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North East England

North of England Area Group

Area coveredNorth East of England & County Durham
ContactNeil Walker
Telephone0191 482 1682
Meet on2nd & 4th Sunday of each month 11:00 to 16:30
Meeting locationBarley Mow Village Hall, Vigo Lane, Birtley, DH3 2AJ
Other InformationWe have two group layouts. One is an analogue controlled representation of ‘Haltwhistle’ on the Newcastle to Carlisle line. The other is a donated partially completed DCC layout as yet unnamed.
The Group does hold an annual exhibition. The 6th Exhibition is scheduled for Saturday, 13th April 2024, at the Masonic Hall in Gateshead. Regular updates will be included in the Business supplement of the bi-monthly Journal. Also included in the Business supplement is an update on our activities.

Northumberland Area Group

Area CoveredNorthumberland
ContactJohn Laws
Telephone01670 513849
Meet on3rd Sunday in the month 14:00 to 17:00
Meeting locationMembers Homes. Please confirm meeting place by telephone or e-mail.
Other informationWe meet every month, either at a local village hall or in one of the member’s homes for demonstrations, discussions about railway matters, to enjoy each other’s layouts and most importantly the consumption of tea and cake. The group also has a large modular layout which is occasionally set up in the village hall for running sessions and is regularly exhibited at local shows by some of the members.

Yorkshire Area Group

Area CoveredYorkshire
ContactSteven Bateman
TelephoneSee Journal for contact details
Meet on2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except Bank Holiday weekends 09:30 to 15:00
Meeting locationHeworth Without Community Centre, Applecroft Road, Heworth, York YO31 0HQ.
Other InfoMembers have a wide range of interests covering many eras and locations, both DC and DCC. There are usually two layouts set-up at each meeting and some space to work on kit and scratch building projects. Members and visitors are welcome to run any N Gauge trains and to bring T-TRAK modules to add to our set-up at each meeting.