The Journal
The ‘N Gauge Journal is a full-colour, A5-size magazine-style booklet. Some 100 pages in length the Journal is published 6 times each year. The N Gauge Journal is available to society members in either an electronic or paper format – by post.
The journal includes a range of topics, including news about new product releases and articles & features written by members. From January 2025 we combined the N Gauge Journal and our newsletter into one publication. The N Gauge Journal now also includes:
- Society news and announcements
- Area Group reports and contacts
- Society Shop news
- An events diary
- Members classified sales and wants adverts
- A prize competition for members
- Committee meeting minutes and officers reports
- N Gauge Society services list and contacts

Read more about the N Gauge Society Journal
The Handbook
The Handbook is a comprehensive reference handbook for members of the N Gauge Society about the Society and N Gauge modelling.
It’s a really helpful source of information for anyone that is setting out on their first N gauge layout, seasoned modellers, or anyone just wanting to find out more about the N Gauge Society.

In addition to the regular bi-monthly Journal, supplements are also produced on an occasional basis.
If you’re looking to gain extra knowledge on a specific topic then our supplements are a great place to find it. We’ve covered topics ranging from a jargon buster for anyone just starting out, through planning your layout and adding scenic details to a supplement on the BR Blue Era.