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Journal Publication Dates

This page is maintained by the Membership Secretary to give members an indication as to when they can expect their journal to be delivered.  (N.B. Information shown on this page may be subject to change without notice.)

Target Dispatch Date

JournalCopy DeadlineTarget Dispatch DateAddress list to
distributor **
Expected ##
Actual Dispatch
6/2414th OctoberEnd Nov 202416 Nov20 Nov
1/2514th DecemberEnd Jan 202516 Jan22 Jan
2/2514th FebruaryEnd Mar 202520 Mar26 Mar
3/2514th AprilEnd May 2025
4/2514th JuneEnd July 2025
5/2514th AugustEnd Sept 2025

**optional Late Renewal Fee applies from this date – see below
## E-journal links normally emailed two days after actual dispatch date

Our aim is to complete the journal and have it printed and distributed towards the end of the first month indicated on the cover – which is every odd-numbered month. So for example the first edition of each year is the ‘January/February’ issue and we endeavour to get it produced and sent out in the last week of January.

However, please bear in mind that although that we will do our best to adhere to these plans there are always a number of factors that can influence exactly when it is sent out and when it will actually drop through members’ letterboxes. The print run is subject to the printers’ own schedules and when they have available slots in their workload. Plus, of course, once it is packed and put in the post, the delivery is then at the mercy of the postal system and we cannot guarantee exactly when it will arrive.

The above table will keep you updated on the latest information regarding the scheduled dates for each issue. Please be patient and allow time for delivery before contacting anyone. If you have not received your copy after a reasonable period has elapsed after the ‘actual dispatch date’  to allow for delivery, then please contact the Membership Secretary.

Thank you for your consideration.

Late Renewal Fee (Postal members – UK £3.00, Eur £4.00, RoW £6.00; Online members – all areas £3.00)

If you are late sending in your membership renewal and miss the distribution process for your next journal, it takes additional time to deal with the matter and, where applicable, incurs extra expense to send out hard copies by ordinary mail as opposed to our distribution contract with Royal Mail.  Also to be considered is the time involved with and the cost of reminders.

It was calculated at the time that the annual cost incurred in servicing late renewers was approaching £1,000 and rising, and the Committee therefore agreed to the re-introduction of a Late Renewal Fee. This is due in respect of any renewal which misses the next journal distribution process as outlined above. However, in order to avoid administration difficulties, the difference this time is that the fee will be optional, but, if not paid, will result in the reduction by two months of the member’s next membership period.

The fee was re-introduced with effect from the distribution of Journal 2/13. If you require further clarification of the foregoing, please contact the Membership Secretary. In the meantime, if your renewal is submitted promptly, you will not be affected, so don’t delay!
(Note that, if the fee is paid when not in fact due, the next membership period will be extended accordingly.)

Late Renewals and Back Journals

If you renew having missed a journal, you will receive either a hard copy or the journal links, as the case may be, with your new card, and your membership period will be backdated in accordance with the above Late Renewal Fee payment conditions. However, if you have missed more than one issue, only the most recent journal will be sent with your new card and your next renewal date will be set accordingly, again having regard to whether or not the Late Renewal Fee has been paid.  For details of how to obtain copies of back journals, see here.