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Shop Stock Deliveries

    NGSB0010 – 8ft Southern Steam (Pair with couplers)

    These popular bogies are due back in stock this week – keep an eye on the website for their arrival.

    Also in the delivery parcels will be replenishments of:

    NGSB009 – 5ft 6in Diamond Frame (Pair with couplers)

    NGSK0500 – Kit 50a. WD Warwell

    NGSK0090Kit 9a. BR Polybulk Grainflow Hopper

    End of the Line for Cubism

    Last week the shop took delivery of the last batch of Kit 54a – KSA Rover ‘Cube’ Wagons, once these are gone, we won’t be getting any more stock, so if you have your eye on a rake of these, now is the time to “fetch”. Remember too the discount the society offer for purchases of 5 or more.