Members can register to receive their journal electronically via the internet, instead of as a hard copy by post. This gives overseas members the option to receive the journal promptly and to avoid the postage contribution payment. Some members, whether overseas or UK resident, may welcome the alternative potential for journal storage that this will provide.
Registering for E-journals
On joining or renewal
The ‘Join’ and ‘Renew’ categories in the Society membership/shop website at www.ngsjoin.com cater for either of the journal formats.
On joining
Select the E-journal option. Links for the current journal (which forms part of the New Member’s Pack) will be emailed to the applicant, and the handbook and membership card will follow by post.
On renewal
Select the E-journal option either to commence or to continue receiving E-journals instead of hard copies.
Members who are part way through their membership term can also register for the scheme by emailing the Membership Secretary. For members who have previously paid a postage contribution for hard copies, the next renewal date will be extended in accordance with any ‘unused’ value.
Receiving E-journals
Registered members will receive by email the link and password for each issue as it becomes available.
The attention of members is drawn to the ‘Journal Publication Dates’ page on the Society website which indicates, inter alia, the anticipated mailing date of the next journal. The E-journal links will be sent shortly thereafter.
Additional notes
Occasional one-off copies
As an enhancement to the scheme, one-off online copies will be available to members who, although receiving hard copies by post in the normal way, might require one for whatever reason. This service is free.
Withdrawal from the scheme
An E-journal registered member wishing to revert to receiving hard copies will need to advise the Membership Secretary accordingly, either by making the request when renewing or, if in mid-term, by email. If withdrawing mid-term, the required remaining postage contribution can be made either by ‘Sundry payment’ to the Society or by reducing the current membership term, as agreed with the Membership Secretary.
Viewing the PDFs
The Journal PDFs are set up in single-page mode. For those using Adobe Acrobat to view them, see the following:
Directions to allow a single-page PDF to be viewed in double-page mode – to allow a centre-page spread, or any other spread, to be seen in full.
See the screenshot below – select the settings “View” (from the top menu bar), then “Page Display”, then tick “Two Page Viewing”.
This shows two pages side by side, but always with the odd-numbered page on the left, which breaks cross-page images, therefore also tick “Show cover page in Two Page View”, which puts even-numbered pages on the left.
Ticking “Two Page Scrolling” allows the whole journal to be viewed in spread mode.
Viewing the PDFs
The Journal PDFs are set up in single-page mode. For those using Adobe Acrobat to view them, see the following:
Directions to allow a single-page PDF to be viewed in double-page mode – to allow a centre-page spread, or any other spread, to be seen in full.
See the screenshot below – select the settings “View” (from the top menu bar), then “Page Display”, then tick “Two Page Viewing”.
This shows two pages side by side, but always with the odd-numbered page on the left, which breaks cross-page images, therefore also tick “Show cover page in Two Page View”, which puts even-numbered pages on the left.
Ticking “Two Page Scrolling” allows the whole journal to be viewed in spread mode.