prodigy DCC Controller 1 15 2010 Article: Illumination of Model Railways Using White LEDs. B.Piggott 1 18 2010 Article: A Solution to N Gauge Shunting. C.English 1 26 2010 Article: What’s in a Name? Bangor & Aroostock Box Cars. P.Terry (US rolling stock) 1 31 2010 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition – Passenger Stock & NPCCs 1 32 2010 Article: Gresley Articulated Coaches. P.Dibben 1 34 2010 Article: Using the Pro-Hobby Ca-ND Chassis. R.Marsden (motive power for small locos) 1 42 2010 Layout Article: Yarnham – West Sussex in N Gauge. G.Mockford (modern image 1992) 1 44 2010 Layout Photo Feature: Kinlet Wharf. Wyre Forest MRC (modern image WCML) 1 50 2010 Article: Renumbering Farish Rolling Stock. S.Bateman (renumbering Pullman coaches) 1 54 2010 Members’ Models: Little End Yard. R.Swan 1 58 2010 Article: Storage Box. G.Elliott 1 60 2010 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition – Small Layouts 1 62 2010 Layout Article: Cumbrian Model Railway Layout. D.Birkitt (early 60s LMS/LNER) 1 64 2010 Article: High Speed Train with Sound- at both ends! Part 2: Converting a Dapol Mk3 Coach for Sound. R.Miller 1 70 2010 Article: Gantry Crane. A.L.Bradshaw (for container handling) 1 76 2010 Article: N Scale Containers. B.Bryant (scratchbuilding) 1 81 2010 Article: From 4F to J17. M.Daw (loco conversion) 1 84 2010 Article: Pierre’s Pier. M.Hinchcliffe (construction of N model including trams) 1 87 2010 Readers’ Letters: Up Our Street (using a PC to produce street names and signs) 1 93 2010 Reader’s Letter: Tail Lamps 1 95 2010 Readers’ Letters: Mystery Solved (Highfield Models G5 Kit) 1 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Ever Decreasing Circles (track radii) 1 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Reliable Shunting (couplings) 1 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: DCC and Wheels (pickup connections) 1 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Battery Operated 1 98 2010 Index – NGS Journals 2009 1 s 3 2010 Society News: Annual Model Making Competition 2010 – Rules & Entry Form 1 s 9 2010 Editorial: Fools Rush Out (manufacturers’ policies) 2 4 2010 "Society News: Competition Winners – Gold Plated Arnold Loco, Word Search, Bachmann Voyager" 2 5 2010 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2010 2 5 2010 Society News: Wagon Project Update (Snowplough RTR & TTA kit) 2 5 2010 Society News: Annual Model Making Competition (2010) 2 6 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 2 6 2010 Society News: Shop Orders – Postage Increase 2 6 2010 Area Groups: Era 1 & 2 2 7 2010 Area Groups: Felixstowe 2 7 2010 Area Groups: Shropshire 2 7 2010 Area Groups: Staffordshire 2 7 2010 Area Groups: West Norfolk & Fenland 2 7 2010 Trade News: 2010 Graham Farish Catalogue 2 7 2010 Trade News: Nuremberg 2010 2 7 2010 Product Review: Mathieson Models – RCH 1908 Private Owner Wagons era 2 2 11 2010 Product Review: Oxford Diecast – LNER Mechanical Horse; London Transport RT Bus (Roofbox) 2 11 2010 Product Review: Tomytec Collections – Car Series #8; Truck Series #6 Fuel Tankers 2 12 2010 Product Review: Athearn – Santa-Fe FP45 with Sound 2 13 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – MBA ‘Megabox’ Bogie Wagon era 9 2 14 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – 12 ton Plywood BR Fruit Van era 5 2 15 2010 Product Review: F-Toys – Construction Equipment 2 16 2010 "Product Review: BachFarish – New Liveries: Warship, Western, Cl 31, Cl 47, Stanier Coaches, 5 Plank Wgns" 2 17 2010 Product Review: N Gauge Society – Stove R 2 18 2010 Product Review: Iroda – Gas Soldering Iron/Torch 2 19 2010 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition – Wagons 2 22 2010 Article: PGA Variety. G.Collier (PGA wagon variations) 2 26 2010 Hints’n’Tips: Imitation Points. T.Hayes 2 29 2010 Article: High Speed Train with Sound- at both ends! Part 3: Convert a Class 158/159 to a HST. R.Miller 2 30 2010 Layout Article: Monkton-Smerk. M.Bates & D.Freer (modern image steelworks) 2 34 2010 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition – Vehicles 2 39 2010 Article: Hook Loader. R Bardsley (type of skip lorry) 2 40 2010 Article: Forced Perspective. G.Hedges 2 44 2010 Layout Photo Feature: Bw Lützen Ost. D.O’Rourke (German steam) 2 50 2010 Article: Great Western Clerestory Coaches in N Gauge. F.Lax 2 53 2010 Photo Feature: 2009 Model Making Competition – Buildings 2 62 2010 Article: Making Buildings in N Scale from Scratch. E.Orwin 2 66 2010 Article: Mind the Gap! P.Hendry (Closer Coupling on a Bachmann Class 150) 2 74 2010 Members’ Models: Small Enough to Fit in a Hatchback. M.Howard (small layout) 2 76 2010 Article: Bachrus Rolling Road. G.White 2 78 2010 Competition: Class 67 2 79 2010 Layout Article: The Kidmore Gumstump. D.Mitchell (small steam/diesel shunting) 2 80 2010 Article: Valencing Act. B.Troop (Class 90 valences) 2 83 2010 Article: Building Your First Wagon Kit. P.Ball 2 84 2010 Article: Adding That Extra Touch. A.Crawford (putting occupants in vehicles) 2 87 2010 Reader’s Letter: Stove R – and Thoughts for the Future 2 92 2010 Reader’s Letters: 8 ton Cattle Wagon Load 2 92 2010 Competition: Jubilee 2 93 2010 Reader’s Letter: Lights and Gantry Cranes 2 93 2010 Reader’s Letter: Is N Gauge Too Small? 2 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: Phantom Trains! (passengers in coaches) 2 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: Cheap LEDs 2 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Stock Boxes 2 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Albion Dockyard 2 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Battery Powered 2 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Pulse Width Modulation 2 96 2010 Reader’s Letters: G5 Loco Kit 2 97 2010 Society News: Management Committee Meeting January 2010 2 s 2 2010 "Society News: AGM 2010 – Notice, Directions & Information" 2 s 3 2010 Society News: Advanced Order Form – TTA Chemical Tanker & Snowplough 2 s 6 2010 Editorial: The Difference a Letter Makes (DC & DCC) 3 4 2010 Obituary: Don Dickson 3 5 2010 Society News: N Gauge Society Chairman 3 5 2010 Society News: Members’ Handbook – Beginner’s Section 3 6 2010 Society News: Members’ Handbook – Purchasable Additions (German & American Railway Booklets) 3 6 2010 Society News: The N Gauge Society Website Lives! 3 7 2010 Society News: Journal Publication Dates 3 8 2010 Society News: TTA Wagon Kit Update 3 8 2010 Competition: Jubilee Winner 3 9 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 3 9 2010 Society News: Survey Results 3 9 2010 Society News: Model Rail Scotland Presentation 3 10 2010 Area Groups: Northants & Cambs 3 11 2010 Society News: BR Independent Snowplough Update 3 11 2010 Area Groups: Berkshire 3 13 2010 Area Groups: East Dorset 3 13 2010 Area Groups: Felixstowe 3 13 2010 Area Groups: Leicestershire 3 13 2010 Area Groups: West Midlands 3 13 2010 Area Groups: World Wide 3 13 2010 Area Groups: Wrexham (new group) 3 13 2010 Product Review: Ixion – BR/GWR Manor eras 3 to 5 3 14 2010 Trade News: 50th Anniversary of N Gauge 3 14 2010 Product Review: G.Hedges – N’spirations Booklet 1 3 16 2010 Product Review: County Rolling Stock – GWR Gunpowder Van era 3 3 17 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – 3F 0-6-0T Jinty era 4 3 18 2010 Product Review: Mount Tabor Models – Bridges 3 19 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – EWS HAA Hopper era 9 3 20 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – BR 10t Insulated Box Van Planked Sides Light Blue era 5 3 21 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Speedlinkk VGA Van era 7/8 3 22 2010 Article: High Speed Train with Sound- at both ends! Part 4: DCC Conversion of BachFar HST. R.Miller 3 24 2010 Article: Mathieson Model Modifications. G.Collier 3 26 2010 Layout Article: Zimbabwe Layout. I.Mumford (steam/diesel 90s Africa) 3 28 2010 Layout Article: Crossgates. G.Elliott (modern image portable) 3 30 2010 Article: What’s in a Name? The Lehigh Valley Railroad. P.Terry 3 36 2010 Article: Custom Building a Station using Card. Z.Precsenyi 3 38 2010 Layout Photo Feature: Parkhouse. S.Farmer (DMU terminus & goods depot) 3 48 2010 Article: Economy Street Lighting. E Smith 3 52 2010 Layout Article: Polpendra. S.Addelsee (Cornish china clay steam) 3 54 2010 Article: GWR Milk Van. R.Johns 3 60 2010 Hints’n’Tips: Electric Uncoupler for MicroTrains Couplers. K.Warltier 3 63 2010 Layout Article: Nutt & Bolton. A.Cockburn (minimum space BR blue industrial shunting) 3 64 2010 Article: A Suitable Case for Treatment. D.Pearson (layout in an aluminium case) 3 67 2010 Article: Corridor Connections. G.Dodd 3 68 2010 Layout Article: A Portable Layout. B.Jackson (construction of a small space layout) 3 74 2010 Article: Departmental Stock. C.Wright 3 78 2010 Competition: Class 156 DMU 3 79 2010 Article: Generic 60ft Container Flat. B.Bryant 3 80 2010 Members’ Models: Seahaven. R.Kershaw (50s BR steam layout) 3 82 2010 Photo Feature: AGM Trade Special 3 84 2010 Article: Signal Matters. E.Strover 3 88 2010 Article: Auto Uncoupling Systems from the Sewing Box! P.Chesher 3 91 2010 Reader’s Letter: Farish Bogies (replacement loco bogies) 3 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Scunthorpe Steelworks 3 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: The World Wide Area Group 3 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Coupling Aesthetics 3 98 2010 Reader’s Letter: Mixed DC/DCC Layouts 3 98 2010 Society News: Management Committee Meeting April 2010 3 s 2 2010 Editorial: Art in the Eye of the Beholder (with reference to modelling) 4 4 2010 Society News: 2010 Model Making Competition Results 4 5 2010 Area Groups: Berkshire 4 6 2010 Area Groups: Lutterworth 4 6 2010 Area Groups: Porthcawl (new group) 4 6 2010 Competition: Class 67 Winner 4 6 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 4 6 2010 Society News: Journal Competition Co-ordinator 4 6 2010 Area Groups: North Cornwall & Devon 4 7 2010 Area Groups: Shropshire 4 7 2010 Trade News: Black Five 4 7 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Black Five – LMS era 3 & BR era 5 4 8 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Standard 4 BR era 5 4 10 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Toad Brake Vans eras 4/5/6 4 10 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – BDA Bogie Bolster Loadhaul era 8 4 11 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Class 108 DMU 3-car era 6 4 11 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Re-releases 4 12 2010 Product Review: Bachmann – Jackson & Sharp Open-Sided Excursion Car 4 13 2010 Product Review: Tomytec – Car Collection 10 4 13 2010 Product Review: Oxford Diecast – LMS Mechanical Horse & SR Albion Horsebox 4 14 2010 Product Review: DCC Concepts – Rolling Road 4 15 2010 Product Review: Norscot – Excavator 4 15 2010 Product Review: G.Hedges – N’spirations Booklet 2 4 16 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Built or Modified Diesel & Electric Locomotives 4 18 2010 Article: Baseboard Alignment 4 20 2010 Society News – 2010 AGM & Exhibition 4 24 2010 Article: DCC/DC Sound Alternative. D Mitchell 4 28 2010 Article: Starting With Your Train Set – Or…So You Want to be the Fat Controller? D.Watson 4 29 2010 Competiton: Class 24 4 33 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Kit Built or Modified Steam Locomotives 4 34 2010 Article: Princess Helena Victoria. P.Lundberg (LMS Pacific) 4 38 2010 Article: Mind the Gap – Bringing N Gauge Tracks Closer Together. H.Watkins 4 42 2010 Layout Article: Market Street. J.Mitchell (1980-94 terminus & loco depot) 4 46 2010 Layout Article & Photo Feature: Kings Cross. P & P Walker (1956 BR(E) terminus) 4 48 2010 Article: Meinstadt Signal Box – A Simple Scratch Building Project. P.Norman 4 55 2010 Layout Article: Clark’s Yard. A.Cockburn (minimum space industrial shunting) 4 60 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Small Working Layouts 4 62 2010 Article: BachFar Class 37 DCC Conversion. R.Miller 4 65 2010 Article: Modelling. R.Purser (thoughts on modelling buildings) 4 68 2010 Article: Forward Dating the Signal Box/Dapol Class 73ED. G.Hedges 4 70 2010 Article: Upgrading a Tomytec Road Coach. J.Dean 4 72 2010 Layout Article: Bethandale. M.Shakespeare (1930s Peak District branch terminus) 4 74 2010 Layout Article: Bury St Edmunds Club N Gauge Layout (early stages of construction) 4 78 2010 Layout Article: Kidmore Magna Curve. D.Mitchell (small GWR/BR) 4 80 2010 Article: Amtrak – Santa Fe & Kato. A.Clark 4 84 2010 Readers’ Letters: The Difference of Another Letter (DC/DCC) 4 89 2010 Reader’s Letter: Clip Your Pipes (Class 24) 4 91 2010 Reader’s Letter: Laboratory 14 Wren 4 91 2010 Reader’s Letter: RTR or DIY? (re ‘Bags of Bits’ with RTR stock) 4 91 2010 Reader’s Letter: Give Cardboard a Chance 4 92 2010 Reader’s Letter: The Buzz Words These Days (re Oxford Diecast) 4 92 2010 Reader’s Letter: Albion Dockyard Wagons 4 93 2010 Reader’s Letter: GEM Snowploug 4 93 2010 Reader’s Letter: Jinty Differences 4 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: Master N Gauger 4 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: The Lie of the Land (Scenics) 4 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: Pulse Width Modulation 4 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Corridor Connections 4 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Push Button Shunting 4 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Small Enough to fit in a Hatchback 4 98 2010 Society News: SGM Notice 4 s 2 2010 Society News: Constitution Proposal Voting Form 4 s 3 2010 Society News: Accounts for 2009 4 s 4 2010 Editorial: Gone Great Western (175th anniversary of GWR) 5 4 2010 Competition: Class 156 DMU Winner 5 5 2010 Society News: A Message from John Warner 5 5 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 5 5 2010 Society News: Journal Competitions Co-ordinator 5 5 2010 Society News: VAT Rise – Clarification 5 5 2010 Society News: Third Ready-to-Run Project Revealed (SR/BR Queen Mary Brake Van) 5 6 2010 Society News: BR Snowplough – Advance Orders 5 8 2010 Area Groups: East Dorset 5 9 2010 Area Groups: North Herts 5 9 2010 Area Groups: South West Wales 5 9 2010 Area Groups: West Sussex 5 9 2010 Area Groups: Wrexham 5 9 2010 Area Groups: Yorkshire 5 9 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – BR Standard 2-6-2T 82005 BR Green era 5 5 10 2010 Trade News: Bachmann Open Day 2010 5 10 2010 "Product Review: Dapol – Class 58 eras 7,8,9" 5 12 2010 Product Review: Pennine Wagons – Great Northern Gunpowder Van era 2 5 13 2010 Product Review: County Rolling Stock – GWR Iron Mink Sand Van era 3 5 14 2010 Product Review: Proses Model Railway Accessories – Snap & Glue Set Square 5 15 2010 "Product Review: BachFarish – Reliveries ers 4,5,6,8 & 9" 5 16 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Scratch Built Steam Locomotives 5 18 2010 Layout Article: Spitzweisertal. D.O’Rourke (German 60s(ish) steam) 5 20 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Miscellaneous 5 30 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Buildings 5 31 2010 Layout Article: Rugby Road Mark 4. I.MacIntosh (50s/60s Midland region) 5 33 2010 Members’ Models: Polybulk Wagon & Loco repaints. B.Troop 5 36 2010 Competition: Ixion Manor 5 37 2010 Layout Article: Easterdale Green. M.Longstaff (preserved steam railway in Lake District 5 38 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Scratch Built Diesel or Electric Lomotives 5 42 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Signal or Other Lineside Equipment 5 42 2010 Article: Ipswich Railway Museum. P.Hardiker (Museum in Australia) 5 44 2010 Article: The International N Gauge Show 2010 5 46 2010 Article: Removing the Mystery of the 4-digit Adress. R.Miller (DCC) 5 52 2010 Article: Retail Therapy. B.Hayes (modelling shops) 5 54 2010 Layout Article: Abbotsford. R.Fox (60s steam/diesel Manchester suburbs) 5 58 2010 Article: The Idle Thoughts of an O Gauge Absconder. J.Smith 5 64 2010 Article: A Mechanical Magnet Lifter. B.Mellor (couplings) 5 67 2010 Layout Article: Avalon. B.Bryant (design & construction – 60s modernisation period) 5 70 2010 Article: A Ten by Ten Train Traverser. J.Dean 5 84 2010 Article: Combined Turnout Switch. J.Arbon 5 87 2010 Reader’s Letter: Art in the Eye of the Beholder 5 94 2010 Reader’s Letter: Farish Bogies 5 94 2010 Prototype for Everything: (“the train split in the middle and …..the loco ended up pushing the back half of it”) 5 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Retail Policy (including reply from Dapol) 5 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: Give Card a Chance 5 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: North Borneo Railway 5 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Red For Danger Where There Are Weeds on the Line 5 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Good Old Fashioned Hills 5 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Green Light (colour light signals) 5 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Selling Your Model Railway Layouit? 5 97 2010 Readers’ Letters : Letting the Bits out of the Bag 5 98 2010 Society News: Management Committee Meeting August 2010 5 s 2 2010 Society News: Advanced Order Form – SR/BR Queen Mary Bogie Brake Van 5 s 3 2010 Editorial: Seeing the Light (illumination of layouts) 6 4 2010 Competiton: Class 24 Winner 6 5 2010 Society News: BraN Tub Lucky Dip Winner 6 5 2010 Society News: Combined Turnout Switch Author 6 5 2010 Society News: Presentation to George Smith of Dapol 6 5 2010 Society News: Year End Update (Society website) 6 6 2010 Obituary: Leonard (Len) Ernest Rich 6 7 2010 Area Groups: East Dorset 6 8 2010 Area Groups: Era 1 & 2 6 8 2010 Area Groups: Horsham & District 6 8 2010 Area Groups: Lutterworth 6 8 2010 Area Groups: North Cornwall & Devon 6 8 2010 Area Groups: Shropshire 6 8 2010 Area Groups: Staffordshire 6 8 2010 Society News: 2011 Annual Model Making Competition 6 8 2010 Society News: Queen Mary Wagon Project 6 8 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – BR Class 14 0-6-0 6 9 2010 Product Review: Ben Johnson Forget Me Not Foundation – Limited Editon 14T Tank Wagon 6 9 2010 Trade News: Best Year Yet for British Outline? 6 9 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – LNER (BR(E)) B1 4-6-0 6 11 2010 Product Review: P&D Marsh – 45 tonne Boom Handler 6 12 2010 Product Review: PG Models – Vehicle Kits 6 13 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – Mk 1 Coaches 6 14 2010 Product Review: BachFarish – 108 DMU revised livery 6 15 2010 Product Review: Dapol – Black 9F weathered 6 15 2010 "Product Review: BachFarish – Classes 04, 40 & 50 revised liveries" 6 16 2010 "Product Review: BachFarish – Wagons revised liveries – PCA, TEA, MFA,POA & OCA" 6 16 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Past Winners Trophy 6 18 2010 Article: Flat Bed Road Lorry. R.Bardsley (conversion from a Tomytec tanker) 6 20 2010 Article: Unmodifying the Farish Hall. D.Stones 6 25 2010 Article: Changing from PCC to DCC. D.Clarke (from Progressive Cab Control to Digital Command Control) 6 26 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Dioramas 6 28 2010 Article: Modules for ‘Cragmill’. I.Coe (interchangeable layout modules) 6 30 2010 Article: Funeral Cars. C.Theobald (converting Tomytec saloons) 6 33 2010 Members’ Models: Hydraulics at Machynlleth. K.Mathews 6 34 2010 Article: Sound in a BachFar Class 37. R.Miller 6 36 2010 Layout Article: Seahaven. R.Kershaw (50s BR steam) 6 42 2010 Layout Photo Feature: Chaudes-Aigues. N.Thomas & D.Jane (French modern) 6 49 2010 Layout Article: Churchill Park. G&G.Thomas (South London BR blue) 6 56 2010 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Road Vehicles 6 62 2010 Layout Article: Lemon Street revisited. D.Warner (modern terminus & sheds) 6 64 2010 Article: Working Wheat! E.Strover (motorising a Shredded Wheat loco) 6 70 2010 Layout Photo Feature: Gamesley Staff Halt. G.Atkinson (north of England steam & class 76 electrics) 6 73 2010 Article: A Devil of a Job. D.Wright (creating a GSWR 4-6-4 Baltic tank loco) 6 78 2010 Article: Flickering Light Effect. E.Smith 6 82 2010 Article: Constructing Buxton Station. D.Pearson 6 84 2010 Article: Modified Hall to Early Hall with Hawksworth Tender. L.Stone 6 87 2010 Members’ Models: Mallaig. K.Singleton 6 89 2010 Layout Article: Earlsham – an Epilogue. D.Avery (Lincolnshire mid 60s) 6 90 2010 Article: What’s in a Name? Delaware and Hudson. P.Terry 6 93 2010 Reader’s Letters: Gone Great Western 6 95 2010 Reader’s Letter: DCC & Bits Bags 6 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Jubilee Cab Windows & Mark 1 Sleeper Vents 6 96 2010 Reader’s Letter: Containers 6 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Corridor Connections 6 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: Traverser Timing 6 97 2010 Reader’s Letter: UFOs (UnFinished Objects) 6 98 2010 Society News: AGM 2011 – Advance Notice 6 s 3 2010 Society News: Management Committee Meeting October 2010 6 s 3 2010 Competition: Western Word Search 6 s att 2010 Society Survey 6 s att 2011 From the Editor: Small Divides (Ferry Wagons & Continental/UK Scales) 1 4 2011 Competition: Ixion Manor Winner 1 5 2011 Society News: Kit 38 BR Borail EB/MB/EC & Kit 39 BR Mullet/Parr 1 5 2011 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2011; Lucky Dip Winner 1 5 2011 Society News: Helpline Coordinator; Annual Model Making Competition 2011 1 6 2011 Area Groups: West Sussex; Cambs & Northants; Leicestershire; Berkshire; Yorkshire; Lutterworth 1 7 2011 Product Review: BachFar – B1 BR Late Crest Weathered era 5 1 8 2011 Product Review: BachFar – JPA Cement Wagon VTG era 9 1 9 2011 Product Review: BachFar – BR Mk1 TPO PO era 8/9 & TPO Royal Mail Letters era 8 1 10 2011 Product Review: BachFar – English Electric DP1 Deltic Prototype 1 11 2011 Product Review: GH Trading – N’spirations Booklet 3 1 14 2011 Product Review: Oxford Diecast – BR Liveried Scammell Scarab 1 14 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Revised Liveries (various) 1 15 2011 Product Review: BachFar/Osborn’s Models – Power Petroleum Co Ltd Tank Wagon era 4/5 1 16 2011 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Wagons 1 18 2011 Article: Bromine Tanker. R.Bardsley 1 22 2011 Article: Ex-Midland Railway Hand Crane. C.Tungate 1 26 2011 Article: GWR Cattle Trucks with a Difference. A.Crawford 1 30 2011 Members’ Models: Whitechurch (fictional west coast layout late 50s/early 60s) 1 34 2011 Article: Pictures at an Exhibition? J.Spence (25 years exhibiting & new exhibition layout Melton Mowbray) 1 42 2011 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Multiple Units 1 52 2011 Article: DCC Teddy Bear – No Picnic. R.Miller (converting a BachFar Class 14 to DCC) 1 56 2011 Article: Coupler Conversions for ‘Avalon’. B.Bryant 1 60 2011 Competition: BachFar Arriva Trains Wales Class 150 1 65 2011 Layout: Sarnau (WR). M.Hacker (freelance GWR double-sided layout) 1 66 2011 Layout: Lettsville – The Railway in the Loft. G.Elliott (US diesel) 1 74 2011 Layout: Further Developments to Peak Rail. D.Pearson (Buxton diesel stabling facility) 1 80 2011 Article: 4 Digit Addressing. P.Lovesay (using Roco Multimaus & the Lenz LH90 Handsets) 1 84 2011 Feature: The Start of N Gauge? (reproduction of 1927 & 1930 articles from modelling magazines) 1 86 2011 Readers’ Letters: DCC – Ready or Not; Changing Couplings on BachFar Mk1 Coaches; Under Baseboards 1 93 2011 Readers’ Letters: R-T-R Project 3 – SR Bogie Brake Van 1 95 2011 Readers’ Letters: It’s Snow Joke; Small Scale Captions; Assembling DG Couplings; Mazak Alloy 1 96 2011 Readers’ Letters: Modifying the Peco Turntable 1 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: In Praise of the NGS Shop 1 98 2011 Index: NGS Journals 2010 1 s 2 2011 From the Editor: Round and Round and Round (Thoughts on Different Types of Layout) 2 4 2011 Society News: Assistant Editor Required; Lucky Dip Winner; Member Survey Completed 2 5 2011 Competition: Western Word Search Winner 2 6 2011 Society News: Kit 38 BR Borail EB/MB/EC & Kit 39 BR Mullet/Parr; Annual Model Making Competition 2011 2 6 2011 Area Groups: Shropshire; Leicestershire; Wrexham; North Wales 2 7 2011 Society News: Bookkeeper Required; Members’ Modelling Codes 2 7 2011 Area Groups: NN3 2 8 2011 Article: Midford Goes Home (Chester group’s retired S&D layout taken to Somerset) 2 8 2011 Trade News. F.Hempsall 2 10 2011 Trade News: Continental News & Reviews 2 11 2011 Product Review: N Brass Locomotives – Scenic Etches 2 14 2011 Product Review: Dapol/County Rolling Stock – BR HTV Bauxite Livery 21T Hopper era 7 2 15 2011 Product Review: Dapol/Osborn’s Models – GWR Shirt Button Logo Autocoaches era 3 2 15 2011 Product Review: Hobbytrain – KLV 53 Rottenkraftwagen (maintenance rail vehicle & trailer) 2 16 2011 Product Review: Oxford Diecast – Landrovers & Dennis F12 Fire Engine 2 17 2011 Product Review: Fujimoto – TCM Container Forklift 2 18 2011 Product Review: Tomytec – Cars & Articulated Trucks 2 18 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Class 87 Virgin Trains 87019 ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ era 9 2 19 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Improving Modelscene Cars. A.Cockburn 2 20 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Class 91 & DVT era 9 2 20 2011 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Complete Train 2 22 2011 Members’ Models: A Class 12.5. J.Ward 2 28 2011 Competition: Bachmann Merchant Navy ‘Clan Line’ 2 29 2011 Article: Converting the Minitrix Class 47 to DCC. R.Miller 2 30 2011 Article: How to Improve the Bachman Class 25 2 34 2011 Photo Feature: 2010 Model Making Competition – Coaching Stock 2 42 2011 Layout: Willow Bridge. N.Dibben (American rural branch line terminus post WW2) 2 46 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Improving the Dapol Hymek Head Codes. N.Harding 2 54 2011 Article: The Connel to Ballachulish Railway. R.Hodgkinson (Argyll coast railway) 2 56 2011 Layout: Kinsay. A.Baillie (imagined industrial/market town 30s to 50s) 2 62 2011 Article: Animated Ducks. B.Piggott (making the ducks move on your scenic pond) 2 68 2011 Layout: Oakamoor. A.Chetwyn (circa 1960 in North Staffs) 2 74 2011 Layout: Melton Mowbray. J.Spence (additional pictures – see article in journal 1/11) 2 84 2011 Article: A Goods Shed for Aber Coed. F.Lax 2 86 2011 Readers’ Letters: Bachman Mark 1 Coach Couplings; Never Too Late to Start!; Automatic Uncoupling 2 94 2011 Readers’ Letters: Packaging; Replacement Wheel Sets for Hand Built Track 2 95 2011 Readers’ Letters: Southern Please; MBD or DG Uncouplers; Union Mills Locos & Growth of Interne Auctions 2 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Make Mine a Deltic; Midland Railway Hand Crane 2 98 2011 "Society News: AGM 2011 – Notice, Directions & Information" 2 s1&4 2011 Society News: Nominations for Committee Post – Voting Form 2 s6 2011 Society News: Annual Model Making Competition 2011 – Entry Form 2 s7 2011 From the Editor: Hands On Experience (‘Hand in the Sky’) 3 4 2011 Competition: BachFar Arriva Trains Wales Class 150 Winner 3 5 2011 Society News: NGS’s First ‘Ready to Plant’ Building Released at AGM (St.Ives Corn Exchange) 3 5 2011 Society News: Overseas Members’ Postage Contributions; Could You Blow the Society’s Trumpet? 3 5 2011 Society News: Results of the N Gauge Society Survey 3 6 2011 Society News: NGK Weathered Blue Cargowaggon Ferry Van 3 7 2011 Society News: Kit 43 YKA Osprey 3 9 2011 Society News: Queen Mary Brake Van Latest 3 11 2011 Society News: Kit 47 BR (ex LMS/LNER) Highfit Twin Pack 3 12 2011 Area Groups: East Dorset; Worldwide; North Cornwall & Devon; Wrexham 3 13 2011 "Trade News: Caveat Emptor, Again; Couplers" 3 14 2011 Trade News: Continental News 3 16 2011 Product Review: Branor – Camera Truck (filming the layout) 3 19 2011 Product Review: BachFar – SPA Steel Carrier era 9 3 20 2011 Product Review: Fleischmann – DB Br VT11.5 TEE DMU epoch III 3 20 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Four Wheeled Vans eras 4 & 5 3 22 2011 Product Review: Bar Mills – ‘Insta-Fence’ Wooden Fencing 3 22 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Farish Re-liveries (various) 3 23 2011 Product Review: Viessmann – Gas Lights 3 24 2011 Article: BachFar Class 08 (New Chassis) DCC Conversion. R.Miller 3 26 2011 Article: GHQ Road Construction Plant. G.Hedges 3 30 2011 Layout: Hollingworth & District Steam & Canal Centre. G.Johnson (notes on construction) 3 34 2011 Article: Coal in the Tender. N.Stimpson (varying tender coal loads) 3 40 2011 Layout: Lehigh Valley. P.Terry (USA 60s/early 70s 3 46 2011 Article: The MBD Coupling. B.Mellor 3 54 2011 Article: Mullet Packing. ‘Shunter’. (packing a Society kit ready for sale) 3 56 2011 Competition: Bachmann Royal Mail 3 59 2011 Article: Baseboard Construction part 1. P.Shobbrook 3 60 2011 Layout: Short’s Yard. A.Cockburn (small industrial diesel shunting layout) 3 64 2011 Article: An Introduction to Route Selection and the Diode Matrix. D.Watson 3 68 2011 Article: More Designs for Unusual Scratch Built Locomotives. R.Newman 3 72 2011 "Hints’n’Tips: Corrugated Iron, Vacuum Pipes, Covering Baseboard Joins, Free Coal. G.Kirkham" 3 78 2011 Hints’n’Tips: LED Lights for Layout Illumination. A.Crawford 3 78 2011 Competition: Bachmann EWS Wagons 3 79 2011 Article: Making Choices (or How the Heck to Choose). A.Chetwyn (sorting out an abundance of rolling stock) 3 80 2011 Society News: Queen Mary Brake Livery Diagrams Received 3 85 2011 Article: Switchable Rolling Road. D.Clarke 3 86 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Wagon Loads. J.Spence 3 88 2011 Readers’ Letters: More Southern Pleas; DCC for Union Mills Locos 3 94 2011 Readers’ Letters: N Gauge Origins; Appearance of Track 3 95 2011 Readers’ Letters: Melton Mowbray (North); Paint Stripper; Rebuilt Jubilees and Patriots 3 96 2011 Prototype For Everything: (…method for hiding the motors that intrude into the cabs of small N Gauge locos..) 