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Worldwide Group

This group is for N Gauge modellers interested in modelling railways outside Great Britain, regardless of age or period. This includes steam, diesel, and electric traction. As a member of the WorldWide Group you can follow your own interests while benefiting from the advantages of a larger international society.

The WorldWide group offers:

  • A bi-monthly Newsletter: ‘The Globe’
  • A bi- monthly Globe Supplement
  • A ZOOM meeting where members talk about what they are doing (and why) and try to answer any questions members may be struggling with.
  • A full archive of all Globes, Supplements and special documents is available to group members.
  • An annual convention dedicated to Worldwide N Gauge modelling

The bi-monthly Magazine : ‘The Globe’ includes articles of general interest, modelling tips, prototype news, product reviews, sales, wants, etc. This is delivered by email.  Our bi-monthly Globe Supplement gives pictures of real railways, overflow from The Globe, items of general railway interest and some news items.   This is deliverable by e-mail.

We also have a newsletter exchange programme with other overseas societies / groups and have direct link with INGANET (The International N Gauge Network), so that information can be exchanged with various organisations. Click the link below to see a summary of some of the reference material currently available to WorldWide area group members, in the “members only” section in their Archive which includes all previously published Globes and Supplements. (You need the free Acrobat Reader software to read this summary and all WorldWide group documents).

A summary of WorldWide area group on-line documents

Links to websites useful to those modelling overseas railways.

Whether you are new to modelling or a seasoned modeller, if you have an interest in modelling the railways of other countries then why not join a group of like-minded people. For those starting out and wanting to model something a bit different, then this group is where you may find a lot of answers.

Our annual WorldWide Convention brings together modellers, layouts and traders across the range of global prototypes. Details of the annual convention can be obtained from the group Secretary or found on our Facebook group “WorldWide Group of The NGS”.

Or contact the Secretary by email: