If your coaches look anything like mine then your miniature passengers will certainly need some help getting from one coach to the next. Unless, of course, they happen to be Superman and able to leap across the gap!

N Gauge Society members will hopefully remember seeing an article on DIY corridor connections in the January / February issue of the N Gauge Journal (1/25).
In this issue society member Robert Ward provided us with an in-depth article on how to make corridor connectors for N gauge coaches. And Robert very kindly gave us a link to his PDF template on his dropbox account.
Evidently the article was popular as Robert soon found that his dropbox downloads had exceeded expectations and people could no-longer access the file! We’d hate for people not to be able to take advantage of this clever idea to enhance their N gauge coaches, so we’re happy to provide a copy of the template here for you to download.
The PDF file is available for anyone to download. But you’ll really need to read the article to find out how to craft these connections. If you’re not a member of the N Gauge Society, but feel that this is exactly the kind of thing you’d like read about then why not join up today. You’re assured of a very warm welcome.