3 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Pullman Livery 6 Wheel Carriage 3 98 2011 Society News: Pullman Livery Stove R 3 98 2011 "From the Editor: The Modern Way (‘modern image’, ‘modern era’ and ‘D&E’ (diesel & electric))" 4 4 2011 Society News: Welcome to the New Volunteers 4 5 2011 Society News: Model Rail Scotland 2012; Request Spot 4 6 2011 Competition: Clan Line Competition Winner 4 7 2011 Society News: 2011 AGM 4 7 2011 Society News: NGK311 Wooden Crate Load Kit; Previous Layouts Follow-up; More Decals for Society Kits 4 7 2011 Area Groups: New Area Groups Co-ordinator’s thoughts 4 9 2011 Area Groups: Wordwide Group Annual Convention 4 10 2011 Trade News: Items on show at 2011 AGM; Continental News; Latest Medway Queen Wagons 4 11 2011 Product Review: Gaugemaster – GM47 Locomotive Wheel Cleaner 4 14 2011 Product Review: Morris Models (imported by) – Bicycles & Motorbikes with Working Lights 4 14 2011 Product Review: Gopher Models – New South Wales Govt Railways 48 Class Co-Co Diesel Electric 4 16 2011 Product Review: Miniscene Models – Garden Shed Kit 4 16 2011 Product Review: Mission Models – Etch Mate 3C Photo Etch Bending Tool 4 18 2011 Product Review: Electra Graphics – Class 222 East Midlands Trains Overlay 4 19 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Latest Releases (various – mostly livery variations) 4 20 2011 Product Review: Ben Johnson Forget Me Not Foundation – Further Limited Edition Wagons 4 22 2011 Society News: Queen Mary Brake Van Painted Samples 4 23 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Various aids to modelling tips. P.Terry 4 24 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Signals and Line-side Equipment 4 26 2011 Article: McLaren Circus & Funfair on Windmill Meadow. C.Wright 4 28 2011 Article: Baseboard Design part 2. P.Shobbrook 4 30 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Steam Locomotives 4 36 2011 Article: Colour Code Your Wiring. R.Bardsley 4 40 2011 Competition: Design a Layout on a Door 4 41 2011 Article: DCC Industrial Class 04. P.Lucas (DCC conversion) 4 42 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Past Winners 4 48 2011 Layout: Pfalzhof. J.Menzies (Germany 1970s) 4 52 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Scratch Built Diesel Locomotives 4 60 2011 Article: An Electric Uncoupler under the Sleepers for Microtrains Couplers. K.Warltier 4 62 2011 Article: Fleischmann ‘N’ BR50 DCC Conversion. R.Miller 4 64 2011 Layout: Gosunderton. K.Sharpe (modern layout that fits under the bed) 4 68 2011 Competition: Bachmann Class 50 Competition 4 71 2011 Layout: Ouse Valley Light Railway (part 1). J.Burrows (pre-grouping era layout) 4 72 2011 Layout: Clogforpe. E.Jones (first layout – modern with MoD yard) 4 74 2011 Article: Re-Signalling Langley. E.Strover 4 79 2011 Article: Beefing up a Bachmann V2. H.Starmans 4 82 2011 Article: Modelling the Scole Railway. G.Elliott (19th century layout project) 4 88 2011 Layout: Kidmore Yard. D.Mitchell (60s steam shunting layout) 4 91 2011 Readers’ Letters: Fine Scale N Gauge and Replacement Wheel Sets for Hand Built Track 4 95 2011 Readers’ Letters: Peco Cup; IKEA Products for Modellers 4 96 2011 Prototype For Everything (…I always thought that those plastic tunnels….were most toy like…) 4 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Sett To 4 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Time for Reflection?; 14xx and Autocoaches 4 98 2011 Society News: Society Accounts 2010 4 s4 2011 From the Editor: Rebuild an A5 as an A4? (Society requests for volunteers / should the Journal be A4 size?) 5 5 2011 Society News: 2011 Mode Making Competition - Results 5 6 2011 Society News: New RTR Project – LMS 50ft Inspection Saloon 5 7 2011 Society News: - (website news) 5 8 2011 Competition: Bachmann Royal Mail Winner 5 9 2011 Society News: New Staff – (response from volunteers) 5 9 2011 "Area Groups: Modular layouts operated by Yorkshire, North Wales & West Sussex Groups)" 5 10 2011 Society News: Request Spot – (members’ requests for assistance) 5 10 2011 Trade News: Wheels (steam loco); Corn Exchange building (varied uses) 5 15 2011 Trade News: Society RTR Models (new versions of Snowplough and Stove R) 5 16 2011 Trade News: Stop Press News from The International N Gauge Show 5 16 2011 Trade News: Overseas News 5 17 2011 Product Review: Dapol – Class 26 BR Blue era 7/8 5 21 2011 Product Review: BachFar – Class 101 DMU 5 22 2011 Product Review: Bachmann USA – General Electric Switchers 5 23 2011 Product Review: BachFar – PCA Metalair Tanks 5 25 2011 Product Review: Ten Commandments – Low Relief Industrial Building; Garages; Wagon Loads 5 25 2011 Product Review: Classic Metal Works – US Commercial Vehicles 5 26 2011 Product Review: Saxondale Mouldings – Wagon Loads 5 27 2011 Product Review: Branor Systems – FM1 Fibre Optic Lighting Module 5 28 2011 Product Review: BachFar – New Liveries (12t Van; 5 plank Wagon; Mk1 Composite Coach) 5 29 2011 Product Review: Mathieson Models – Railway Clearing House Wagons 5 29 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Miscellaneous Models 5 32 2011 Article: Converting the BachFar Class 20 to DCC 5 34 2011 Competition: Bachmann Class 158 5 37 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Complete Train 5 38 2011 Layout: Avalon Part 2 – Layout Construction Continues. B Bryant (1960s fictitious LNWR in Cheshire) 5 42 2011 Article: Creating a Working Tail Lamp for a Peco Brake Van. T Minchin 5 58 2011 Layout: Ouse Valley Light Railway (part 2). J.Burrows (pre-grouping era layout) 5 62 2011 Article: Baseboard Design part 3. P.Shobbrook 5 68 2011 Article: How to Fit and Wire a Single Slip. S Moore 5 76 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Passenger Stock 5 86 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Uniformly Different. R Bardsley (avoiding uniformity in pre-formed wagon loads) 5 89 2011 Article: How to Create Tidy Wiring. L McNally 5 92 2011 Readers’ Letters: Clear Couplings; Instructions; Signalling Matters 5 94 2011 Readers’ Letters: Origins of N Gauge 5 95 2011 Prototype For Everything (...a high standard of scenic modelling will detract the eye from any deficiencies…) 5 96 2011 Readers’ Letters: Pulling Power; Baseboard Design; Beefing Up a Bachmann V2 5 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: The Limits of Colour Coded Wiring 5 98 2011 From the Editor: Cleanliness Is Next To…… (keeping dust and fluff off your layout) 6 5 2011 Lucky Dip: - for a Gaugemaster GM47 Locomotive Wheel Cleaner 6 5 2011 Competition: Bachmann Class 50 Winner 6 6 2011 Society News: Comings and Goings on the Committee 6 6 2011 Society News: Kit 48 LMS & GWR All Wood Open Wagons 6 7 2011 Society News: - (website news) 6 8 2011 Society News: Product Development Officer; 2012 AGM Exhibition; Kit 37 TTA Chemical Tanker Update 6 9 2011 Society News: 45th Anniversary Celebrations; Notice of 2012 AGM; 2012 Annual Model Making Competition 6 10 2011 Society News: RTR 45 LMS Inspection Saloon Update; New Signs for the Corn Exchange Building 6 11 2011 Society News: RTR 44 QM Brake Vans Update; Kit 47 Highfit Twin Pack Update 6 12 2011 "Area Groups: ‘Newsletter’ Groups – Worldwide, Nn3, Eras 1&2, Irish, Modern" 6 14 2011 Trade News: Overseas News 6 17 2011 Product Review: BachFar - Class 03 Shunter era 4/5 6 20 2011 "Product Review: BachFar - Presflo Cement Tanks eras 5,6,7" 6 21 2011 Product Review: Peco Asymmetric Three-Way Turnout 6 21 2011 "Product Review: BachFar - Weathered Cattle Wagon Set era 4,5" 6 22 2011 Product Review: Dapol Class 86 Triple Grey Livery era 8 6 23 2011 "Product Review: BachFar - Colliery Classic Freight Set era 6,7" 6 24 2011 "Product Review: BachFar - DCC Commuter Set era 5,6" 6 24 2011 Product Review: Dapol Hall Class ‘Mottram Hall’ era 3 6 25 2011 Product Review: BachFar - Mk3 Sleeper era 7 6 27 2011 Product Review: BachFar - New Liveries: Class 4 Shunter BR Blue era 6; PAA Hopper WBB Minerals era 8 6 27 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Small Layouts 6 28 2011 Layout: Furth DB Museum. K Player (German ‘museum’ layout in a case using stock from epochs I to V/VI) 6 30 2011 Competition: Class 14 ‘Teddy Bear’ Freight Train 6 33 2011 "Article: Colour Code Your Wiring, D.Pearson" 6 34 2011 Article: Graham Farish Steam Locootive Maintenance. S.Sturt 6 36 2011 Obituary: Eric Wallace 6 41 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Scratch-built Steam Locomotives 6 41 2011 Article: Turnouts Over Tunnels. K.Warltier (using Peco PL-11 side-mounted turnout motors) 6 42 2011 "Layout: Elvinley. I.Arkley (western region flavour, predominantly 50s & 60s based)" 6 49 2011 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Road Vehicles 6 52 2011 Article: Bedford Coal Truck. A.Crawford (modified PG Models Bedford MK flatbed truck) 6 55 2011 Article: Hook Retainers for Wagons. H.Carter (using staples to prevent uncoupling) 6 60 2011 Hints’n’Tips: Improving the Life-Like GP38. G.Mockford 6 61 2011 Article: Time Trials. D.Revill (description of time taken over various aspects of building a layout) 6 62 2011 Article: Small Tender Locos. G.Collier (scratch-building smaller pre-grouping tender locos) 6 66 2011 Article: A Little Learning Can Go Too Far. O.Howarth (mistakes in building a first layout) 6 69 2011 Article: Dapol 9F with BR1G Tender DCC Conversion. R.Miller 6 72 2011 Article: Eurospoor 2011 Utrecht. D.Hunnisett (report on 2011 continental exhibition) 6 76 2011 Article: Involvement in the Hobby. G.Hedges (….in areas other than actual modelling) 6 81 2011 Layout: Rosneath. P.Johnston (small Scottish station in the 1970s) 6 84 2011 Article: An Introduction to DCC. I.Coe (from a talk given to N.Wales Area Group by A.Forty of DCC Supplies) 6 86 2011 Hints’n’Tips & Modifications: Uncouplers; Stopping Trains in Hidden Sidings 6 90 2011 Hints’n’Tips & Modifications: Working Tail Lights; Scratch Built Wagons; Repainted US Locos 6 91 2011 Article: Electrical Pickup on the Graham Farish V2. G.Carter 6 92 2011 Article: Winter’s Onset. D.Pearson (small snowscene layout in a case) 6 93 2011 Prototype For Everything: (…I have been able to backdate my Dapol Class 86 to the pre-grouping era…) 6 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Gaugemaster Wheel Cleaner; Tail Lamps 6 97 2011 Readers’ Letters: Wiring; Planking; Origins of N Gauge 6 98 2012 From the Editor: Strip It Down and Start Again (Improving early efforts at kit building) 1 5 2012 Competition: Bachmann Class 158 Winner 1 6 2012 Competition: Layout on a Door 1 6 2012 Society News: Model Rail Scotland & the NGS; Layout and Modelling Codes 1 6 2012 Society News: Queen Mary Brake Van – Fitting Additional Parts 1 6 2012 Society News: Kit 37 TTA Chemical Tanker Update; 2012 Annual Model Making Competition 1 7 2012 Society News: Web Site Updates 1 8 2012 Area Groups: Berkshire; Felixstowe; North Wales 1 9 2012 Trade News: Farish; Dapol; Gaugemaster; Mill Lane Sidings; York Model Making; Two MM Locos; N’spirations 1 12 2012 Trade News: Overseas News 1 13 2012 Trade News: Spare Parts 1 16 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Third Rail EMU 4CEP/Class 411 eras 5 & 6 1 17 2012 Product Review: Bachmann – 6 Pin NEM652 Decoder 1 18 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Mk 1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite era 6/7 1 19 2012 Product Review: Base Toys – N008 Leyland FG Mothers Pride Bread Van 1 19 2012 Product Review: County Rolling Stock – GWR/BR S13 6 Wheel Insix Fish Van 1 20 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Set of three Fruit Vans era 4 1 21 2012 Product Review: Sarik Vacform – N Gauge Loco Servicing Tray 1 21 2012 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Dioramas 1 24 2012 Layout: Hafren Station. F.Lax (30s GWR/50s BR fictional Cambrian branch station) 1 26 2012 Competition: Container Competition 1 29 2012 Article: 1950s Oil Road Works Lamps. E.Smith (using flickering tea light controller) 1 30 2012 Article: White Metal Loco Restoration. R.White (restoring a white metal kit-built loco) 1 32 2012 Article: Magnetic Couplings. R.Miller 1 34 2012 "Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed (6A). B.Bryant (research, planning & design stages)" 1 38 2012 Layout: Garsdale Head. M.le Marie (Settle & Carlisle post-privatisation) 1 44 2012 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition – Freight Rolling Stock 1 54 2012 Article: NBR Floor Cloth Wagon. A.Crawford (10t 6-wheel linoleum carrier for Nairns of Kirkcaldy) 1 58 2012 Article: Automating a Single Slip. S.Moore (How to replace some switches with some circuitry) 1 62 2012 Layout: Cozy Colliery. C.Bickle (layout in an aluminium case) 1 68 2012 Layout: The Mammery Line. M.Barton (vaguely BR Western Region – with an unusual shape!) 1 70 2012 Article: Over the Edge. E.Strover (uniting scenic board with backscene) 1 72 2012 Article: Cardboard Buildings. D.Cross (utilizing ex-Farish printed card kits) 1 77 2012 Layout: Little Dent. I.Skinner (50s/60s layout utilizing IKEA storage unit drawers as a baseboard) 1 78 2012 Readers’ Letters: Cleaning Engine Wheels; Display Cabinets; DCC Decoders to BR1G Tender 1 95 2012 Readers’ Letters: Dapol Hall; Miscellany (transfers/BR wagons); Tail Lamp Pickups 1 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Doe Tractor; Sharpness/Old Severn Rlwy Bridge; Hollingworth & Dist.Steam & Canal Centre 1 97 2012 Prototype For Everything: (…lot of canals on N Gauge layouts but very little N Gauge on canals…) 1 98 2012 Index: NGS Journals 2010 1 s 2 2012 From the Editor: Spot the Difference (‘Take away the coupling. …and it’s often hard to tell which scale it is) 2 5 2012 Society News: Project 45 Inspection Saloon update 2 6 2012 Society News: 45th Anniversary Celebrations; 2012 Annual Model Making Competition 2 7 2012 Society News: Web Site Updates 2 8 2012 Obituary: David Lidgate (ex Kestrel Designs) 2 9 2012 Society News: 2012 AGM & Exhibition; Appeal for Assistance – Campaign Officer Required 2 10 2012 Area Groups: Note for non-members of Groups; Lutterworth; Australia; Worldwide; Horsham; N.Lincs 2 11 2012 Trade News: Bachmann Open Day; New Medway Queen Box Vans 2 15 2012 Trade News: Overseas News 2 16 2012 Product Review: Ten Commandments – Low Relief Shop Fronts (with glazing) 2 18 2012 Product Review: Miniscene Models – Dry Stone Walling 2 19 2012 Product Review: Tomytec – Sanyo Railway 800 Tram 2 20 2012 Product Review: BachFar – BR Standard Mk 1 Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock 2 21 2012 Product Review: Miniscene Models – NSB1K Signal Box Kit 2 22 2012 Product Review: Miniscene Models – Chain Link Fencing Kit; NWS1 Modern Traffic Signs 2 23 2012 Product Review: Bachmann Scenecraft – Buses 2 24 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries – Intermodal Bogie Twin Wagon with 2 Containers 2 25 2012 Competition: Weathered 9F 2 26 2012 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition - Multiple Units 2 28 2012 Article: A Change of Direction. A.Crawford (changing layout from British to American) 2 30 2012 Article: A Foamboard Test Loop. R.White (with scenery added) 2 34 2012 Article: Flight of Fantasy – 65 001 ‘Osprey’. G.Mockford (imaginary diesel loco) 2 37 2012 Article: The Class 49. S.Moore (imaginary American style loco to replace Class 20s) 2 38 2012 Article: Adding Sound to the Farish Duchess. R.Miller (utilising DCC) 2 40 2012 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition - Buildings 2 44 2012 Layout Photo Feature: Parnham’s Maltings. T.Webster 2 48 2012 Article: Behind the Scenes. H.Carter (dealing with access and maintenance inside N sized tunnels) 2 54 2012 Article: Illumination for Shops. E.Smith (using yellow diode arrays) 2 60 2012 Article: Locomotive Survey. B.Bryant (How farhave we come in nearly twenty years?) 2 62 2012 Layout: The Dockyard Railway. R.Halton (ship repair yard with rail access) 2 68 2012 Layout: Rebuilding Hafren. F.Lax (becomes ‘New Radnor’ steam layout) 2 72 2012 Article: Two Aspect LED Signals. D.Clarke 2 80 2012 Photo Feature: 2011 Model Making Competition - Diesel & Electric Locos 2 84 2012 Article: Constructing the D600. M.Pinto (first attempt at a modern era kit) 2 88 2012 Article: Motorising the Peco 3-Way Turnout. K.Warltier 2 91 2012 Readers’ Letters: Bus List; Elvinley; Walls and Hedges 2 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Dapol Hall; Insixfish Vans and 14xx 2 97 2012 Prototype For Everything: (…just purchased some rail cutters but they seem a bit harsh on Peco Code 80) 2 98 2012 From the Editor: Drive the Hobby (Bolting a model railway to a computer will not get youngsters interested…) 3 5 2012 Competition: Layout on a Door Winner 3 6 2012 Society News: NGS Snowplough voted Model of the Year 3 6 2012 Society News: Kit 32 Upgrade – The Macaw Family 3 7 2012 Society News: Web Site Updates 3 8 2012 Society News: Society Shop Split – Could You be the Society Kits Shop Manager? 3 9 2012 Area Groups: Australia; Meet Area Gps at Exhibitions; Chester; N.Wales; Wrexham; NN3; Yorks; Berks 3 10 2012 Competition: Container Competition Winner 3 10 2012 Society News: Journal Manager/Editor Split 3 10 2012 Society News: Project Update – Inspection Saloon 3 11 2012 Product Review: Heathcote Electronics – Semaphore Sequencer; Arcing Module 3 14 2012 Trade News: Overseas News 3 14 2012 Product Review: Dapol – Working Semaphore Signals 3 16 2012 Product Review: Ben Johnson Forget Me Not Foundation - Limited Edition Wagons 3 18 2012 Product Review: Atlas Trainman – Cupola Caboose 3 19 2012 Product Review: ATSO-CAD Models – LNER Dia 120 Full Brake 3 19 2012 Product Review: Ten Commandments – BR Speed Signs; Whistle Signs; Picnic Benches 3 21 2012 Product Review: MTMiniatures – Canal Barges 3 22 2012 Product Review: BachFar – 350hp 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter 3 23 2012 Product Review: Deluxe Materials – Track Magic (track cleaning fluid) 3 24 2012 Product Review: Noch – 1.5mm Scatter Grass 3 25 2012 Product Review: BachFar – 12t LNER Vans 3 26 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Mk 1 BG Full Brakes 3 26 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries – Mk 1 Sub’n Coaches; Mk 1 Pullman; Stanier 3 Brake 1st; Cntnr Flat 3 27 2012 Article: BAR Woodchip Gondola. A.Crawford (US box car) 3 30 2012 Layout (on a door): Greater Woodlands. D.Farmer (LMS era 3) 3 32 2012 Article: Adapting Continental Modular Standards for UK Outline Layouts. M.Hacker & M.Keil 3 36 2012 Layout: Glazebook. P.Dibben & C.Tungate (Warrington MRC’s Cheshire Lines Liverpool-Manchester 1950s) 3 42 2012 Article: Returning to the Hobby. B.Murphy 3 54 2012 Layout (on a door): Aberport. R.Corton (thoughts on design & planning) 3 62 2012 Article: Renovating Old Graham Farish Buildings. M.Adler 3 63 2012 Article: Remote Uncoupler for ELSIE Type Couplers. R.White 3 64 2012 Article: More on Single Slips. A.Chetwyn (further thoughts on wiring) 3 66 2012 "Article: Converting Graham Farish Locos to DCC, part 1 Steam Engines. M.Withers" 3 68 2012 Article: Mind the Gap! The London Underground in N Gauge. D.Noble 3 72 2012 Layout (on a door): Deansmoor. J.Dean (designed for electric traction) 3 74 2012 Article: Profiling Parkwood Models. R.Gregory 3 76 2012 Competition: Class 108 DMU 3 82 2012 Article: Recycled Paint Booth. E.Smith 3 83 2012 Article: Planning for Freight Trains. N.D-Sigsworth (planning freight operations for your layout) 3 84 2012 Readers’ Letters: Era Numbers; Bachmann 6 Pin NEM^%” Decoder; Going Digital 3 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Named Steam Trains; Class 49 Numbers; Class 49 & BRB ; Thin Wire for V2s 3 97 2012 "Readers’ Letters: Elvinley and Parnham’s; Modern Era EMUs, Buses and Coaches" 3 98 2012 From the Editor: Let’s Celebrate (Society’s 45th anniversary) 4 5 2012 "Society News: Acting News Editor; Hon.Life Memberships awarded; Sales,Wants & Exhibitions Co-ordinator" 4 6 2012 Society News: Society Vacancies 4 6 2012 Society News: 2012 Annual Model Making Competition Results 4 7 2012 Society News: Web Site Updates 4 8 2012 Competition: Weathered 9F Winner 4 9 2012 Society News: AGM 2012 4 9 2012 Society News: Project update – Kit 48 GWR/LMS Wooden Body Open Wagon Twin Pack 4 10 2012 Area Groups: More from down under; N Herts & Dist.;Yorkshire S Herts/M’sex/NW London; W Midlands; other 4 11 2012 "Trade News: Out with the Old, In with the New? (running older or newer models); Overseas News" 4 14 2012 Product Review: BachFar – WD 2-8-0 4 18 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Class 350 Desiro EMU 4 20 2012 Product Review: BachFar – BAA 40t Steel carrier 4 21 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Standard Five 4-6-0 4 21 2012 Product Review: Dapol – 8 Plank Wagon ‘Leamington Spa’ 4 22 2012 Product Review: Dapol – Catenary Masts 4 23 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Great Central Station Buildings 4 24 2012 "Product Review: Peco – Scenic Accessiories (milk churns, telephone boxes, post boxes)" 4 24 2012 Product Review: Bachmann – Buses 4 25 2012 Product Review: Kyle Signs – Road signs 4 25 2012 Product Review: Base Toys – Lorries 4 26 2012 Product Review: Mill Lane Sidings – Wagon Weight 4 27 2012 "Product Review: Trackside Signs – Signs, Adverts, Billboards" 4 27 2012 Product Review: BachFar – BR Mk1 FK Coaches 4 28 2012 "Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries – (various diesels, coaches & wagons)" 4 29 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Buildings 4 30 2012 Layout (on a door). C.Free (BR(WR) in Gloucestershire) 4 34 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Complete Trains 4 42 2012 "Article: Converting Graham Locos to DCC, part 2 Poole Chassis Diesels. M.Withers" 4 46 2012 Article: New Chassis for Old Models. I.MacIntosh 4 49 2012 Layout: Abbey Cross Junction Mark 4. T Hayes (fictional BR western/midland circa 1960) 4 52 2012 Article: Rowling Road (apologies to harry Potter fans). A.Pullen (Rolling road incorporated into diorama) 4 60 2012 Competition: The Wrong Suitcase 4 62 2012 Layout (on a door): A Completed Door Layout. N.Brown (steam layout photo feature) 4 64 2012 Layout (on a door): Cardiff Bay and the Wagon Works. N.Dibben (2 speedlink era (80s) designs) 4 70 2012 Article: Constructing Electronic Circuits on Veroboard. M.Collins 4 74 2012 Layout (on a door): Longlast. R.Johns (grouping steam to blue diesels) 4 76 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Past Winners 4 81 2012 Article: Scissors Crossover for DCC. A.Quinlan 4 82 2012 Article: A Dual-purpose Test Track. J.Ward (incorporating removable scenery) 4 86 2012 Article: Motorising an Oxford Diecast N Gauge Tram. P.Dale 4 88 2012 Readers’ Letters: Wiring single Slips; Elvinley; Personal Note from the Former Treasurer 4 94 2012 Readers’ Letters: Scale Speed Measurement; Underground Trains 4 94 2012 "Prototype For Everything: (Dear Sir, is this what is meant by a ‘dead frog’?)" 4 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Home At Night; Lights on a Warship; The Finer Details 4 97 2012 Readers’ Letters: Mapping My Endeavours 4 98 2012 From the Editor: Check Book Modelling (What defines a ‘railway modeller’) 5 5 2012 Obituary: Chris Hinchliff 5 6 2012 Society News: New Membership Subscription Rates; Changes to Journal Contacts; Web Site Updates 5 6 2012 Competition: Class 108 DMU Winner 5 7 2012 Society News: Inspection Saloon Ride 5 7 2012 Area Groups: N.Wales; W.Midlands; N.East; N.Herts; W.Sussex; SW Australia; SW Australia(A); N.Cornwall 5 8 2012 Trade News: WD Haulage; The N Gauge Show (TINGS); Graham Farish News/Plans; Overseas News 5 11 2012 Product Review: Ben Johnson Forget Me Not Foundation – Refrigerated Van & Brake Van 5 14 2012 Product Review: BachFar – New Class 20 5 15 2012 Product Review: BachFar – FNA Nuclear Flask Wagon 5 17 2012 Product Review: BachFar – MK 1 FO Coaches 5 17 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries – Container Flats; PGAs; Class 25; Std 3 Tank; Cement Tank Wagon 5 18 2012 Product Review: Dapol – Class 56 5 20 2012 "Product Review: Trackside Signs – More Signs, Adverts, Billboards; Tarmac Road Self-adhesive Sheet" 5 21 2012 Product Review: County Rolling Stock – Scenic Detail Items 5 23 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Multiple Units 5 26 2012 Layout: The Bruscon Bridges. G.Latham (H.Hempstead MRC layout suitable for various national prototypes) 5 28 2012 Article: Building an ex-Great Western Churchward Mogul. F.Lax 5 32 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Scratch Built Steam Locos; Scratch Built Diesels 5 37 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Road Vehicles 5 38 2012 Article: A Tale of Three Scammels. C.Tungate 5 40 2012 Layout: The Sheaf Valley Railway. O/Reading (small fictional preserved railway based in S.Yorkshire) 5 42 2012 Layout: Abbey Cross Junction Mark 4. T Hayes (further selection of photos) 5 44 2012 Layout: Numchen. D.Guscott (modern city scene inspired by Munich) 5 50 2012 Article: Lining Out. D.Tomkiss (lining locos & coaches) 5 56 2012 Article: Class 49 Electric. S.Moore (another ‘might have been’ loco) 5 63 2012 Article: Class 45 Improvements. N.Swettenham 5 64 2012 Article: Class 101 DMU DCC Conversion. D.Clarke 5 66 2012 Layout: Pagebury. J.Page-Davies (fictional joint LMS/GWR station in S.Wales) 5 70 2012 Article: Diamond Frame Close Coupling. R.Bardsley 5 78 2012 Article: Bowling Green. M.Adler (building a scenic item) 5 82 2012 Competition: Famous Train (Prize – BachFar FGW Class 150 DMU) 5 85 2012 Article: Magnetic Wagon Loads. A.Cockburn 5 86 2012 Readers’ Letters: Small Space Modelling; Corridor Connections 5 92 2012 Readers’ Letters: Inspiring the Next Generation? 5 93 2012 "Prototype For Everything: (Dear Sir, I note the power cables alongside the running rails…….)" 5 94 2012 Readers’ Letters: Base Toys Lorries; TV Aerials; Kit Query; Underground Modelling; Future Models Wish List 5 95 2012 Readers’ Letters: Mintrix 9F; Glazebrook; Scale Speed Measurement; Big Four Liveries 5 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Canal Craft; Wagon Types and Containers 5 98 2012 "From the Editor: Modelling Sins (Things you may be doing wrong, and how others should put you right!)" 6 5 2012 Society News: Inspection Saloon Ride; Kit 54 ‘Cube’ Wagon; RTR Collett BG 6 6 2012 Competition: The Wrong Suitcase Winner 6 9 2012 Society News: Notification of 2013 AGM; Society Vacancies 6 9 2012 Area Groups: Benefits of NGS Area Group; North Cornwall & Devon; W.Australia(A); East Dorset 6 10 2012 Trade News: Fifty Yard Rule; Nameplates; Overseas News 6 11 2012 Product Review: Ben Johnson Forget Me Not Foundation – Tank Wagon 6 13 2012 Product Review: Dapol – GWR/BR 57xx Pannier Tank 6 13 2012 Product Review: Pennine Wagons – Limited Edition 7-plank Wagon 6 13 2012 Product Review: BachFar – Class 14 0-6-0 6 15 2012 Article: Brake Vans in the BR Era. N.E.O’Phyte 6 18 2012 Article: Promoting the Hobby. E.Smith (hands-on introductions for youngsters) 6 24 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Passenger Stock 6 26 2012 Competition: Famous Train (Prize – Dapol Class 26 BR Blue Loco) 6 29 2012 Article: GWR/LMS Wagon Kit. R.Johns (building NGS wagon kit 48) 6 30 2012 Layout (on a door). R.Lewis (planning stages for a modern layout) 6 34 2012 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Signals & Lineside Equipment 6 36 2012 Article: A Tribute to Andy Calvert. J.Warner (story & photos of ‘Calverdale’ post Andy Calvert) 6 38 2012 "Article: Converting Graham Farish Locos to DCC, part 3 Chinese Split-Chassis Models. M.Withers" 6 42 2012 Hints’n’Tips: Adding Plastic Roofs to Buildings. R.Bardsley 6 45 2012 Layout: Vine Street. C.Sharp (western region 50s/60s) 6 46 2012 Article: Building a Buggy or Two. A.Crawford (American Bangor & Aroostook Railroad cabooses) 6 56 2012 Layout (on a door). P.Janczykowski (plans for a modern layout) 6 60 2012 Layout: Lofthole – Update. J.Dean (modern image) 6 62 2012 Article: First Generation DMUs. A.Chetwyn 6 66 2012 Article: Rugby Road Update – ‘Never Throw Anything Away’. (ideas for small dioramas & cameos) 6 69 2012 Article: Wheel Cleaning. P.Lucas (for wagons and coaches) 6 70 2012 Article: Rhymney Railway R Class 0-6-2. G.Mockford (building the Langley kit) 6 72 2012 Article: Farish Mark 2c Corridor First Seating Insert. G.Sherlock (scratch-built insert) 6 76 2012 Article: Train Detection. R.Newton 6 84 2012 Readers’ Letters: Ballasting Methods; Inspiring the Next Generation; Big Four Liveries 6 90 2012 Readers’ Letters: Magnetic Wagon Loads; Wagon Types and Containers; A Foamboard Test Loop 6 91 2012 Prototype For Everything:(....pack of catenary masts only goes so far but you don’t notice the absence of wires) 6 92 2012 Readers’ Letters: Flatbed Scammells; Shop Visit to Berkshire Area Group; Glazebrook 6 93 2012 Readers’ Letters: Diamonds (diamond frame bogies) & Stars (Lone Star bogies); DCC DMUs 6 95 2012 Readers’ Letters: Minitrix 9F 6 96 2012 Readers’ Letters: Converting Graham Farish Locos to DCC 6 97 2012 Readers’ Letters: Modelling Suggestions 6 98 2013 From the Editor: Kits That Fall Into Obscurity (Do RtR equivalents make Society kits irrelevant?) 