Humber and Northern Lincolnshire Area Group
Area Covered | North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire and North Humberside |
Contact | Paul Fontaine (5532) |
Telephone | 01472 318130 |
handnlagp@gmail.com | |
Meet on | Currently Thurs 2.00pm - 4.30pm. But flexible for any other eves/days to accommodate any new Area Group members. We have Keys to Clubrooms and they are available 7 days per week! |
Meeting Location | Contact Paul for a map of how to find our Clubrooms. We're "off the beaten track". So, if for any first visit, we can easily arrange for an escort from somewhere more easily findable if required. |
West Norfolk and Fenland Area Groups
Area Covered | West Norfolk and Fenland |
Contact | Derek Randall |
Telephone | 01775 762598 |
randallderek75@gmail.com | |
Meet on | Every Friday 1830 - 2230 Every Wednesday 1330 - 1700 at Pot Row near Kings Lynn (Check with co-ordinator before going to a Wednesday session) |
Meeting Location | King's Lynn Model Railway Club. Grimston Village Hall, Cliff en-how Road, Pot Row, King's Lynn, PE32 1BY |
Felixstowe Area Group
Area Covered | Felixstowe |
Contact | Chris Shum |
Telephone | 01394 277211 07982 252287 |
chris.shum@ntlworld.com | |
Website | http://www.felixstowengauge.org.uk/ |
Meet on | Every Thursday at 19:30 |
Meeting Location | Confirm meeting day by phone, email or check the website. |
West Suffolk Area Group
Area Covered | Bury St Edmunds |
Contact | Dennis Crack |
Telephone | 01284 763669 / 07775 623747 |
dennisjcrack@googlemail.com | |
Meeting Location | Confirm meeting day by phone. |
Clacton and District Area Group
Area Covered | Essex |
Contact | Colin Ovens |
Telephone | 01255 678038 or 07922 677760. |
colinovens@btinternet.com | |
Meeting Location | Brotherhood Hall, St Osyth Road, Clacton, CO15 3BW |
Northants and Cambridgeshire Area Group
Area Covered | Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire and North Bedfordshire |
Contact | Julian Franks |
Telephone | TBA |
chair@ncngauge.org.uk | |
Meet on | Every 2nd Sunday of the month between 14:00 and 17:00 |
Meeting Location | Burleigh Hill Community Centre, Constable Road, St Ives, PE27 3EQ |
Other Info | The group is building a 1950s era layout based on the M&GN route just east of Peterborough. It is intended to build a second modern layout based on the WCML. |