The N Gauge Journal
The ‘N Gauge Journal’ is a full-colour A5 sized magazine-style booklet consisting of around 100 pages, that is an indispensable and essential read for members. The Journal, and its forerunner, the Gazette, have been published since 1968. The full index is downloadable at the bottom of the page.
Its aims are to encourage and support railway modelling in general and N gauge modellers in particular. We try to include a wide range of articles, from basic simple type suitable for the beginners, right up to the more complex for the most fastidious and enthusiastic modeller, so that the journal is `inclusive` for all members. It aims to be inspirational, instructive and supported with photographs, plans and diagrams.

Previous years Journals
To see the cover and table of contents of previous years Journals please follow the links below.

The Journal is published at the end of January, March, May, July, September and November with the deadline for articles about six weeks before the publication date. The exact date is published in the preceding Journal.
The contents include articles and features about N gauge railway modelling such as:
- Reviews and reports of new products
- Articles about member’s layouts and model projects
- Features on prototype subjects and their modelling options
- `How to` undertake various modelling projects
- Hints, tips and skills technique advice
- Letters about modelling issues and comments on articles
- A limited selection of relevant trade adverts
An introductory pack, including a copy of a recent edition of the Society Journal may be obtained by sending a request and £2.00 payment (UK only) via our Membership/Shop website at, using the ‘Sundry Payment to the Society’ option. Alternatively, send a cheque or postal order with a request to N Gauge Society Dept. W, 52 Gainsborough Road, WALLASEY, CH45 8PT.
Overseas (or UK) residents who wish only to see a sample journal in electronic format instead of sending for an introductory pack, please go to, select the ‘E-journals’ option followed by ‘Journal 1/23’, and links will be forwarded.
Reports of missing or damaged copies of the Journal for the current/recent issue should be made to the Membership Secretary
Journal indexes
Click on the buttons below to open the index to the NGS Journal from 1968 to 2023. Once open, the files can be downloaded