1 5 2013 Society News: Inspection Saloon – The Bag of Bits!; : 2013 Annual Model Making Competition; Research into Model Railways 1 6 2013 Competition: Famous Train Competition (jnl 5/12) Winner 1 9 2013 Obituaries: Basil Atkinson; Paul Martin 1 9 2013 Area Groups: Membership by Area; Berkshire; Yorkshire 1 10 2013 Trade News: Warley; Farish Spares; Brighton Belle; Overseas News 1 12 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Blue Pullman 1 13 2013 Product Review: Dapol – NEM Coupler Conversions 1 17 2013 Product Review: PG Models – Ferret Scout Cars 1 19 2013 Product Review: BachFar – New 16T Mineral Wagon Liveries 1 20 2013 Product Review: BachFar – SR Pill Box Brake 1 20 2013 Product Review: Ten Commandments – Advertising Hoardings 1 20 2013 Layout: Vine Street. C.Sharp (western region 50s/60s – track plan omitted from jnl 6/12) 1 22 2013 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Steam Locomotives 1 24 2013 Article: Designing a Layout on a Door. K.Knight 1 28 2013 Article: Converting Union Mills Steam Locos to DCC. M.Withers 1 32 2013 Article: Mind Your Manors! M.Lewis (experiences with ‘Manor’ models) 1 36 2013 Hints’n’Tips: Hiding Peco PL-11 Turnout Motors. K.Warltier 1 43 2013 Layout: The Maggicombe Branch. P.Hands (SR 1960s in Dorset) 1 44 2013 Competition: The Longest Word Competition 1 59 2013 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition – Diesel and Electric Locomotives 1 60 2013 Layout: Glenkomish 2. I.Watson (modelling a New Zealand railway) 1 64 2013 Article: Industrial Modelling. V.Hall (discussion on modelling industrial railways and rolling stock) 1 70 2013 Layout: Matlock Bath going DCC. D.Pearson (first stages in constructing a DCC layout) 1 76 2013 Article: Designing a Layout (For a Door). R.Kerslake 1 80 2013 Article: A Lightweight Baseboard. R.White 1 85 2013 Readers’ Letters: Modelling Sins; Lights on a Warship; A Lightweight Baseboard; A True Shelf Layout; Hand-Made Track; More London Underground; Brake Vans in BR Era; Dapol Panniers; Foamboard; New N Gauge Models; Tarpaulins on Wagons; Vending Machines; Moorcock Junction 1 90 2013 Index: NGS Journals 2012 1 s 3 2013 From the Editor: The Sun Always Shines (modelling in seasons other than summer) 2 5 2013 Society News: 2013 Annual Model Making Competition; Late Membership Renewal Fee; RtR Project 5; AGM 2013 Notice; 45th Road Show Wagon; Let It Snow (more Snowploughs); We Wish You a Merry April! (The MREmag & RMweb Wishlist Poll 2013); Project Update – Kit 54 KSA; Populating the Inspection Saloon 2 6 2013 Competitions: Wordsearch Winner; Famous Train Winner 2 7 2013 Obituaries: William Richardson; Paul Martin 2 7 2013 Area Groups: Felixstowe; Modern Newsletter; Space – The Final Frontier (making space for group expansion); Possible New Groups; Overseas; North Cornwall & Devon; Leics 2 12 2013 Trade News: Bachmann News; Latest Medway Queen Wagon; Overseas News 2 14 2013 Product Review: Lilliput Lane by Enesco Ltd – Ready to Plant Buildings 2 17 2013 Product Review: The N Scale Architect – Curtain Wall Panel System & Plastic Building Sheets 2 19 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries – Suburban & Stanier Coaches; TPO; Class 60; Class 158; JGA 2 21 2013 Layout: The Isle of Skye Railway. M.Russ (transition era) 2 24 2013 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Wagons 2 30 2013 Article: Building the KAS/KTA Bogie Timber Carrier. M.Knight 2 36 2013 Article: CIE/IR 4-wheel ‘Bubble’ Cement Wagon. J.Mitchell 2 39 2013 Layout: Chedham. D.Pearson & G.Travis (BR from 50s onward ‘somewhere in the South Midlands’) 2 40 2013 Layout: Felixstoft. J.Dean (Layout on a Door) (modern block trains) 2 46 2013 Competition: Trains in Songs 2 49 2013 Layout Photo Feature: Imperial Yard. P.Latham (modern yard and sidings) 2 50 2013 Article: MOD Depot. M.Adler (diorama) 2 54 2013 Article: Members’ Models: GWR Castle and Coaches. P.Hardiker 2 56 2013 Article: Making Printed Circuit Boards; part 1 – Getting Started. D.Clarke 2 58 2013 Hints’n’Tips: Ballasting Made Easy. G.Johnson 2 61 2013 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Dioramas 2 62 2013 Layout: Kirkgate. S.Coates (joint LMS/LNER layout) 2 66 2013 Layout: Fawcett Street Halt. A.Cockburn (BR 70s/80s passenger orientated scene) 2 70 2013 Article: Cheap Trees. R.Bardsley 2 74 2013 Article: A Layout in a Shed. D.Rutherford 2 77 2013 Article: Why 3D Printing? I.Higham 2 82 2013 Article: LBSCR Locomotives in Marsh Livery. J.Burrows 2 85 2013 Photo Feature: 2012 Model Making Competition - Small Layouts 2 88 2013 Readers’ Letters: The Future of Kits; Foamboard as a Baseboard; Where are all the people?; In Praise of the Society; Ash Plants; Union Mills DCC Conversion; Mk 2 Coach Interiors 2 94 2013 Prototype For Everything: ‘I really must get round to finishing the other half of that barrow crossing’ 2 95 2013 Society News: AGM Agenda 2 s 1 2013 From the Editor: Upgrade Me (Upgrading old models for new) 3 5 2013 Competition: Longest Word Winner 3 6 2013 Society News: Wish List Poll 2013 Results (MREmag & RMweb poll); Product Development Update 3 6 2013 Obituary: Mark Bremner 3 7 2013 Area Groups: Yorkshire; Carlisle Group?; Wessex 3 8 2013 Trade News: The Eye of the Beholder (pretty or gritty modelling subjects?); Overseas News 3 10 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Freightliner Class 70 3 11 2013 Product Review: BachFar – BR Mk 1 Horsebox 3 12 2013 Product Review: Dapol – GWR Fruit D 3 13 2013 Product Review: BachFar – BR Mk2 BSO Coach 3 14 2013 Product Review: Fujimi – Tokyo Monorail 3 15 2013 Product Review: Street Level Models – Trams 3 15 2013 Article: Remodelling the Lyddle End Pit Headstock. D.Farmer 3 16 2013 Article: Shunter Repaint. R.Johns (‘Simple’ conversion of Class 08 to Mid Hants D3358) 3 18 2013 Article: Towards Greater Realism in N Gauge Locos. K.Robinson (improving older models) 3 24 2013 Article: Using Kato N Track. L.Whaley 3 30 2013 Article: Flat Conversions. V.Hall (flat wagons) 3 32 2013 Layout: Paradise Yard. T.Spencer (Layout on a Door) 3 34 2013 Layout: The Abercorn Branch. D.McGregor (Layout on a Door) 3 35 2013 Hints’n’Tips: Simple Hedgerows. G.Johnson 3 37 2013 Layout: Much Binding. K.Warltier (layout designed to run either UK or US steam engines & rolling stock) 3 38 2013 Layout: The Delph Donkey. R.Pegg (Oldham to Delph branch line late 40s) 3 42 2013 Article: Making Printed Circuit Boards; part 2 – Developing & Etching. D.Clarke 3 48 2013 Photo Feature: Tetfield-under-Bolt. B.Rowland 3 50 2013 Article: Illuminating an N Gauge Road Sweeper. A.Cockburn 3 56 2013 Article: 2mm Broad Gauge. R.Newman (Era 1&2 Group member project) 3 58 2013 Layout: Kanjiyama. N.Harling (Japanese rural railway) 3 60 2013 Article: A £2 Turntable. R.White 3 68 2013 Article: Painting N Gauge People. N.Brown 3 70 2013 Layout: Grassmont to Packering. J.Hill (heritage line) 3 72 2013 Article: Building the N Scale Curtain Wall Panel System. R.Bardsley 3 80 2013 Article: A Whale of an Idea. N.Swettenham (converting an NGS Seacow kit to a Whale) 3 84 2013 Competition: Loco Numbers Competition 3 89 2013 "Readers’ Letters: Control; Populating Layouts; Curves; Seasonal Greetings; Foamboard Backscene Disaster; Cheap Trees; Bus Presentation; The Future of Kits; Collett Full Brake; Point Rodding Query; Graham Farish Catalogue; Foreign Corner; : Horses, Royalty and Coffee Cups; Outside the Fence – Industrial Heritage" 3 92 2013 From the Editor: Set in Your Ways (Diversion with set track) 4 5 2013 Society News: AMMC Results 2013; Kit 46–BoBol E/Turbot; RtR Project 5 (Collett BG); Website Updates 4 6 2013 Area Groups: Wessex; Leicestershire; Swansea?; Wiltshire?; Western Australia 4 8 2013 Competition: Trains in Songs Winner 4 8 2013 Obituary: Derek Clarke 4 8 2013 Trade News: Kickstarter Campaign from County Rolling Stock; Ben Johnson Forget-Me-Not Foundation; Medway Queen; Overseas News 4 10 2013 Product Review: Dapol – Class 22 4 13 2013 Product Review: Hobbytrain Robel – Track Maintenance Vehicle 4 13 2013 Layout: Porr Ridge. M.Shakespeare (GWR branch terminus) 4 16 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Buildings 4 24 2013 Competition: Station Quiz 4 27 2013 Layout: Meinstadt. P.Norman (modern German passenger/freight) 4 28 2013 "Article: Making Printed Circuit Boards; part 3 – Drilling, Cutting & Component Mounting. D.Clarke" 4 34 2013 Article: How to Weather N Gauge Stock Without an Airbrush. S.Moore 4 36 2013 Article: Kyle of Lochalsh to Cornwall via Huddersfield & London. J.Pestell (Four layouts on doors) 4 42 2013 Layout: Kings Cross. P.Walker (Kings Cross in the 1950s) 4 48 2013 Layout: Branksdowne Junction. S.Knight (modern West Coast line in the Pennines) 4 52 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Complete Train 4 62 2013 Article: SE&CR H Class. G.Collier (modification from a Dapol M7) 4 64 2013 Layout: Spidersweb. C.Hurley (freelance steam/early diesel layout in a conservatory) 4 70 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Dioramas 4 80 2013 Article: I Fancied a Mermaid. D.Snell (scratchbuilt side tipping ballast wagons) 4 82 2013 Article: Western Region Hydraulics Part 1. N.Monks (BR Western Region diesel-hydraulic locos) 4 86 2013 Readers’ Letters: Populating Layouts; Quality Control; Foamboard Backscene; Manufacturers’ New Releases; Haulage Capacity; The Future of Kits; Turnout Rodding; R Parker Cars; Class 03 DCC 4 94 2013 Prototype For Everything: “…..I wondered if you had the relevant parts to make a complete locomotive…” 4 96 2013 Society News: NGS Accounts 2012 4 s 4 2013 "From the Editor: Yours Truly, Angry Mob (discussion on internet railway modelling forums)" 5 5 2013 Society News: Next RtR Project; Collett BG (RtR5) update; Kits 49 & 50; Website Update; Vacancy-Shop Bookkeeper; Inspection Saloons; Society Kit & RtR Transfers 5 6 2013 Obituary: John Tremlett (21061) 5 8 2013 Area Groups: Launceston; Felixstowe; Shropshire; W.Cornwall; Sussex & N.Essex; N.Wales; Berkshire 5 11 2013 Trade News: TINGS 2013; Special Commissions of A3 & A4 for Modellbahn Union; Overseas News 5 14 2013 Product Review: Ben Johnson Foundation – Dairy Ventilated Vans & Fisher Brake Van 5 15 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0 5 17 2013 Product Review: BachFar – LNER J39 0-6-0 5 18 2013 Product Review: BachFar – 24t Ore Hopper 5 20 2013 Product Review: Bachmann – Union Pacific EMD DD40AX 5 20 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Re-liveries: Class 170; DRS BSO Courier Coach; Brill Bobol; LNER 20t Brake 5 22 2013 Product Review: BachFar Scenecraft – Timber Engine Shed 5 24 2013 Product Review: Dapol – Class 52 ‘Western’ 5 25 2013 Article: Simple Loco Maintenance. B.Hodson 5 28 2013 Article: Layout on a Door. O.Reading (plan) 5 31 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Kit Built or Modified Steam Locos 5 32 2013 Layout: Stamford East. T.Webster (Ex LNER 50s/60s representation) 5 36 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Rolling Stock Cup 5 54 2013 Article: An Unusual Brake Van. A.Knox (LMS 40t bogie brake) 5 58 2013 Article: Western Region Hydraulics Part 2. N.Monks (BR Western Region diesel-hydraulic locos) 5 62 2013 Layout: Border City. K.Baynes (40s/50s West Coast based on Carlisle) 5 68 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Kit Built or Modified Diesel & Electric Locos 5 76 2013 Article: A Ferry for Umbridge. C.Chapman (kit-bashing a car ferry) 5 82 2013 Article: Westernising the Pullman. D.Tomkiss (producing a Western version of the GraFar Blue Pullman) 5 84 2013 Article: Members’ Models: Under the Wires. K.Bingham (micro layout in briefcase; overhead wires) 5 90 2013 Article: Simplicity part 1. M.Barton (modelling a DMU branch line) 5 93 2013 Readers’ Letters: Where Do We Go From Here?; Tell It Like It Is; Wish Lists & All That Jazz; Under Construction 5 96 2013 From the Editor: End of the Coal Road (comment on the possible future elimination of coal carried by rail) 6 5 2013 Society News: Online Shop Payments; Collett BG delay; Journal Competitions; Journal Editor; Proposed Modern Era Commission (RtR project update) 6 6 2013 Area Groups: Launceston; Felixstowe; W.Midlands; N.Herts; Wrexham; Yorkshire; NN3; E.Sussex; SE Queensland 6 8 2013 Trade News: Two double deck buses; Trackside Signs; Overseas News 6 12 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Class A1 60163 ‘Tornado’ BR Express Blue (era 9) 6 15 2013 Product Review: BachFar – Stanier Full Brakes (eras 3 & 4) 6 17 2013 Product Review: Conrad Electronic UK – Universal Turnout Mechanisms; N Loco Wheel Cleaner 6 17 2013 Product Review: Woodland Scenics – Hob-E-Lube (pack of assorted lubricants) 6 18 2013 Product Review: BachFar – New liveries: planked open wagons; Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0 6 19 2013 Society News: AGM 2014 Notice 6 20 2013 Layout: Irish Modules. M.O’Connor (‘Impressions of Ireland’ modular layout) 6 22 2013 Article: Ploughing with Rapidos. J.Mitchell (fitting snowploughs to a Dapol Class 26) 6 30 2013 Hints’n’Tips: Hot Tip. D.Snell (soldering allotment bean poles and signal safety rails) 6 31 2013 Article: A City Office by Day and Night. C.Wright (circular fully glazed & illuminated office tower) 6 32 2013 Article: Modelling the Southern Railway. M.Boydon (producing pre-WW2 locos) 6 36 2013 Article: Highfit Varieties. R.Bardsley (using two Society kits to build slightly different wagons) 6 40 2013 Layout: Ripple. M.Holt (fictional Devon & Cornwall modern branch-line terminus) 6 42 2013 Layout: Rugby Road MPD. I.MacIntosh (steam/diesel motive power department) 6 46 2013 Article: A Timeline of Main Line Railways in Britain. G.Lee (using various stock to depict different eras) 6 56 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Ratio Cup (signals or lineside structures) 6 62 2013 Article: Simplicity part 2 – Scenery. M.Barton (modelling a DMU branch line) 6 66 2013 Article: Building Working Semaphore Signals in N Gauge. F.Lax 6 68 2013 Photo Feature: 2013 Model Making Competition – Scratch-Built Steam Locos 6 80 2013 Competition: Link Word Competition 6 83 2013 Article: Members’ Models: A Post Office Truck. C.Saunders 6 84 2013 Readers’ Letters: New Models – Spare Parts; Dumbing Down; Where Do We Go From Here?(1-9); Transfers with White Numbers; Cutting the First Sod; Gripes; Unusual Brake & Decal Solution; Foam Back Scenes; Very Cheap Hedges; Good Looking Track; Three Dimensional Printing; Wishlists and All That Jazz! 6 86 2013 Competition: Christmas Wordsearch 6 s 4 2014 Editorial: Scrap Heap Challenge (to scrap an old layout or rescue and renew it?) 1 5 2014 Area Groups: Scotland; N.Wales; Berks; Swansea/W.Wales; Northants & Cambs; Cornwall; Leics; E.Dorset 1 6 2014 Society News: Secondhand Shop; AGM 2014 Notice; 1 6 2014 Product Review: BachFar – Bulleid Coaches 1 9 2014 Product Review: BachFar – BR Blue 08 Shunter (revised livery) 1 11 2014 Article: A Scrap Yard. R.Bardsley 1 12 2014 Competition: Class 37 Anagrams 1 18 2014 Overseas News: The International N Scale Convention (Stuttgart) 21-24 November 2013. J.Brady 1 20 2014 2013 Model Making Competition – Keith Robbins Memorial Trophy. (a coaster) 1 25 2014 Article: Members’ Models: Some More Scratch-built Wagons. A.Browning 1 26 2014 Article: An Innovative Approach to N Gauge in the Home. K.Robinson (single track along a wall) 1 28 2014 Hints’n’Tips: Having Fun with your Model Railway. J.Dixon (simply-made people for your layout) 1 31 2014 Article: Signal boxes. N.E.O’Phyte. 1 32 2014 Article: Improving Steam Locomotive Traction with Powerbase. J.Bartlett (Use of DCC Concepts’ system) 1 40 2014 Article: Breakdown Tool Van. C.Hardy (modification and re-paint of a r-t-r model) 1 42 2014 "Layout: Greenwood Outback. D.Pearson (layout to link other layouts, with no set reference to location or time)" 1 46 2014 2013 Model Making Competition – Diesel or Electric Multiple Units 1 60 2014 Hints’n’Tips: Installing and Disguising Dapol Uncoupling Magnets in Code 55 Track. I.Shaw 1 62 2014 Article: A Long and Winding Road – 40 Years and Counting. Part 1 – The Railway on a Door. G.Lee (40 years of modelling) 1 64 2014 Article: Prize Length? D.Stewart-David. (approaches to the problem of scale length trains in N) 1 78 2014 Article: A Deity Nigh? D.Snell (layout set in 1950s Devon) 1 80 2014 Mail Train – Members’ Letters: Concessionary Prices; Factory Weathering; Wishlists & All That Jazz; Society Standards; New Products; Conrad Point Motors; Where Do We Go From Here? (1-8) 1 90 2014 Index: NGS Journals 2013 1 s 2 2014 Editorial: Changes in Editorial Approach (Grahame Hedges – new journal editor) 2 5 2014 Society News: Vacancies; This issue; AGM; Website update; Help Line 2 7 2014 Area Groups: N.Wales; Wessex; W.Cornwall; Launceston; Horsham; Australia 2 8 2014 Society Projects update 2 10 2014 "What’s New in ‘N’: BachFar – Fairburn 2-6-4T; Dapol – Mk3 RFM Coach; BachFar – 3F ‘Jinty’ 0-6-0T; Union Mills – Prince of Wales 4-6-0; BachFar – Mk1 Sleeper Coach SLSTP era 5; BachFar – N Class 2-6-0 (first engineering prototype photograph); Oxford Diecast – new vehicles; Overseas News Round-up; Kato – Alpine Glacier Express set; BachFar Plans, Dapol Update, others round-up; fiNetraX; Oxford Diecast – Plaxton Panorama I coach; Aoshima – modern articulated lorries; On display at Warley: BachFar Covhop wagons; Arnold ‘Brighton Belle’; Dapol Maunsell coaches & modern bogie open wagons; Redutex – wall and roof finishes in self-adhesive flexible acrylic sheet; Atso-Cad Models – LNER K3 2-6-0 & LNER N2 0-6-2 – 3D printed loco bodies; PH Designs – detailing etches – inspection platforms; Class 90 detailing pack; Avjay Models – Class 401 2BIL SR/BR EMU - cast resin kit; BachFar – LMS Stanier (P3) gangwayed full brake; Dapol – 20T Grampus engineers ballast wagon; BachFar – packaged ‘train sets’; ‘OnlyMe’ – 3D printed 128 Gloucester parcels van body; New booklets; Dapol – London Transport Pannier tank loco" 2 12 2014 Article: A Colliery Pit-head. B.Arnold 2 28 2014 Layout: Banbury (photo feature) (modern) 2 34 2014 Layout: Stainsby. N.D-Sigsworth (layout on a door competition plan) 2 38 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Applying transfers 2 40 2014 Article: Buildng two wagon kits. D.Tomkiss (6 wheel sausage van & 6 wheel syphon) 2 44 2014 Centre Pages Spread: Stoney Lane Depot layout 2 46 2014 Article: Dapol Milk Tankers. N.Monks 2 48 2014 Modelling Tips: Applying small amounts of glue 2 52 2014 2013 Model Making Competition – Passenger Stock (Class D) 2 54 2014 Article: GWR Grano Conversion. R.Bardsley 2 57 2014 Layout: Basingstoke – big and busy. P.Martin (BR 60s steam) 2 58 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Glueing plastic kit parts together 2 62 2014 Article: 20 Years Ago 2 66 2014 2013 Model Making Competition - Graham Farish Trophy (best small working layout) (Class I) 2 68 2014 Article: A Long and Winding Road – 40 Years and Counting. Part 2 – A New Home in the Loft. G.Lee (40 years of modelling) 2 70 2014 Layout: Design for the Eye. I.Coe (layout on a door competition design) 2 76 2014 Modelling Tips: DC and DCC Switching. K.Warltier 2 79 2014 Mail Train - Members’ Letters: Hints and Tips for Modellers; A Quick 9ft WB Chassis; Wish Listing; Wooden Bulleids; Bulleid Set Numbers; Society Standards; Coach Adverts; Magnetic; Concessionary Prices; Reverse Powerbase; Long Trains and Dapol Haulage; Photograph Quality; Where Do We Go From Here? 2 80 2014 Competition: Railfreight Crossword 2 85 2014 Prototype Inspiration – BR Stove R in Engineer’s Red 2 86 2014 Back Page Picture: Kato 8-car Series ‘O’ Shinkansen EMU 2 92 2014 Editorial: Early Stages Yet 3 5 2014 Society Projects Update: Kit 54b now available; RTR5 – Collett BG; RTR6 – Thompson BG 3 6 2014 What’s New in ‘N’: Trade News; BachFar – Class 55 Deltic; BachFar – Class 37/0; Card Kit Consumables; Parkwood – LNER J45 kit; Shapeways – 3D Printed Products; Oxford Diecast – MkV Ford Transit Van; Dapol – 2014/15 Catalogue; R.Parker – Road Vehicles; County Rolling Stock – Gas Cylinder Storage Cage; Wooden Railway Workshop – NSE Platform Furniture; N Brass Loco – Dean Goods 0-6-0 kit; Roads and Rails – Customised Busch Mercedes Vans; County Rolling Stock/N’tastic Shop – new products; Scalescenes Card Kits – new diesel depot shed building; York Model Making – laser cut plastic building accessories; Overseas News Round-up 3 8 2014 2013 Model Making Competition – Road Vehicles (Class H) 3 20 2014 Article: How Do You Build Your Layouts? H.Carter (suggestions to maximise layout building enjoyment) 3 22 2014 Modelling Tips: Upgrade Those Old Wheel-sets 3 25 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Cutting Sheet Material (cardboard & plasti-card) 3 26 2014 Article: Bulleid Coach Set Numbers. D.Rook 3 28 2014 Article: Adding Set Numbers to Mk1s. N.Leaver 3 31 2014 Article: A Mobile Depot Inspection Platform 3 32 2014 Layout: Longwaite: An Adaptable Domestic Layout. G.Lawrence (fictitional WCML LNWR & WR) 3 36 2014 Modelling Inspiration: Trees (issues and inspirations) 3 39 2014 Article: Holiday Reading for the N Gauge Enthusiast 3 42 2014 Centre Pages Spread: Carl Woodward’s ‘Vale of Oxbury’ layout 3 44 2014 Article: Building a 1960s Office Block. N.Dibben 3 46 2014 Layout Photo Feature: Wulstanton Road 3 48 2014 Article: A Long and Winding Road – 40 Years and Counting. Part 3 – Through the Wall. G.Lee (40 years of modelling) 3 52 2014 Article: How to Install Coach Lighting. P.McFarlan 3 57 2014 Article: FiNetraX Points. N.Leaver 3 58 2014 Article: Easitrack Plain Track 3 61 2014 Article: Collerton’s Buildings & Scenics – Part 1 – Buildings (the basics). P.Cookson 3 62 2014 Members’ Models: LNER Ground Frame Signal Box – J.Browning; Fire Station – P.Shelley; Scratch-built 6-wheel Timber & Rail Wagon – K.Kirby 3 70 2014 Layout: Gullant. D.Brown (Cornish layout based on Golant for steam & diesel eras) 3 72 2014 Article: The Heavy Gondola That Doesn’t Sink. R.Bardsley (adding non-ferrous weights to American stock) 3 76 2014 Modelling Tips: Tone Down Shine & Colour 3 78 2014 Modelling Mail Train: Steam Loco Performance Again; Check Rail Installation?; Those Signalled Questions; From ‘Prize’ to ‘Spotter’s Length’; More |On Transfers; Layout Presentation; Glacier Train Review 3 80 2014 Back Page Picture: BachFar J39 0-6-0 3 88 2014 Society News: AMMC Organiser; Treasurer; Other News 3 n1 2014 Letters: Committee Minutes; Photographic Technique; Photographic Assistance; Thanks & Skills 3 n11 2014 Competition: Southern Region Stations 3 n14 2014 Area Groups: Northumberland; W.Midlands; W.Australia; N.Wales; Chester ‘A’ 3 n3 2014 Editorial: Developing the Journal 4 4 2014 Society Projects Update: Kit 54a – KSA Cube Wagon; Kit 54b – KSA Timber Wagon; RTR5 – Collett BG; RTR6 – Thompson BG 4 6 2014 "What’s New in ‘N’: BachFar: Class 47/7, Class57, 4-6-2- BR/SR 35xx Merchant Navy, CovHop Wagon, Bogie Polybulk Grain Hopper; Stop-press from Bachmann R=Trade Open Days; Mountford Canal Lock & Narrow Boat; BachFar BR Mk1 BG Full Brake era 7; Cavey’s Models Crossing Gates; Severn Models Brass Buildings Kits; Severn Models ‘Kickstarter’ Project; Overseas News Round-up; Arrowhead Miniatures (military models); Sculptamould for Scenery; Woodland Road Line Pens; Medway Queen Preservation Society; Pennine Wagons (Higsons Brewery livery wagon); West Wales Wagon Works; Osborns Models (coal wagons); DJ Models; NTrain; Electra Railway Graphics; Ancorton Models; BT Models; Seen at the Bristol Show." 4 7 2014 Article: Building the New NGS Kit. G.Hedges (Kit 54b KSA Nacco bogie timber wagon) 4 19 2014 Layout: Lowbeck Hall East (MPD). K.Williams (1970-75 Yorkshire) 4 24 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Getting Started with Using Aerosol Paints 4 28 2014 Article: A Long and Winding Road – 40 Years and Counting. Part 4 – The Final Phase. G.Lee (40 years of modelling) 4 30 2014 Article: How to Build This Bus Recovery Truck. M.Pearce 4 36 2014 Article: Conrad Point Motors. E.Smith 4 39 2014 Article: Bulk Cement Wagons. G.Hedges 4 40 2014 2014 Model Making Competition – Steam Locomotives (Classes A1 & B1) 4 44 2014 Centre Pages Spread: East Nuek Club’s ‘Law Junction’ layout 4 46 2014 Layout: Meltham. A.Joy (60s |West Yorkshire steam) 4 48 2014 Modelling Tips: Use the Best Products Available (scenic models) 4 55 2014 Article: Collerton’s Buildings & Scenics – Part 2 – Buildings – painting & detailing. P.Cookson 4 56 2014 Article: More on Signal Boxes. G.Hedges 4 64 2014 Article: Planning a New Layout. D.Cooper 4 68 2014 Article: A Tale of Two Cement Terminals. N.Cooper 4 72 2014 Article: GWR 1501 Class ‘Half-cab’ 0-6-0PT – part 1. J.O’Reilly (conversion from Farish 57xx) 4 77 2014 "Modelling Mail Train: Motorising Modelling Appeal; Finetrax Points; Deltic Diesel Detail; Resin Vehicle Range; Steam Loco Performance – Again; Layout Presentation 1; Layout Presentation 2; Faller Road System Woes," 4 82 2014 Back Page Picture: BachFar ‘Deltic’ Prototype (DP1) 4 92 2014 Committee Meeting Reports 4 n10 2014 Area Groups: Leics; Shropshire; Yorks; S.Gloucs; Wrexham; N.Wales; W.Cornwall & Launceston; Dumfries & Galloway 4 n11 2014 Striking the Right Balance (Journal Content) 4 n13 2014 Letters: The Future of Kits; Journal Content; Price Rises; Shop – Second-hand Stocks; More Shop Concerns; Contact Details. 4 n21 2014 Society News: Journal Publication Date; 2014 Worldwide Group Convention Report; Website Update; Annual Model Making Competition Results 2014; AGM Reports & Accounts; Committee Meeting Reports 4 n3 2014 Website Update 4 n4 2014 Annual Model Making Competition Results 2014 4 n8 2014 AGM Reports & Accounts 4 n9 2014 Editorial: A new season kicks off here 5 4 2014 What’s New in ‘N’: Bachmann Trade Open Days; Graham Farish 2014 Catalogue; BachFar Class 25; Humbrol ‘Rust’ Wash Enamel; Pendolino Kickstarter project; DJ Models new models announcement; GW Railcar Kickstarter project; Tomytec Bus Chassis; Hong Kong Buses; Laser cut wood models; Commissions - C&M Models Dapol Mk3 Scotrail Coaches; - Gaugemaster Dapol Class 73s and Class 66; RTP bespoke tall modern buildings; Others Round-up – Smart Models (laser cut parts from polyester sheet; - Scalescenes (small modern station); - Base Toys (buses); - Mill Lane Sidings (PSA tippler wagon); Overseas News Round-up; Permanent exhibition opens (Birmingham); Wishlist Poll 2014. 5 6 2014 2014 Model Making Competition – Diesel or Electric Locomotives & Multiple Units (Classes B2 & C) 5 21 2014 Article: Building 3D KFA Warflats. G.Hedges 5 22 2014 Layout Photo Feature: Dawes Creek 5 26 2014 Article: Milk Train Operations. M.Pinto 5 30 2014 Article: A Working Junction Signal. R.Kerslake 5 39 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Ballasting with Loose Dry Ballaset 5 42 2014 Centre Pages Spread: The viaduct on Moorcock Junction 5 44 2014 Article: The Devil is in the Detail (a closer look at modelling detail) 5 46 2014 Article: Collerton’s Buildings & Scenics – Part 3 – Scenics. P.Cookson 5 50 2014 Article: GWR 1501 Class ‘Half-cab’ 0-6-0PT – part 2. J.O’Reilly (conversion from Farish 57xx) 5 58 2014 Article: Specialist Tools (some unusual modelling tools) 5 62 2014 "Layout: Llanrwst (period 5,6 & 7 steam and diesel)" 5 63 2014 Article: Improving the Farish A4 Tender. P.Lundberg 5 68 2014 Article: Dapol Easi-Shunt Couplings – How I Fit Them. D.Birch 5 72 2014 Layout: Tunley Marsh. R.Bardsley (GWR branch line terminus) 5 74 2014 Modelling Mail Train: Steam Loco Performance Again 1 – 4; Motorising Modelling Appeal; Peco Smartswitch Servo Motors; Resin Vehicle Range; Whether to Weather?; More Money Saving Tips; 5 79 2014 Back Page Picture: Dapol GWR/BR 2-8-0 Class 2884/38xx 5 88 2014 Society News: Vacancies; Annual Model Making Competition; Committee Meeting Report; 5 n1 2014 Letters: Northern Mini Stand Standing Down; Modelling and Playing; More About the Shop; Targeting Children 5 n12 2014 Competition Winner: Railfreight Crossword 5 n15 2014 Competition: Fifty Years Ago 5 n15 2014 Committee Meeting Reports 5 n3 2014 Area Groups: Aberdeen; West of Scotland; Dumfries & Galloway; Wessex; Weston-super-Mare; New Australian Group; West Midlands; Wrexham; North Wales; Western Australia; 5 n4 2014 Editorial: Huffing and puffing about performance (pulling power of N Gauge steam locos) 6 4 2014 "What’s New in ‘N’: The International N Gauge Show – products development photos; Hornby/Arnold Brighton Belle class 403 EMU; NGS Products Update – RTR #5 Collett BG, Kit 54A Rover ‘Cube’ KSA; Trade News - BachFar Class 37/4 eras 8/9, BachFar Polybulk & Covhop wagons eras 7/8; Overseas Roundup; Severn Models kikstarter project; Oxford Diecast VW Beetle; Base Toys Atlantean Bus; GHQ & GMM N Gauge products; Locomotive Sounds; Others Roundup; Ben Johnson Foundation; Welsh Railways Research Circle; AIMREC Model Railway Centre plans; Bogies for kit & scratch builders." 6 6 2014 Article: Military Trains. 