Within the WorldWide Group archive there is a complete library of all published Globes (including indexes) and Supplements as well as the following ”one-off” documents:
Railways in Germany –History and Epochs
A document listing some of the history and development of German Railways and documenting the various Epochs used liberally by model manufacturers.
German Steam Loco Record
A complete and detailed listing of all German Steam Locomotives.
German / English Dictionary
An alphabetical listing of German railway words and their meaning in English.
Bahn Glossary
A listing of German railway words grouped by type and their English meaning.
Railways in Austria – A “Short” History
Described as a short history –this is a 40 page booklet documenting the history of all branch lines in Austria and their coming together as a network.
Modelling USA Railroads
A Guide for the beginner wanting to model American Railroads.
A Guide to Scale Colour
How to use scale and colour correctly from a renowned artist and modeller.
Scale Speed Table
Calculating the correct speed for N scale trains.
Wiring Point-work and Special Track conditions
A full guide to wiring points and other track formations.
BNSF History and Legacy
A guide to BNSF railway company.
German Byways Compendium
A collection of articles about some of the German branchlines.
There is a great deal of useful information contained within this area which is only available to full members of the WorldWide Group. Full Membership of the group is only available to current members of The N Gauge Society.