Further to the information printed below, please note that because of the availability on CD/USB from the Society Shop of all old journals, coupled with the fact that w.e.f. 2020 we now have PDFs available of more recent journals available free to members (see www.ngsjoin.com), the decision was taken to retain a few printed copies only of journals issued in the current and the previous three years, and all hard copies of older issues have now been recycled.
Annual Journal compilation CD
This is produced annually and includes all the Journals published in the previous year. It is an ideal way to store your Journal collection and be able to access them on a Laptop or PC. The CDs are available from the Society Shop.
Journal Back Issues
Printed back issues of the Society Journal are to all intents and purposes free, and the charges shown below are designed to cover post & packing costs only. Email backcopies@ngaugesociety.com for confirmation that your required copies are available (see above), and then make the required payment online at www.ngsjoin.com using the ‘Sundry Payments’ option and typing ‘Back issues’ plus any other relevant information in the ‘Add’l Info’ box.
UK | Up to 4 issues £3.00; thereafter charge to be calculated by the Back Issues Officer and agreed with the requesting member. |
Europe | £6.00 for one journal; thereafter charge to be calculated by the Back Issues Officer and agreed with the requesting member. |
Aus/NZ | £8.00 for one journal; thereafter as above. |
Rest of the World | £7.00 for one journal; thereafter as above. |
On the basis that we get very few requests for back journals from overseas, costs shown are for just one journal, as after that the postage costs become increasingly astronomical, and, even for just one journal, members are probably better off purchasing a journal CD from the Shop.
Missed Issues for late renewals
If you renew having missed a journal, you will receive a copy with your new card, and your membership period will be backdated in accordance with the Late Renewal Fee payment conditions.
However, if you have missed more than one issue, only the most recent journal will be sent with your new card and your next renewal date will be set accordingly, again having regard to whether or not the Late Renewal Fee has been paid. If you require copies of issues you have missed, please follow the procedure outlined above.