6 20 2014 Layout: Barry inspired Scrapyard. G.North (reverse corner module) 6 28 2014 Article: First Time Scratchbuilding a Real Building. D.Harrington 6 31 2014 Article: Ghost Voltages. B.Hodson (circuit testing) 6 36 2014 2014 Model Making Competition – All types of road vehicles (Class H) 6 38 2014 "2014 Model Making Competition - All types of passenger, parcels & TPO rolling stock (Class D)" 6 39 2014 Modelling Tips: Weathering with Washes 6 40 2014 Article: Cutting Corners. N.D-Sigsworth (representing a long building in a small space) 6 42 2014 Centre Pages Spread: Dentdale (Yorkshire Dales & Settle & Carlisle themed layout) 6 44 2014 Layout: Tunley Marsh – part 2. R.Bardsley (GWR branch line terminus) 6 46 2014 Basic Skills Masterclass: Plastic Kit Assembly 6 50 2014 Article: Building a Parkwood BTH Type 1 Class 15 bo-bo diesel loco 6 52 2014 Article: Installing Cobalt Point Motors. S.Stitchell 6 58 2014 Article: Track Cleaning. C.Wright (including converting a Tomix motorised cleaner to DCC) 6 61 2014 Members’ Models: Class 56 hauled iron ore train – K.Mathews; Heavy duty freight car – J.Tones 6 64 2014 Layout: Saddleworth. J.Gartside. (Delph branch 1950s) 6 66 2014 Article: Macaw Bogie Wagon with MkIV Tank Load. M.Shillabeer 6 70 2014 Article: Steam Loco Performance. D.Rook 6 75 2014 Article: Steam Loco Performance 2. C.Hardy 6 78 2014 "Prototype For Everything: ‘Firstly the coupling rods fell off my Britannia, then it lost a wheel and developed a limp…’" 6 79 2014 Article: A SWB Ford Transit Van. K.Doggett 6 80 2014 Modelling Mail Train: DCC Option for Locos; Ballasting Advice; Steam Performance again 1 -5; Spilt Milk 1 - 3 6 81 2014 Back Page Picture: Dapol’s BR Class 58 co-co diesel 6 84 2014 Society News: 2015 AGM announcement & AGM exhibition; Society Services & Information 6 n1 2014 Competition: Christmas Train Set Word-search 6 n11 2014 Competition Winner: Southern Regions Stations 6 n11 2014 Committee Meeting Reports 6 n3 2014 Area Groups: Grants; Potential New Groups; Other News 6 n4 2014 Journal Matters 6 n5 2014 Letters: Modelling & Playing; Future Feature Suggestions & Article Requests; Children in the Journal; Financing New NGS Models; Kit Cost Saving Potential 6 n8 2014 Shop News: Resignation of Shop Manager and temporary closure of Shop 6 n8 2015 Editorial: The First Anniversary 1 4 2015 "What’s New in ‘N’: Warley 2014 Report & Pictures; Product Review: BachFar - Princess Coronation Class 4-6-2 ‘City of Birmingham’; Product Review: BachFar – Class 57 ‘Pride of Crewe’; N-Drive Productions – GER class G15 Tram Loco; Overseas News Round-up – Kato Sound System, Markenburg Outdoor Furniture, Herpa Truck, TomyTec Football Teams, Cobbled Roads; Society Projects Update - Collett BG, Thompson Brake, Kit 54A KSA ‘Rover Cube’; New Magazine ‘Ngauge Now’; Aeroclub – Dragon Rapide Aircraft; Artitec – various products; Kato – Orient Express Pullman Coach; Casco – Fencing; CRS Building Kits; MERG book download; Peedie Models – Etch Bending Tool; Wish List 2014 Results; Model Train Catalogue – computer database application; The ‘Trade Reviews’ Testing Process – testing loco haulage capacities." 1 6 2015 Model Making Competition 2014 – Class F Lineside Structures; Class N Dioramas; Class I Small Working Layout 1 18 2015 Article: Electric Trains. G.Hedges 1 20 2015 Basic Skills Masterclass – Adding Decals & Weathering Kits 1 28 2015 Layout: Whitland For Minehead. E.Wheal (GWR 30s/40s exc. war years) 1 30 2015 Article: Having a Bash – An alternate use for the Ratio carriage shed. R.Bardsley 1 38 2015 Layout: Apa Park. S.Purves (Winner of 2014 AMMC Class ‘I’ Trophy) 1 40 2015 Centre Pages Picture: Overhead Electric Layouts 1 44 2015 Layout: Stoney Lane Depot. G.Hedges (Final exhibition appearance) 1 46 2015 Article: Train Formations. D.Stewart-David 1 52 2015 Article: Fencing. N.Leaver 1 56 2015 Article: Making Chain Link Fence. M.Havelock 1 58 2015 Members’ Models: A Deltic diorama. D.Bottomley 1 63 2015 Layout: Parkend (part 1). C.Saywood (Unusual modular approach to scenic modelling) 1 64 2015 Article: Landscaping the ‘Mat’ Method Way. P.Dunsterville 1 68 2015 Article: Motorising an Oxford Diecast Plaxton Elite Bus. K.Ceeney 1 71 2015 Layout Photo Feature: Easthampton (Modern image) 1 72 2015 Article: Building a GHQ kit – Bucyrus Erie 30-B crawler crane. G.Hedges 1 76 2015 Article: Simplicity part 3 – More scenery. M.Barton (modelling a DMU branch line) 1 79 2015 "Modelling Mail Train: In Praise of Kato Track; Milk Train Supplementary; Transfer Issue?; Steam Performance Again 1, 2, 3, 4; Steam Performance – Finally?; Variable Scales; Track Laying Tip" 1 80 2015 Back Page Picture – BachFar BR Standard Class 3MT 1 88 2015 Shop News & Update; Shop Manager Vacancy 1 N1 2015 Competition Winner: Fifty Years Ago 1 N11 2015 Competition: Loco Class Nicknames 1 N11 2015 Index: NGS Journals 2014 1 N12 2015 Obituary: Tom Tyson 1 N3 2015 Society News: 2015 AGM & Exhibition; Annual Model Making Competition; Other Vacancies 1 N3 2015 Area Groups: Group Grants 2014; Leics; Felixstowe; Dumfries & Galloway; N.Wales; Potential New Groups; Publicising Events 1 N4 2015 Journal Matters: An Electronic Journal?; Photography Services; Article Ideas & Preparation; Providing Submissions 1 N6 2015 Letters: Wonderful World of Trains & Planes; Modelling & Playing; Area Groups Contact & Shop Stock; Safety; Easi-Shunt; A Belle Belle & Kit Parts; General Observations 1 N8 2015 Editorial: Striking the right balance 2 4 2015 What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Shop Re-opens; BachFar - Class 31; Farish 2015/16 Brochure’; Overseas News Round-up; NGS Products Update; Laser Cut from YMM – fencing & cable drums; Hornby Wish Listing; Dapol – Maunsell Coaches; Dapol – Maunsell Brake Van; Dapol – IOA(E) bogie box wagon; Dapol – JNA ‘Falcon’ bogie open wagon; News from N’tastic Shop/County Rolling Stock; Pendolino Development; Book Review – Designing & Building Model Railway Baseboards; Miscellaneous News – York Model Making - Smart Models Kits – CJM 2015 production plan – Range of Resin EMUs – New Peco Setrack curved points – Atso-Cad 3D printed kits; Chivers Finescale Kits; Shapeways 3d printed kits – FGW Class 165 DMU and Austin Maestro; Weathering Washes; Book Review – BR Parcels & Passenger-rated Stock. 2 6 2015 Article: A Bogie Sausage Van. A.Knox 2 20 2015 Article: The Faller Car System. N.Leaver 2 22 2015 Article: The Tomytec Moving Bus System 2 24 2015 Article: Newspaper and Parcels Trains. G.Hedges & N.Leaver 2 27 2015 Model Making Competition 2014 – Class K Journal Article; Class R Complete Train; Class Q Group Effort Model; Class K Past Winners. 2 32 2015 Layout Photo Feature: Barton Road. B.Pollard 2 34 2015 Article: Bulleid Coach Set Formations. C.Ovens 2 40 2015 Centre Pages Picture: Titheridge Junction 2 44 2015 Layout: Parkend (part 2). C.Saywood (Unusual modular approach to scenic modelling) 2 46 2015 Article: A Midland Plate-layers’ Hut. C.Hardy 2 51 2015 Basic Skills Masterclass – Checking & Maintaining Back to Backs 2 54 2015 Article: The Irish Scene – Part 1; Mainline Locomotives. J.Mitchell. 2 56 2015 Members’ Models: Metcalfe Signal Boxes – S.Bardsley; Grand Central Class 11F – N.Beischer 2 59 2015 Article: DPM (Design Preservation Models) Buildings. G.Hedges 2 60 2015 Article: Building an LNWR Type 5 Size D Signal Box. I.Brierley 2 66 2015 Article: Cargo-D ‘BR Blue’ DVT. S.Bateman 2 68 2015 Article: Trouble and Strife. D.Snell (Preiser ‘housewife’ figures) 2 73 2015 Article: Brake Vans – What’s available in N gauge 2 74 2015 Article: Point Operation by Wire in a Tube. B.Arnold 2 76 2015 Article: A Ford Transit Chasis-Cab Model. K.Doggett 2 78 2015 Modelling Mail Train: Steam Loco Performance; Electric Journal; Electric Overhead Wires; Electrifying Tips; Electric Points; Electric Trams; Window Frames; Preserved Models; More in Praise of Unitrack. 2 80 2015 Back Page Picture – BachFar BR class 08 0-6-0 diesel shunter 2 88 2015 Shop News & Special Offers 2 N1 2015 Letters: A Plea for Publicity; Hornby/Arnold Brighton Belle; Electronic Journal; New Retail Model Shop; Assistance Request for Model Show; More photography Coverage 2 N13 2015 Competition Winner: Christmas Train Set Word Search 2 N15 2015 Competition: ‘Football and Railways’ 2 N15 2015 Society News: NGS Committee Officers’ AGM Reports; AGM Venue 2 N4 2015 Annual Model Making Competition 2015 - details 2 N7 2015 Area Groups: Grants 2015; New Groups; Other News 2 N8 2015 Journal Matters: Free Booklets; Article Appeal; Article Ideas & Preparation; Providing Submissions 2 N9 2015 Editorial: Worldwide appeal in N (Overseas theme for journal 3) 3 4 2015 What’s New in ‘N’: Retail Prices; BachFar – Class 31 D5596 BR green; BachFar – Midland Class 4F 3851 0-6-0 LMS Black; Farish revised liveries; Farish train packs; BachFar – Air-smoothed Belleid Merchant Navy Pacific; BachFar – Southern box vans; BachFar – Class 47/7 diesel; Loco Testing Update; NGS Products Update – Collett BG & Thompson BG; Kato – Union Pacific 4-8-4; Rapido Trains – GMD-1 CN 1600; Overseas Round-up; Kestrel – laser cut wood veneer kits; Faller Modelling Aid; Dapol Ally Pally Report; Harrison-Brown – 2-HAL EMU; Revolution Trains – TEA petroleum tankers; Air-brush Cleaning Pot; Downloadable card kits; TINGS takes shape. 3 6 2015 Article: G15/Y6 Tram Loco. G.Collier 3 20 2015 Layout: Avonway. N.Monks (1980s minimum space skill-developing layout) 3 22 2015 Article: Building an Artitec N Scale Boat Kit. G.Hedges (including list of available N Gauge marine models) 3 27 2015 Article: Dean Goods. D.Tomkiss 3 32 2015 Modelling Tips: Improve the Front End 3 37 2015 Layout: Hazel Freight. J.Buisson (lessons from building a beginner’s small modern urban railhead layout) 3 38 2015 Centre Pages Picture: The North of England Line (Scarborough & District MRC steam layout) 3 44 2015 Layout: Okurimono. N.Raven (Japanese N Gauge) 3 46 2015 Article: A Bridge Two Far. C.Pearson (building a small 3-transport types diorama) 3 52 2015 Article: Fitting a NEM Coupler Pocket to a Dapol B set coach bogie. B.Bryant 3 57 2015 Article: Easi-Shunt Couplers part 2. D.Birch 3 60 2015 Members’ Models: Stobart Rail low loader – A.Bell; Catfish wagon – I.Mumford 3 63 2015 "Layout: Return to Kings Cross part 1. P.Walker (period 1956-1961, planning & development)" 3 64 2015 Article: Adapting a building kit. G.Hedges 3 70 2015 Article: Two Air-braked Wagons. N.E.O’Phyte 3 73 2015 Layout: 37th Street. R.Bardsley (compact 1950s American switching layout) 3 74 2015 "Modelling Mail Train: Ramping Up a Coal Drop; Performance, Spares & Liveries; GHQ Construction Models; Dirty Washing – 1 & 2; Encouraged to Fail?; Inexpensive Tips; Steam Balance; Problems at Manor?; Last puff Regarding Performance; And Finial-y." 3 79 2015 Back Page Picture – Dapol LT ex-57xx class 0-6-0PT 3 88 2015 Society News: 2015 AGM & Exhibition; NGS Committee Officers’ AGM Reports; Committee Meeting Report 3 N1 2015 Letters: First Year Report; A Hard Journal; Brighton Belle & DCC; Passenger Mail 3 N13 2015 Competition Winner: Loco Class Nicknames 3 N15 2015 Competition: Prototypes & Unique Locomotives 3 N15 2015 Area Groups: Weston-super-Mare; Felixstowe; Dumfries & Galloway; Newsletters 3 N3 2015 Shop News 3 N5 2015 Journal Matters: Copy deadlines; article ideas & preparation; providing submissions 3 N6 2015 Editorial: Building on a Theme 4 4 2015 "What’s New in ‘N’: Prices; BachFar – Southern N class Mogul; BachFar – Southern 50ft bogie ‘B’ Luggage Van; BachFar – New liveries; MERG – servo mounts & control; Trackside signs – billboard posters; Ancorton – engine shed; Easy Models – landing craft; Outland Models – buildings; Shapeways – SR General Manager’s saloon; Peedie Models – etches & 3D printed accessories; Overseas Round-up; NGS Collett BG update; N Brass Loco – cast & 3D printed detailing parts; N-Train & ERG – EMU kits; BachFar – NSE Class 47/7; Oxford Diecast – new modern vehicle liveries; RB Productions – rivet tool; Miscellaneous – print yourself brick papers, airbrush cleaning brushes, ‘sticky-pick-up-and-position-pencils’; Peco – new livery wagons; Model of the Year 2014." 4 6 2015 Article: A 3D GER Class M15. G.Collier 4 21 2015 Modelling Tips: Using Dapol Dummy Knuckle Couplers to Reduce Coupling Gaps. C.White 4 24 2015 Article: Improving Skills. G.Hedges 4 25 2015 Article: Structures in the Landscape. K.Mathews (buildings on ‘Oxmouth Quay’) 4 28 2015 Layout: Whitland revisited. E.Wheal (GWR 30s/40s exc. war years) 4 30 2015 Article: MV ‘Foxy’. D.Farmer (A scratch built coastal collier) 4 34 2015 Article: Network SouthEast 10th June 1986 – 31st March 1994. G.Hedges 4 36 2015 Centre Pages Pictures: ‘Postcards from the Conwy weekend’. (AGM & exhibition etc) 4 44 2015 Layout: Archie’s Yard. G.Dewar (late LMS in Yorkshire) 4 46 2015 Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed – part 1. B.Bryant (1960s) 4 52 2015 Article: Turning Photos into Building Kits. N.Leaver 4 58 2015 Layout Photo Feature: Totnes. J.Birkett-Smith 4 63 2015 "Layout: Return to Kings Cross part 2. P.Walker (period 1956-1961, exhibiting)" 4 68 2015 Article: Buildings. G.Hedges 4 72 2015 "Modelling Mail Train: A Cutting Tip; Which Way; What Bit Goes Where?; More Kato Product Praise; Trouble at Manor 1,2 & 3; Coupling Dilemma; Large Sheets Tip; Ramping Tip" 4 79 2015 Back Page Picture - Dapol Class 67 Bo-Bo 4 88 2015 Area Groups: Chester; Dumfries & Galloway; Leicester; N.Wales; West of Scotland; Weston Super Mare; Wrexham; Others 4 N1 2015 Journal Matters: Article Ideas & Preparation; Providing Submissions 4 N10 2015 Shop News 4 N13 2015 Letters: Shop Services; Sound Locomotives; 4 N14 2015 Competition Winner: ‘Football & Railways’ 4 N15 2015 "Competition: ‘Highest, Longest, Fastest’." 4 N15 2015 Society News: 2015 AGM Minutes; 2014 Accounts 4 N4 2015 Editorial: The world is a stage 5 4 2015 What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Thompson BG update; BachFar – LNER/BR A2 class 4-6-2 BR green ‘Bachelors Button’ 60537; BachFar – Hawksworth coaches; Bachmann Colle3ctors Club – S&D Railway 4F 0-6-0; Overseas News Round-up; County Rolling Stock – Mermaid wagon kickstarter project; 4D Model Shop; Ballasting assistance; Dapol – WR/BR 4-6-0 ‘Grange’; Arch Laser – wood signal box; New vehicles; Book review – Amateur Craft: History and Theory; Magazine review – N Gauge Now; Miscellaneous round-up: Smart Models – windows; Invicta Model Rail – Tribometer train recording wagon; DJModels; PH Designs – 3D printed class 323 bodies. 5 6 2015 Article: The Irish Scene – Part 2; Passenger Stock. J.Mitchell. 5 19 2015 "Model Making Competition 2015 – Locomotive classes A1, A2 & B1" 5 22 2015 Article: A class 402 Tin Hal. G.Hedges 5 24 2015 Article: A Goods Warehouse. D.Balsdon (three floor scratchbuilt from cardboard) 5 30 2015 Article: A Dean Single ‘Achilles’ Class. D.Tomkiss 5 32 2015 Members’ Models: Swinging field gate – J.Browning; 0-4-0 ST loco – N.Beischer; Barrier wagons – D.Bottomley. 5 36 2015 Article: Road Vehicles. G.Hedges. 5 38 2015 Article: Adding sound to a Farish class 37. J.Parnham 5 42 2015 Layout: Wickwar – Farnham & District MRC (LMS/GWR Somerset steam) 5 44 2015 Article: The theatre of model railways. L.Richardson (thoughts on similarities between exhibition layouts and theatrical productions) 5 50 2015 Layout Photo Feature: Embankment Road. J.Alder 5 58 2015 "Article: DCC – an introduction. B.Bryant, C.Wright &K.Underwood." 5 60 2015 Layout: New Meltham. A.Joy. (60s West Yorkshire steam) 5 66 2015 "Photo Feature: AC electric scratchbuilt locos. R.Dockerill (classes 81, 82, 86 & 87)" 5 70 2015 "Article: The coupler minefield, part 1. G.Hedges" 5 72 2015 Article: Wessex Modules. B.Breton. (Wessex Area Group portable modules) 5 76 2015 Article: Building an American Grain Elevator. R.Bardsley. 5 78 2015 "Modelling Mail Train: Performance & Track Laying; More Trouble at Manor 1,2,3 & 4; Coupler Dilemma; More Kato Comment & Tips; Layout Design & Operation; Model Rail Show & Tell." 5 81 2015 Back Page Picture - Dapol Bulleid SR/BR Q1 0-6-0 5 88 2015 Society News: NGS RTR Collett Update; Modelmaster Transfers & Plates; Membership Renewal Dates; Volunteer Vacancies 5 N1 2015 Letters: Time Limit for Key Society Roles?; Cost of Models; Second Hand Shop; Ceiling Layout? 5 N10 2015 Competition Winner: Prototypes & Unique Locomotives 5 N11 2015 Competition: Railways in Television Sitcoms 5 N11 2015 Area Groups: Felixstowe; W.Sussex; Launceston 5 N4 2015 Obituary: Graham Smith 5 N4 2015 Shop News 5 N5 2015 Journal Matters: Article Appeal; Article Ideas & Preparation; Providing Submissions 5 N7 2015 Editorial: Another Year on 6 4 2015 What’s New in ‘N’: TINGS; New Products at TINGS; Union Mills 0-6-0 Dean Goods; European News Round-up; Trade News & Reviews; Tomytec HM01 powered chassis; PG Models – Saracen APC; BachFar – Peppercorn A2; The Army Painter – ‘Warpaints’; Metcalfe – PN182 Warehouse; Wilko – Sanding/polishing block; NGS RTR Project u[pdates – Collett BG & Thompson BG; Revolution Trains new projects – Type 2 Class 21/29 Diesels & Class 320 and 321 EMUs; Pennine Wagons – steel-bodied MDHB van; British Finescale – fiNetraX point kits; Albion Alloys – Sanding needles; Arch Laser – 6 ton Yard Crane Jib; Mill Lane Sidings – Hydrochloric Acid Jar wagon; BachFar – NSE Mk2A coaches; C&M Models – commissioned Dapol Class 156; More road vehicles; DJModels – new RTR wagons; Sart Models – Junior Download kit. 6 6 2015 Article: Simple detailiong for the Union Mills LNWR tender. P.Lundberg 6 19 2015 Layout: Tanners Hill. S.Farmer (NSE South London) 6 22 2015 Article: Weathering a 27t Iron Ore Tippler part 1. S.Richardson 6 28 2015 Members’ Models: Layout – C.Whalley; MR 2000 class ‘Flatiron’ 0-6-4T – N.Beischer 6 31 2015 Article: Motorising the Peco Turntable – a different approach. R.Miller 6 32 2015 Article: Which Way? D.Rook (BR crests) 6 37 2015 Model Making Competition 2015: Class B2 – Any kit built or modified diesel or electric loco; Class C – DMUs or EMUs; 6 38 2015 Article: Private Owner Coal Wagons. N.E.O’Phyte 6 40 2015 Centre Pages Picture: Broadwater Junction 6 44 2015 Article: Class 59. G.Hedges (inc. bashing a class 66 to a 59) 6 46 2015 Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed – part 2. B.Bryant (1960s) 6 52 2015 "Article: Dam, N & Ballast. D.Snell (inspirations)" 6 56 2015 Article: The Leopold Railway Gun. G.Hedges 6 58 2015 Article: Venturing into DCC Sound. R.Upton 6 64 2015 Photo Feature: TINGS 2015 6 66 2015 Article: Simplicity part 3. M.Barton (modelling a DMU branch line) 6 72 2015 "Article: The coupler minefield, part 2. G.Hedges" 6 74 2015 Modelling Tips: Creating scrap metal 6 76 2015 "Modelling Mail Train: Farish N Class; Gloucetershire Rules; Track laying; More British road vehicles; Layout design; Blue 4F quibble; Supplementary booklets 1 & 2; Coupler concern; More model problems 1, 2 & 3; DCC article feedback;" 6 77 2015 Back Page Picture - BachFar Class 37 bo-bo diesel 6 88 2015 Society News: 2016 AGM; Vacant Positions 6 N1 2015 Letters: Shop; Secondhand Shop Sales 1 & 2; Firefield Hill Layout; Increasing Prices; High Prices; Oldest New Modeller?; Ceiling Layouts; Thoughtful; Tahnk You 1000 Times 6 N11 2015 "Competition Winner: ‘Highest, Longest, Fastest’." 6 N15 2015 "Competition: ‘Eat, drink and be merry’." 6 N15 2015 Journal matters: Submissions urgently required; Submissions advice; Providing submissions 6 N4 2015 Shop news 6 N5 2015 Area Groups: Grants; Wrexham; Chester; N.Wales; Dumfries & Galloway; Aberdeenshire; S.Cornwall; Weston-super-Mare; Launceston; Felixstowe; Wiltshire 5 Towns; Modular layouts 6 N7 2016 "Editorial: The Journal – a new look, a new future?" 1 4 2016 What’s New in ‘N’: Seen at Warley; Product Review: BachFar – ‘Weedkiller’ class 20/9 & ‘Weedkiller’ Mk1 coaches; Product Review: BachFar – 12t BR pipe wagon (era 4); Downloadable card models; Clever Models – Clyde Puffer; Overseas Round-up; Frykmodell – etched nickel silver scenic models; Severn Models – ‘Glue Together’ brass kits; Rapidpro – 3D printed cars; Outstanding RTR – models announced but not yet available; Andrew Stadden – Victorian/Edwardian figures; N Brass Loco – etched brass detailing packs; Dapol – wagon chassis; 2015 Wish list results; =C=Rail – intermodal containers; Radley Models – Booster loco kit; 2016 Hornby Magazine Yearbook #8; Smart Models – downloadable co-operative building kit; Faversham Hobby Shop – Shepherd Neame livery van. 1 6 2016 Modelling tips: Home-made backscenes 1 19 2016 Article: Changing Nameplates on Dapol’s Halls & Manors. R.Lewis 1 20 2016 Layout Photo Feature: Dunkow Road. A.Small (BR 60s/70s SR/WR) 1 22 2016 Model Making Competition 2015: Class D – Passenger rolling stock; Class E – Freight rolling stock 1 29 2016 Article: Gatwick Express. G.Hedges (mid 80s to 2005) 1 32 2016 Members’ models: Upper quadrant semaphore signals. M.Adler 1 37 2016 "Article: I Think I can, I Know I Can. P.C.Fagg (venturing into layout electrics and electronics)" 1 38 2016 Article: BR Blue LMS BG. R.Bardsley (repainting a Farish LMS BG into BR blue) 1 40 2016 Centre Pages Picture: Derwent Valley Railway layout. 1 44 2016 Article: Mermaid model report. G.Hedges 1 46 2016 Article: An Easy EPB. J.Davy (putting together a 2-EPB) 1 48 2016 Article: Modelling the RTC Trib. N.Monks (using vinyls to make the BR Tribometer Train) 1 52 2016 Layout Photo Feature: Fencehouses (2mm fine-scale layout) 1 56 2016 Article: Finer Track? (fine track options) 1 60 2016 Article: Building a 6-ton Crane Jib. G.Hedges 1 62 2016 Layout: Seabrough on the Somervale Railway. M.Holt (Heritage railway) 1 64 2016 Article: Improving the Union Mills Dean Goods. N.Leaver 1 66 2016 Article: London Bridge Station Footbridge – part 1. G.Hedges (scratch-building a prototype structure) 1 70 2016 Article: Off-scene Train Storage. P.Norton (fiddle-yard option) 1 77 2016 Modelling Mail Train: Much Binding update; journal feedback; Supplements – 1 & 2; 1 80 2016 Back Cover Picture – Farish A1 Class 4-6-2 ‘Tornado’ 1 88 2016 Society News: Vacant Positions 1 N1 2016 Journal matters 1 N10 2016 Competition winner: ‘Railways in Television Sitcoms’ 1 N11 2016 Competition: ‘Two for the Price of One’ 1 N11 2016 Index: NGS Journals 2015 1 N12 2016 Area Groups: Grants; Possible Hampshire group; Chester; N.Wales; W.Sussex; Felixstowe; Berkshire 1 N3 2016 Shop News 1 N5 2016 Letters: Modular Standards; Smart Models; The Coupler Minefield 1 N8 2016 Editorial: It’s a craft based hobby 2 4 2016 What’s New in ‘N’: ‘Next18’-new DCC socket; Product Review: BachFar – BR Mk1 Test Train blue & grey weathered; Food for thought – using toy flying drone technology to drive model trains?; Smart Models – card buildings on DVD; Oxford Diecast Buses; Peco 70th Anniversary; Severn Models – brass buildings kits; N Gauge Society RTR #6 – Thompson BG sample pictures; NGS Products Update; Forthcoming Models; Farish’s new 1016/17 range; British Finescale – fiNetraX upgrade; European News Round-up; Other new arrivals – Dapol Terriers; 4D Modelshop – Foamed PVC ‘Palight’ sheet modelling material; Laypouts4U – prewired LEDs; Oxford Diecast – new N gauge vehicles for 2016; Bachmann – new MD; 2016 British Model Railway Awards; Keeping down hobby costs. 2 5 2016 Model Making Competition 2015 - Class F - buildings or line side structures; Class H – road vehicles; Class I – small working layouts. 2 18 2016 Modelling Tips: Dealing with derailments 2 21 2016 Article: Installing a Kato Turntable. G.Lee 2 22 2016 Article: London Bridge Station Footbridge – part 2. G.Hedges (scratch-building a prototype structure) 2 26 2016 Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed – part 3. B.Bryant (1960s) 2 30 2016 Members’ models: P.Brown – first layout attempt 2 35 2016 Article: Haardwijk - Nederlandse Spoorwegen – Part 1 Taking Stock. G.Mockford 2 36 2016 Article: Figure Painting. G.Hedges 2 42 2016 Article: Kestrel Bashing. R.Bardsley (kit-bashing) 2 44 2016 Centre Pages Picture: Layout – Loch Tat. 2 46 2016 Article: Setting the standard. G.Hedges (available N gauge models of BR ‘Standard’ locos) 2 48 2016 Article: A Swedish view of railway modelling – part 1: The Lowlands – A British Connection. O.Frykmo 2 54 2016 "Members’ models: S.Moore – Westerns, Class 25 & Class 31" 2 59 2016 Article: Wagons. N.E.O’Phyte. (HEA & HAS hoppers; steel high sided open wagons) 2 60 2016 Article: Detailing the Scene. J.O’Reilly. (detailing techniques on 30s GWR branchline layout) 2 63 2016 Members’ models: A.Browning – various scratch-built models 2 70 2016 Layout: Newlingham – a beginner’s tale. N.Walker 2 71 2016 Modelling tips: Ideas for road vehicles 2 74 2016 Article: The N Scale Layouts of SARMA – part 1: Past Efforts. M La Vista. (South Australian Railway Modellers Association) 2 76 2016 Members’ projects: Adapting ornamental buildings for use on layouts. R.Lambert 2 79 2016 Article: A Dummy Class 20. R.Cheers 2 80 2016 Modelling Mail Train: Kato Track - A Personal Perspective; Why Do Rail Modelling; Card Models; Fence Houses 1 & 2; Meldon Quarry 2 83 2016 Back Cover Picture – Dapol Class 73 2 88 2016 Society News: AGM; Vacant Posts; New Appointments; Social Media 2 N1 2016 Letters: Compendium Leaflet Feedback; Journal Size; Journal Feedback; More Feedback; Competition Feedback; Modular Standards; Sad News 2 N10 2016 Journal matters 2 N3 2016 Area Groups: S.E. Essex; W.Australia; Weston-super-Mare; Launceston; Wrexham; N.Wales 2 N5 2016 Shop News 2 N6 2016 "Competition winner: ‘Eat, Drink and Be Merry’" 2 N9 2016 "Competition: ‘Railways in Art, Entertainment, and the Media’" 2 N9 2016 Editorial: Finesse (in modelling) 3 4 2016 "What’s New in ‘N’: 50th Anniversary plans; Dapol update; Product Review: BachFar – Bulleid 3-coach set; BachFar – Colas class 60 co-co; BachFar – BR Mk1 CCT blue Express Parcels; BachFar – Southern Luggage Van BR crimson; Aoshima – army trucks; N Brass – loco transformers; Book reviews: ‘A Third Rail Centenary’, ‘London’s Eat End Diesels’, ‘EMUs: A History’; BachFar – NSE train pack; BachFar - Class 08 NSE shunter; Modelux – iron bridge; ‘Scale 148’ Group; European News round-up; Invicta – RTC livery Tribometer van; MERG journals; Peedie Models – smoke deflectors; Revolution Trains – Tiphook KFA/PFA container wagon; – downloadable kits; Dapol – Project Miller Prototype HST" 3 5 2016 Members’ models: ‘Model Garden Railway’ layout. R.Halton 3 18 2016 Model Making Competition 2015 - Class R – complete train; Class O – non-British prototype; Class M – past winners trophy; Class Q – model not covered by other classes; Class N – diorama 3 19 2016 Article: Let there be Light – part 1: Street Lighting. B.Rockey 3 22 2016 Article: Haardwijk - Nederlandse Spoorwegen – Part 2 Going Digital. G.Mockford 3 26 2016 Article: Modelling the Legendary Boosters. G.Hedges 3 30 2016 Layout: Hamford. D.Tweed (tram line & small urban station) 3 36 2016 Members’ models: Hookhills Viaduct. C.White 3 42 2016 Article: Making milk floats. P.Morris (electric delivery vehicles) 3 44 2016 Centre Pages Picture: Deansmoor. J.Dean 3 46 2016 Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed – part 4. B.Bryant (1960s) 3 48 2016 Members’ projects: Assembling the Frykmodell road trailer kit. G.Hedges 3 53 2016 Article: Blue ex-SER BY as PMV. R.Bardsley 3 54 2016 Article: A Swedish view of railway modelling – part 2: Engelsfors-Drambo Railway – a mid Swedish layout. O.Frykmo 3 56 2016 Article: Building a Heavy Haul Trailer. A.Williams 3 64 2016 Article: Uncoupling – a bench test. D.Cross 3 70 2016 Article: A Cattle Lorry. S.Davidson 3 72 2016 Modelling tips: An economic track cleaner. P.Siddall 3 75 2016 Article: How to improve running through Peco slips. N.Leaver 3 76 2016 Members’ models: K.Jones - road coach; N.Beischer – Rhymney Railways class R1 0-6-2T 3 79 2016 Layout: Brickmakers Lane – design & trackwork. D.Cooper 3 80 2016 Modelling Mail Train: J50/4 project; Blue LMS BGs; Starter set track radii; Help the manufacturers; Fine-scale – a mixed blessing; Guitar case layout; Why do rail modelling; Alternative flattened tyres. 3 83 2016 Society News: 2016 Annual general Meeting; Annual financial report; Annual model making competition 2016; 50th anniversary celebrations 3 N1 2016 Competition winner: ‘Two for the price of one’ 3 N10 2016 Competition: ‘Names and numbers’ 3 N10 2016 Letters: Why N Gauge?; Measurements; Beginners dilemma; More coaches wanted; Journal article request; A larger Christmas issue?; A new model shop is born 3 N13 2016 Journal matters 3 N5 2016 Area Groups: S.Essex; N.Wales; Chester; Berks. 3 N7 2016 Shop News 3 N9 2016 Editorial: Changes afoot 4 4 2016 "What’s New in ‘N’: New NGS products – RtR Carflat, Warflat (post-1976), Military vehicles; Product Review: BachFar – GWR/BR Class 64xx 0-6-0PT; BachFar - BR Standard Class 4 2-6-4T 4MT; Severn Models – more building & detailing kits; Magazine Review – The Art of Modelling; Dapol – SR/BR ‘Schools’ V class 4-4-0; N Brass Loco – more new (detailing etc) kits; European News update; Book Review – Railway Wagon Plans; American Accessory Suppliers; Scalescens – new Bus Garage kit; Ghost Signs – street advertisement signs; Another Medway Queen wagon; Revolution Trains update; Dapol News – price rises." 