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The N Gauge Society is run entirely by volunteers none of whom receive an honorarium. There are no employed staff. All Society business is thus conducted by the officers in their spare time alongside their day job.

The Committee

The N Gauge Society Committee runs the NGS between AGMs and, pre-Covid, normally met face to face four times a year. Since then, meetings have been held virtually, which reduces expenditure, but more frequently.

Volunteer Positions

As a growing society, the workload for existing officers is increasing, and new ideas are emerging that require extra help to deliver even more benefits for our members.  Could you contribute to our continued success by offering some time and skills to help the team that runs the NGS?

Help run the NGS

It is not just for the annual election of the full Committee that we need new volunteers.  The Committee has decided that for reasons of continuity and security we should actively work towards developing understudies for key committee roles.  In addition, there are sometimes opportunities during the year for less formal help to be given to smaller projects.

Some roles have formal “job specs” and others are more flexible to match the time commitment and skills of the individual.

New volunteers are essential both to bring new ideas and to lessen the burden on those who have already donated many hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of hours in making your society what it is today.  So, if you want to explore what is involved in a specific role, or simply want to investigate whether you could contribute in some way, why not get in touch?

If you feel that you would be interested in one of these roles or that you can assist in any way, please contact us.