The handbook is issued to new members, the cost being incorporated into the one-off joining fee. It is supplied in A5 loose leaf format pre-drilled to fit an A5 ring-binder. (If required, a suitable binder can be purchased at nett price by including it with a joining application, or, subsequently, ordered from the Society Shop, in which case the Shop’s p&p charge will apply.)
The aim is to provide a reasonably comprehensive reference handbook for members about the Society and N Gauge modelling. Although many aspects of basic railway modelling are included, it is not intended to be a full length commercial book. The information contained in the Handbook is designed to supplement and be additional information to, rather than a substitute for, readily available general publications. Nevertheless, even with these considerations, it is hoped that the Handbook is beneficial and will be well received by new members.
The handbook is divided into the following sections:
- Section 1 Membership Benefits and Society Services
- Section 2 Planning Your Layout
- Section 3 Baseboards
- Section 4 Laying Track
- Section 5 Wiring
- Section 6 Ballasting and Painting Track
- Section 7 Scenery
- Appendix 1 Society Articles of Association
- Appendix 2 Society Officers
- Appendix 3 Miscellaneous