4 5 2016 Photo Feature: Roundhouse engine shed on Roger Comber’s ‘Kamahashi Kikanku’ layout 4 17 2016 Layout: Castlefields (& Central Station Manchester). T.Murray (late 50s early 60s) 4 18 2016 Article: Egg Box Baseboards. T.Jenner 4 22 2016 Layout: Maudsley (WR). M.Hacker (pre-TOPS/early 60s) 4 30 2016 Article: How to Make Buildings Accurately without Published Plans. J.Kinghorn 4 34 2016 Article: The Hares & Tortoises of DCC. G.Dewar (comparisons of encoders) 4 40 2016 Article: 4-character Head-codes. V.Hall 4 42 2016 Layout: Llanstephan Halt – a test track that became a micro layout. C.Sharp 4 44 2016 Members’ projects: Assembling the Artitec JPK Tank Destroyer. G.Hedges 4 52 2016 Layout: Chester Midland Engine Shed – part 5. B.Bryant (1960s) 4 54 2016 Article: L1 to A5 4-6-2T. K.Smith (converting a Langley L1 to a GCR A5) 4 60 2016 Layout: Greendale Country. T.Seaman (early BR plus some LMS & GWR) 4 64 2016 Article: OIX/OJA/OJX Ferry Opens. R.Bardsley (further possibilities for the Peco Ferry Open) 4 68 2016 Article: Let there be Light – part 2: Internal Lighting of Buildings & Station Platforms. B.Rockey 4 72 2016 Article: Not All Cars come from Oxford. M.Longstaff (various alternatives) 4 78 2016 Members’ models: Coastal Freighter – B.Thomas; Tram Scene – R.Mackinnon 4 81 2016 "Modelling Mail Train: Lessons Learnt the Hard Way; Operational Techniques; LMS 10000 Appeal; Finescale – A Mixed Blessing; Magnetic Easi-Shunt; Kit Chassis Suggestions? – Let There Be Light (1, 2 & 3); " 4 82 2016 Society News: 50th anniversary celebrations; From the (new) Chairman 4 N1 2016 "Competition Winner: ‘Railways in Art, Entertainment and the Media’" 4 N11 2016 Competition: ‘Connect Four’ 4 N11 2016 Letters: Beginner’s Dilemma; Queen Appeal; Shop Price List; 4 & 6-wheel Coaches; Text Colour and Design; Boxed Signal Box 4 N13 2016 Area Groups: New AGC – Graham Elliott; S.E.Essex; Wiltshire Five Towns; Weston-Super-Mare; Promoting Area Group Events 4 N4 2016 Article: Other ‘N’ Show reports 4 N6 2016 Journal Matters 4 N9 2016 Editorial: AGM changes 5 4 2016 What’s New in ‘N’: Members Booklet – ‘Jargon Buster’; Product Review: Scenecraft – Yard Crane & Twin A Frame Hoist; Boldmere shading pastels; BachFar – Train Set 370-185; BachFar Press Day update; Proses Developments – modelling tools; Scenecraft Developments – forthcoming models; Product Review: Dapol – SR/BR Class V ‘Schools’ 4-4-0; European News Round-up; Scenecraft – low relief toilets; Dortmund Intermodellbau 2016 report; Dapol – Class 33 pre-production; Food for Thought (comparison between old and new Farish Class 4 2-6-4T 4MT locomotives; Scenecraft – Wagon Loads; 2016 Wish List Poll; County Rolling Stock changes; Retailer of the Year Award; Scalescenes – ictorian Railway Hotel Kit; Smart Models – downloadable Station Building kit; Worbla – Thermoplastic modelling sheet; Fox Transfers – Southern Electric coach & unit numbers; Crowdfunding proposals. 5 5 2016 "Members’ models: BR/SR Gauging Van, Gauging Train Brake Van – S.Farmer" 5 23 2016 "Model Making Competition 2016 – Classes A1, B1 & B2" 5 24 2016 Photo Feature: ‘Basingstoke’ bows out 5 26 2016 Article: How to fit Easi-shunt couplings on non-NEM fitted stock. R.Miller 5 30 2016 Article: DCC for Dummies part 1. R.Mountfield 5 34 2016 Members’ models: Colourful Colas on the Leefield and Ashpeth. G.Lee 5 38 2016 Layout: Middlebourne St Helens – a 1930s market town in SW England. K.Smith 5 40 2016 Article: How to Make a Cheap and Cheerful Block Bell. J.Dean (signalling aid) 5 44 2016 Centre Pages Picture: Bevois Park & St Denys (cement works sidings on the layout) 5 46 2016 Article: How to Paint Brass Kits. A.Vaughan (painting Severn Models buildings kits & others) 5 48 2016 Article: An L&YR Class 27 0-6-0 converted from an N Brass SECR Class C loco kit. R.Hodgkins 5 52 2016 Members’ projects: Adding corridor connections to an Invicta Models RTC Trib van. G.Hedges 5 57 2016 Article: Track. Various authors (getting the best out of N gauge track) 5 58 2016 Article: London Bridge Station Footbridge – part 3. G.Hedges (scratch-building a prototype structure) 5 66 2016 Layout: Horseblock Lane. N.Cooper (minimum space modern shunting layout) 5 70 2016 Article: Fitting an N Brass Loco Bulleid bogie. A.Daniell 5 74 2016 Article: Trees at a Truncated Price. M.Jeenes 5 78 2016 Article: Photography Tips. G.Hedges 5 80 2016 Modelling Mail Train: Journal Article Comment; Kit Chassis Suggestion; Dapol GWR Signals; Micro Layouts; NGS AGM Expo; Dapol Schools Locomotive; Castlefields; LMS 10000 Appeal. 5 83 2016 Society News: Chairman’s Comments 5 N1 2016 Journal Matters 5 N14 2016 Area Groups: E.Dorset; Launceston; Northants & Cambridge; W.Sussex; W.Midlands; Wiltshire Five Towns 5 N15 2016 Competition Winner: ‘Names and numbers’ 5 N16 2016 Competition: ‘James Bond and Railways’ 5 N16 2016 Letters: Beginner’s Dilemma; Journal Content; Feedback; Surprising Benefit of Membership; Appeal for Modellers 5 N18 2016 "Society News: 2016 AGM Minutes, Reports & Accounts; Annual Model Making Competition Winners; Shop News" 5 N4 2016 Editorial: Year end; Building on card 6 4 2016 Society News: 50th Anniversary Booklet; 2017 AGM 6 5 2016 What’s New in ‘N’: Product Reviews: Dapol SR/BR Type 3/Class 33 Diesel Loco; BachFar – Set of 3 China Clay Wagons (GWR grey); BachFar – Class 40 Diesel Loco; BachFar – Capital Collection (Class 47 NSE) Train Pack; Revolution Trains – TEA 102t bogie tanker; European News Round-up; Book Review – Barry-The History of the Yard and its Locos; Product Review: Nelevator Storage Device; Book Reviews: Modelling Ports & Inland Waterways; Building a Folding Model Railway Layout; Revolution Trains-New Crowd-funded Projects: Brush Class 92 loco; 35t Class B tanker; Hi-cube container; Miscellaneous Round-up: Proposed GNR 0-6-2T N2 class loco crowd-funded project; More Kits from Severn Models; Etched Crane Kit from N Brass Loco; Union Mills – RTR GWT ‘Dukedog’ 3200 class 4-4-0 loco; Another Card Kit from Smart Models; N Gauge Now magazine; TINGS report. 6 6 2016 Article: The Fell Loco – Cut and shut to create an oddball. M.Rosenbaum (diesel-mechanical loco no.10100) 6 22 2016 "Article: Bashing Chemical Wagons. G.Hedges (BP vinyl chloride monomer TDB tankers, and others)" 6 26 2016 Article: LED up the garden path. A.Courtney. (LED lighting) 6 33 2016 Model Making Competition 2016 – Classes D & E. 6 34 2016 Layout: Croftleyton Spa. D.Jones (early to mid 50s LMR/WR) 6 36 2016 Article: Compressors & generators. G.Hedges (modelling options) 6 43 2016 "Article: How to form a 6-car Class 170 (& longer class 168, 159 & 171 sets). L.Pocock" 6 46 2016 Layout: Maesglas Wagon Repair Depot. J.Alder (compact modern era) 6 48 2016 Article: Operating the Steam Railway. V.Hall (general advice on working practices) 6 52 2016 Layout: Penzance. M.Hacker (late 60s) 6 56 2016 Article: Tomytec Moving Bus System. M.Harvey (a guide for beginners) 6 62 2016 Layout: Andley. R.Graves (West country around 1967) 6 67 2016 "Article: Brushes. F.Hempsall (care, use & buying)" 6 73 2016 Layout: Monks Ferry. C.Wright (LNWR/GWR based on Birkenhead prototype) 6 76 2016 Article: Traverser for Crediton. C.Heggadon (traverser instead of fiddle yard) 6 82 2016 Article: DCC for Dummies part 2. R.Mountfield 6 84 2016 "Modelling Mail Train: DCC Loco identification; LMS 10000 Windows; LMS 10000 Appeal; Dapol Schools Loco Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6; Profitable Secondhand." 6 87 2016 Back Cover Picture – Meacham layout at TINGS 6 96 2016 Society News: Chairman’s Comments 6 N1 2016 Journal Matters 6 N10 2016 Competition Winner: ‘Connect four’ 6 N13 2016 Competition: ‘Review of the Railway Year 2016’ 6 N13 2016 Christmas ‘Fun’ competition 6 N14 2016 Letters: Prices from the Past; Doom & Gloom?; Communication; Minitrix Repair Appeal; Errors?; Medway Queen – Thanks & Project Update. 6 N14 2016 Society News: 2017 AGM; Journal Back Issues; Summary of Committee Meeting Minutes; Company Limited by Guarantee 6 N4 2016 Area Groups: Multiple Small Wagon Project; W.Cornwall; Lutterworth; Launceston; W.Midlands; Leicester; Wilts Five Towns; Starting a New Group. 6 N7 2016 Shop News 6 N9 2017 Editorial 1 4 2017 What’s New in ‘N’: NGS RTR Hunslet Shunter; NGS RTR Carflat project update; Other NGS Projects ‘in the Works’; Trade News & Reviews; Dapol ‘push pull’ Class 33/1; Union Mills Class 3200 ‘Duke Dog’; European Round-up; Modelu Figures & Accessories; Revolution Trains crowd-funded hopper; York Modelmaking Biffa Bins; Peedie WW1 British Army Hut; Dapol A4 with side valances; NGS RTR Thompson BG; Peco Publications – N Gauge Railway Modelling; Revolution Trains – Class B tankers proposal; Swansea RMG commissioned Dapol PO Wagons; 4D Modelshop – bushes; Wish List Results. 1 5 2017 Members’ projects: two for the price of one – low relief buildings kit-bashing. D.Farmer 1 18 2017 Layout: Hawthorn Flight. L.Richardson. (Aerial ropeway – Durham coastal collieries) 1 19 2017 Article: How to fit Commonwealth Bogies to Farish Blue Riband BR Mk1 coaches. C.Hardy 1 24 2017 Article: Horsing Around. M.Pinto. (upgrading the old Lima horsebox) 1 28 2017 Model Making Competition 2016 - Classes F & I 1 30 2017 Layout: Hump Shunt Marshalling Yard. M.Aston. (based on Becot late 50s/early 60s) 1 32 2017 Article: How to build and modify a 3D printed Diesel Brake Tender kit. M.Tyler 1 35 2017 Article: The Shipwrights Arms. G.Hedges. (building constructed from various materials) 1 40 2017 Article: Langston Bridge. J.Thornhill. (construction of a full length scale model of a coastal railway bridge) 1 44 2017 Article: Kitbashing a Smart Models signal box kit. A.Cockburn. 1 51 2017 Layout: Monkchester. P.Brown. (Northeastern steam) 1 52 2017 Members’ models: Truck vehicles. P.Hardiker. 1 59 2017 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time – part 1. P.Lundberg 1 60 2017 Article: Four DCC Conversions. T.Coombs 1 66 2017 Members’ models: Marylebone Station. M.Eaton. 1 72 2017 Layout: Leicester London Road Junction – part 1 – planning. D.Durrance. 1 74 2017 Modelling tip: Quick and Easy Windows 1 78 2017 Modelling Mail Train: A Good week; RTR Thompson Brake 1 & 2; 50th Booklet and Schools; Schools and Accuracy; Fell Diesel; DCC Track Cleaner; Work Table Recommendation; Operating the Real Railway; Magnetic Recommendation; Wheel Cleaning Recommendation. 1 79 2017 "Society News: Committee Post Vacancies; New 50th Anniversary RTR Product – Hunslet Shunter; NGS Exclusive Kits; 2017 Annual General Meeting; Annual Model Makin Competition; 50th Anniversary Event; Communication; Who will guard the guards themselves?; Vacancies; Website; Motor by Rail; Company Limited by Guarantee; Mentioned in Dispatches; Finally, some good news. " 1 N1 2017 Shop News 1 N10 2017 Display Stand News 1 N11 2017 "Letters: Society Accounts; Newsletter Response – 1, 2 & 3; Journal & Supplement Feedback – 1, 2 & 3; Shop Changes; 50th Event Disappointment; Minitrix Repair Appeal; Selling Up Opportunity." 1 N12 2017 Journal Matters 1 N15 2017 Competition Winner: ‘James Bond and Railways’ 1 N19 2017 Competition; ‘Back to School’ 1 N19 2017 Index: NGS Journals 2016 1 N20 2017 Area Groups: N.Lincs; W.Norfolk & Fenland; Shropshire; W.Sussex; Chester East & West; N.Wales; Wrexham; Weston Super Mare; Worldwide. 1 N7 2017 Editorial: Having a go 2 4 2017 What’s New in ‘N’: New Farish Range for 2017; Other news from Bachmann; Product Review: BachFar – BR Autotrailer Dia A38; Product Review: BachFar – Class 24 & Mk1 coaches in weathered Railway Technical Centre livery; NGS RtR Hunslet Shunter Project – further details & liveries; NGS Kit Update – Kit #55 Post 1976 Warflat & Kit #54A KSA-A ‘Cube’ Wagon; Zvezda - WW2 fighter planes; Mill Lane Sidings – Siphon Kit; Scalescenes – Modular Factory Warehouse Kit; European Round-Up; Railway Books for Research; N Scale Architect – ‘Flat Car’ Bridge; Dapol Announcements; Bottle Holders; Potential King Class Loco; RTR Pocket Wagon Announced. 2 5 2017 Article: Paris to Hong Kong in 1988 by the ‘Orient Express’. B.Rockey 2 18 2017 "Model Making Competition 2016 - Classes H, M, and N." 2 24 2017 Article: An Analogue DC Controller using an IR TV Remote. R.Miller 2 26 2017 Members’ projects: Hawker Hurricane. G.Hedges 2 29 2017 Layout: Newlingham – a beginner’s tale – the sequel. N.Walker 2 30 2017 Article: Modelling narrow boats. M.Hacker 2 35 2017 Article: An Affordable Storage Solution. A.Courtney 2 40 2017 Article: Some Musings on Scale & Proportion. P.Lundberg 2 42 2017 Photo Feature: ‘Batty Moor’ with LMS 10000 & 10001 diesel locos. 2 44 2017 Article: Sixty Years On. L.Howe 2 46 2017 Layout: Elgin. T.Burt. (Highland 1980s diesels) 2 50 2017 Article: Dioramas are Fun – Tring Lock. T.Cooney 2 52 2017 Article: British N Gauge in the 21st Century. G.Hedges 2 57 2017 Article: Cattle Traffic. N.E.O’Phyte 2 62 2017 Article: How to Motorise a Boris Bus using a Tomytec Chassis. M.Harvey 2 64 2017 Article: Building Inspiration. I.Brierley 2 68 2017 Article: DCC for Dummies – Part 3. R.Mounfield 2 70 2017 Article: A Fleet of A3s. L.Richardson 2 72 2017 Members’ models: Scratch-built & kit-bashed vehicle models. P.Hardiker 2 76 2017 Modelling Mail Train: Point Terminology; Running Issues; Non-freewheeling Wagons; Little People; LMS 10000 Diesel; 50th Anniversary Booklet Feedback; DCC Conversions; Dapol A4 with Valances; Commonwealth Bogies & Panniers; NGS RTR Shunter; Horsing Around; To DCC or Not? 2 77 2017 Society News: 2017 Annual General Meeting; Committee Post Vacancies; 50th Anniversary Event; Journal Submissions; RTR Hunslet Shunter project. 2 N1 2017 Letters: Journal Feedback; Competition 1/17; Westwater and Kirk Kits. 2 N14 2017 Competition Winner: ‘Railway of the Year 2016’ 2 N15 2017 Competition: ‘Now That’s What I Call a Railway Lyric Quiz’ 2 N15 2017 Chairman’s Update 2 N5 2017 Area Groups: Launceston 2 N7 2017 Shop News 2 N8 2017 General Secretary’s Reports 2 N9 2017 "Editorial: Concessions, compression and compromise (in our modelling)" 3 4 2017 What’s New in ‘N’: New NGS Website Goes Live; Product Review: BachFar – 5041 Tiverton Castle early totem; Product Review: BachFar – Class 37/4 37421 Colas livery; Tomix moving bus set; Bachmann Collectors Club; NGS RTR Carflat Wagon Project Update; Product Review: BachFar – Network SouthEast Coaches; Dapol shelve N Gauge product plans; New Building Kit Ranges; Product Review: Gaugemaster/Dapol Class 73; Crowd-funded King Class Locomotive; More ‘Download and Print’ Kits; European News Round-up; Miscellaneous Round-up; TINGS 2017. 3 5 2017 Layout: Chacewater junction. J.Short. (Fictional West Cornwall GWR branch line) 3 19 2017 Article: How to Join Baseboards. J.Woods 3 26 2017 Article: Bridges for Model Railways. R.Hodgkinson. 3 28 2017 Article: An Infra-red Arduino Point and Route Controller. R.Miller. 3 34 2017 Article: How to Finish 3D Printed Cars. G.Hedges. 3 36 2017 Article: The First & Last. R.Moss. (‘The attempts of one old codger in trying his hand’) 3 41 2017 Centre pages spread: Vale of Oxbury. C.Woodward 3 44 2017 Article: Some Foreign Trams. L.Richardson. 3 46 2017 Article: Catch & Trap Points. N.E.O’Phyte. 3 52 2017 Layout: American Expanse in Germany. M.Hacker. (A prototypically operated American modular N gauge layout) 3 54 2017 Article: Airbrushing – A new approach. F.Hempsall. 3 58 2017 Members’ models: Pre-grouping era locomotives. N.Beischer. 3 61 2017 Article: How to Install Coach Lighting. N.Leaver. 3 62 2017 Article: Semaphore Signals. J.Wilshaw. (How working signals for his layouts were built and developed) 3 68 2017 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time – part 2 – Southern England era 3. P.Lundberg 3 70 2017 Article: Hoover bashing. G.Hedges. 3 75 2017 Article: Designs for Narrow Baseboards. T.Braddick. 3 78 2017 "Modelling Mail Train: Model Availability; Minitrix Servicing; N2 Musings, 1 & 2; New Technology; Birches Head; To DCC or Not?; Research Accuracy; Panniers, 1 & 2; Uniformed Figures, 1 & 2." 3 79 2017 Shop News 3 N1 2017 Competition Winner: ‘Back to School’ quiz 3 N11 2017 Competition: ‘The Police’ 3 N11 2017 Letter: Journal 2/17 3 N11 2017 Chairman’s Update 3 N3 2017 Area Groups: Yorkshire; W.Sussex; Weston-super-Mare. 3 N4 2017 Exhibition Report – Berkshire AG Open Day 3 N6 2017 General Secretary’s Reports 3 N7 2017 Journal Matters 3 N8 2017 Editorial: Having a bash at building bashing 4 4 2017 "What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Exclusive Peco Wagons; NGS Product Development Update - RTR Hunslet Shunter, Military Vehicles, RTR Carflat A Wagon, Post 1976 Warflat Kit; Product Review: DJM Mermaid Wagon; NGS Vanwide Kit; Revolution Trains Next Wagon Project; Overseas News Round-up; Miscellaneous Round-up: Scalescenes new Download & Print Kit, New RTR Wagons, New Metcalfe Kit, New N Gauge Benches, Pennine Wagons Commissioned Tankers, New Track-side Diorama Kit; DEMU Showcase Report; RTR SR Product Listing." 4 5 2017 Article: Urban Building Modelling. G.Hedges 4 18 2017 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time – part 3 – West Midlands & NW England era 3. P.Lundberg 4 24 2017 Article: The Empire Strikes Back. D.Farmer (building bashing – ‘Empire’ cinema) 4 30 2017 Article: Left Luggage - A Layout in a Suitcase. A.Fothergill 4 33 2017 Members’ models: GWR outside framed locos – 9017 & 7 Armstrong. D.Tomkiss 4 37 2017 Article: Decoder Installation. B.Bryant 4 38 2017 Photo Feature: 2017 AGM Cleethorpes 4 39 2017 Layout: The Ridgacre Branch. C.Morris (fictitious Birmingham steam/green diesel) 4 42 2017 Centre pages spread: Dentdale 4 46 2017 Article: Buildings in Card. W.Heath 4 48 2017 Article: 101 Deliberations. T.Buckton (Personalising a Farish Class 101 DMU) 4 53 2017 Article: The Story of a Railway. M.Davis (putting a layout together) 4 61 2017 Article: Individualising Building Kits. G.Hedges 4 64 2017 Article: Modelling Pre-Grouping GWR Passenger Stock. J. O’Reilly 4 67 2017 Article: Another Warflat. V.Hall (Society Warflat kit) 4 72 2017 Article: Building a Plasticard Low Relief Structure – part 1. G.Hedges 4 74 2017 Modelling Mail Train: Armathwaite DC or DCC?; Orient Express; Lighting Assistance; Kinky Sound; This Is My Way; DCC Power Bus; Another DCC Approach; New Technology; More on Panniers; Merchant Navy; Bridging the Tyne; More Cars Wanted; Building Kits and Cars; A Place and Time 1 & 2. 4 79 2017 Society News: NGS Products Latest; Wagon Kits Updates; Volunteer Vacancies; Main Display Stand. 4 N1 2017 Area Groups: Wilts 5 Towns; Berks; W.Sussex; Felixstowe; Specially Commissioned Wagons for AGs 4 N12 2017 Results 2017 Model Making Competition 4 N12 2017 Shop News 4 N14 2017 Committee Meeting Minutes 4 N16 2017 Journal Matters 4 N17 2017 Letters: New NGS Website 1 & 2; N Gauge Record Breakers; Article in Journal 5/10; Minitrix Loco Servicing; Class 50 Possibilities; Medway Queen Appeal. 4 N18 2017 Competition Winner: ‘Now That’s What I Call a Railway Lyric’ Quiz 4 N19 2017 Competition: ‘Household Items’ 4 N19 2017 Chairman’s Update 4 N3 2017 AGM 2017 (Cleethorpes) 4 N5 2017 NGS Accounts 2016 4 N7 2017 Editorial: Layouts Special 5 4 2017 "What’s New in ‘N’: Clearance Sale; Bachmann Press Day Report; Competition Prizes; Trade Secrets; Fine Chain, Swing-cut Scissors, Slicing card, decals, styrene sheet etc; NGS Kit News; Overseas News Round-up; DJM Mermaid Wagon; NGS Projects Update; Book Review – Weathering for Railway Modellers; New Buses from China; Sentinel Shunter Kit; 3D-printed Milk Float; Miscellaneous Round-up" 5 5 2017 Layout: James Street. S.Wright (Midlands steam/diesel) 5 18 2017 Article: Risk-free Wagon Bashing. J.Martin 5 26 2017 "Model Making Competition 2017 - Classes C, F & H" 5 31 2017 Layout: Mickleover for Radbourn (GN). K.Smith 5 34 2017 Article: Belisha Beacons for Neveton. C.Bowes 5 41 2017 Centre pages spread: Burnham-on-Sea. A.Knox 5 46 2017 Layout: A Four Scenes Layout. D.Willcock (Steam layout in two boxes hinged together) 5 48 2017 Article: How to Build a Helix. G.Bell 5 51 2017 Article: Using a Tam Valley Depot Octopus 111a Servo Driver for point operation control. D.Pearson 5 58 2017 Layout: West Coast Main Line – The Southern Section (part 1). A.Armitage (WCML 1970s) 5 60 2017 Article: Lighting a Farish Restaurant Car. P.Brown 5 68 2017 Article: Getting Started in N. T.Murray 5 69 2017 Photo Feature: Members’ Layouts – Lymebrook Yard. S.Farmer 5 74 2017 Article: A Wickham Trolley. G.Hedges 5 76 2017 Article: The Newlingham Chronicles. N.Walker (What to do next) 5 80 2017 Modelling Mail Train: Urban Effort; Colour Coding and Power Cables; Southern Steam Locos; More Cars Wanted 5 83 2017 Society News: 50th Anniversary 50% off Sale; NGS Kit Production; On Line Chat Group for Members 5 N1 2017 Journal Matters 5 N11 2017 Letters: Launceston Show; The Transfer Market; DCC Chart / Article Appeal; New Technology; A Tale of Two Terriers 5 N12 2017 Competition Winner: ‘The Police’ Quiz 5 N19 2017 Competition: ‘Americanisms’ 5 N19 2017 Chairman’s Update 5 N3 2017 Area Groups: Staffs; Wessex; Yorks; Launceston; N.Herts & District; Weston-super-Mare; Wiltshire 5 Towns; Wrexham 5 N5 2017 Shop News 5 N7 2017 Editorial: 2017 – A Great Year 6 4 2017 "What’s New in ‘N’: AGM 2018; Product Reviews: BachFar – English Electric Type 4 / Class 40; Ivatt Class 2MT; .ZDA Engineers 45t Wagon; Conflat with container; Trade Testing; NGS AG Wagons; Product Review: Peco – 15ft Wheelbase Tankers; Revolution Trains Class 320/321 Project; Overseas Round-up; Dapol Class 50 due; New Lorries & Cars – Tomytec Trucks, Oxford Diecast Cars, RailNScale Escorts; Miscellaneous News and Products Round-up; New Product Report from TINGS" 6 5 2017 Layout: Kinlet Wharf bows out. D.Rook 6 21 2017 Article: Regent Fuel Depot. M.Alder 6 22 2017 Article: Thoughts on Loco Maintenance. R.Bardsley 6 24 2017 Article: Woodland Trees. G.Hedges 6 27 2017 Layout: Tremierten – A concept in hands off shunting. A.Daniell 6 30 2017 Article: The best laid plans….a cautionary tale. J.Reading (constructing a layout) 6 34 2017 Prototype For Everything: Manufacturer’s Livery Colours Don’t Match. R.Gregory 6 37 2017 Layout: Birches Head – An Update. A.Chetwyn 6 38 2017 Article: How to Bash a Ratio Viaduct. P.Brown 6 40 2017 Article: Steam Loco Performance. D.Rook 6 45 2017 Centre pages spread: Dragonby. Photo by C.Nevard 6 46 2017 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time – part 4 – Eastern England era 3. P.Lundberg 6 48 2017 "Layout: St Johann. J.Stacey (German outline running either epoch4, 5 or 6)" 6 54 2017 Article: Before N was born. D.Troost 6 59 2017 Layout: West Coast Main Line – The Southern Section (part 2). A.Armitage (WCML 1970s) 6 62 2017 Article: How to Improve Teak Look Coaches. R.White 6 70 2017 Article: Merry-Go-Round Hoppers. N.E.O’Phyte 6 72 2017 Article: Modelling a Skip Lorry. G.Hedges 6 74 2017 Member’s Projects – Scratchbuilt models. A.Browning 6 79 2017 Model Making Competition 2017 - Classes D & R 6 80 2017 Modelling Mail Train: More on Bridges; More on Southern Locos; Pannier 54xx into a 74xx; Dentdale and Cudby; Sentinel Steam Bus; Track Code & Running Issues; Constructing a Lifting Section; Making Building Windows 6 82 2017 Society News: 2018 AGM; RTR Carflat A Wagon Prices; Display Stand Update; Area Groups Wagons 6 N1 2017 Letters: Ron Upton – Obituary; The Transfer Market; The Worldwide Group; Promoting N Gauge; IO NGS E-Group; Farish Class 40; Motorised Routemaster Bus 6 N10 2017 Competition Winner: ‘Household Items’ 6 N11 2017 Competition: ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ 6 N11 2017 Journal Matters 6 N3 2017 Area Groups: E.Dorset; Clacton & District; N.Wales; Chester; Berkshire 6 N4 2017 Chairman’s Update 6 N5 2017 General Secretary’s Report 6 N7 2017 Shop News 6 N7 2018 Editorial: 2018 – a bright fresh new year 1 4 2018 What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Newsletter; 2018 AGM; Trade News; BachFar – Class 47; NGS Hunslet 0-6-0 Shunter; NGS Exclusive Kits Round-up; DJ Models News & Projects Update; Revolution Trains News & Projects Update; Overseas Round-up; MegaPoints Controllers – Mimic Control Panel; Metcalfe Models – Re-designed Kits; N Scale Architect – New Laser Cut Ply Building Kits; Oxford – New Mini; Miscellaneous Round-up 1 5 2018 Article: Modelling West Wycombe Station. T.Cooney 1 20 2018 Members’ Models: Burston Bus Fleet. M.Adler 1 25 2018 Article: Modelling the Tay Bridge. J.Wood 1 26 2018 Layout: The Tay Bridge Layout. J.Wood 1 32 2018 Article: Exhibiting with DCC. L.Richardson 1 34 2018 Article: Colechurch House – a cardboard edifice. G.Hedges 1 38 2018 Article: Experiments with an Air Eraser. R.Bardsley 1 40 2018 "Article: St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Inner Farne. P.Brown" 1 44 2018 Centre pages spread: Invercally (‘what-if’ Scottish branch line) 1 48 2018 Article: PCV Cemflo Wagons (part 1). G.Hedges (scratch-building a rake) 1 50 2018 Model Making Competition 2017 – Classes I and N 1 54 2018 "Layout: Arisaig, S.N.Wright (West Highland Line mid 1980s)" 1 56 2018 Article: How to Make Bespoke Platforms. G.Armstrong 1 60 2018 "Layout: Grandpa’s Wonderful Railway. B.Rockey (fictitious West Country, various eras)" 1 64 2018 Article: Glazing Buildings. N.Leaver 1 70 2018 Photo Feature: Dentdale 1 76 2018 Article: My First Tender Decoder Installation. H.White 1 78 2018 Article: Vehicle Choices. G.Hedges 1 82 2018 Layout: Seabrough. M.Holt (various heritage railway operations) 1 84 2018 Article: Distressing Roofs of Mk1 Coaches using Salt and Paint. N.Monks 1 86 2018 Modelling Mail Train: Centrefold excellence; Coach end question; LNER locomotives 1 & 2; Union Mills locomotive 1 89 2018 Readers’ Letters: Before N was born; Medway Queen; NGS Discussion Group 1 N14 2018 Competition – ‘Trains in Sci-Fi’ 1 N15 2018 Competition Winner – ‘Americanisms’ 1 N15 2018 Journal Index 2017 1 N16 2018 Society News: RTR Hunslet Shunter Project; Kit Production; Main Display Stand; Shop News – RTR Bogie Carflat ‘A’; Chairman’s Update 1 N3 2018 Obituary: Peter Chesher MBE 1 N4 2018 Area Groups Reports: Launceston; Weston-super-Mare; Felixstowe; Northumberland; W.Sussex; Worldwide Gp 1 N6 2018 Editorial: Where does the Journal go now? 2 4 2018 "What’s New in ‘N’: Bachmann N Gauge News; NGS - Exclusive Carflat Wagons; Revolution Trains - Class 390 Pendolino EMU; Other Revolution Trains Projects; Dapol - Class 68; NGS Wagon Kits; Overseas Round-up; Book Review: Class 71/74 Locomotives; York Modelmaking - Church Windows; Dummy Locomotives; Red Imp Railways - Speed Cameras; N Gauge Architect - 'Stone Wall Panel System' Building Kits; Revolution Trains Update; Osborn's Models - 3D Printed Post Van; Durham Trains of Stanley & DJModels - update on proposed APT; Farish Update Report; Oxford DieCast - Hillman Imp, Military Landrover, 2018 range news." 2 5 2018 Article: 'Scottifying' a Metcalfe Kit. J.Walker (adapting a S&C kit for a Scottish layout) 2 21 2018 Article: Crompton Capers. A.Small (weathering Dapol's 33103) 2 24 2018 Article: Headcodes - a Further Examination. N.D-Sigsworth 2 28 2018 Layout: Shamford Gorge. P.Hills (a first attempt at N Gauge scenic modelling) 2 32 2018 Article: Dummies for Dummies. M.Berman (producing an unpowered class 20 chassis) 2 38 2018 Article: Air Brush Cleaning for Beginners. A.Small 2 42 2018 Centre pages spread: Brixham Bay (WW2 period layout) 2 46 2018 Article: You've Never Had It So Good. N.Walker (laser cut buildings) 2 48 2018 Article: Stephenson's Birthplace. P.Brown (building plans & tips) 2 53 2018 Layout: Welford Bridge. J.Wilshaw (GWR terminus c.1960) 2 58 2018 Article: Scratchbuilding a Static Caravan. G.Hedges 2 63 2018 Members' Layouts: Smoke Lane. G.Castell (fictional based on 1980s Avonmouth) 2 66 2018 Article: How Do You Build Your Layout? H.Carter (suggestions to help maximise enjoyment of your layout) 2 68 2018 Members’ Models: Tankodrome. J.Wills (WW1 tanks diorama) 2 71 2018 Article: Tomix Thomas Trains. B.Rockey 2 72 2018 Article: Image Stacking (a technique for photographing models) 2 77 2018 Layout: Wenlock. O.Reading (early 50s Western branch line) 2 80 2018 Members’ Models: Building Wokingham's Footbridge. D.Calderwood/D.Wright 2 83 2018 Modelling Mail Train: An Answer and a Question; Horsebox; Potential New Control System; Journal Feedback - 1 & 2; a Sense of Time and Place; Coach Ends Question; Bus Identification; Broughty Ferry 2 84 2018 Society News: Company Limited by Guarantee; Special Subjects Leaflets; Annual Model Making Competition; Kit Production Volunteers Needed - Getting (kit) Packing - Next Steps; Shop News; Chairman's Update 2 N1 2018 Readers' Letters: Article Appeal; Dining Suggestion; N Gauge Anniversary?; LNER Tank Loco; Fencing 2 N10 2018 Committee Report 2 N11 2018 Competition - 'Easter Egg' 2 N11 2018 Competition Winner - 'Twelve Days of Christmas' 2 N11 2018 Area Groups Reports: Launceston; Weston-super-Mare; Northumberland; 2 N5 2018 Editorial: Improving Standards 3 4 2018 "What’s new in ‘N’: Last Call for AGM; Graham Farish Latest: C Class 0-6-0 locomotive, TEA 100t tanker wagons, N Gauge sized figures; NGS RTR Car-flat wagons; Overseas Round-up; Download Card Kits - Scalescenes Island Platform Building, Smart Models Lineside Storage Shed; Newman Miniatures - 3D Printed Era 1 Range; Model Train Stock Software; Journal Photography; Miscellaneous Round-up: Pennine Wagons special commissions, Osborn's Laser Arch brand North Devon Trawler, N Scale Architect 3D print Oversize Naval Gun load & flat wagon models; Products Re-visited - Farish covered bogie bulk hopper. Farish BR Standard Class 3MT 2-6-2T 82001" 3 5 2018 Layout: Hilard and Coldstone Harbour. A.Kings (A freelance SR BR point-to-point layout set in the 1960s) 3 14 2018 Modelling Projects - How to build the Society's Vanwide wagon kit 61. 3 20 2018 Article: Prior Castell’s Tower. P.Brown (building the model) 3 22 2018 "Layout: Lightermans Yard (2mm finescale layout, set in South London in the 1960s)" 3 28 2018 Article: How to Make a Bespoke Crossing to match Peco code 55 track. M.Kitchen 3 30 2018 Article: Gas Holders. G.Hedges 3 32 2018 Members Layouts: Imperial Yard. P.Latham 3 37 2018 Article: Maudsley Buses in N Gauge. K.Jones 3 38 2018 Article: How to Add Etched Details to model locomotives. A.Williams 3 40 2018 Centre pages spread: Staly Vegas (Yorkshire industrial layout 1950s/60s) 3 44 2018 Article: In at the Deep End - Modelling Water Features. B.Rockey 3 48 2018 Article: A Portable Project: Rural BR LMR in 1960s. J.Pennington 3 55 2018 Article: Kit Building GWR Open Wagons. K.Kirby 3 56 2018 Article: A Layout's Tale. J.P.Lambert 3 59 2018 Article: SR Sleeper Wagon. G.Hedges 3 66 2018 Layout: St Combs. N.Raven (Canadian National in N) 3 70 2018 Article: Investing in a Nelevator. R.Mountfield 3 74 2018 Modelling Mail Train: Modelling Using Everyday Objects; DCC - Not Always a Solution; Extra Work with DCC; Trains at High Wycombe; Steam Loco Performance - Again; Backscene Recommendations; Coach Lighting Update; Dining Suggestion; Super Service; Thomas and Friends; Where Next for the Journal? - 1; Plea for 7F Model; Yesteryear Conversion. 3 77 2018 "Society News: Annual General Meeting; AGM N Gauge Show; Annual Model Making Competition; NGS Kit Decals; NGS Kit Production; 'Don't Read This, It's Private' (GDPR); Hunslet RTR Shunter Update; Chairman's Update; Shop Report." 3 N1 2018 Main Display Stand Report 3 N11 2018 The International N Gauge Show 2018 3 N11 2018 Accounts 2017 3 N12 2018 General Secretary's Report 3 N12 2018 "Competition - 'Government, Politics & Presidents'" 3 N17 2018 Competition Winner - 'Trains in Sci-Fi' 3 N17 2018 Readers' Letters: Where Next for the Journal? - 2-10; Manufacturers' Annual New Ranges; An Appeal and Thanks; Take Care Airbrush Cleaning; Contributing Articles; Assistance Required. 3 N19 2018 Area Groups Reports: Bath/E.Somerset/Wilts; Wessex; W.Sussex; Worldwide; Weston-Super-Mare; Wiltshire 5 Towns 3 N9 2018 Editorial: Building Relief 4 4 2018 "What’s New in ‘N’: NGS RTR Hunslet Shunter Project; NGS Wagon Kits Update; Gaugemaster - Static Grass Starter Set; Market Analysis Comment; Revolution Trains - Class 'B' Tankers; Crowdfunding Update; Overseas Round-up; Miscellaneous Round-up: TINGS 2018, New Oxford Diecast Vehicles, DJM Class 17 cancelled, More 3D Printed Vehicles, Graham Farish Latest, Dapol RTR Class 50 progress, Medway Queen N Gauge Wagons, Products Re-visited." 4 5 2018 Members’ Projects: Cromford Wharf and Sheep Pasture Incline. D.Bran 4 17 2018 Layout: Alderford - 'Inside Out'. R Halton (Southern Railway / Southern Region) 4 18 2018 Modelling Projects: Scratch-built Row of Low-Relief Buildings. G.Hedges 4 23 2018 Article: The Cake-Box Challenge. A.Cockburn 4 25 2018 Members' Projects: Scania Dustcart. G.Hedges (scratch-built & bashed heavyweight dustcart) 4 26 2018 Article: A Newspaper Van. J.Upton (converting a Farish Mk1 BG to a NCV/NCX Newspaper Van) 4 28 2018 Layout: Rhosteigne Revisited. N.Beischer (early 60s transition period) 4 32 2018 Article: How to Scratch-Build a Goods Shed. V.Hall 4 40 2018 Article: Sand Wagons. N.E.O'Phyte (LMS/ early BR wagon) 4 43 2018 Article: A Tale of Two Trojans. A.Daniell (Avonside 0-4-0 Saddle Tank) 4 44 2018 Centre pages spread: Wrenton. R.Beckwith (steam based in Essex) 4 46 2018 Article: The Buildings of Wrenton. R.Beckwith 4 48 2018 Article: Adopting DCC. J.Stacey 4 56 2018 Article: Fun with Helixes. P.Wilson 4 59 2018 Article: BR Type 'B' Container. R.Bardsley (converting a Peco container) 4 62 2018 Article: Poclain TY45 Digger. G.Hedges (improving and re-painting a Tomytec model) 4 64 2018 Article: More Fiddle Yard Automation. N.Leaver & G.Phillips 4 67 2018 Article: Cherryburn Barns. P.Brown (construction) 4 72 2018 Layout: Newton Abbotstoke. T.Cooney (eras 3 to 7 plus heritage West of England diorama) 4 76 2018 Layout: Bombs Away. J.Parnum (WW2 automated diorama featuring two Corgi Lancaster bombers) 4 78 2018 Modelling Mail Train: Budget Coach Fillers; Bus Models; Compressed Air Safety Advice; Improving Standards; Extra Work with DCC?; N Gauge Modelling; Steam Loco Performance again; Finer N Gauge Track 4 81 2018 Society News: Hunslet Development Progress; Annual General Meeting; Modelmaster Transfers; Australian GST; Bogies Now Available; Chairman's Update; Journal Matters; Shop Report 4 N1 2018 Readers' Letters: School Help; Coach Ends Question; Tiny Letters Misread?; Prototype Reasearch; Littlehampton Gas Holder; Mr Tilt; Where Next fro the Shop? 1 & 2; Where Next for the Journal? 1 & 2; Where Next for the Shop & Journal 4 N12 2018 Area Groups Reports: Staffs; Clacton; Felixstowe; N.Lancs; Weston-super-Mare 4 N8 2018 Competition - 'Railways of Wales' 4 N9 2018 Competition Winner - 'Easter Egg' 4 N9 2018 Editorial: Journal Content; Annual General Meeting 5 4 2018 "What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Kits uodate; Graham Farish update; Dapol update; Book reviews: Point Rodding for Modellers, BR the First 25 Years; Dapol - MJA Bogie Open Box Wagons; Calvalex Models - PGA 51t Hopper Wagon; N Scale Architect - 'Job Site' Kit; Overseas Round Up; News Snippets; RailNScale - 3D Printed Vehicles; Peco - 'Unifrog' Points; Miscellaneous Round Up" 5 6 2018 Layout: Ranoak. P.McFarlan (to run various 'mainline' length trains) 5 18 2018 Article: Bachmann 36-567/Zimo MX618 Decoder Settings for a Dapol Class 68. J.Thornhill 5 23 2018 Article: Getting Down to It. G.Lawrence (reminiscence & prelude to modelling in N gauge) 5 26 2018 Article: Cherryburn House. P.Brown (construction) 5 30 2018 Article: BR Siphon G in Blue. R.Bardsley (modelling variants) 5 36 2018 Article: An Introduction to Next18 Decoders. J.Thornhill 5 44 2018 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time – part 5 – Era 4. P.Lundberg 5 48 2018 Layout: Sossidge Street. P.Morris (60s London terminus) 5 54 2018 Members’ Projects: Constructing a freelance pannier tank loco. T.Martin 5 61 2018 Article: A Leader in N. M.Beer (construction a 'Leader' loco model) 5 62 2018 Members’ Projects: Re-purposing an ODC truck to carry a narrow boat. R.Hodge 5 67 2018 Article: How to Build an Etched Yard Crane Kit. J.O'Reilly (assembly of N Brass kit using superglue) 5 68 2018 Article: Filling Out the Ferry Fleet. A.Gibbs (ferry wagon fleet) 5 72 2018 Hints’n’Tips: A magnetic pipe load. A.Cockburn 5 76 2018 Modelling Mail Train: N Gauge Pug; Market Analysis; Alternative Couplings; Wrenton Praise; Schools Modification 5 77 2018 Society News: NGS Hunslet Progress; New NGS Kit 64 Released; New Trade Liaison Officer; AGM Report; 2018 Annual Model Making Competition Results; Chairman's Update; Shop Report 5 N1 2018 Readers' Letters: Quality Control 5 N10 2018 Competition - 'Merseyrail Stations' 5 N11 2018 "Competition Winner - 'Government, Politics and Presidents'" 5 N11 2018 Area Groups Reports: Launceston; Wessex; N.Lancs; W.Sussex; Worldwide 5 N6 2018 Editorial: This Issue 6 4 2018 What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Hunslet RTR; NGS Kit #64 BR Sand Tippler & Coil J; Scalescenes Windows; Realtrack PCA Cement Wagon; Revolution Trains IZA Cargowaggon; New from Revolution Trains; Graham Farish News; Overseas Round-up; TINGS Report; Miscellaneous Round-up; New Books 6 5 2018 Layout: Bungallow. R.Rowlands (1970s china clay dockside layout) 6 18 2018 Article: Building an Un-rebuilt Patriot. H.Staniforth 6 22 2018 Article: Roads. N.D-Sigsworth (types & widths for accurate modelling) 6 24 2018 Article: How to Assemble a Simple Kit. G Hedges (Knightwing Portakabin kit) 6 32 2018 Article: Something Like Wylam. P.Brown (over track signal box for 'Monkchester' layout) 6 34 2018 Article: Modelling a Wheat Field. D.Farmer 6 39 2018 Article: Class 33 N Focus. G.Hedges (prototypes and N gauge models) 6 42 2018 Model Making Competition 2018 - (some of the models) 6 46 2018 Centre pages spread: Layout: Newcastle-by-the-Water (Alsager Railway Association) 6 48 2018 Article: A GWR Signal with Co-acting Arms. M.Kitchen 6 50 2018 Article: Tooley Street. G.Hedges (modelling the buildings) 6 52 2018 Article: Baseboard Supports. I Dare (using metal & chipboard shelving) 6 58 2018 Article: How to Get the Best from 3D Prints. S.Da Costa 6 60 2018 Article: Cromer Models and the Dennis 'E' Bus. K.Jones 6 66 2018 Article: SR Third Rail Track. E.Palmer (how to model it) 6 68 2018 Article: Bledington Mill. S.Brasier (building constructed from solid wood blocks and embossed plasticard) 6 70 2018 Article: You've Never Had It So Good - Part 2: Westgate. N.Walker (suppliers utilised) 6 73 2018 Article: Point Rodding. R.Beckwith (made & installed on 'Wrenton') 6 78 2018 Article: Shifting Sand. S.Brasier (sand wagons) 6 81 2018 Article: Bashing a Beer Tanker. G.Hedges (articulated beer tanker truck) 6 82 2018 Modelling Mail Train: Coach Drawing; Sticky Points; Market Analysis Comment; Pugs; All About N Gauge Pugs; Tips; Last Say in End Doors; Carflat Vehicle Wheel Chocks; Carflat Running; Sound Advice 6 85 2018 Society News: NGS 2019 AGM; Future AGMs; Committee Vacancies; Hunslet RTR Project Update; Minutes of 2018 AGM; Company Limited by Guarantee; NGS Kit 18 - LMS Vans; Bachmann Press Statement; Monkchester Awards; Chairman's Update; Shop Report 6 N1 2018 Readers' Letters: Multi Scale Interest; Voluntary Contributions; Worldwide Volunteers; AMMC Feedback 1 & 2; Whither TINGS?; Purchase Disappointment; Model Matching; Journal 1 & 2; Semaphore Signals 6 N12 2018 Competition - 'Christmas Turkey' 6 N15 2018 Competition Winner - 'Railways of Wales' 6 N15 2018 Area Groups Reports: Clacton; S.W.Australia; N.Lancs; Wessex; Weston-super-Mare 6 N8 2019 Editorial: This Issue 1 4 2019 What's New in 'N': NGS Hunslet Shunter; Humber Pig Armoured Car Kit; NGS Military Vehicle Kits; Union Mills - City of Truro 4-4-0; 3D Printed Items; Warley News & Report; Hattons - LMS Beyer-Garrett 2-6-0 + 0-6-2; Bashar - weathered re-issues; NGS Kit #65 - SR * Plank Open; Newman Miniatures - new releases; RevolutioN Trains latest; Overseas Round-up; Miscellaneous Round-up 1 5 2019 Layout: ICI Wallerscote Island. E.Longinotti (re-creation of ICI soda ash storage facility and loading silos) 1 20 2019 Article: Modelling a Maunsell SR Class Z 0-8-0T. G.Hedges (white metal kit) 1 26 2019 Layout: The Other Layout. K.Smith (table-top American layout) 1 34 2019 Article: Modelling & Family History. P.Lundberg (loco rostering based on family history) 1 38 2019 Layout: Marylebone. M.Eaton (latter days of BR blue period) 1 42 2019 Article: Modelling with a Disability. T.Faulkner (arthritis and disabled) 1 47 2019 Centre pages spread: Layout - Burshaw North Western (early 70s pre-TOPS period) 1 48 2019 Article: Modelling Borough High Street SE1. G.Hedges (modelling the buildings) 1 50 2019 "Layout: Toby's Trains. P.Griffin (GWR 30s - 'Grandad, can I see your trains')" 1 56 2019 "Layout: Tregonning. M.Scane (early 60s Cornish scene, in a (largish) case)" 1 60 2019 Article: Gunpowder Vans. N.E.O'Phyte 1 66 2019 Article: More Cake? A.Cockburn (cake-box dioramas) 1 68 2019 Layout: Flaxby. K.Franklin (steam and green diesel era) 1 72 2019 Article: Oh No! Not Another Diorama. T.Cooney (industrial scene c.1960) 1 80 2019 Photo Feature: Pugs on Parade. J.Burrows 1 83 2019 Modelling Mail Train: More N Buses; Pesky Jumpers; Schools Splash; PVA Water; Evoking; Unifrog Points; Doing the Splits; More Tips; Cromer Feedback; Cromer Update; Rolling Stock Improvements 1 84 2019 Society News: NGS Hunslet wins award; Hunslet latest; NGS 2019 AGM NGS Ltd; Chairman's update 1 N1 2019 Readers' Letters: Overseas Returns; Signals - 1&2; Journal - 1-13; DC to DCC 1 N11 2019 Competition: Celebrity Railway Modellers 1 N15 2019 Competition Winner - 'Merseyrail Stations' 1 N15 2019 Shop Report & Price List 1 N5 2019 Area Groups News 1 N7 2019 Editorial: All Change 2 4 2019 What's New in 'N': Farish's New 2019 Model Range; Trade Report Round-up; Continental Round-up; Miscellaneous Round-up; British Micro Layouts at Stuttgart 2018; N-Scenic Gas Holder Kit; BachFar Class 8 RfD Livery; BachFar BR Mk2 FK First Corridor BR(SR) Green 13389 2 5 2019 Article: Photographing Flaxby. K.Franklin (photography advice) 2 19 2019 Layout: Exverton. S.Ash (fictitious location on Exe Valley Railway - closed 1963) 2 24 2019 Article: Modelling St Thomas Street SE1. G.Hedges (modelling the buildings) 2 30 2019 Layout: Dent Head. B.Souster (modern day Settle & Carlisle - part 1) 2 36 2019 Article: The Abbey Line. N.Monks. (prototype inspiration - former LNWR line Watford - St Albans) 2 40 2019 Layout: Longwaite. G.Lawrence (photographs of steam-based mainline layout) 2 46 2019 Layout: Chrisingham - The Last Hurrah. C.Bingham (multi-era non-regional fictional layout) 2 48 2019 Article: Constructing an LNWR Precursor. P.Lundberg 2 58 2019 Article: Freight Stock for James Street. D.Cooper & M.Daw (BR era 1958-1962) 2 62 2019 Article: Modelling Tips - Toning Down Colour. G.Hedges (preventing scenics appearing too garish) 2 67 2019 Layout: Whitbury Cement Works. P.Whittaker (featuring complete cement manufacturing facility) 2 68 2019 Article: Exhibiting in N. G.Hedges 2 72 2019 Article: Canopy Bashing. J.Wood (kit bashing platform canopies) 2 74 2019 Layout: Carrow Lane. S.Hughes (fictitious late 50s/early 60s based on Colmans Norwich factory) 2 76 2019 Article: Hayesgate. R.Hayes (a layout story) 2 81 2019 Article: Timber Framed House Hack. T.Martin (using Metcalfe timber framed shop kit) 2 84 2019 Modelling Mail Train: Hunslet Paradise; Devon Belle Observation Car; Complementary New Farish; Details and Performance; More Gunpowder; Model Matching; Journal Feedback; LNER Brewer Garratt; Signals; 3D Printing Service Proposal 2 85 2019 Society News: Hunslet Update; Committee Vacancies; Membership Renewals; Chairman's Update 2 N1 2019 Readers' Letters: Medway Queen Support; Journal & Inspiration; Journal Format - ½ 2 N11 2019 Shop Price List 2 N12 2019 Competition - 'Gone Fishin'' 2 N14 2019 Competition Winner - 'Christmas Turkey' 2 N14 2019 Area Groups News 2 N6 2019 Editorial: The Last One 3 4 2019 What's New in 'N' and Reviews: NGS Product Development; Trade Round Up report; Farish Update; DJM/Digitrains Update; Osborn's Commer Walk-Thru Van; Sonic Models: VEA van & 56xx 0-6-2 Loco; NGS Kit 66 BR Lowfit/Twin Bolster; New Bachmann Collectors Club Loco -Class 8 in Longmoor Military Railway livery; Farish rolling stock items: SE7CR Birdcage Coaches; BR RfD VGA Sliding Wall Van; BR Rail Stores 12T ZRB Ventilated Van; BR RfD BDA Bogie Bolster Wagon; Revolution Trains Update; Overseas Round-up; Peco Update; Scalescene Boats; Miscellaneous Round-up 3 5 2019 Layout: Blackwell Lane - A bit of a cheat. M.Warburton. (Small diesel shed layout purchased on Ebay) 3 16 2019 Article: Modelling GWR Departmental Brake Vans. D.Weaver 3 20 2019 Article: K&B Models. K.Jones 3 24 2019 Article: Loading Coal Wagons. L.McNally (Filling coal wagaons on a colliery layout) 3 26 2019 Layout: Castle Bingham. K.Bingham (Varied eras on two levels) 3 31 2019 Article: Simple Scenics. D.Pearson 3 36 2019 Article: Building a GWR 0-6-0ST. J.O'Reilly (Pre-grouping Class 1501 open cab saddle tank) 3 39 2019 Article: Installing Dapol OHLE Masts. J.Buisson 3 46 2019 Members' Projects: Two Peco Loco Kits. D.Tomkiss (Peckett 0-4-0ST & Wardle 0-4-0) 3 48 2019 Centre pages spread: London Bridge. (Scratch-built urban buildings) 3 50 2019 Article: Detailing a Union Mills J25 Locomotive. R.Keeton 3 52 2019 "Article: Simple, cheap & easy tarpaulins. D.Graham" 3 57 2019 Layout: Introducing Rothley. D.Pearson (based on RM's October 2013 'Plan of the Month') 3 58 2019 Article: Tomytec Vehicle System. D.Troost 3 62 2019 Article: Evoking a Sense of Place & Time - part 6 - Era 5. P.Lundberg 3 65 2019 Article: Tremendous Trees. R.Beckwith (Tree modelling experimentation) 3 72 2019 Article: Peterloo Coaling Stage. P.Hills 3 76 2019 Layout: Amerton Ford (also known as ESSA). I.J.D.Roberts (WWll Army Supply Depot) 3 79 2019 Article: Moving Vehicles using the Faller Road System. N.Leaver 3 82 2019 "Modelling Mail Train: End of the line; Cheaper and easier with A4; Piano Wire; Exhibiting; Well wishing 1, 2 & 3; And finally." 3 90 2019 Photo Feature; Wrenton. R.Beckwith 3 92 2019 Society News: The NGS Helpline is back; NGS Decals; Hunslet production in the final straight. 3 N1 2019 Annual Model Making Competition 2019 3 N11 2019 Area Groups News 3 N12 2019 Chairman's Update 3 N13 2019 Readers' Letters: Annual Model Making Competition; Journal Editor; Misnamed Brew; Journal Size. 3 N16 2019 Annual General Meeting 2019 3 N3 2019 Competition - 'Photographer Anagrams' 3 N6 2019 Competition Winner - 'Celebrity Modellers' 3 N6 2019 NGS Accounts 2018 3 N7 2019 Editorial 4 4 2019 What's New in 'N' and Reviews: Dapol; Farish; Gaugemaster; The Wagon Yard; Osborns; Continental New Items; BachFar BR Mk1 Pullman FO Dirst Open (ex Second Parlour) Blue/Grey era 7; BachFar Twin Pack FIA Intermodal Bogie Wagons with Containers era 9; NGS Hunslet Production Update; Revolution Trains; Kernow - new shop in Guildford; The Wagon Yard; IPA Car Carriers from Revolution. 4 5 2019 Article: A Coreless Motor Upgrade for the Dapol 14xx. M.Kitchen 4 16 2019 Article: Exhibition Experiences and the Need for a Timetable. N.Walker 4 22 2019 Article: Modelling GWR Gas Tanks. D.Weaver 4 30 2019 Article: An unusual model of a unique bus. K.Jones 4 39 2019 Layout: Nawton. J Browning (North Eastern Railway line between Gilling & Pickering) 4 42 2019 Article: A GWR 6T Goods Yard Crane. M.Kitchen 4 48 2019 Article: A layout in a Gun Case. I.Redman 4 51 2019 "Layout: Knot Littlefield. R.Hart & J.Cox. (modern image 1990-2000 plus heritage, and real water!)" 4 56 2019 Article: Mixing and matching Wagon Kits. J.Grey 4 62 2019 Layout: Dent Head. B.Souster (modern day Settle & Carlisle - part 2) 4 64 2019 Article: 1:143 Model Railways. K.Jons 4 72 2019 "Layout: Memory Lane. S.Whitmore (includes sound, smells and sights)" 4 76 2019 Chairman's Update 4 N1 2019 Article: NGS Bogie Bolster D Kits. N.Leaver 4 N3 2019 Area Groups News 4 N4 2019 NGS Committee Meeting 27th January 2019 Minutes 4 N5 2019 Competition - 'Named Railway Lines' 4 N8 2019 Competition Winner - 'Gone Fishin' 4 N8 2019 Shop Price List 4 N9 2019 Editorial 5 4 2019 What's New in 'N' and Reviews: Various releases summary; BachFar: C Class 1294 Southern Black; BR 102T TEA Bogie Tank Wagon 'Gulf' Black weathered; BR Mk1 Second Corridor & Brake Second Corridor 'Sealink'; Medway Queen Engineers' Tool Vans; The Wagon Yard - Limited edition Private Owner Wagons; Pennine Wagons - Murgatroyd Salt Wagon & M/c Shp Canal Railway 21T Brake Van; Frykmodell - Sileage Harvester; Swansea RMG - 12T 7-plank F & E Poole; New York Central Historical Society - 'Lines West' Station kit; Revolution - IPA Car Carriers; Sonic Models - GWR/BR(W) 56xx 0-6-2 Loco; Revolution/Rapido - further Virgin Pendolino models; Revolution/C-Rail - 30' Bulktainers; British Finescale - Code 40 Flat Bottom Concrete Sleeper Turnouts; Mill Lane Sidings - products passed on to York Model Making & BH Enterprises. 5 6 2019 Layout: Rheinbrucke. B.Martin (Rhine Valley modern era) 5 20 2019 Photo Feature: Rural LMR in the 1950s revisited. J.Pennington 5 41 2019 Photo Feature: Warwell Wagon (ref.NGS kit 50A) 5 44 2019 Centre pages spread: From Rob Elliot's layout - Wainwright C Class leaves Lostwithiel for Par. 5 46 2019 Article: Lincoln St Marks - a steam era diorama with a working turntable. S.Wright 5 48 2019 Article: Basic Beginner's Guide and Tips for Solderin Etched Kits. S.Da Costa 5 58 2019 Article: NGS Kit 65 - SR 8-plank Wagon - Two variants. N.Leaver 5 68 2019 Article: A cheap and simple DIY track cleaning wagon idea. C.Hardy 5 70 2019 Article: The train now arriving is… Crowdfunded! B.Ando 5 76 2019 Article: From baseboard to keyboard - how to write for the NGS Journal. B.Ando 5 82 2019 Mail Train: End of the Line; NGS Journal Revamp; A4/A5 debate; Sea foam trees; Crowdfunding isn't for me; So much for standards! 5 84 2019 Society News: Hunslet Production update; Kit Production report; Chairman's Report to 2019 AGM. 5 N1 2019 Competition - 'Cars & Railways' 5 N10 2019 Competition Winner - 'Photographer Anagrams' 5 N10 2019 Shop Report & Price List 5 N11 2019 Area Groups News 5 N3 2019 Chairman's Report 5 N3 2019 NGS AGM at Marks Tey (layouts pictures feature) 5 N5 2019 Editorial 6 4 2019 "What's New in 'N' and Reviews: Metcalfe - new kits; Peco - Turntable Motor; BachFar - WD Austerity 2-8-0; Bogie Bolster Wagon WD WW1 Khaki with load; Dapol - Class50; Osborns Models - Ransomes & Rapier 45T Crane; The Wagon Yard - limited edition private owner wagons; Dapol - 6-wheel 'St Ivel' milk tanker; Engee Publishing - Spotter's Guide to British Locomotives in N Gauge (combined volume 2020); Continental New Items; Revolution Trains - Class A Tanker, MTV 'Zander' wagon; Sonic Models - GWR/BR(W) 56xx 0 -6-2 loco; Revolution Trains - Class 313 & 314 3-car PEP units, VTG PWA Ecofret wagon, STVA car carriers, class 320 & 321 EMUs, proposed Cemflo cement wagon." 6 5 2019 Layout: Coed Helen. I.Coe (Welsh coastal layout in N and Z) 6 24 2019 Article: Etches for Society Kits. The Kit Production Team 6 32 2019 Article: The British Outline N Gauge Models Produced by Minitrix - part 1: 1969-1979. J.Heath 6 34 2019 Article: Helicopter Review. K.Jones 6 44 2019 Article: LMS 40-ton bogie brake van. M.J.Bowler (bashed from Farish LMS 20-ton brake vans) 6 46 2019 Layout: Swansea Yard and Swanport. B.Souster (modern version) 6 54 2019 Article: Hw to video your layout with didgital and micro cameras. K.Smith 6 58 2019 Layout: Trinity Road - a first layout. N.Harding (60s fictitious S.Manchester cross-city through station) 6 65 2019 Layout: Lostwithiel. R.Elliott (50s/60s Western Region) 6 75 2019 "Mail Train: Journal feedback 1,2 & 3; Inspired to write!; Rheinbrucke 1 & 2; TOPS codes; Celebrating 20 years." 6 86 2019 Society News: Hunslet Production update; Kit Production report; Chairman's Update. 6 N1 2019 Area Groups News 6 N2 2019 Shop Report 6 N4 2019 Competition - Word Search 6 N5 2019 Competition Winner - 'Named Railway Lines' 6 N5 2019 Photo Feature: N Gauge layouts at the Hornby Great Electric Train Show 12-13 October 2019. 6 N7 2019 Shop Price List 6 N8 2020 Editorial 1 4 2020 "What’s New in ‘N’: Farish: 31602 in Network Rail Yellow (Era 9), 31154 in large logo BR Railfreight Grey (Era 6/7), Stanier 8F 48608 in early crest BR black (Era 4/5), Stanier 8F 48773 in late crest BR black DCC-sound fitted (Era 5/6), HKA Bogie Hopper Wagons in 3 liveries. Gaugemaster/Dapol: seven 7-plank PO wagons with historical links to Sussex, Class 73 electro-diesels in six liveries; Gaugemaster/Minitrix: Track cleaner wagon GM2420101 in Network Rail livery. The Wagon Yard/Peco: four limited edition PO 14-ton tank wagons. Osborn’s Models: Dennius RS fire engine. Pennine Wagons/Peco: two limited edition PO wagons (1 salt, 1 tank). N-Scenic: Grand Canopy kit. N Scale Architect: ‘Roadside Eats’ – latest addition to ‘Trackside Series’ of kits. Revolution Trains: KUA four-bogie 150t nuclear flask wagon, PFA 4-wheel container flat, Class 92 locos, GWR/BR(W) 56XX 0-6-2 tank loco, Class 321 EMU, Class 128 parcels railcar. Introduction to the NGS WorldWide Group. KR Models: ‘Fell loco 10100." 1 5 2020 Layout: Orton. D.Avery (ex GWR branchline station set in green diesel Transition Era) 1 18 2020 Article: BR Hawksworth Full Brake in BR Blue. R.Bardsley 1 20 2020 "Article: Scratchbuilding a retaining wall using card, plasticard, resin & brass. J.Arbon" 1 24 2020 Article: BR generator van from an NGS Mk1 horsebos. N.Monks 1 33 2020 Article: The British Outline N Gauge Models Produced by Minitrix – part 2: 1980-1988. J.Heath 1 34 2020 Layout: Shirebrook. D&J Hunnisett (BR diesels & freight-only lines) 1 44 2020 Layout: Modelling Rothley: a quest for authenticity. R.Clark (1957-1963) 1 52 2020 Article: Southdown open-top bus. K.Jones 1 61 2020 Article: Doing battle with the NGS Warwell kit. M.J.Bowler 1 62 2020 Article: Broad Gauge South Wales Railway ‘Rob Roy’ class locomotive. D.J.Tomkdiss 1 66 2020 Article: Using stripboard on model railways. C.Bowes 1 68 2020 Article: Building the N Gauge Mill Lane Sidings VIX Ferry Van. P.Cheffings 1 74 2020 "Layout: Watlingford. F.Gallone, C.Ovens, T.Bloomfield, I.Child (BR(W) 1959-66 transition era)" 1 79 2020 "Mail Train: NGS feedback; Another vote for A4!; Minitrix 1, 2 & 3; More Overseas Outline in the Society." 1 86 2020 Society News: Society AGM 2020; 2019 Annual Model Making Competition Report; Decals Update; Society Display Stand Manager; Hunslet Production Update; Chairman’s Update. 1 N1 2020 Competition Winner – ‘Cars and Railways’ 1 N12 2020 Competition – ‘Flowers and Trains’ 1 N12 2020 Journal Index 2019 1 N13 2020 Area Groups News 1 N4 2020 NGS Shop Report 1 N7 2020 N Gauge Society Ltd Privacy Notice 1 N8 2020 Editorial 2 4 2020 What’s New in ‘N’: Gaugemaster Collection:– Network Rail Track Cleaning Vehicle – Class 43 HST – GWR Final Days Celebrity Set – Network Rail Measurement Train – GWR Castle Set; Dapol:- Class 52 – Class 33 – Class 26; Revolution Trains:- HOA Aggregates Hopper Wagons; The Wagon Yard:- DCL Grain Wagon; NGS approves BR Ferryvan CAD; N Scale Architect:- Flag Stop Station; Revolution/Accurascale:- Cemflo Cement Wagons; Revolution:- KUA Nuclear Flask Wagon; FineTrax:- Concrete Sleeper Turnout Kits; OSBORNS Models:- ‘Culham Connection’ Twin-pack; Revolution:- BR Sturgeon; Continental New Items. 2 5 2020 "Article: Commemorating the Peco ‘Jubilee’. A.V.Cummings, G.Knowles, N.Monks" 2 24 2020 Layout: Aldeford progress report – the Treacle Mine. R.Halton (Southern Railway / Southern Region) 2 31 2020 Layout: The Tay Bridge – Part 2: The Station. J.Wood 2 36 2020 Article: Animated Scenery on ‘Ranoak’. P.McFarlan 2 44 2020 Article: Simple but effective scratchbuilt fencing. J.Brown 2 48 2020 Layout: Kankakee Belt. J.Grey (New York Central railroad late 60s) 2 50 2020 "Article: Kato, Gesso, Modello Prospettico: an experiment in an A3 box-file. J.Bradshaw" 2 54 2020 Article: Updating a little GEM: building an old whitemetal kit to modern standards. A.V.Cumming 2 62 2020 Layout: Bridgewater: A Network Southeast layout. G.Abrahams 2 70 2020 Article: Eheim Trolleybus System. K.Jones 2 74 2020 Article: Kato’s Kokuden Units: starter sets with history. I.L Barwick 2 80 2020 Article: Scratchbuilding a Farmhouse. D.Kay 2 83 2020 "Mail Train: Journal 1/20, 1,2 & 3; More on A4 vs A5; Rothley and prototypical train formations." 2 86 2020 Society News: Society AGM & Convention; Annual Model Making Competition; Future of the NGS Stand; Hunslet Production Update; Chairman’s Update 2 N1 2020 Area Groups News 2 N3 2020 NGS Shop Report 2 N5 2020 Competition – ‘Horses and Railways’ 2 N7 2020 Editorial 3 4 2020 What’s New in ‘N’: Dapol:- Class 26 D5316 BR Green; Model Train Catalogue (MTC); Farish:- Class 70; Peco:- 7-plank ‘Phorpres’ bricks wagon; The Wagon Yard:- 3 limited edition PO wagons – Dapol Class 66 set with six container wagons with loads; N Gauge Now:- magazine issue 21/Spring 2020; Pennine Wagons:- two special commission vans; Revolution Trains:- HOA Aggregates Hopper Wagons – Ecofret FWA Container Flats - KUA Nuclear Flask Wagon – Sonic 56xx additional liveries/numbers; The Scottish Railway Preservation Society – 60th Anniversary; Osborn’s Models:- Thames Traders road vehicles; Bus kit:- LGOC B-type Bus; Swansea Railway Modellers Group:- Limited Edition Dapol PO Wagon; Continental New Items. 3 5 2020 Article: Bus Scenarios. K.Jones 3 22 2020 Layout: Stanburn: Time Travel on the Cheap. D.Argles (fictional 50s LMS layout) 3 28 2020 Article: Mobile Solder Station. T.Faulkner 3 34 2020 "Article: Era 1, 2 & 3 Wagons. J.Brown" 3 36 2020 Article: NGS Kit 72: PTA/JTA/JUA Iron Ore Tipplers. N.Leaver 3 41 2020 Article: Exhibiting Realism: The Locomotives of James Street. D.Cooper & M.Daw 3 44 2020 Layout: Par Road: A Western Region layout set in the 70s and 80s. M.B.Sergeant 3 54 2020 Layout: Witches Hollow – a solo effort. A.Brunskill (Northwestern location based on Settle-Carlisle) 3 62 2020 Article: Controller Powered DC Power Supply. C.Bowes 3 70 2020 Layout: Toy Shop – A Christmas micro-layout. A.Fothergill 3 73 2020 "Mail Train: Kato Unitrack; Something for the Society to consider?; Cost of the hobby; It wouldn’t be a proper Mail Train id we didn’t discuss A4 vs A5, would it?; Not just A4 vs A5, but also criticism vs volunteerism; Non-British railway modelling; Tay Bridge memories; Three Shredded Wheat?! – any NGS members feel like sharing their own conversions? Simple(?) fencing; Thumbs up for the ‘Jubilee’ article; ‘Jubilee’ memories; And even more ‘Jubilee’ memories…; Couplings that don’t work correctly." 3 80 2020 Layout: A Stroll Around Wrenton. R.Beckwith. (buildings on the layout) 3 86 2020 Chairman’s Update 3 N1 2020 NGS 2019 Accounts 3 N2 2020 Hunslet Production Update 3 N3 2020 Area Groups News 3 N3 2020 NGS Shop Report 3 N5 2020 Competition Winner – Southern Word Search 3 N7 2020 Competition – ‘Wooden Railways’ 3 N7 2020 Editorial: 4 4 2020 What’s New in ’N’: NGS Kit Development Update – BR 40t Girder Wagon; Dapol:- Class 33 – Class 66 ‘Capt. Tom Moore’ – Class 142 Pacer – Mk 3 Sleeper Coaches; Electra Rail:- coach etc side vinyls; Graham Farish:- Thompson Coaches; The Wagon Yard:- special edition PO wagons etc; Continental New Items; Rovolution Trains round-up: summer 2020. 4 5 2020 Layout: Yn y Coed twinned with Unter den Baumen. K.Jones (Welsh Nn3 OR German Z gauge) 4 22 2020 Article: A personal appreciation of the Dapol HST in GWR green. L.Whaley 4 28 2020 Lockdown Showcase 1: submissions by members of projects undertaken during the Covid lockdown: NGS Shark & PTA/JTA/JUA hoppers (A.Williams); 4-wheeled coaches using Peco wagon kits (A.Arnold); Nuclear flask trains (B.Bryant); Layout ‘Watlingford’ (F.Gallone); Sage advice (B.Hunt); Layout ‘Over the Stour’ (K.B-Jones); Osborn’s vehicle kits (J.Thornhill); English Electric prototype D0226 (S.Searson); Building buildings (M.Taylor); 4 30 2020 Layout: St Mary Mead Heritage Railway – A Quart in a Pint Pot. A.Arnold 4 40 2020 Article: A Tale of Two Dioramas. T.Cooney 4 54 2020 Article: A simple way to run a lower voltage accessory from a higher voltage DC power supply. C.Bowes 4 60 2020 Layout: Filton TMD. A.Williams (Era 8/9 transition) 4 62 2020 Article: Four Wheelers from California. B.Russell (pre-grouping UK coaches) 4 68 2020 Article: A Quick Look at Petite Properties. M.B.Sergeant (building card kits) 4 72 2020 Article: Up-cycling Lima wagons. M.Kitchen 4 74 2020 Article: Two generations of Southern Push Pull. P.Rowntree 4 78 2020 Layout: Alderford Progress Report: Wanborough Docks. R.Halton 4 81 2020 "Mail Train: Peco ‘Jubilee’ conversions; A4/A5 – no more, please!; Oh, but size matters!; Shredded Wheat Promotions 1, 2 & 3; Hunslet anticipation & Journal feedback; Couplings that don’t work correctly revisited; Seriously good ballast; A prototype for everything?; Some more, and even more, on A4/A5." 4 82 2020 Chaiman’s Update 4 N1 2020 Hunslet Production Update 4 N2 2020 E-journals 4 N2 2020 Area Groups News 4 N3 2020 Competition Winner – ‘Flowers and Trains’ 4 N6 2020 Competition – Cryptic Word Link 4 N6 2020 Editorial 5 4 2020 What’s New in ‘N’: Bachmann new products for 2020 – EFE Rail BR Class 17 – EFE Rail ‘Mermaid’ ballast wagons – Graham Farish Mk 1 coaches; Stonecraft – ready-to-plant buildings; Osborn’s Models – modern tractor – D1000 ‘Western Enterprise’ in weathered desert sand; Dapol – three new class 66 liveries – class 43 twin packs – Maunsell carriages – new DVTs – GWR 57xx Pannier Tanks; N-Scenic – new industrial building; The Wagon Yard – new PO wagons; Continental new items; Review – Bachmann LNER/BR Thompson coaches; Review – Graham Farish LMS 3F ‘Jinty’ 0-6-0T; Review – EFE Rail Class 17 diesel locomotive; Revolution Trains – Class A tankers – various progress news; N Gauge Forum 10th Anniversary. 5 6 2020 Article: Building Ramps. C.Ames (curved gradient) 5 24 2020 Article: HOBC5 (High Output Ballast Cleaner). D.Calderwood (‘a long-term project nearing completion’) 5 28 2020 Layout: The Works – A Micro Industrial Layout. K.Jones (built in a double-video case) 5 34 2020 Lockdown Showcase 2: submissions by members of projects undertaken during the Covid lockdown: Three kit-built and modified steam locomotives (A.Cumming); Canopy lights for 6A Chester Midland engine shed layout (B.Bryant); LGOC bus kit converted into a WW1 troop carrier (K.Jones); A dovecote (M.Pearce); Motorised pit headstocks (M.Roch); LSWR no.1 goods shed and type-4 signal box (N.Jones); Level 5 heavy repair shop (P.Sabin); Progress on Blackford Central Station (A.Stephenson); ‘Loch Down Scrapyard’ diorama (T.Cooney); ‘From Up On Poppy Hill’ T-Trak module (V.Durepaire). 5 36 2020 Layout: Burnham-on-Sea – an introduction to focus stacking software. I.Skinner (successful layout pics) 5 45 2020 Article: Take Inspiration – or what to do with a brace of Borails and Weltrols. S.Hands (a train for oversized concrete products) 5 50 2020 Layout: Four Feather Falls. S.Searson (a ‘Lone Star’ Treble-O-lectric -layout) 5 56 2020 Layout: London Ludgate. R.Smith (60s mostly steam) 5 64 2020 Article: How do Osborn’s Models make their kits? M.Pearce 5 71 2020 Article: Workers Cottages: modifying a Petite Properties kit. N.Dibben 5 75 2020 Article: Zimbabwean Garratts. I.Mumford 5 78 2020 "Mail Train: Death of the kit-builder?; ‘Jubilee’ observations; Money-saving tips and ideas; Not-so-steely Thompsons; Shredded Wheat coach conversions; …and locomotives; Uncoupled #1 & 2; e-Journal experience; And finally, some kind words…" 5 82 2020 Chairman’s Update: Sustainability 5 N1 2020 Hunslet Shipping and Distribution Update 5 N2 2020 Society Kit Development Update 5 N2 2020 Competition Winner – ‘Horses and Railways’ 5 N5 2020 Competition – Class50 5 N5 2020 Area Groups News 5 N7 2020 Editorial 6 4 2020 "What’s New in ‘N’: Review, development, finance & testing: NGS Hunslet 0-6-0 DH Industrial Shunter; News: Revolution; News: The Vibefilm Project; News: The N Scale Architect; News: Crowood – “Modelling the Welsh Narrow Gauge Railways” by Chris Ford; News: Dave’s Decals; News: Just N Gauge; News: Continental Items; Review: Graham Farish Mk 2F coaches; Review: Kato ‘Silver Streak’ Bookset; Review: N Gauge Now (issue 23/Autumn 2020); Review: Marvin Model Railway Accessories." 6 5 2020 Layout: Bethvale: joy in a toolbox. S.Hands (fictitious layout in a toolbox for the granddaughter) 6 28 2020 Article: A quick ‘how-to’ guide to Shredded Wheat coaches. D.Graham (tips for conversions) 6 34 2020 Article: Controlling locomotives by radio. R.Cheers 6 39 2020 Layout: Normaltea Halt: a micro layout and test track. A.Fothergill 6 48 2020 Article: DC Sounds. I.Mumford 6 54 2020 Article: Scratchbuilding Coffey’s Café. D.Kay 6 56 2020 Article: My adventures with SCARM. I.Cairns (‘Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller’ design package) 6 59 2020 Layout: ‘6A’ Chester Midland Engine Shed: the COVID-19 upgrade. B.Bryant (exhibiting & improvements) 6 64 2020 Article: Mathieson Models: a review for modellers and collectors. A.Charles (7-plank anthracite wagons produced between 2010 and 2013) 6 70 2020 Article: Hand operated semaphore signals. I.Skinner 6 76 2020 Layout: Southwark Bridge. G.Bridge (fictional London layout) 6 82 2020 Lockdown Showcase 3: submissions by members of projects undertaken during the Covid lockdown: Beaver whitemetal J63 (A.Pulleyn); Ruston-Bucyrus face shovel (C.Allanson); Kit-built D600 (M.Savage); Hogshill Engine Yard (C.Allanson). 6 89 2020 Mail Train: Silver Jubilee; Why are models of preserved locos so hard to find?; 70 years of model railways!; Another endorsement for the Hill Couplers; Easy Lining?; Warm praise for Journal authors!; E-journal pricing for NGS membership?; Sensible storage; Filton; Graphic suggestions; A4 v A5 (3 letters). 6 92 2020 Chairman’s Update 6 N1 2020 Modelmaster Transfers & Etched Number/Name Plates – back on the transfer list! 6 N2 2020 NGS Shop Report 6 N2 2020 Area Groups News 6 N3 2020 Competition Winner – ‘Wooden Railways’ 6 N4 2020 Competition – ‘This Quiz is Rubbish!’ 6 N4 2020 Hunslet Update 6 N6 2021 Editorial 1 4 2021 "What's New in 'N': Steadfast Models:- Graffiti and other decals. The Hobby Goblin:- special commission 'Sneyd Colliery wagon. West Sussex N Gauge MRC:- 'Virtual Model Railway Show'. Kato:- Class 800. JustNGauge:- Space fillers. New from Graham Farish:- Graham Farish, Scenecraft & EFE Rail. Maridunian's Models:- 3D printing via Shapeways. KR Models:- Medway Queen. Newcastle & District MRS:- new premises. Osborn's Models:- 'British Commercial Classics' lorries. Rapido Trains:- UK Metro Vick Type 2 Co-Bo. Revolution:- news. Newman Miniatures:- current offerings. The Wagon Yard:- latest releases. Continental Items:- news. Review:- Graham Farish Stanier 8F. Review:- Graham Farish Class 31/6 (Refurbished). Review:- LMS NPCS Kits from Osborn's Models. Review:- 'BM' fresh meat container from Osborn's Modes." 1 5 2021 Article: 47145 'Merddin (Myrrdin) Emrys' - or how not to re-paint a loco. A. Williams 1 24 2021 Article: Open All Hours: A cameo for my layout. E. Smith (Shop building) 1 30 2021 Article: Building an Etched Buffer Stop Kit. S. Da Costa 1 38 2021 Layout: Mantle Mine. M. Hymans mantlepiece layout) 1 42 2021 Article: Improving the tarpaulins on the Kernow/Farish china clay wagons. R. Elliott 1 50 2021 Article: China Clay Wagons: The Vacuum-braked Era. N.E. O'Phyte 1 54 2021 Article: Scratchbuilding a grain terminal. P. Morris 1 57 2021 Article: Bearing reamers. N. Leaver (new NGS product) 1 62 2021 Article: Mountain gondola system using an Arduino Uno. K. Nippard 1 64 2021 Article: The missing link: WR D600. M. Savage (Warship 'Ark Royal') 1 67 2021 Article: Completing the Circle. G. Elliott (relocating a layout) 1 68 2021 Article: The GWR 5700 Class Pannier Tanks - a modeller's perspective. T. Vincent 1 72 2021 Lockdown Showcase 4: Detailing Union Mills (D. Tomkiss); Various projects (J. Tofield); 'Bethton' (S. Hands); Working signals (M. Savage); Carflat-A wheel chocks (I. Cairns); Scots Baronial hotel (A. Varley); Scratchbuilt or kit-bashed? Terraced houses for 'Devdale' (S. Devereux). 1 77 2021 Article: Scaling N. S. Wragg (well-known structures and edifices in N size) 1 86 2021 Mail Train: Well-articulated thanks!; Lone Star state; Kit-building alive and well?; Postman Pat to the rescue; Something rather special from The Wagon yard; Hunslet question; A4 v A5 - the final say (for now); 1 88 2021 "Society News: Chairman's Update, including introduction of new General Secretary and new Trade Liaison Officer; Annual General Meeting 2021, Area Group news; Hunslet update; Ferryvan update." 1 N1 2021 NGS Privacy Notice 1 N10 2021 Competition and previous winner 1 N11 2021 Journal Index 2020 1 N7 2021 Editorial 2 4 2021 "What's New in 'N': NGS:- Girder wagon kit update; Graham Farish:- Spring 2021 update; Osborn's Models:- D1000 'Western Enterprise, Bin lorry; NGS:- Bv206 military vehicle kit; Revolution:- latest news; SoundPad - sounds on your layout; Kato:- Class 800; DMC Tarpaulins:- details & prices; The Wagon Yard:- two new 7-plank wagon releases; C=Rail:- FSA/FTA bogie container wagons; Continental:- new items; Review:- Revolution Trains Class 92; Review:- Revolution Trains HOA Hopper Wagon; Review:- Kato '20th Century Limited' 9-car set & 4-car add-on set; Review:- Peco booklet 'Your Guide to N Gauge Railway Modelling'; Review:- Hunt Coupling; Review:- Graham Farish HKA de-branded bogie hopper; Review:- Mercig Studios radiator roof fan & grills; Review:- Graham Farish WD 40T Parrot Bogie Wagon; Review:- DMC Tarpaulins." 2 5 2021 Article: Shredded Wheat coach & loco conversions. J. Brown 2 28 2021 Layout: Grandad's made a train set - Portsea Harbour. P. Hill (50s-70s BR steam & diesel) 2 30 2021 Article: Building & amending an N gauge J6 kit. J. Spence (Graham Hughes kit) 2 35 2021 Article: A whopper of a hopper - the LMS 40T bogie hopper wagon. M.J. Bowler (Fleischmann conversion) 2 38 2021 Article: Minitrix coreless motor conversion. R. Miller 2 44 2021 Centre Spread Photo: Horseblock Lane. N.Cooper (privatisation-era layout) 2 46 2021 Article: 47145 'Merddin (Myrrdin) Emrys' - part 2. A. Williams 2 48 2021 Article: Crash repaired Class 56 conversions. D. Hunnisett 2 54 2021 Lockdown Showcase 5: Layout - 'Seen Better Days'. K. Jones; Welwyn North tunnel. J. Kinghorn; Leyland Beaver. H. Barf; Breakdown Train. I. Cairns; HST servicing shed. L. Whaley; Rail Head Treatment Train. G. Cooper; Tyburn Road Railway Museum. P. Fullarton-Cooke; St. Michael's Wharfe. T. Cooney; Ex-LNER Quad-Art Set No.7. R. Seaward; Boatbuilder's house & yard. A. Varley; Class 123 DMU. N. Hambridge. 2 60 2021 Article: A 'Yankee Mogul' in N. J. Burrows 2 70 2021 Article: Scrapyard conversion. J. Attard (static loco conversion for layout scrapyard) 2 74 2021 Article: My Journey to N Gauge Railway Automation. A. Waddell 2 76 2021 Article: A radio-controlled lorry in N. N. Leaver 2 80 2021 "Mail Train: Where are the N scale cars?; Whither the Garratt?; Yay! Positive feedback!; Even more feedback!; And a wee bit more; A question of size; Can anyone help with making videos?; Time, gentlemen, please; Minitrix Dock Tank help; On kit building; In response to Filton; In defence of Hermes; A Hunslet in action." 2 86 2021 Society News: Chairman's Update; Vacancy; Annual General Meeting 2021; New decals and Etches; Hunslet Update; Area Groups News; NGS Shop Report; BR VIX Ferryvan 2 N1 2021 Competition and previous winner 2 N7 2021 Editorial 3 4 2021 "What's New in 'N': News: Dapol; Rapido Trains UK; Osborn's; Peco; Newman Miniatures:- GNR Stirling Single; The Wagon Yard:- Hoveringham 21T Hopper; N Gauge Forum: virtual model railway exhibition; DCC Concepts; N Gauge Railway Modelling Awards 2020 Results; News: The International N Gauge Show; Revolution:- Class 93 Tri-mode Loco, Cartic-4 Wagons; Continental new items; Review:- Osborne Wagon Works LMS Meat Van Kit; Review:- FEA Track Panel carrier Kit; Review:- N Gauge Now (issue 25, Spring 2021); Review:- Steadfast Models BBA wagon transfers; Review:- EFE Rail BR 'Shark' 20T ballast plough brake." 3 5 2021 Article: What is a SPROG and why should I have one? J. Thornhill (helps program DCC decoders) 3 24 2021 Article: What's in a name? or how the S&C Railway came about. D. Mace (assistance with layout naming) 3 26 2021 Article: Sea Eagle to Silver Link. S. Da Costa 3 28 2021 Article: A bridge too close! J. Lewis (River Conwy railway bridge) 3 32 2021 Article: In search of some 'clutter'. I. Tulloch (scenic items for a diesel depot scene) 3 34 2021 Layout: Crockington. B. Hunt (plans and ideas for a layout) 3 36 2021 Layout: Kinlochvarlich: a long story with no ending. A. Varley ('Scottish fishing village with a railway in it') 3 40 2021 Article: The Peco 15' tank wagon kit. A. Joel 3 48 2021 Article: The Joys of Shredded Wheat - Part 1: The Coaches. J. Brown 3 52 2021 Article: Installing a DC Shuttle Module. C. Bowes 3 56 2021 Lockdown Showcase 6: Stephenson's tubular railway bridge at Conwy: T. Cooney; Three hand-built tank engines: M. Shakespeare; RNA barrier wagons: A. Willian; What can be done with Kato: S. Bird; A centrepiece viaduct: C. Moody; ScotRail sets using Electra vinyls: T. Burt; The Assington Branch: I. Taylor. 3 62 2021 Article: A scratchbuilt bus garage. C. Chapman 3 70 2021 Article: The Career Train. M. Hollyoake (private owner wagons representing author's career customers) 3 72 2021 Layout: Return to Trinity Road. N. Harding (60s fictitious S.Manchester cross-city through station) 3 76 2021 Article: Not Sonning Cutting but foamboard cutting. T. Jenner 3 80 2021 "Article: My Journey to N Gauge Railway Automation: Part 2, DCC and sound. A. Waddell" 3 85 2021 "Mail Train: Memories of Upperton; Some musings on china clay wagons and workings; Well done Journal authors - and a note on coreless motors; More feedback - are you reading this, Mr Camp?; A proposal for a London Area Group; Gaugemaster digital controller; The Leyland Gnu - and an Ebay battle." 3 88 2021 Society News: Chairman's Update; Membership Subscriptions and Additional Fees; Vacancy; Area Groups Co-ordinator; Announcement of Annual General Meeting; NGS Kit Improvements; Area Groups News; 2020 Accounts; NGS Shop Report. 3 N1 2021 Competition and previous Winner 3 N13 2021 Editorial 4 4 2021 What's New in 'N': Graham Farish updates; Revolution Trains updates and new releases; Osborn's new releases; Leamington & Warwick MRS fundraising wagon; N Scale Architect - Fire Tower kit; Electra Rail products released or in development; Two bus depot accessories; Kato ES-1-style Electric Loco; Wagon Yard exclusives; Dapol update; DCC Concepts update; TINGS update; Continental new items; Review - Butler Printed Models - military vehicles; Review - Revolution Trains - PCV Cemflo Tank; Review: Collectors Guide to British Passenger Rolling Stock in N Gauge (1967-2020). 4 5 2021 "What's New in 'N': N Architect - Sherwood's Bridge & Scenic Detail Packs; Osborn's - 'Commercial Classics'; Revolution - Class 59 diesel, Mk5 Caledonian Sleeper and Mk5a Trans Pennine Express coaches, MMA/JNA box wagons, Class 128 Parcels Unit; Dapol - Class 59 diesel; Hobby Goblin - PO 7-plank wagon; Graham Farish - Autumn quarter releases; WorldWide Group - Annual Convention 2021; Sonic Models - J50 0-6-0T; Continental new items." 4 5 2021 Article: Johannes Modules. I. Redman 4 22 2021 Article: From 'Loch Down Scrapyard' to the 'River Dart. T. Cooney (Dioramas) 4 30 2021 Layout: Carohay; A dual gauge layout. K. Jones 4 34 2021 "Article: Achilles Tendon? Or, how to power smaller steam locomotives. J. Brown" 4 40 2021 Layout: Daleside Yard: A Shunting Diorama. J. Cresswell 4 44 2021 Article: Helix Building. R. Adderley 4 50 2021 Layout: Hillsden: a long time in the making. M.Hills (Steam & green diesel) 4 60 2021 Article: LED Signals. T. Harrison 4 72 2021 Article: Making your own transfers. D. Piper 4 78 2021 Members' Showcase: BR Siphon G variants: N. Bennett; Bus conversions: C. Arnold; A diorama for the NGF Virtual Show: M. Scane; NGS Kit No.28 (RMC JGA Hopper): A. Williams; Walsall 56: K. Jones 4 80 2021 Layout: Falahill. K. Smith (circular Scotland Waverley Route 60s) 4 84 2021 "Mail Train: Dock cranes; Speaking of cranes…; Feedback on 2/21; Come on Dapol, what about a 'Coronation' set; All I want for Christmas…; Brushless motors; Something unexpected from Kato?" 4 88 2021 Society News: Chairman's Update; Hunslet Production Update; Area Groups News; 4 N1 2021 Competition and previous Winner 4 N6 2021 NGS Shop Report 4 N7 2021 Editorial 5 4 2021 Reviews: Maxey Models - N Gauge Ballast; Electra Graphics - Kato Azuma Trans Pennine Livery; Herpa - Minikit road truck kits; Kato/Gaugemaster - ES-1 Style electric loco; Kato - Hitachi Class 800/2 LNER 'Azuma' 5-car set; Mathieson Models - N Gauge Wheels; N Gauge Now #26 - Summer 2021 edition; Osborn's - Bedford TK Tipper - 1936 Knucklehead Motorbike; Revolution - FWA Ecofret Container Flats; The Wagon Yard - Fremlins Ltd Brewery Van. 5 5 2021 "What's New in 'N' Captain Sir Tom Moore inspires Bachmann donation; NGS Ferryvan; Rapido Trains - Conflat P wagon; Revolution - 1938 tube stock, K-type Pullman coaches, Class 128 parcels cars, Class 59 diesel, BR Borail & Mullet wagons, Caledonian Sleeper mark 5 coaches, BR Cartic-4 car carrier; Continental & US news; Kato - US MAXI-IV Well cars; The Wagon Yard - SE&CR Gunpowder van; Crowood Press - Advanced Modelling in N Gauge by Noel Lever; DCC Concepts - ESP wireless control system; Maxey Ballast; Guildford Model Railway Exhibition 16/1/22; Gaugemaster - Class 73 loco; 70s/80s N Gauge Cars on Ebay; A new Medway Queen wagon; TINGS 2021 and 2022." 5 5 2021 Article: Eastbourne Station. M Hyams (scratchbuilt station building) 5 30 2021 Article: BR Ferryvans. N.E.O'Phyte (with reference to forthcoming NGS RtR wagon) 5 36 2021 Article: Building GWR Brown Vehicles. J.O'Reilly (siphons etc.) 5 42 2021 Article: The Joys of Shredded Wheat - Part 2: The Locomotive. J. Brown 5 52 2021 Article: Hassell Castle - a scratchbuilding extravaganza. S.Ash (scratchbuilt castle on a module) 5 54 2021 Article: RMC JGAs gone south sample consists. A.Mason (with reference to NGS kit 28) 5 57 2021 Article: DIY signals. T.Harrison 5 62 2021 Article: I need to cut three arches - scratchbuilding with a computer cutter. N.Jones 5 66 2021 Layout: Starting Dorcross Bay. B.Souster (GWR mainline sea wall layout) 5 73 2021 Article: Building a J50 in N. D.Cooper 5 76 2021 Members' Showcase: 'Little Wicket': R.van der Zaal; Territorial Army elements return from exercise: S.Hands; Jones of Taunton: K.Jones; The Mousepad - Oxford Challenge: B.Bryant 5 84 2021 "Mail Train: Virtual NGS AGM 26 June 2021; Feedback, 1 & 2; Filton not unique?; My collection of GWR locos; Why no snail mail?" 5 88 2021 Society News: Chairman's Report; NGS AGM 2021; Area Group News; NGS Shop Report 5 N1 2021 Competition and previous Winner 5 N11 2021 Editorial 6 4 2021 "Reviews: Electra Graphics - Vinyls; Kato - My Tram; The N Architect - Sherwood's Bridge; 3D-pluss - McDonald's drive-thru; Dapol - Class 142 ""Pacer""." 6 5 2021 What happened at TINGS?: 6 26 2021 "Layout: Alkali Flats, Nevada. J.Grey (US 1940s)" 6 30 2021 "Article: Consett Ore Wagons, P.Mason (scratchbuilding)" 6 34 2021 "Article: DCC, Z21 app and the iPad. J.Stacey" 6 38 2021 Layout: Fossilburgh - Jurassic Park. J.Fawcett (built under direction of the writer's children!) 6 42 2021 Article: Weathering Kato Unitrack. M.Taylor 6 52 2021 Layout: Mill Bay. R.Smith (fictional Cornish steam) 6 58 2021 Article: A flight of fancy. R.Pope (non-prototypical steam & diesel layout) 6 64 2021 Article: The Middlewich Dodger. P.Whittaker (modelling a 60s push-pull driving coach) 6 68 2021 Article: Down to the wire - a cautionary tale. A.Brunskill 6 72 2021 Article: Home-made fencing. T.Harrison 6 74 2021 Article: Train speed indicator. K.Nippard 6 80 2021 Article: Losing Track. A.Cotterill (a former train line in verse) 6 84 2021 Members' Showcase: Seaside fun: R.Pope; Alco S2 switcher: J.Ingoldby. 6 86 2021 Mail Train: Funny you should mention S&P…; KR Models; Another path to J50 happiness; High praise indeed from an LNER man!; Dock Cranes; New book on the 'Westerns'. 6 88 2021 Society News: Chairman's Report; Hunslet Update; Area Groups News; NGS Shop Report. 6 N1 2021 Competition and previous winner 6 N11 2022 Editorial 1 4 2022 "What’s New in ‘N’: NGS Hunslet; Graham Farish; Bees Hill Models – APT Train; The Wagon Yard – special edition; N Gauge Models; N Gauge Now: issue 27 Autumn; Revolution – Class 59, SR General Manager’s Saloon ‘Caroline’, Drax Power lIA-D hopper; Newman Miniatures – 3D printed locos; Dapol – 2022 Q3 releases; Oxford Diecast – Foden FG8 ‘Dennys Transport’; Continental News." 1 5 2022 "Reviews: Electra Rail Graphics – Midland Blue Pullman HST, First North Western Dapol Pacer; eBay supplier – Flatbed Lorry Trailer plus other 3D models; Personalising the Kato ‘My Tram’; Just N Gauge – Tram Stop." 1 5 2022 Article: Cheap and easy corrugated iron. C.Hardy 1 26 2022 Article: Dapol 14XX to 517 class. M.Kitchen 1 30 2022 Article: Hunslet: low speed running. N.Leaver 1 35 2022 "Article: Evoking a sense of place & time – part 7 – Scotland through Eras 3, 4 and 5. P.Lundberg" 1 36 2022 Article: Laser cutting. P.Brown (modelling windows in buildings) 1 42 2022 Article: Running Hobbytrain pantographs under the wires. L.Richardson 1 48 2022 Article: Building Ratio bracket signals. R.Elliott 1 52 2022 Layout: ‘Seen Better Days’. K.Jones (an N gauge miniature railway) 1 57 2022 Article: Track cleaning. L.Whaley (options) 1 61 2022 Article: Vanwide. N.O’Phyte 1 62 2022 Article: Virtual scratch-building: designing your own 3D printed models. R.Newman 1 66 2022 Article: An NGS Journal archive (part 1). S.Ash 1 72 2022 Article: Building the NGS ‘Shark’ Plough Brake Van kit (with a little bit of cheating). T.Cooney 1 76 2022 Mail Train: Why no snail mail?; Do you know anything about ‘Saemon’: Feedback on 5/21; More feedback on 5/21; And something about 6/21 while we’re at it; Anyone in or around the Norfolk Broads?; Electronic Journal feedback; Erratum; Rickmansworth; Thank you. Arian!; Kato K10-504 loco. 1 76 2022 Article: A ‘Networker’ in N. M.Pocknell 1 81 2022 "Members’ Showcase: Somewhere in the Southwest – M.Flint; Flight case railways – D.Doolan; Plaxton Elite – K.Jones; A box file layout, EHF Wharf – S.Ade; ‘New Folly’ – D.Noble." 1 88 2022 Society News: Chairman’s Report; Hunslet Distribution Update; Area Groups News; Shop Report: GDPR – Compliance Documentation-Privacy Notice (Formal) 1 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 1 N11 2022 Journal Index 2021 1 N13 2022 Editorial 2 4 2022 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish Spring 2022 update; Revolution Trains latest; Dapol new releases; Osborn’s new releases; Sonic Models – Class J50; The N Architect – Barnesville Tunnel N-scale kit; New from Kato USA; Just N Gauge – ‘manors’ and ‘castles’; Latest releases from Oxford Diecast; News from Rapido Trains; Maridunian’s Models’ Shapeways shop; NGS kit 37b Storage Tank; Tweaking the Hunslet for low-speed running; Continental News; Spring 2022 releases from EFE Rail; TINGS 2022; NGS news: Notice of AGM 2022; What is an Area Group and why should I join one? 2 5 2022 Book Review: Advanced Modelling in N Gauge – Noel Leaver. 2 5 2022 "Layout: Alkali Flats, Part 2, Santa Fe. J.Grey (US 1940s)" 2 30 2022 Article: Locos for the Alston Branch. D.Smith (NER branch in BR days) 2 33 2022 Article: Building an industrial loco. P.Hills (0-4-0 configuration) 2 38 2022 Layout: Hartley Poole. R.Hart (GWR 1945-47) 2 44 2022 Layout: Missenden Junction. S.Rigby (early 60s country town station served from London Paddington) 2 53 2022 Article: A beginner’s guide to personalising the Kato ES-1. N.Monks 2 57 2022 Article: Building the Great Western replica kit of the GWR Siphon C. P.Lundberg 2 60 2022 Article: An NGS Journal archive (part 2). S. Ash 2 66 2022 Article: Building an LSWR 20-ton brake van. V.Durepaire 2 70 2022 Article: Pay-as-you-go 3D printing. M.Roch 2 72 2022 Layout: Crossharbour D-4 (5). T.Dixon (a fictional harbour station and quayside in the lead-up to D Day landings) 2 76 2022 Members’ Showcase: ‘Culthwaite’ – P.Mason; Mobile Library – C.Arnold; ‘Lion’ – D.Doolan; Hell Drivers – D.Townsend; Carisbridge Castle – C.Trigg. 2 82 2022 Mail Train: Feedback on 6/21; More feedback: weathering Unitrack; 1/22 cover; Consett ore trains; Hunslet; More!; More on the Hunslet; Tube news; Can anyone help the Duke?; Don’t throw out your old Journals!; Scottish inspiration; The Wagon Yard; BR Blue update. 2 87 2022 Society news: Chairman’s Report; What goes into a Journal?; From the Area Groups Co-ordinator; Area Groups news; Shop report; Re-organisation of kit production; NGS Stand news. 2 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 2 N7 2022 Announcement of AGM 2022 2 N9 2022 Editorial 3 4 2022 "What’s New in ‘N’: Osborn’s new items; Revolution Trains updates and announcements; Dapol new releases; N’Tastic Scale Models new range; Monk Bar Model Shop, York – 2nd run Rippon Industrial Society 7-plank wagons; Ian Miller takes on TrainTrax; NGS – next rtr model – Cowans Sheldon hand crane; Rapido Trains – ‘Condor’ container service; The International N Gauge Show (TINGS) 2022; Swansea Railway Modellers Group – limited edition; TMC (the Model Centre) – Graffiti; Bachmann – Class 158 DMU update; N Gauge Models – farm tractor & plough; Continental News; Train-Tech joins Gaugemaster." 3 5 2022 Reviews: N Gauge Models pillbox; Replitek Ford Transit Mark 1; British Finescale ‘Easy Build’ Turnout Kits; Ratio Wartime ARP Flat Roof Signal Box; Peco GWR Banana Van; Revolution Trains IWA Holdall Van and IWA Rfnoos Timber Carrier; 3 5 2022 Article: Srcrp loads. C.Hart 3 26 2022 Article: Dockside cranes; another angle. A.Varley 3 30 2022 Article: Dapol Class 67 lighting. R.Miller 3 34 2022 Article: Locomotives for a Scottish layout. C.Heath 3 36 2022 Layout: Aroundafoot. B.Smith (small space layout) 3 38 2022 Article: Automating signals. T.Harrison 3 42 2022 Layout: Aylesford. K.Kimber (pre-grouping) 3 44 2022 Article: Soundscapes. K.Smith 3 50 2022 Article: Modifying a Kato chassis for an NER ES-1 electric loco. I.Cairns 3 53 2022 Layout: ‘Neath Pines’ and ‘Druids’ Ferry’. I.Coe 3 58 2022 Article: An NGS Journal archive (part 3). S. Ash 3 64 2022 Article: First attempts at scratchbuilding in N gauge. P.Dering 3 68 2022 Article: Modular model railways. M.Savage 3 74 2022 Article: Celebrating the centenary of the Grouping. J.Burrows 3 78 2022 Members’ Showcase: Picnic table top layout – K.Jones; Quay Ales Brewery No.4 – A.Wass; Locos for scrap – M.Pocknell 3 84 2022 Mail Train: Duke of Gloucester?; New Stoves; Personalising the Kato ES-1; Who writes the reviews?; A new Area Group in West Berkshire?; Early British N Gauge history. 3 88 2022 Society News: Chairman’s Report; Kit Production; Area Groups News; Notice of AGM 2022; Plans for 2023: A Landmark Event; What goes into a Journal; Update on ModelMaster Transfers and Nameplates; NGS Shop Report. 3 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 3 N11 2022 Editorial 4 4 2022 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish summer announcements; Revolution Trains summer update; Rapido Trains – new SECR wagons; Model Railway Magic – T-TRAK modules; New releases from Osborn’s; TINGS news; Medway Queen Preservation Society; Continental news; New releases from Dapol. 4 5 2022 Reviews: Kato – Compact track packs; Tasma Products – Sunflowers; Replitek – road vehicles; Kernow Model Rail Centre – limited edition Farish Class 03; Engee Publishing – N Gauge Now magazine & Collector’s Guide to British Freight Rolling Stock in N Gauge. 4 5 2022 Obituary: Chris Deith 4 15 2022 Article: Hoods for Society China Clay wagon kit. A.Harmer 4 26 2022 Article: N gauge model making as therapy for military induced trauma. A.M.Welch 4 30 2022 Article: More on the GWR 57xx pannier tanks. C.Ovens 4 33 2022 Article: London Transport 1938 stock. N.E.O’Phyte 4 40 2022 Centre pages spread: It takes all sorts to run a railway! M.Davis 4 46 2022 Article: An assortment of Arduino fun. K.Nippard 4 48 2022 Article: London Underground in N Gauge. P.Bradley 4 50 2022 Layout: Alston (part 1). P.Brown (NER terminus) 4 54 2022 Article: Time for T-TRAK. G.Latham (modules) 4 58 2022 Article: Building a BH Enterprises NER brake van kit. J.Burrows 4 65 2022 Article: A Push-pull fitted G5. J.Attard 4 72 2022 Article: Process for Selecting Subjects for Kits and RtR Models. R.Middleton 4 76 2022 Layout: Greenley Hedge. R.Beckwith (utilising cardboard boxes for baseboard and frame) 4 80 2022 "Layout: Salverton, a layout on a tray. K.Jones" 4 82 2022 Members’ Showcase: Fuel Bund kit 37b - P.Jackson; An idiot during lockdown! – M.Davis; Cannock – T.Cooney; Echo Beach – D.Townsend 4 86 2022 Mail Train: ARP box model; Can you help keep ‘James Street’ on the exhibition circuit? 4 90 2022 "Society News: Chairman’s Report, Area Groups news, What goes into a Journal?, 2021 Accounts; NGS Shop report.." 4 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 4 N14 2022 Editorial 5 4 2022 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish autumn releases; News from Dapol; Cavalex Models – Redland PGS 51t hoppers; Kato USA new releases; Match wagons for NGS Cowans Sheldon Travelling Hand Cranes; Osborn’s – modern ambulance; N Gauge Forum Virtual Exhibition 2022; NGS kit 70b (NGSK0701) Grounded Body Van (pair); Newman Miniatures – Scottish and other engines; Sonic Models – Prairie tank; Continental news. 5 5 2022 Reviews: Bar Mills Models -Saulenas’ Tavern Kit; Ray Rimes Designs – AEC Reliance s/deck bus; C-Rail Intermodal – 20ft & 40ft containers; EFE Rail – JIA NACCO wagon; Graham Farish – Class 319 EMU; Redandy767 – 70s-era BR road vehicles. 5 5 2022 Article: A mixture of art and modelling. G.Fiedler 5 26 2022 Article: N Gauge railway automation: automated out & back (part 3). A.Waddell 5 28 2022 Article: T-TRAK in Yorkshire. S.Bateman 5 32 2022 Layout: Bridge Field. B.Russell (1910s/30s SECR-SR transition era) 5 38 2022 "Article: A versatile flasher or timer module: part 1, construction. C.Bowes" 5 46 2022 Centre pages spread: ‘Mossdale. D.Churchill 5 50 2022 Article: The concrete depot. G.Elliott 5 52 2022 Article: My introduction to N gauge in the 1960s. I.Cairns 5 56 2022 Layout: Pencarrow. J.Crompton (Cornish clay) 5 62 2022 Layout: Landsdowne Lane Sidings. J.Twelftree (shunting layout) 5 70 2022 Layout: Mason’s Pond. J.Ingoldby (fictitious creation) 5 74 2022 Article: Fed up with Dapol tender wires breaking? P.Billington 5 80 2022 Layout: Alston (part 2). P.Brown (NER terminus) 5 82 2022 Article: My APT project. S.Hill 5 86 2022 Members’ Showcase: Conflat Wheel Carrier – R>Bardsely; Jones of Taunton Utility Bus – K.Jones. 5 92 2022 "Mail Train: Thank you, Jeremy!; MY NGS Hunslet Shunter; Aylesford and more; re-motoring Dapol kettles; Peter Hills’ industrial tank; Another good journal; Andy Calvert (1950-2002); On the buses!" 5 94 2022 Society News: Vacancies; Chairman’s update; Area Groups news; Cowans Sheldon Crane – having one? NGS York 2023; Editing the Journal; NGS AGM 2022 5 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 5 N9 2022 Editorial 6 4 2022 What’s New in ‘N’: TINGS 2022; Graham Farish at TINGS22; Dapol at TINGS; New kits from Three Peaks Models; C-Rail Intermodal – KQA Pocket Wagons; New fro Metcalfe; Bachmann Collectors Club; Rapido UK – all-new N gauge ‘Peak’; New releases fromN’Tastic; Revolution Trains at TINGS; European product news. 6 5 2022 "Reviews: N’Tastic Scale Models – horse drawn van, Ford Transit Mk2, Karrier Bantam refuse wagon; Gtc – London Ambulance; Bees Hills Models – Class 31 dummy chassis; Options for cobbled streets; N Gauge Now issue 30 (summer ’22)." 6 5 2022 Layout: Inspired by holidays in Cornwall: Sterth to Stives. D.Pestell 6 24 2022 "Article: Ranoak, the movie! P.McFarlan (filming a layout)" 6 29 2022 Article: A taste of GWR 813. V.Durepaire (constructing from two kits) 6 34 2022 Article: Building the Ancorton Models NCW1 horse-drawn coal wagon. A.Charles 6 36 2022 Article: Building goods wagons for a 1920s GWR branch line. J.O’Reilly 6 40 2022 Layout: Riding school layout. I.Redman (layout in a case) 6 48 2022 Centre pages spread: Kato ‘Pocket Line’ loco as an NCB shunter. M.Roch 6 50 2022 Article: Improving the Minitrix 9F. A.Thomas 6 52 2022 Article: The Mousepad-Oxford challenge. B.Bryant (dioramas to fit into layouts) 6 58 2022 Article: MXA Lobster wagon from a BDA Bogie Bolster kit and 3D print. D.Piper 6 62 2022 Article: Photographing Alston. P.Brown 6 66 2022 "Article: A versatile flasher or timer module: part 2, uses. C.Bowes" 6 69 2022 "Layout: Eyemouth, a ‘lockown’ project. J.Spence (specialised buildings)" 6 71 2022 Layout: Ishinaka. J.Raven (Japanese) 6 75 2022 Layout Astbury Junction. J.Attard (early 50s town-based layout) 6 82 2022 Members’ Showcase: From Shredded Wheat Promo to Local Colliery Miners’ Train - S.Hands; Jones of Taunton – K.Jones; Weston Gage – B.Bryant; N’Tastic vehicles – T.Dodds; Peak Forest Emerging – G.Fiedler. 6 90 2022 "Mail Train: Who is driving up the cost of our models?; N gauge, now?; ARP box model; Diamonds in the rough?; Match Wagons; Farewell, Peter Hands." 6 96 2022 Society News: Chairman’s update; Hunslet final versions update; Stand Manager’s report; Area Group news; NGS York 2023 update. 6 N1 2022 Competition and previous winner 6 N10 2023 Editorial 1 4 2023 What’s New in ‘N’: Dapol; Osborn’s Models – Arch Laser N scale road vehicles; Oxford Diecast; Rapido Trains; Revolution Trains; The N Architect – two new kits; Kato – Mini-Circus modules; NGS York 2023 update; International product news. 1 5 2023 Reviews: N’Tastic Nodels – 1966 Commer Turntable Fire Appliance; N Gauge Models – Steam Shovel; Enchanted Embroidery – bespoke work and leisure wear; N Scale Architect – Sheffield Farms Creamery (version 2); N Gauge Now issue 32 (winter 23/24). 1 5 2023 Article: Buildings for ‘Devdale’. S.Deveraux 1 24 2023 Layout: Dalton. E.Londesbrough (imaginary LNER main line in Yorkshire 1947/8) 1 29 2023 Article: Diorama in a jar or layout in a bottle? A.Cockburn 1 34 2023 Article: DIY Tester for DCC-ready Locomotives. K.Farish 1 36 2023 "Layout: Eyemouth, part 2. J.Spence (baseboards)" 1 39 2023 Article: From Dapol Siphon-Gs into Southern Railway coaches. A.Arnold 1 42 2023 Layout: Heritage Day. J.Stacey (Black Forest based layout ‘St. Johann’) 1 44 2023 Centre pages spread: Here’s something a bit different! P.Hardy 1 50 2023 Layout: North Road. D.Harrison (modern exhibition layout) 1 52 2023 Layout: Blackberry Hill. I.Cavill (early diesels industrial) 1 60 2023 Layout: Eastbourne re-visited. M.Hymans (mid to late 60s) 1 66 2023 Layout: Poppingham: A Table-Top Railway in British N Gauge. J.Frater (A ‘fun’ layout) 1 74 2023 Article: French N Gauge buses. K.Jones 1 82 2023 "Article: Realistic long (and short!) JHA hopper operations, J.Alder" 1 84 2023 Article: How to incorporate Unitrack into scenic layouts. M.Pearce 1 90 2023 Members’ Showcase: Gresley Great Northern Railway A1 Pacific – P.Lundberg. 1 94 2023 Mail Train: So say us all!; Thanks you! Butterfingered modellers? Apropos to Graham Elliot’s concrete depot in 5/22; 1971 N Gauge Gazette; Where’s the modern image? And a vote for Union Mills! Keep up the good work! Pieces of N gauge history. 1 95 2023 Obituary: Keith Dawson 1 98 2023 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Email code of conduct; Vacancy – Journal Editor’s Team; You are safe in our hands! NGS Privacy Notice; Area Groups News; NGS Shop Report 1 N1 2023 Journal Index 2022 1 N13 2023 Competition and previous winner 1 N9 2023 Editorial 2 4 2023 What’s New in ‘N’: York 2023 Event – final update; Graham Farish -Spring 2023 announcements; Just N Gauge – china clay wagons; Rails of Sheffield – ‘Drax’ biomass hopper packs; N Gauge Models – two new models; TrainTrax UK – Kato stock announcements; Electra Rail Graphics – DRS MK2 Coach Set & Class 319 4-car EMU in Nortern Livery; The Wagon Yard – additional product ranges to be stocked; Revoluton Trains – Spring 2023 Update; Continental News. 2 5 2023 Reviews: Ken Jones - Assorted layout details; Rapido Trains – UK Class 28 Diesel; Graham Farish – Class 90 Loco; Revolution Trains – Drax Power llA-D Biomass Hopper. 2 5 2023 Layout: The Making of ‘Elmridge’. G.Blackledge (1930s GWR) 2 24 2023 Article: A Ramshackle Workshop. G.Hedges (improvements to the Metcalfe kit) 2 30 2023 Article: Servo Controller and Mimic Panel. M.Crabbe 2 36 2023 Article: Rapido SE&CR Wagons. N.E.O’Phyte 2 39 2023 Layout: Dunplannin – my Lockdown layout. A.Mair (planning and construction) 2 42 2023 Article: Enhancing and customising an Arch Laser Bedford TK road sweeper. A.Cockburn 2 48 2023 Article: A programmable lighthouse control circuit. C.Bowes 2 50 2023 Layout: Mortimer Station. J.Hillier (GWR station on Reading-Basingstoke line) 2 56 2023 Layout: Ruleoneton: an experiment in social and sociable modelling. D.Tape (T-TRAK modules) 2 60 2023 Article: Next18 decoders in Dapol locos. J.Pendlebury 2 64 2023 Article: The Boats of Crossharbour D-4(5). T.Dixon (Normandy landings vessels) 2 67 2023 Article: British Finescale ‘Easy Build’ Turnout Kits. N.Leaver 2 74 2023 Layout: Church-Hill Road. A.Thomas (Modular layout) 2 79 2023 Article: Rolling Stock of Bridge Field. B.Russell (pre-grouping) 2 82 2023 Article: A big yellow crane! P.Mason (converting a Tomix model) 2 86 2023 Article: Building an NGS Polybulk Wagon Kit (Kit 9a). P.Morris 2 90 2023 Members’ Showcase: Big Yellow Boxes – J.Buisson. 2 95 2023 "Mail Train: Come on, SR modellers!; Is it Journal size o’clock already?; Modular N at the South Zeal Model Railway Group; Some thoughts on TT120; Meanwhile, in the West Midlands…; Better ballasting; On ‘Poppingham’; More on ‘Poppingham’." 2 96 2023 Society News: York 2023; Chairman’s Update; AGM 2023; Area Groups News; Stand Report. 2 N1 2023 Competition and previous winner 2 N11 2023 Editorial 3 4 2023 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish; Dapol; Kato – Mini Diorama Circus; Revolution Trains; Peco; Kernow Model Rail Centre; N’Tastic; Revolution & Rails help Drax charity; Accurascale; Oxford Diecast; Swansea Railway Modellers Group; The Wagon Yard; Replitek N Gauge Vehicles; Newman Miniatures; The international N Gauge Show (TINGS) 2023; NGS Bogie Pivots Sprue; Train Trax; American and European News. 3 5 2023 Reviews: LCUT Creative – B 20-00 Lineside Office; Tomytec – Moving Bus System Chassis and Roadway Set; Pop-Up Buildings Models. 3 5 2023 Article: Commissioning a 3D model. K.Jones 3 30 2023 Article: Peco Code-55 vs Kato? M.Hollyoake 3 32 2023 Layout: Hetton Colliery Railway Diorama. A.Cockburn (industrial late 60s/early 70s) 3 34 2023 Article: Large LNER Tank Locos. I.Cairns (3D printing three large tank locos) 3 38 2023 Article: Adding Lights to a Metcalfe Double Track Engine Shed. K.Farish 3 40 2023 Layout: Revisiting Alkali Flats. J.Grey (American layout modernised) 3 44 2023 Layout: Mossdale. D.Churchill (LMS themed layout) 3 48 2023 Article: J39 + 4P + B17 = D49. K.Smith 3 54 2023 Article: Great Uncle Jim: a model signalman. T.Cooney 3 58 2023 Article: .Class 128 Diesel Parcels Units. N.E.O’Phyte 3 62 2023 Article: Meet Pete – the man behind the Metcalfe diorama! N.Monks interviews Pete Watts 3 66 2023 Layout: Fowey Branch. R.Elliot (1960s era) 3 74 2023 Article: Improving an Original Dapol 9F. J.Laws 3 80 2023 Members’ Showcase: Four new vehicles – K.Jones; 0-6-4T ‘Flatiron’ – D.Churchill; Pointless Layout in the Train Set Style – J.Frater; On Rail Testing – M.Davis; ‘New Callerton’ – P.Wescott; Hunslet and wagons – R.Marshall. 3 86 2023 Article: In the beginning. J.Wayne-Willis 3 92 2023 "Mail Train: 4 mm to the foot, divide and conquer?; Collaboration and coordination are the keys to N’s survival!; TT120: a threat to N?; TT120: a threat? Perhaps not!; Farewell, Union Mills!; Butterfingered, are we?; Better ballasting, part 1; Better ballasting, part 2; Thank you, Plus Daughters!" 3 94 2023 Society News: Chairman’s Update; AGM 2023; Area Groups News; NGS Mini-Stand; 2022 Accounts; Shop Report 3 N1 2023 Competition and previous winner 3 N14 2023 Editorial 4 4 2023 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish; Dapol Class 87; Rapido Trains; Revolution Trains; Bees Hill Models; Osborn’s Models; Medway Queen special edition; Train Trax UK; WorldWide Group Annual Convention; The International N Gauge Show (TINGS) 4 5 2023 "Reviews: Everyday items from Replitek, Rusty Rails, and Shedring Hobbies; N’Tastic Scale Models – 1952 Shelvoke & Drewry Freightlifter Forklift; N Gauge Society – BR Ferryvan VIX; Kato ‘Bog Boy’" 4 5 2023 Report: York 2023 (NGS event at the NRM) 4 22 2023 Article: An easy to build track tester. C.Bowes 4 28 2023 Layout: Malken. K.Jones (Eheim trolleybus layout) 4 30 2023 Layout: Culthwaite: an Era 9 tail-chaser. P.Mason (“recent past before the demise of coal traffic”) 4 33 2023 Layout: Silver Springs Locomotive Servicing Terminal. J.Menzies (USA steam/diesel) 4 40 2023 Layout: Bicester King’s End. E.Pearce (modern) 4 46 2023 Layout: Bovington Junction. K.Bowe n-Jones (WW2 era) 4 52 2023 Article: New Rapido Trains wagons. J.Brown 4 59 2023 Article: N gauge with flower power. G.Lee (exhibiting layout in a garage during lovcal gardens festival) 4 62 2023 Article: Weston Gage diaries. B.Bryant (modular layout) 4 68 2023 Article: Holgate. A.Frost (‘monster’ bridge on a layout set near York) 4 73 2023 Layout: Llyn Neath. I.Coe (updating a second-had layout with a Welsh theme) 4 74 2023 Article: The Logical Railway. N.Garwell (eye-level layout) 4 78 2023 Article: Kato Mini Diorama. N.Monks 4 82 2023 Article: Chub Spoil Wagon. R.Bardsley (using a NGS Ferryvan chassis) 4 87 2023 "Members’ Showcase: Diorama In a pickle jar, and 24-wheel heavy lift wagon – A.Browning; Eheim Trolleybus – K.Jones; Gresley 52’62 stock – P.Lundberg; N scale garden railway – P.Westcott; Three scratchbuilt locomotives – M.Shakespeare" 4 88 2023 "Mail Train: Another Society?; Speaking of which…; Alas, an era has ended; York Show + Pop-up Designs; York Show 1-4" 4 94 2023 "Society News: Chairman’s Update; Ferry Vans on sale?, Area Groups News; NGS Mini-Stand; Display Stand Report" 4 N1 2023 Competition and previous winner 4 N11 2023 Editorial 5 4 2023 "What’s New in ‘N’: Bachmann News; New for N’Tastic; New releases from Osborn Models; Dapol – new Class 56 diesels; Ratio – modern Palisade Fencing; New trucks from Trevor Chandler; Revolution Trains updates; L&WMRS special edition wagon; Graham Jones – S&DJR 7F whitemetal kit; The Wagon Yard – new limited edition PO wagon and brewery vans; Pennine Wagons; Continental news; Kato – Union Pacific Big Boy; Buses from redandy767; Graham Farish – MXA ‘Lobster’ wagon, & new release Mk1 Coaches." 5 5 2023 Article: An interview with Kato. 5 26 2023 Article: Making the most of the Peco Starter Pack: Curven Street. R.Bardsley 5 28 2023 Article: A bridge too far? More on the bridge at ‘Holgate’. A.Frost 5 31 2023 Article: HitherNThither: Shuttle Systems Revisited. C.Bowes 5 34 2023 Article: Life and times of the Class 313. N.E.O’Phyte 5 37 2023 Article: Building the MMR Covered Water Tower. G.Armstrong 5 40 2023 Article: Converting a Peco KNR-49 Goods Brake Van Kit to LNER Toad B style. H.Spiers 5 43 2023 Layout: A second class return to Braughing please! P.Dunn (part of Buntingford branch line 1963/64) 5 48 2023 Article: Modelling the ROD in N. J.Burrows (FWW Royal Engineers’ Railway Operating Division) 5 58 2023 Article: The Story of Irgendwohn. J.Brady (German layout inspired by 1966 Moenchen Gladbach) 5 64 2023 Layout: Atlantic Road. M.Pocknell (1998 London-based layout) 5 70 2023 Layout: Trimstowe. P.Morris (freelance mid 2010s inspired by Ipswich to Felixstowe branch line) 5 72 2023 "Layout: ‘The Batty’, a (sort of) tribute to The Archers. P.Davis (‘Borsetshire etc.’., early 60s)" 5 78 2023 Article: New wagons for old? P.Mason (EWS MLAs from old Lima ‘London Brick’ gondolas) 5 84 2023 Article: Plotting. T.Harrison (scratchbuilding buildings using a plotter machine) 5 87 2023 Members’ Showcase: The signal box at Welwyn North – J.Kinghorn; Inexpensive close coupling – T.Dodds; More from ‘Jones of Taunton’ (buses) – K.Jones. 5 90 2023 "Mail Train: As time goes by…; Bachmann, shrink ray on your S&D 7F, please!; More Slow & Dirty! Some ideas for Bachmann-Farish? More thoughts on TT; Prompt service!; Ballasting done!; J Scale and a French bus; Wagon wheel sets; …and thumbs up for LP Rails, too! NGS Ferry vans." 5 92 2023 "Society News: Chairman’s Update; Shop Manager Positions, Shop Report; Display Manager’s Report; Area Groups News" 5 N1 2023 Competition and previous winner 5 N9 2023 Editorial 6 4 2023 What’s New in ‘N’: New announcements from Dapol; New from Osborn’s; Bulleid Leader in N scale from Newman Miniatures; Oxford Diecast new releases; Monkton Park Primary School T-Trak Club; N Brass Locos for sale; New releases from The Wagon Yard; N’Tastic Scale Models; Limited edition wagon from General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society & Medway Queen Restoration Society; Rapido Trains update; New releases from Three Peaks Models Revolution Trains; Continental news. 6 5 2023 Reviews: Graham Farish – LMS Ivatt 2MT Class loco – Mk2f coaches – Class 150/2 Sprinter; Bees Hill Models – APT Power Car; West Hill Model Wagon Works – 3D-printed details – Modern Image Platform Kit – Track Guide Templates. 6 5 2023 Article: A taste of TINGS. N.Monks 6 24 2023 Article: Fully programmable layout automation. R.Miller 6 28 2023 Article: Time to get bashing. T.Dodds 6 32 2023 Article: Modelling buses and cars. D.Tomkiss 6 36 2023 Layout: Teasing ‘Culm’. I.Cavill (Great Western end-to-end) 6 39 2023 Article: The art of compromise – a series of modern image wagon conversions. I.Tulloch 6 44 2023 Layout: Revisiting ‘Alston. P.Brown (BR steam) 6 48 2023 Article: Mapping the Context. J.Yule 6 54 2023 Layout: Polcombe Regis. M.Pollard (steam in an imaginary location in Dorset) 6 62 2023 Article: How to build anything you want: working semaphores in N gauge. P.Mason 6 68 2023 Article: S&T Department Warwell. R.Bardsley 6 72 2023 Layout: Alderford progress report: the main station. R.Halton (sixties based loosely on Guildford) 6 76 2023 Article: Some more thoughts on reliability. P.Billington 6 82 2023 Article: The planes of Crossharbour D-4(5). T.Dixon 6 84 2023 Members’ Showcase: Warwell kits in action – A.Frost; Two small layouts – P.Sheen; NCB Brake Van – R.Bardsley. 6 90 2023 Mail Train: Bonnie the cat; Oops!; Your retirement!; Western Rambler; S&D #1&2; Small N gauge layouts; Members’ Showcase. 6 94 2023 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Display Manager’s Report; Area Groups News 6 N1 2023 Competition and previous winner 6 N10 2024 Editorial. J.Clifford (new editor) 1 4 2024 What’s New in ‘N’: Revolution Trains update; Bachmann unveils Kinesis Digital Command Control system; Three Peaks Low Goods wagon kit; N Gauge Now issue 36; N’Tastic Scale Models new releases; New from Rapido Trains UK; JS Models enters N Gauge arena; New from the Tramfabriek; WWScenics loco storage box; West Hill Wagon Works new releases; Dapol Mk3 DVT update; British N Gauge Railway Modelling latest edition. Reviews: Graham Farish – Class 158 DMU – Exclusive Class 47 – HRA Bogie Hopper; Kato Sound Box; Revolution Trains – Class 128 Parcels DMU – PFA Container Wagons – MTV/ZKV Zander; Ray Rimes – London General type-B bus. 1 5 2024 "Article: Moreton Regis, an update. C.Smith (30s-40s factory buildings and structures)" 1 28 2024 Layout: Glenochil. C.Passe (distillery-themed layout) 1 32 2024 Layout: Aston Manor. D.Doolan (steam era with several Britannia class locos) 1 38 2024 Article: NER Electrics Are Go!. I.Cairns 1 43 2024 Layout: Taunton to Barnstaple Railway. F.Huxtable (Devon and Somerset railway in the 50s) 1 48 2024 Article: Modelling with XPS. T.Harrison (long wall from extruded polystyrene) 1 56 2024 "Article: Repetitive tasks, procrastination and the mental state of modelling. A.Williams" 1 63 2024 Article: Imagination extended!. D.Joyce (fictitious loco designs with a basis in history) 1 68 2024 Article: Two micro challenges: restricted space is no bar to modelling (Part 1). G.Latham 1 71 2024 Article: A DCC Decoder Tester for Wire Ended Decoders – Part One. C.Bowes 1 76 2024 Article: Exhibiting at the show at Stuttgart Messe. I.Redman 1 79 2024 Article: More customised 3D models. K.Jones 1 84 2024 Layout: A likeness of Rugby Midland. S.Blundell (60s steam and diesel) 1 88 2024 Members’ Showcase: Conflat Twin Bolster – R.Bardsley; LNER/BR Covered Carriage Truck – K.Kirby; Woodlock Vale – M.Lockwood; Rainbow Train and NCB wagons – S.Bateman. 1 92 2024 Mail Train Close Coupling; Does It Work First Time?; Minimum Space Layouts; Failed Farish 66’s; LNWR Coal Tank. 1 96 2024 Competition & previous winner 1 N12 2024 Journal Index 2023 1 N13 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Announcement of AGM; Area Group News; Our very own “Cabinet re-shuffle”; 1 N3 2024 Editorial 2 4 2024 What’s New in ‘N’: Graham Farish Spring Announcement 2024; Dapol New Releases; Gaugemaster New Announcements; Kato Japanese and American; News from Revolution Trains; Peco Latest Announcements; N’Tastic Scale Models; Electra Rail Graphics; New Bus models from3 Peaks; Osborns Ambulance; New 3D-print models from Newman Miniatures; New from Replitek; Coventry Railworks; Continental News. Reviews: Revolution Trains Mk5/5A Coaches; Replitek – London Transport FS – Ford Transit Minibus; Peco – BR Iron Ore Tippler. 2 5 2024 Layout: Wundrop Wells. K.Smythe 2 30 2024 Article: LMS ‘SOLE’ Ballast Wagons. J.Attard 2 35 2024 Article: Two micro challenges: (Part 2). G.Latham 2 36 2024 Layout: Mwynwr Tryciay colliery – the many tricks mine. M.Roch (industrial steam with diesel shunters) 2 41 2024 Article: Stuttgart Messe 2023: Part 2. A.Dawes & J.Bartlett 2 48 2024 Article: Salvaging a Basket Case Graham Farish Mere Hall: Part 1. D.E.Jones 2 56 2024 Article: A Review of the RKsc1 Servo Control Starter Kit. K.Farish 2 62 2024 Article: An Approach to Building Construction. G.Hedges 2 66 2024 Article: Painting and Lining LNER Teak Carriages. J.Kinghorn 2 72 2024 Article: Iron Ore Tipplers. N.E.O’Phyte 2 78 2024 Layout: Modular layout idea – West-N-BendTrak. B.Bryant 2 80 2024 Article: Constructing an NER P7 hopper kit using a Peco chassis. I.Cairns 2 88 2024 Members’ Showcase: More Jones of Taunton Buses – K.Jones; The longest bus queue in N Gauge? – A.Wass; Another small layout – D.Doolan; Osborn Concertina Coaches – R.Bell. 2 92 2024 Mail Train: Thank You; Who wants a 7F? Closure of N Brass; Large Windows; How Healthy is the Hobby? 2 96 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Announcement of AGM; Area Group News 2 N1 2024 Competition & previous winner 2 N11 2024 N Gauge Society Privacy Notice 2 N12 2024 Editorial 3 4 2024 What’s New in ‘N: Graham Farish - Tank Wagons new release; News from Revolution Trains; Peco - new releases; Ultima/Etched Pixel items for sale to members; Bees Hill Models - OHL Maintenance Coach; C-Rail Intermodal update; N’Tastic Scale Models – new releases; Three Peaks Models – new releases; Continental News Reviews: Da[pol Class 59/1 Loco; Graham Farish “Twins” Loco; ElectraRail Graphics new release; Revolution Trans Class 59 Loco; Peco Models. 3 5 2024 Article: Modular DCC Programmable Circuit Breakers – protecting your investment. A.J.Zimmerman 3 30 2024 "Article: Buildings for Richmond, P.Brown" 3 40 2024 Article: Salvaging a Basket Case Graham Farish Mere Hall: Part 2. D.E.Jones 3 44 2024 Article: BR 16-ton Mineral Wagon. N.E.O’Phyte 3 47 2024 Article: N Gauge at Model Rail Scotland. J.Clifford 3 48 2024 Article: BR 12-ton Van ‘Vanfit’. N.E.O’Phyte 3 55 2024 Article: Block Occupancy Detector. C.Bowes 3 56 2024 Layout: Eyemouth. J.Spence 3 60 2024 Article: NGS Women Modellers. T.Woodruff 3 64 2024 Article: Are You a Rivet Counter? H.Carter 3 68 2024 Article: DIY Tester for DCC Ready Locomotives Revisited. K.Farish 3 72 2024 "Article: Scratch Building a Signal Box, J.Kinghorn" 3 75 2024 Article: Mucky Coal Wagons. D.Brummitt 3 82 2024 Article: OAA and OBA Wagons. N.E.O’Phyte 3 88 2024 Members’ Showcase: LMS ‘Twins’ – D.Doolan; A Coffee Table Layout – J.Deffenbaugh; You wait for a bus and four come at once! – K.Jones; Gem S&D 7F – J.Tofield. 3 90 2024 Mail Train: Layouts vs Traders at model railway exhibitions; Hattons’ closure; Modernising the hobby; Revolution Sleepers and Kit Building; Servo control article in 2/24; Servo control article response; Union Mills Locomotives; Decals and Using Fixing/Softening Liquids; GWR Castle Class. 3 95 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Society Handbook; Area Groups News 3 N1 2024 Society Accounts 2023 3 N12 2024 Competition & previous winner 3 N2 2024 Editorial 4 4 2024 Announcement of the N Gauge Society Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 4 5 2024 "What’s New in ‘N’: Latest from Dapol; Trains4U Military; Isinglass Models – Gresley coach kits; Free Peco kit with NGS Shop purchases; Lemke Vehicles; Tomytec truck collection; New from Osborn’s Models; Graham Farish - SECR “Dance Hall” brake van – Class 350 and 450; Updates from Revolution Trains; Continental News; Minichamps Vehicles. Reviews: Rails Connect – Surface Mount Digital Point Motor; Buggleskelly Station – figures, buildings & rolling stock." 4 7 2024 Article: Lots and lots of track plans. Part 1 – Small and convenient layouts. B.Russell 4 28 2024 Article: Giving the LNER V2 a makeover. R.White 4 33 2024 Article: Medway Queen N Gauge Wagons. R.Halton 4 36 2024 Layout: Preston Arvie. M.Shakespeare (fictional heritage line) 4 40 2024 Article: Space: the final frontier. D.Bell (a layout and room for it in open plan house) 4 44 2024 Layout: West Country Layout. K.Faraday (fictitious late 50s/early 60s) 4 49 2024 Layout: Fordon Hill. O.& K.Robson (young (now 12) member’s layout with a bit of help from Dad!) 4 57 2024 "Article: More LED Lighting, but with fewer resistors. K.Farish" 4 63 2024 Layout: Introduction to Slumbering Bear. J.Ingoldby (planning and building an American layout) 4 65 2024 Article: Magnetic Couplers for N Gauge. B.Bryant 4 72 2024 Layout: Kato N Gauge dioramas. A.Mayer-Welch 4 78 2024 Article: SECR “Dance Hall” Brake Vans 4 83 2024 Article: Kit Bashed Coal Stage. P.Lundberg 4 84 2024 Members’ Showcase: 3D printed buses – R.Pope; Castle Howard Station signal Box – T.Cooney; Gem S&D 7F – J.Tofield; ‘Priory Halt’ – M.Lockwood; Walsall RTL - K.Jones; Cattle Wagon Barrier – R.Bardsley; Wits End - P.Wescott 4 88 2024 Mail Train: Model World Live; Mucky Coal Wagons 1&2; Driving Me Spare; Barry Harvey; Fred Hempsall. 4 94 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Society Handbook; Society Shop Postage Rates; Area Group News 4 N1 2024 Society Accounts 2023 4 N12 2024 Competition & previous winner 4 N17 2024 Editorial 5 4 2024 What’s New in ‘N’: Ray Rimes Designs – 3D-printed buses; Dapol – 2-6-0 Mogul EP Sample Update; Latest from Graham Farish; Train-O-Matic – SPP Nano Stayalive; Three Peaks Models; Kernow Model Centre – Royal Tain Coach Packs; N Gauge Models – New Releases; News from Osborn’s Models; New from Pennine Wagons; Latest News from Revolution Trains; Cambridge Custom Transfers; TrainTrax – Hex-TRAK; Continental News; Monk Bar Model Shop – 7-plank wagons. Reviews: Dapol – Midland Pullman - HST Set; Revolution Trains FNA - D Nuclear Flask Carrier; Rapido Trains UK – SECR Wagon Freight Train Pack; Graham Farish – 20T Class B Anchor-Mounted Tank Wagon 5 5 2024 Article: Custom etched brass. J.Kinghorn 5 32 2024 Article: Turning a Graham Farish (Poole) Duchess into a Streamlined Coronation. D.E.Jones 5 35 2024 Article: Imaginary Hunslets. A.Charles (liveries for unpainted models) 5 41 2024 Layout: St. Jons Town of Fartree. J.Verboom (north/midlands England between 40s & 80s) 5 44 2024 Article: Aerosol spraying for beginners. A.Thomas 5 52 2024 Article: East Dorset Area Group 30th Anniversary. D.Jones 5 54 2024 Layout: Dibden Yard. P.Slyfield (modern loading yard) 5 58 2024 Article: Lots and lots of track plans part 2 - Micro layouts & dioramas. B.Russell 5 62 2024 Article: Bricking it – Dipping a toe into laser cutting. T.Buckton 5 66 2024 Layout: Mullion. A.Viner (fictitious LMS/BR steam) 5 74 2024 "Article: Richmond Station, P.Brown" 5 78 2024 "Members’ Showcase: North West Area Group Members’ Day – J.Clifford & R.Grubba; A few projects – P.Galpin; The stage – K.Jones; Ancient Sekisui Mainline – Hiroshi Kato; Conflat Concrete Mixer.-.R,Bardsley; Trojan OVB 345 – K.Jones." 5 84 2024 "Mail Train: Volunteers Please; (Un) Couplings; More on couplings; Journal 4/24; Layout control technologies; Rails Connect Surface Mount Digital Point Motor; Fred Hempsall; Getting it right; Issue 4/24, page 96." 5 96 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Area Group News 5 N1 2024 Competition & previous winner 5 N12 2024 Editorial 6 4 2024 What’s New in ‘N’: Dapol News Update; EFE Rail new release – D600 Class 41 Warship; Graham Farish – BR Mk1 Post Office Tender; N Scale Architect – Stilwell Oyster Car; N’Tastic Scale Models new releases; Rapido Trains – OAA Open Wagon; Rapido Trains – TINGS update; Model Railway Magic acquires The Model Tree Shop; News from Revolution Trains; Smiths Model Railways – Christmas wagon; New N Gauge Now booklets; Free Peco Kit with NGS Purchases; Continental News Reviews: Isinglass Models 32-ft brake van; Oxford Diecast new release – Ford Capri Mk3; Zoe Hunter’s Historical Maps. 6 5 2024 Article: Who said Warley was dead? T.Woodruff 6 26 2024 Layout: Slumbering Bear II: early stages and the logical build order. J.Ingoldby (building an American layout) 6 28 2024 Article: Basics of 3D modelling for 3D printing in model railways. C.Maloney 6 36 2024 Article: Alston coal drops. P.Brown 6 40 2024 Article: A Christmas themed coffee table train set. T.Hogg 6 44 2024 Article: Secret Santa Village. M.Field 6 49 2024 Article: A Drilling Tale. R.Bardsley 6 54 2024 Article: Adventures with T-Trak. J.Ward 6 56 2024 Article: Embracing the Joy of Scenicing your T-Trak Module. A.Zimmermann 6 60 2024 Article: DIY resin casting. G.Hedges 6 66 2024 Article: TINGS 2024 part 1. The adventures of the Wiltshire 5 Towns Area Group. D.Tape 6 72 2024 Article: TINGS 2024 part 2. Around the layouts. J.Clifford & K.Hart 6 76 2024 Article: A simple control panel for Rails Connect surface mount digital point motor decoders. K.Farish 6 89 2024 Members’ Showcase: Langley/Farish BR Standard Class 5 – J.Tofield; SE&CR wagons – B.Russell; Industrial Lowmac – R.Bardsley; Isinglass coaches – J.Attard; New Callerton – P.Wescott; Shoebox diorama – P.Davis. 6 92 2024 Mail Train: Price vs Detail 1&2; Cost of our hobby; Coupling Issues; Aerosol spraying; Sharing resistors; New Farish V2; Obituary Margaret Raven. 6 96 2024 Society News: Chairman’s Update; Subscriptions w.e.f. 1/1/25; NGS Sale Event; Kit production update & discontinuations; Cowans Sheldon Crane; Main Display Stand; Mini-stand; NGS Diamond Jubilee 2027; Area Group News 6 N1 2024 Competition & previous winner 6 N12